View Full Version : What are your hobbies\interests? Outside of MLUKFC
Basically what the title says
What are your favourite Hobbies and interests. Outside of MLUKFC
I myself love four wheeling, and chatting. I have a lot of friends that are girls, and I often hang out with them. I also hang out with my buddy, or as my friend calls us "Homiez" His name is Aj. I love my cat NEKO, he's the greatest, I want to post his picture, I'll get to that. I play guitar, and I'm learning how to act, and I want to be a better singer. School's alright, I love english. And I'm a little rusty in Math.
Well thats me, what about you?
21 Oct 2003, 05:50
Great topic RSG! My main "interest" is being a Mom, it seems to consume everything! I have a nearly 7 year old son, he was born with a heart defect and had open heart surgery once in 09/2001 and we are anticipating another surgery for him in the near future. Despite that, he can be quite a handful at times! He loves CHSIB, and we spend a lot of time listening to it. There are lots of pics of him on my website (see my sig) as well as his heart defect story. Other than that, I am also a foster parent for abused and abandoned dachshunds, right now I have two of my own and two foster dogs- things get a bit loud in my house! I am a very intense sports fan, with a blinding passion for the football team at my alma mater, the University of South Florida (we play at Tampa, in the same stadium as the World Champ Buccaneers). I also love baseball and professional (American) football. My career is a school librarian for 11 to 13 year olds, so I spend a lot of time reading. I do book reviews for a national librarian's magazine, called VOYA. My favorite authors are Stephen King, Harlan Ellison and John Irving. Now that you know far too much about me, how about some of the rest of you tell us about you? :P
21 Oct 2003, 09:24
My main interest is my daughter or monster as she is affectionately nick-named :D . She is 10 now and it still amazes me how much of a carbon copy of me she is and still be her own person.
My pets are another interest. We have 2 cats, fish, and a hamster (a food chain basically :twisted: )
I love to read (Stephen King) and I have taken up cross stitch. Not a good hobby for someone as impatient as me but I am trying :lol: . I also love playing on the computer and listening to music.
Enough about me....Next.....
Well..I'm also a mother, to two very lively one year old boys, Finlaye and Keeyfer. Although they are a handful, i have a great family that provides me with lots of support, so i do get time to myself :D I also love reading, Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell, Kathy Reichs, that kinda thing, although my library at home is very diverse. I'm also a big football fan - Swansea City are my team, and am very glad to say we ain't doing too badly this season :D
Anyways, enough about me.....NEXT!!!!!
Well I'm a nannie to 3 grandchildren, love to take them out, love buying and searching out all memorablia to do with music, photo's, records , sheet music etc., hence the buying of juke box, something I've wanted to do for longer than I care to remember, its a Wurlitzer Carnegie which has been converted to take cd's. Music is my passion, although I do make time for reading, cinema and trying to educate myself in the use of a computer.
Well i work as the manager of a newsagents. As you may have noticed from some of my previous posts, i am a huge Smart Car Fan and I am in the fan club ( we regularly meet up for nights out/bowling/meals and even the occasional camping trip!!!!
I also do a spot of freelance web design such as and am currently working on one for the local art society.
I enjoy watching films, especially the classic british Shepperton adn Ealing ones, reading almost any genre of book and listening to music.
Also as I am the village newsie I get asked to local dinners a lot such as the Pensioners Luncheon club and the like (7 bookings for Xmas - I am still available on some dates if you want me!!!!!!!!)
Ok, NEXT.......
EDIT:>>Forgot to mention, i am a huge Stephen King fan but loathe, hate and detest the Dark Tower series!!! I do not know why, I have read boooks 1 to 3 twice and cannot get into it!!
21 Oct 2003, 16:13
Wow, we have a lot of Stephen King fans here! FYI- (though most of you probably already know this) the newest SK Dark Tower book will be released (in the US at least, but I would assume the UK as well) on November 4th! It's called "The Wolves of Calla" and it continues the journey with Roland the Gunslinger. I can't wait!!!
21 Oct 2003, 21:48
Wow, we have a lot of Stephen King fans here! FYI- (though most of you probably already know this) the newest SK Dark Tower book will be released (in the US at least, but I would assume the UK as well) on November 4th! It's called "The Wolves of Calla" and it continues the journey with Roland the Gunslinger. I can't wait!!!
Thank you Sherrie, you have just made my day. I love that series :D
iam now a health care assistant, :) like reading you guessed it stephen king :lol: .Love his books and his films hes cooolllll :lol: ,love Meat Loaf you know the gorgeous big guy himself :wink: , like swimming, drinking, eating out, shopping sprees most of all :wink: , Mousie and i do karaokes at the weekends in the pubs its grrrrrreeeeeeaaaatttt. :wink: Thats me, :wink: next. :)
I have two children boy 24 who works in Italy and a daughter 20 who at the moment is living with me (again). I have three rabbits and eleven guinea pigs, one finch and a few tropical fish, my daughter has a rat.
I like cross stitch, reading, playing on the computer and photography. Nothing too strenuous.
I am 49 years old and live with my partner Plymboy. That's all folks.
i have no children n i don't like stephen king soz!! i love guitars n playin anything on guitar (electric of course 8) ) um and i also play piano YAY! and i love REALLY heavy metal !! and i also love meatloaf and QUEEN!!!!!
OH AND I LOVE BLACK!!! im kinda a goth really!! :twisted: :) 8) :wink:
NEXT . . . . . . .
Liked this one so thought i'd resurrect it.
Right - my main 'thing' is also being a mum to my beautiful, precocious nearly 3 year old Amy. Looking for work at the moment (not too successfully) after completing a degree in psychology.
I love reading anything from... stephen king... and dean koontz to chris manby to jules verne. My favourite books are an autobiographical trilogy by dave pelzer - disturbing stuff.
Other than meat my fave music encompasses rock, jazz (big band mainly), classical and show tunes! (the whole gamet really :lol: )
I have a four month old pain in the @$$ staffy cross pup called jem and i love playing alto sax.
so thats me, can everyone else get in on this one cos i'd like to know more about you guys (being fairly new to the site) :D
03 Jan 2004, 01:26
...Hmmm... going to the cinema and working there apart from university, meeting friends, chatting to my boyfriend on the weekends, music, drawing, writing poetry and short stories... Well, that's basically it! :roll:
Is there life outside of the MLUKFC forum?
There is? Well there must be as I spend time doing the following (but not all at once)....
Reading (although sorry t osay I haven't read a Stephen King book in years), elephant juggling, saving the world, working as a software manager for somewhere so secret I'd have to shoot you all if I told you where it was, walking the muppet, cleaning the muppet after his walks to save the furniture, some freelance design work for human computer systems interfaces (that's screen layouts to the blerk in the street), I dabble in writing and sometimes even get the words in the right order as well as the letters, photography stills and video, falling over (usually late on a Saturday night after partaking in my other interest of supporting the British Brewery Trade), play golf, watch football (but not this season as Leeds haven't really been playing any), taking my car out on the track so I can push it beyond 70 (honest officer I never do that on the open roads), oh... and sometimes I sleep :D
03 Jan 2004, 03:39
I am Grandmother to five, all boys. I care for one of them (a Meat Loaf fan from 3 years who is now 4) four days a week. We care for three men with Learning Difficulties (65, 71 and 74) who have lived with me and my husband for 14 years.
I love reading and have over 3000 books - good job we have a huge old house! Anything non-fiction, animal stories, nature, UFO's, medical, biographies.
Also David Pelzer - I too was an abused child, and like David it was my mother who was the abuser.
Also love Derek Tangye. For those that don't know him, he started to write in the 50's or 60's and most of his books are known world-wide.
He was in MI5 and his wife was Publicity Officer for the Savoy group of hotels. They had enough of the high life and moved to Cornwall (a beautifull part of the UK surrounded on 3 sides by rocky cliffs and sandy beaches). They lived in a small (at first) desolate tumble down cottage on the edge of a cliff with NO running water, NO proper loo and NO phone, eaking out a living by growing potatoes and flowers. Beautifully written stories such as "Cat In The Window", "Gull On Th Roof", "Cottage On A Cliff" etc. I have most of his books and read them to David at night as he is dyslexic.
Have done some writing and had several articles published mostly in the local papers (nature).
We have 3 cats, a ferret who is definately brain-damaged, she is so mischeivous, called Blossum, 4 rats, and tropical fish. David and I are members of the Lancashire Badger group.
Also learning computing and going to college for Web Page Development next week.
Love music, aside from Meat I love Roy Orbison, (his son Roy Kelton stayed with us in 1990) and love a guy called Medwyn Goodall (New Age artist who is reclusive and writes his own music and plays around 14 instruments) - MAGIC!
03 Jan 2004, 03:41
I am Grandmother to five, all boys. I care for one of them (a Meat Loaf fan from 3 years who is now 4) four days a week. We care for three men with Learning Difficulties (65, 71 and 74) who have lived with me and my husband for 14 years.
I love reading and have over 3000 books - good job we have a huge old house! Anything non-fiction, animal stories, nature, UFO's, medical, biographies.
Also David Pelzer - I too was an abused child, and like David it was my mother who was the abuser.
Also love Derek Tangye. For those that don't know him, he started to write in the 50's or 60's and most of his books are known world-wide.
