View Full Version : Meet and Greets

Fire Ball
17 Oct 2003, 09:25
There are plans for meet and greets at 18 of the shows in europe, who or how the are are arranged I do not know, please the number of people for each meet and greet is limited so if you get in one let other people get in some others. Thanks love you all .


17 Oct 2003, 09:28
That is really great. Are you having any in Canada?


17 Oct 2003, 09:33
Thanks, MEAT!
Love you too! :P


17 Oct 2003, 09:56
Good to hear from you, Meat. Hope you are safely back home and are feeling better!!


17 Oct 2003, 10:00
:D Love you too!!!!!!



17 Oct 2003, 10:01
Thanks, Meat for letting us know. :D

Hope all's well with you and your throat, hun :P

17 Oct 2003, 11:18
Hi Meat, hope your throat is better, and really would like to be one of the lucky ones at the meet and greet :)

17 Oct 2003, 11:40
This is the best news i've heard in ages!!! Thanks Meat, it just shows how meat is above every other artist out there!!! When was the last time you heard of any other artist(s) doing this??

The Flying Mouse
17 Oct 2003, 12:40
Great news.
BEER ME :mrgreen: (it's a bit early in the day for me,but what the hey :wink: )

I will now go and staple my fingers in a crossed position :lol: .

17 Oct 2003, 12:56
heehee great news. would love to go to a meet n greet :D
Hope your throat is better matey.

17 Oct 2003, 13:15
Wonderful news , how's the throat? no laryngoscopyI hope!!


17 Oct 2003, 14:44
Thatīs great news. Love you too. Greetings from Finland.

17 Oct 2003, 18:05
:lol: ...very great news. Love you too Meat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Renegade Angel
17 Oct 2003, 19:49
Thanks for letting us know Meat - anyone have any ideas as to which gigs these will take place at?.
Also do you need to be a member of the fanclub to actually go to a Meet and Greet or can anyone go - how do you go about going to one??
I would really love to go to a meet and greet at Sheffield on the 22nd Nov if this is possible.

Kitty Kat
17 Oct 2003, 20:58
Hi Meat, hope your throat is better, and really would like to be one of the lucky ones at the meet and greet :)

Me too pleeeeese

Fallen Angel
17 Oct 2003, 22:06
Renegade Angel said:anyone have any ideas as to which gigs these will take place at?.
Also do you need to be a member of the fanclub to actually go to a Meet and Greet or can anyone go - how do you go about going to one??

Meat GREAT to hear from u. I hope your throat is better and that your still as strong. I have the same question to ask as renegade angel. Cause I would LOVE to see you on 27th November in Glasgow, it would make the only life long dream a 15yr old gal has come true. However,enough dreaming.
Leeann :P

17 Oct 2003, 22:45
Great to hear from you Meat, I do hope my dream is getting closer. Still looking for that shootin star though. :D

17 Oct 2003, 23:35
Good to hear from you, Meat. Hope you are safely back home and are feeling better!!


Right you are MB !!
I hope you're feeling better Meat :)


17 Oct 2003, 23:44
I hope you are feeling well Meat, and having a little down time, for yourself.

18 Oct 2003, 00:44
Hey Meat,
Love to meet ya, just to hear u say u r Fireball for starters :wink:
God bless ya xxx

18 Oct 2003, 00:52
I am not going to any of the meet and greets, but to all who are
good luck and have fun and yes it was so nice of meat to
take time to come on and let you all know about this especially
when everything is so up in the air for him right now.
but surely him coming on like this the day after the doctors visit
means that he got good news yesterday? or am i reading to much into
it ? we love you to meat....take care.

Fire Ball
18 Oct 2003, 08:07
Oct 27 & 29th, Nov 1st, 7,10, 13, 17, 29 Dec 2nd, 5,7, and 9th.


18 Oct 2003, 09:24
It sounds like you have a seriously busy schedule ahead of you. You must be feeling better :D


Fire Ball
18 Oct 2003, 10:48
I think the shows will be fine, and I'm sorry for some that I will do the hits and pretty much the same songs every night. We sold 400,000 tiockets for this tour and they are not the same 400,000 every night. For those who repeat shows try not to be upset but I have to worry about the other the other 398,000 who would be upset if I didn't play the songs, as far as the same Jokes for 5 years..... I don't know what shows they have been going too. But I change things or try to everynight. I try to give the best show I can every time I walk on the stage and I think selling 400,000 tickets 25 years after bat and 10 years after bat 2 says something about my live shows, Remember you can't please every one all the time, just try and please the majority most of the Time and always give 125%. Changes will include Heaven can wait and some other things. One more thing the 1 Joke I repeat has been The beginning of anything for love but every nite 97 to 99% of the crowd have not seen it before and it works, oh yea the Guitar solo bit. you know west end and Broadway shows have had the same jokes and song list for years and
and they seem to work. I like singing what I like to sing and try to put different songs in for every tour. also different beginnings and endings different a as far as being creative I think the lights, props have changed, a few years ago I spent 200,000 dollars on old film footage which I picked out by watching about 300 hours of film and also sept a week with an editor putting it together, then there was storytellers which was very different. every tour has to be different in some way like this one playing the new songs from the new album. So if if went on stage and did't do bat or paradise or anything for love , or some other things the couple of hundred people who saw the show might be happy but the other 11,000 might be upset .Do you not think so. I think my shows are the best I can do and if you don't like them don't come ,yes you can have you opinion and are more than welcome to it and can post it here just don't be upset when people disagree ,like me..... also somtimes if you don't know what your talking about you can look very stupid. this posting is In response to another posting on the MLUKFC.
Love Ya,

Fire Ball
18 Oct 2003, 10:52
Sorry for the typos in the last posting ,if you need help with it let me know.


18 Oct 2003, 10:54
Sounds good to me, just take care of yourself, now due to my nocturnal occupation my eyes are closing and I will attempt to sleep for the rest of thye day.. Concerts sound great looking forward to Dec 18th


18 Oct 2003, 10:56
My typos are from lack of sleep??????? anything you want to share


18 Oct 2003, 11:05
My typos are from lack of sleep??????? anything you want to share


I know that feeling :D
Don't worry about the typos Meat. I think that we can forgive you :twisted:


18 Oct 2003, 11:09
I'm off to bed now a happy bunny shame about Dec18th


18 Oct 2003, 12:02
Hi, Meat, doesn't matter what you play, it's still gonna be great. The date of the 13th November in Manchester, is that a meet and greet, I do hope it is. :D

18 Oct 2003, 12:06
meatloaf, the shows you do are brilliant, you go on stage and
you give us 110% every time, you have us laughing and singing...
you can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the
people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people
all of the time...at least that is what my grandad allways told me.
meat we come to youre shows because we enjoy the show you do
dont let some killjoys spoil it for you thinking that, we rock with you
not them.
as for the dates, mine is the 7th dec, but well would not have a clue
about what to do but guessing they are all spoken for by now....
take care,

18 Oct 2003, 12:26
Oh, Meat! Try and relax, please!! You mustn't let people's words and reactions upset you so! I can understand why they do. We all can!

But for every negative comment you might find somewhere, I'm sure we can find 100, 200, 500, 1000 others which would be positive!!! Sometimes, it feels as though you only look at those comments which have something bad to say. By responding to them, you give the people making them too much power--you give them too much emphasis--and it doesn't belong there.

You have SO many fans around the world who adore you, who can't wait to see you--whenever, wherever you go!! There has to be a way that you can turn things around--just for your own sake--and concentrate on all the good out here for you, instead of the little bit of bad!!

WE must be the things that matter MOST!! WE are always here for you and always will be!! Please try to balance the negatives (or totally eliminate them) with all the positives that are here for you!!!

The four shows I got to see this summer were wonderful! I didn't care about the songlist--whether it was the same or different each night--I didn't care if your voice was perfect or it wasn't--I came to see YOU! And I was NOT ONCE disappointed!!! :!:

There is only ONE Meat Loaf in this world and millions of us know that and treasure that!! Please try to be a little at peace within yourself with that fact in mind!!

It hurts us here when you come and feel you have to explain and defend what it is you do and the way in which you choose to do it!! You must know that it is unnecessary for the majority of us!!

You've gone through such a rough time these past few months. It's got to be more important that you concentrate on feeling better and staying well!! That is what matters most!!

I'm sorry to go so long, but these are things I have wanted to say to you for quite some time!!

I send my love, as always, to you and yours,

18 Oct 2003, 12:37
well said MB, lets just hope he does stop letting the killjoys get
to him because as you said there is only one meatloaf....
But saying that it must be very disheartning putting so much
effort in to the shows especially with his throat and then some put
him down, but as you say MB, its a pity he has to put up with it.
take care meat and take it easy while you can.

18 Oct 2003, 12:47
I wasn't going to say anything....but hell. On the topic of same jokes/songs etc...You should really pause and think how bloody lucky (can I say bloody here? 8O ) you are that you are seeing more than one show. I know i would give my left testicle to see Meat live more than once.
He dosen't get down under very often (understandable since we are only a population of 17 million). When he does From Brisbane Sydney is about 1000km away and Melbourne is 2000km away hence a trip becomes an expensive or time consuming exercise.

I was thinking how long it was since Meat Toured Australia and came up with a rough figure of 7 years (Welcome to the Neighbourhood). I can't wait for his return and will be there cheering for the great man. He always goes off!

So if you are lucky enough to enjoy more than one of Meat's shows....You really shouldn't be unhappy if they contain mostly the same material....after all they are designed for people like me the one time a tour fan, and not the lucky few who get to enjoy the show more than once. If you ever get bored :roll: feel free to send Meat down under....I'll be more than happy to watch exactly the same show even when I know it off by heart and beyond.

Meat have a XXXX and relax your a champ :D

oh and btw if i didnt make sence, spelt stuff wrong or the word bloody is not welcome here, I claim lack of sleep too......I'm on nightwork......night 3 of seven tonight.

18 Oct 2003, 12:53
Well said MB, I think you have spoken for a lot of us. There is no way Meat should explain himself, every concert, being the same as the night before or not, will be bloody great, you don't know what to expect from Meat, even his own band seem surprised at times, because every night is different, same songs maybe but totally different concert. I can't wait to see him in Manchester. :D

18 Oct 2003, 13:00
you got censored for bloody too :P were bad :oops:

18 Oct 2003, 13:01

18 Oct 2003, 13:02
I say the same as MB!

Love you, MEAT! :P

only one week........ :P :P :P

18 Oct 2003, 14:03
:wink: Dear Meat, you can play what you want, I love it all, you are the best.


Renegade Angel
18 Oct 2003, 14:18
Looks like I'll not get the chance to meet the man himself as Im going to the Sheffield gig on 22nd November - god I wished I'd have gone to the 29th gig now!!!!
I supose I'll just have to count my blessings that at least im going to a show.

Meat - you play the songs and do what ever you like on stage, I don't think any true fan minds whatever you do as long as they get to see you live.
I can honestly say that I've been to quite a few of your shows over the years, and I have never seen you do a 'bad' show yet.
I understand that some people will always moan about what songs you do and to be honest I myself would love to hear you do some songs that you've not done for a while but I would be upset if you didn't do the classics aswell, so just keep doing what you are doing.

I notice that every show on this tour in the UK is sold out and these are not small venues to fill so you must be doing something right!

18 Oct 2003, 18:17
:twisted: Who has been upsetting Meat!!!!

18 Oct 2003, 18:30
I count myself as lucky to of seen you twice so far. I've been to a lot of concerts in the last 25 years and I can honestly say that no-one equals YOU !!!
I was trying to explain to a work colleague the other day what makes your concerts so special - it's not just your charisma on stage, not just the fabulous music, but the fact that you give 110% not just for the concert itself, but the fact that you give 110% for each and every song !!!!
It must be about 8 years since your last visit, and I still remember that concert clearly, and can't wait to see you again in Melbourne.
Got my fingers crossed you can come to Adelaide as well, as that's my home town.

Please don't let people's comments upset you !!
The rest of us love ya mate !!!!!


Sapphire Lady
18 Oct 2003, 19:02
Oct 27 & 29th, Nov 1st, 7,10, 13, 17, 29 Dec 2nd, 5,7, and 9th.

None for either of the Scottish dates. Aaaaawwwww. :(

18 Oct 2003, 19:04
Oct 27 & 29th, Nov 1st, 7,10, 13, 17, 29 Dec 2nd, 5,7, and 9th.

None for either of the Scottish dates. Aaaaawwwww. :(

Or for Cardiff on the 15th :evil: :cry: :cry: or the Manchester gig i'm going to on the 30th :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry: :?

Hafta say, i am a tad, well a bit more than a tad :roll: dissapointed, but i'm sure Meat has done his best to make sure that most of his fans get a chance to meet him.

18 Oct 2003, 20:16
17th November Oh please :!: That must be Wembley, cous Meat cann't do two shows in one night :D

18 Oct 2003, 20:44
Oh please Dec 18th can't swop I driving down and picking my boy up at Garwick and then straight on to Wembley, but if the plane is delayed he'll have to stay at gatwick until after the show and I'll have a spare ticket, I;ve think I've got my priorities right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rosie Shouldn't really whinge he can't please us alll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18 Oct 2003, 21:23
17th November Oh please :!: That must be Wembley, cous Meat cann't do two shows in one night :D
That sure sounds like Wembley to me, Dottie. Hopefully I will get to meet both you and Meat that same evening. :D

Keeping my fingers crossed!



original sin
18 Oct 2003, 21:44
Oct 27 & 29th, Nov 1st, 7,10, 13, 17, 29 Dec 2nd, 5,7, and 9th.
None for either of the Scottish dates. Aaaaawwwww. :(
Or for Cardiff on the 15th :evil: :cry: :cry: or the Manchester gig i'm going to on the 30th :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry: :?
Hafta say, i am a tad, well a bit more than a tad :roll: dissapointed, but i'm sure Meat has done his best to make sure that most of his fans get a chance to meet him.

Oh Heat are none of the dates your concerts? Maybe they'll be some more to come?
One of them is a concert I'll be at, unfortunately it isn't one my son is coming to.........

18 Oct 2003, 21:48
You never know there might be more dates to come, would everyone who does get lucky and still has the power to speak when they meet him ask him about Trigger Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!###

Rosie clutching at straws 2 moths now


18 Oct 2003, 21:49
months not moths where is the spellcheck


Fire Ball
18 Oct 2003, 21:55
AND NOV 21st.


18 Oct 2003, 21:57
Any More????


?Have you seen Trigger.

original sin
18 Oct 2003, 21:59
AND NOV 21st.

I feel like a kid in a candy store all the goodies lined up :lol:
not one of my dates but I'm sure there will be loads more very happy people out there now

18 Oct 2003, 22:05
It's like waiting for the lottery numbers to be drawn!!!!!!!!


18 Oct 2003, 22:29
Woo Hoo!!!

manchester on the 13th!!!

How does one get ones name down for a meet and greet???

original sin
18 Oct 2003, 22:32
Woo Hoo!!!
manchester on the 13th!!!
How does one get ones name down for a meet and greet???

Good question batman! whats the answer? :?
Is that the concert your knees are booked for? :twisted:

18 Oct 2003, 23:24
Methinks i'll just sit here and cry in the corner :cry: :cry: :cry:

I think perhaps Meat's heard things about the Welsh, but Meat, if you read this - IT'S ONLY THE SHEEP THAT NEED TO BE WORRIED!!!!!!!!!

Am now gonna sit in silent anticipation that someone up there loves me and is gonna arrange for a meet and greet for Cardiff or Manchester on the 30th......

19 Oct 2003, 00:40
Is that the concert your knees are booked for? :twisted:

And what shall we start the bidding at then dear???????

19 Oct 2003, 00:43
Is that the concert your knees are booked for? :twisted:

And what shall we start the bidding at then dear???????

You'll get your rewards at Cardiff hun.... :wink: :P

Danny L
19 Oct 2003, 00:53
What about dec 13th, sheffield? :cry: pleeeeeease Meat?

19 Oct 2003, 02:28
yes i was wondering as well how if your concert date is there
you go about finding out how you get choosen for meet and greets.
i have tried putting it in the search only there are quite a few locked
and no answers that i could see on the others?
any ideas, not that i stand a chance of being picked but i was curious.

19 Oct 2003, 02:36
Well said MB, I think you have spoken for a lot of us. There is no way Meat should explain himself, every concert, being the same as the night before or not, will be bl**dy great, you don't know what to expect from Meat, even his own band seem surprised at times, because every night is different, same songs maybe but totally different concert. I can't wait to see him in Manchester. :D

I absolutely agree Jayd2 !!
Thank you MB :)

I've been lucky enough to see Meat twice during the tour this year. And although the songlist was basically the same (with the exception of Out Of The Frying Pan .. which was new to me), both of the shows shows were different and special in their own way !! The two things I'll never forget are watching him sing CHSIB and Testify for the first time live at the Mohegan Sun, and then being caught up in the positive energy of the crowd at The Borgata :))

This tour just keeps getting better and better .. and I for one can't wait until I (hopefully) get the chance to see him again next year :)


19 Oct 2003, 08:59
Meat wrote:
I try to give the best show I can every time I walk on the stage and I think selling 400,000 tickets 25 years after bat and 10 years after bat 2 says something about my live shows
It says it all in spades!! As to the set list not changing each show, I find it hard to believe that anyone should honestly expect this. It's not something performers do on tour in my experience, I know I don't expect this when I book for a number of concerts. The great thing about a Meat concert is that there is always something different in the theatre and the delivery each time, and in the jokes and asides/interaction with the audience

He then wrote:
Sorry for the typos in the last posting ,if you need help with it let me know.
God love him, he's a pip!! :) And whilst I agree with those who say you have no need to justify/explain yourself Meat, because you give a cracking performance every time you set foot on stage, I will confess to loving your feisty posts when your gander's up :wink: I don't like to see you upset, but I think you know your worth, and I'm sure you too can see the Pythonesque illogic of someone who can say you gave a great show but sounded bad .. yeah .. and Nureyev performed a great ballet but he couldn't dance!! :lmao:

Then Kezzina wrote:
i was wondering as well how if your concert date is there you go about finding out how you get choosen for meet and greets.
I'd guess that the Fan Club would first of all meet Meat's promise to those who did as he asked the first week the single was released and thereafter it would be by lucky draw Kezzina. He's said he doesn't want large numbers at each, and the open invitation on the board for the concert in Holland resulted in a rather large group.

19 Oct 2003, 12:04
yeah, i know about the lot of people that he wrote about,
that is one reason why i dont think we would be choosen and
why i think i should give it a miss this year. :cry:
as my two would be on the ceiling with excitement, especially
my son, :oops: so, nope i dont reckon it would be a good idea, but eh,
curiosity killed the cat and all that, i will know now how it is done
should there be a next time, thanks carylB. :)

19 Oct 2003, 12:10
How does one get ones name down for a meet and greet???[/quote]

Wembley 17th November - does anyone know :??:

19 Oct 2003, 17:56
well, i bought a shit load of singles the last time and was under the impression that would get me a meat and greet... but of course never really expected it to happen...

I dont know how you get to... but shit happens eh???

19 Oct 2003, 18:03
I am desparate to know how to apply for the meet and greets. If anyone has any idea then PLEASE let me know. I have loved meat for the past 23 years and just to be in the same room would make my life complete. Sounds daft I know but you just can't help how you feel, eh guys? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I need to know.
Love Christa xxxxxx

19 Oct 2003, 18:05
As soon as we know more, I'll post it. 8)

Sapphire Lady
19 Oct 2003, 18:08
AND NOV 21st.


Glasgow. Yippppeeeee. :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

19 Oct 2003, 18:10
fingers crossed and everything crossed for Dec 18th

pls pls pls

Rosie (then u can have your condom back)

19 Oct 2003, 18:12
Thanks very much R, I am waiting with baited breath.

19 Oct 2003, 21:50
Well, I'll be there on the 17th November. But I'm also bringing along a friend, is it members only? Or are we allowed a partner?

I could say that he's my brother, we do look alike. Or maybe my gay partner? :lol:

19 Oct 2003, 21:55
I could say that he's my brother, we do look alike. Or maybe my gay partner? :lol:

Ermmmmm.....!!!??? 8O I AM REFUSING TO THIS!!!!! :mrgreen:

19 Oct 2003, 23:06
I was wondering this too, I am going with my girlfriend on the 13th Nov and she is just as excited as me. Is it members only of MLUKFC or can partners or friends get to meet the great man too. :D

Michael Marxen
19 Oct 2003, 23:42
I know that the setlist cannot be made for us attending multiple shows.
But will nevertheless hope that Meats throws in


at least on some nights!


(Only six days until the first show inHalle! :D)

19 Oct 2003, 23:51
I know that the setlist cannot be made for us attending multiple shows.
But will nevertheless hope that Meats throws in


at least on some nights!


(Only six days until the first show inHalle! :D)

Hi Michael!

He did it at the show that I went to in Atlantic City in September, so
hopefully it's still on the songlist :) It was the first time I ever saw him sing it live and it was great !!

19 Oct 2003, 23:52
...hope that Meats throws in


at least on some nights!

Meat did it pretty much every show on the US leg of the tour.


20 Oct 2003, 00:15
I am going with my friend too on the 29th to Sheffield. I can't just leave her waiting around for me, besides she would kill me if I see i and she doesn't. :(

20 Oct 2003, 11:08
I would presume, and it's only a presumption, that with Meet and Greets, it's for the 1 person only. Meat did say that he wanted to try and keep the numbers down, and if, for example, people started bringing thier partners and friends in with them, where would it end???

Yes a couple of people might be dissapointed because they hafta wait outside whilst thier friends go and meet Meat, but at the end of the day there are gonna be a lot more people that don't get to meet Meat then there are that do meet him. I guess it's just the way it goes. :roll:

20 Oct 2003, 11:15
If you read the instructions in the Meet and Greet forum, you do not have to be a member of MLUKFC to have a M&G. After all when Meat Loaf made his promise about people buying extra copies of CHSIB and getting a M&G, he didn't say that the offer was for Fan Club members only. According to the instructions, you just have to had registered on this board.

However it does say that preference will be given to fan club members.


20 Oct 2003, 11:21
I am a member but was wondering about my partner, but reading the instructions left by R in the meet and greet registration, only the registering person get's the Meet and Greet. But my girlfriend said she will wait :(

20 Oct 2003, 16:39
cant believe i missed this scanning over topics! god im a muppet.

NOV 29TH!!! wooohooooo :D :D :D :D

20 Oct 2003, 17:18
Meat Loaf made his promise about people buying extra copies of CHSIB and getting a M&G

Hate to put a dampner on things :roll: , but not everyone who bought extra copies of CHSIB will get a M&G, because M&G's aren't happening at every venue.

Whilst this probably can't be helped, it is dissapointing for a number of fans, me included, but that's just the way things go. I was more than happy to go out and buy shedloads of CHSIB singles when the need arose, and i know i'll go do the same when Man Of Steel comes out at the end of next month - M&G or not. :wink:

20 Oct 2003, 17:32
You've taken my quote totally out of context.

What I actually wrote was "when Meat Loaf made his promise about people buying extra copies of CHSIB and getting a M&G, he didn't say that the offer was for Fan Club members only"

I didn't say that everyone who bought extra copies of CHSIB would get M&Gs as I fully realise that there aren't enough M&Gs to go around.

My point was that you do not have to be a fan club member to get a M&G but you do have to be registered on this board. I was replying to someone who was concerned as her friend doesn't belong to the fan club.

20 Oct 2003, 17:36
You've taken my quote totally out of context.

What I actually wrote was "when Meat Loaf made his promise about people buying extra copies of CHSIB and getting a M&G, he didn't say that the offer was for Fan Club members only"

I didn't say that everyone who bought extra copies of CHSIB would get M&Gs as I fully realise that there aren't enough M&Gs to go around.

My point was that you do not have to be a fan club member to get a M&G but you do have to be registered on this board. I was replying to someone who was concerned as her friend doesn't belong to the fan club.

:oops: Sorry Sue, that was never my intention - head in the shed.... :oops: :roll:

20 Oct 2003, 17:38
That's true Heat .. and I feel so bad for you :( Because not only did you do as Meat asked, but you did so much more too. I trust that all those who answered the call and do have a M&G at a concert they are attending will certainly be included, for this was a promise made, and I believe Meat to be an honourable man.

Perhaps for those in your position it might be possible for Meat to meet them backstage for a few minutes at the concert they are attending? He did say he would make this happen. Looking back at the original thread, the numbers of people who bought copies in the week Meat asked are not huge, so it should be possible to make it happen.

Also there are a few members of the forum from the USA who also did as he asked, and who were not able to see him in the first USA leg as there were no formal fan M&Gs on this occasion. Perhaps Meat didn't expect that people in the USA would also rally to the call .. but some did, and hopefully on the second leg he can fulfill his promise to them too :)

20 Oct 2003, 20:37
Thanks to two fabulous friends :D :D - you know who you are, ladies :P :P - i have been able to secure a ticket for the Sheffield gig on the 29th November, :D the night Meat is doing a M&G, so fingers crossed.......

original sin
20 Oct 2003, 21:04
Thanks to two fabulous friends :D :D - you know who you are, ladies :P :P - i have been able to secure a ticket for the Sheffield gig on the 29th November, :D the night Meat is doing a M&G, so fingers crossed.......

:twisted: soooo much more to look forward to............

Kitty Kat
20 Oct 2003, 21:20
AND NOV 21st.


What about December 17th Manchester pleeeeease.

Also just to let you know I don't care what you sing 'cos anything you do is OK by me.

As regards the typo errors - I can offer my services if you wish. :wink:

20 Oct 2003, 23:24
Thanks to two fabulous friends :D :D - you know who you are, ladies :P :P - i have been able to secure a ticket for the Sheffield gig on the 29th November, :D the night Meat is doing a M&G, so fingers crossed.......
Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Heat. So glad you got a ticket...was worried there for a while!



20 Oct 2003, 23:25
Yippeee, got my name down ,' When you wish upon on a star' fingers tightly crossed :D

21 Oct 2003, 00:10
I am keeping my fingers crossed for everyone!

Just noticed, Dottie hasn't been here since the Nov 17th. The Wembley M&G registation-thread was unlocked this afternoon!
I would really really hate for her and her family to miss this!!!
Can anyone reach her? Send pm and regular mail, anyone who can call her, maybe?



21 Oct 2003, 00:31
well i have now got a 12 year old boy vexed at me and pixiedust
has gone off upset,why?
the 12 year old because i didnt join him to the forum because despite
his love for meat i thought he was to young to join and pixiedust
because i wont put just her name forward without her brother, i was
going to wait outside so they would have a memory to last them
forever,so i put there names forward, worth a try but hey no go so
neither are talking to me now...ah well.
good luck every one....

21 Oct 2003, 00:33
Where's there problem?
If you give me their real names I'll add them to the list.

original sin
21 Oct 2003, 00:36
well i have now got a 12 year old boy vexed at me and pixiedust
has gone off upset,why?
the 12 year old because i didnt join him to the forum because despite
his love for meat i thought he was to young to join and pixiedust
because i wont put just her name forward without her brother, i was
going to wait outside so they would have a memory to last them
forever,so i put there names forward, worth a try but hey no go so
neither are talking to me now...ah well.
good luck every one....

simple answer let pixiedust apply for her own and you apply plus guest as others have done thats all of you sorted then!

my two who went round shops and phoned stations with requests for their mum, haven't got the chance because the concerts they are going to aint on the list.

21 Oct 2003, 01:01
I think it is sorted now any way, i think he thought i wanted to go
in as well, i would let her apply only her email has gone on the blink
something my hubby has done on the computer, so they are in bed now
and i have sent my email address and there names and i will let them know tomorrow of the new events, if any....sorry R, my hubby is the
computer wizard not me, it is all strange to me.
everyone keep youre fingers and everything else crossed for them...
is there no backstage passes for you, i thought that was going to
happen or shouldnt i belive everything i read, again? if not i really am sorry.

original sin
21 Oct 2003, 01:08
If you read the instructions in the Meet and Greet forum, you do not have to be a member of MLUKFC to have a M&G. After all when Meat Loaf made his promise about people buying extra copies of CHSIB and getting a M&G, he didn't say that the offer was for Fan Club members only. According to the instructions, you just have to had registered on this board.
However it does say that preference will be given to fan club members.

And what it does not say is that this is in anyway linked to the request and offer made on this forum.
Seems like it's up in the air and up for grabs 8O

21 Oct 2003, 13:04
I am sorry for you really sin, i thought i had read somewhere
that those of you that did this work were getting back stage passes.
but there is no way i would take up someone elses place on the
meet and greets (that is how i would feel) by applying in the way you
said others are.
knowing my children may have a chance is enough
for me, and if they are lucky and manage to meet him, seeing
there faces after will be everything i could wish for, so there are
few enough places, as meat is a very busy guy so i wouldnt dream
of taking someones chance.
I really do hope you do get a chance as you more than deserve it.

