View Full Version : And Now For Something Completely Different. . .

Rob The Badger
06 Oct 2003, 21:58
M.P. Spoof ahead:

Answer me these questions three!

1. What is your name?
2. What is your quest?
3. What is your favourite colour?

My answers:
1. Robert J. Matthews
2. I seek the Grail (lol)
3. Midnight Blue

Join in, it'll be a laugh while it lasts. . .

06 Oct 2003, 22:15
1 Carol Ann .[name]
2 avoid death as long as possible.[my quest]
3 red [my favorite color]

White of High
06 Oct 2003, 22:20
1. Nagy Endre (Endi)
2. Never stop breathing!
3. What would be??? I think it's evident...

06 Oct 2003, 22:22
1: Maria
2: To get a life!!
3: Dark purple

06 Oct 2003, 22:40
2, Get enough sleep
3, Green

The Flying Mouse
06 Oct 2003, 22:44
Name - Neil
Quest - To rock.
Fav colour - Black.

Sapphire Lady
06 Oct 2003, 22:46
1. Lynne
2. To be happy
3. Sapphire blue :D

06 Oct 2003, 22:49
1. Christopher Richard
2. To find happiness
3. Bluey purple

06 Oct 2003, 23:17
1. Heather May :oops:
2. To never let a night like tonight go to waste...
3. Purple/Blue/Black

07 Oct 2003, 01:17

07 Oct 2003, 04:56

Anthony Eatman
To be a performer (Rocker, like my hero ML)

07 Oct 2003, 13:17
dorothy may (or she may not)

to record a cd


evil nickname
07 Oct 2003, 14:23
Bridgekeeper: Stop! Who approacheth the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.
Evil Nickname: Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper. I'm not afraid.
Bridgekeeper: What is your name?
Evil Nickname: It is William Groenendijk
Bridgekeeper: What is your quest?
Evil Nickname: I seek to find the true meaning of life, the universe and everything...
Bridgekeeper: What is your favourite colour?
Evil Nickname: Deep purple, no wait... Aaaah! *plummeths into the abyss of terror*

Kitty Kat
07 Oct 2003, 21:25
Name: Anne

Quest: To get a seat on the train in the mornings :roll: :roll:

Colour: Yellow

08 Oct 2003, 00:23
1. Keith "The BeefCake" Kingham
2. To play my music loud and live my life to the full.
3. Black, until they invent something darker.

08 Oct 2003, 00:31
1. Mariella Harthoorn
2. Have No idea!
3. Purple



08 Oct 2003, 13:52
1. Bart Martin;
2. f.. all night :wink:
3. Blue (sea and sky)

08 Oct 2003, 14:02
1: Jason
2: To meet ML
3: Red

08 Oct 2003, 15:29
1. Pat

2. Keep Breathing

3. Black

Rob The Badger
08 Oct 2003, 17:58
Is Black really a colour?

08 Oct 2003, 18:12
stacy christina davidson

2 prove 2 my friends that im not a physco

black (and i don't care if it isn't a colour)

*ill stop wearing black wen they invent a darker colour* :lol: