View Full Version : Need Help with School Work
Hi Everyone. I'm taking AS English Language this year (more fool me, it's not exactly a fun subject) but to compensate we are allowed to choose what we want to do for coursework. We have been warned off writing short stories and been advised to choose a topic that we are interested me being me I thought MEAT LOAF! So i need your help. I have to decide what it is that I am going to write, then as part of the drafting process I have to get feedback on what i have written to make changes. If as many people as possible could help me then that would be fantastic because who better to test it on?
Thanks all.
You forgot the option "All of above." :p
Crystal Eyes
11 Oct 2003, 23:54
Hi Cathie,
Are there any criteriea you have to meet? Do you know where you can pick up marks. If we knew that in might make it easier for us to help.
Nothing in particular. Just got to be well written and show knowledge, you know, i have to write it for a particular audience and purpose, that kind of thing. that's why it would be so helpful to try the drafts out on you lot first. but i need to know what i am going to do first!
i actually have to do two pieces, but they have to be different in some way. so for example i could write a film review for someone who is thinking to go see that film then write a review of a concert for a die hard fan, or vice versa. it's my choice but i can't decide!
Crystal Eyes
12 Oct 2003, 00:49
Sounds like you got a few good ideas already. How about a biography or article aimed at people getting into Meat Loaf. You know, people who'll want to find out more about him and his work. I just thought that might be interesting but I'm not sure how easy it would be to do.
Please run any drafts you want to by us. I'd love to read them. I'm not sure how helpful I'd actually be as I was kind of erratic in English (for GCSE I got a B in English Lit. but and A* in English Lang.) but I'd be happy to try and help.
12 Oct 2003, 02:06
...Hmmm.... if I had to do this, I'd go for the biography, and then use some video material as well, like a music clip or performance etc. - I did a report on Freddie Mercury once, and did it like that, and this worked out very well for me. :wink: Good luck for your coursework, whatever you choose!! :D
12 Oct 2003, 05:11
I agree with Wild_Honey. A bio with some video clips is an excellent idea. :D
12 Oct 2003, 05:37
I sort of agree with what others had said, though I would call it a multimedia biography- a web based biography, complete with integrated links (within the text of the biography) to pictures, interview clips, song clips and video. I am a media specialist (AKA school librarian), and I help students with research every day- I think the idea of a multimedia based bio would be very, very cool and original enough to make your instructors take notice. Just make sure there is plenty of substance to go with flashy technology. Just my opinion....
:lol: Sherrie
You forgot the option "All of above." :p
LOL. :lol:
Crystal Eyes
12 Oct 2003, 14:05
I sort of agree with what others had said, though I would call it a multimedia biography- a web based biography, complete with integrated links (within the text of the biography) to pictures, interview clips, song clips and video.
Sounds like a great idea to me. Why do I never think of these things?
The mulit media biography sounds like a fantastic idea! Unfortunatly I can only use written/drawn work and am being marked on the language, but i'm sure I can work that in...hehehehe...this is beginning to sound like fun rather than just coursework that has to be done... :D
12 Oct 2003, 21:18
The mulit media biography sounds like a fantastic idea! Unfortunatly I can only use written/drawn work and am being marked on the language, but i'm sure I can work that in...hehehehe...this is beginning to sound like fun rather than just coursework that has to be done... :D
Then the better, Cathie! :D If they see that you're absolutely into this topic, this can just be a good thing! :D
12 Oct 2003, 23:31
I've used Meat to get me B grades at GCSE I.T. and Graphics. If you are passionate about a subject, then it will help you put in that extra little bit of effort. There's no way I would have stayed after school until 5 o'clock otherwise!
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