21 Oct 2003, 17:38
Oct 27 & 29th, Nov 1st, 7,10, 13, 17, 29 Dec 2nd, 5,7, and 9th.


Hello, Meat!

Great to hear from you! I hope, you're ok and that your throat is better!

I'd like to take part in a Meet & Greet at November, 7th in Oberhausen.

I hope to meet you there!

Take care and lots of love!


21 Oct 2003, 20:06

21 Oct 2003, 20:54
Why do I walkways get to these things so late? Number eight but alas not the eighth person :cry:

Anyway, a little idea. How about we have a M7G thread during the tour, and each person that goes writes their own little account of the experience. It doesn't have to be an essay, but it would be great to share what happened, and a nice little record as well.

Hope everyone is doing well!


original sin
21 Oct 2003, 21:29
Why do I walkways get to these things so late? Number eight but alas not the eighth person :cry:
Anyway, a little idea. How about we have a M7G thread during the tour, and each person that goes writes their own little account of the experience. It doesn't have to be an essay, but it would be great to share what happened, and a nice little record as well.
Hope everyone is doing well!

What a great idea.........just a brief account from each person ...it's the pictures I'm looking forward too :twisted: :mrgreen:

21 Oct 2003, 21:36
it's the pictures I'm looking forward too


Maybe someone with a Meaty site could put all the stories and pics on a permenant page?

23 Oct 2003, 12:21
only just saw this now it is a shame meat ur not doing a meet and greet in cardiff as welsh ppl r so nice lol but its gonna be grate to go to the concert anyway oh but one thought as u not doing meet and greet in cardiff or more than one show haw about letting the show run on for a bit longer hehe

take care meat see ya in november

Shadows On The Wall
23 Oct 2003, 22:36
hey, will there be any chance of nov 15th cardiff met, i havent got any other tickets, and its my first ever concert, love to meet u ,


23 Oct 2003, 22:38
it's the pictures I'm looking forward too


Maybe someone with a Meaty site could put all the stories and pics on a permenant page?

I am quite willing to host any pictures if people do not have webspace for them. PM me for more details!!

Kitty Kat
24 Oct 2003, 13:07
There are plans for meet and greets at 18 of the shows in europe, who or how the are are arranged I do not know, please the number of people for each meet and greet is limited so if you get in one let other people get in some others. Thanks love you all .


As there are only 13 registration sites listed, does this mean that further concerts may be added. If so I hope that Manchester on December 17 is one of them. 8) 8)

24 Oct 2003, 20:46
I'm hoping the same thing... i'm 10th on the list for the 13th Nov at Manchester... might stand a chance of meeting Meat (woooo!) if any of the other 3 concerts I'm at are named!

Please, please, pleeeeease! ;)

26 Oct 2003, 18:29
Great news Meat. Not only a great tour ahead in UK but Meet and Greets.
When will it ever end :D :lol:

Fallen Angel
27 Oct 2003, 18:14
Hey badger,
That might be poss. I need to put up another M.L site message as i'm now on www.neverstoprocking.com. Get in touch if youve got any stories e.t.c that i could add.

31 Oct 2003, 15:22
*keeps fingers crossed for a Meet and Greet in Brisbane Queensland Australian on Friday 28th February 2004*

Cpl Mickey
04 Nov 2003, 01:05
I will keep everything croossed for you brightlights

04 Nov 2003, 11:50
I will keep everything croossed for you brightlights

Thanks!!! hope it won't become painful though! :P

08 Nov 2003, 23:28
With Meat falling ill in the last few day's, does anyone know if Meet and Greets went or are going ahead. I wouldn' blame Meat if they didn't the way he has been feeling lately.

08 Nov 2003, 23:33
The M&G in Oberhausen was at first postponed untill after the concert, and later cancelled because Meat was too ill.

09 Nov 2003, 09:53
Sorry to hear that Guppie. :(

09 Nov 2003, 17:45
I have just read on a different topic, don't know if it was a heat of the moment thing, that there are no more meet and greets. This was when Meat was upset. Is this true or is all forgiven? Hope it isn't true! :(