He was in MI5 and his wife was Publicity Officer for the Savoy group of hotels. They had enough of the high life and moved to Cornwall (a beautifull part of the UK surrounded on 3 sides by rocky cliffs and sandy beaches). They lived in a small (at first) desolate tumble down cottage on the edge of a cliff with NO running water, NO proper loo and NO phone, eaking out a living by growing potatoes and flowers. Beautifully written stories such as "Cat In The Window", "Gull On Th Roof", "Cottage On A Cliff" etc. I have most of his books and read them to David at night as he is dyslexic.
Have done some writing and had several articles published mostly in the local papers (nature).
We have 3 cats, a ferret who is definately brain-damaged, she is so mischeivous, called Blossum, 4 rats, and tropical fish. David and I are members of the Lancashire Badger group.
Also learning computing and going to college for Web Page Development next week.
Love music, aside from Meat I love Roy Orbison, (his son Roy Kelton stayed with us in 1990) and love a guy called Medwyn Goodall (New Age artist who is reclusive and writes his own music and plays around 14 instruments) - MAGIC! Like some Opera and love Andrea Bocelli and Chris de Burgh plus many other diverse artists.
03 Jan 2004, 10:30
I work full time at the local hospital as an administrator
I am currently doing an OU degree in Health Studies (hard work on top of full time job) :cry:
I have a hubby & 15 yr old daughter :wtf:
I love chilling out & taking the p*** out of American wrestling every Saturday on Sky (sad) :lmao:
I love listening to music, ML obviously, but also Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Cher, Savage Garden - I'm quite varied in my music really
I haven't read Stephen King for a long time, but do like some of the films
I love going to the theatre & have started swimming twice a week
I also have a 5 yr old field spaniel named Dougie (rescue dog) who does not like children - but is obsessed with his ball (rubber one) i love taking him on the field for a run. He chases the ball - i listen to Meat :P
Enough now :lol:
03 Jan 2004, 11:24
Hum, my interest are spending my time with my beautiful daughter Carissa.
Going to college I am in my senior year of earning a B.A. in Women's Studies and a B.A. in Criminology (dual major). I love learning new things, new languages, I just love learning would love to be a student for life if I could afford it.
I love to rebuild old cars and go to old car shows, I rebuilt and owned a 65 Mustang and a 63 Ford Falcon. Hope in the not to distant to get a another car to rebuild.
I love being strong physically and try to spend three days a week in the gym lifting weights I benchpress 120 llbs., and lift 165 lbs. on squats.
I love music of all kinds but mostly: classic rock, jazz, blues, country, reggie. Love T. Graham Brown's music espically the songs "Wine into Water" and "Which Way to Pray", whcih have specaial meaning in my life.
I love the time I get to spend with my baby (cat) Meat Loaf, he is a shinning light in times of darkness for me, he gives his love unconditionally to me.
These are the main things in life that bring me enjoyment besides Meat's music.
Love & Happiness
Outside the MLUKFC my hobby's are.... let, got a lot of cd's and it is growing with the day. Allways listening to music.
Another hobby is driving... yeah... love that. In the car, cruising around, offcourse with the radio on.
Also art is a hobby... well, don't know if you can call it a hobby. Like to paint and draw myself. But lately not much time, that is very bad i think. Made from my hobby my job, i'm an art -teacher. :lol:
And the other hobby i won't tell you about :lmao:
The Butcher
Rob The Badger
03 Jan 2004, 14:29
Um. . .hobbies, hobbies.
Well my main obsession is music, started collecting (seriously) about two years ago and now have a somewhat large collection. . .My favourite band is The Smiths, which would explain my passion for poetry and Oscar Wilde.
As many of you know I sing in a band and write the lyrics too.
I also have a healthy interest in art, I paint and draw often.
Cheers, bye.
Oh yes, I like breakfast too.
03 Jan 2004, 14:32
My hobbies are: Listening the music, shooting (My dad bought me a BBgun when I was 11 years old), cooking and baking. Itīs so relaxing and you can see the results right a way. I read a lot and I write a stories. Favourite writers are Stephen King and John Grisham. (I have almost all Grishamīs book only a Itīs time to kill, The Rainmaker, Skipping Cristmas and Painted house is missing from my bookshel) I love swimming but itīs hard to find time to go swimminghall.
You might think how I have to to do all this but I cook my own food. I read
and write while I listen to music and so on.
And of course I chat with my friends. Me and my best friend can talk hours ībout everything. And still we donīt know everything ībout each others. WE like to have our a little secrets. And basically you donīt have to know everything bout each others: then you donīt have fights. But we are basically same kind of persons. I can buy a present without asking what she want īcouse I just think what Iīd like to have. And she can buy me a present. Itīs a litlle bit scary.
Keep Rocking
03 Jan 2004, 18:26
I have two cats, which most of the time behave like crazy.
I like going to hockey games, my favourite team are the "Adler Mannheim" (Adler=eagles). My passion on hockey is so big that my boyfriend, my sister and me will travel to USA (Dallas and Denver) in march to see 5 NHL hockey games.
I also like reading, at the time I prefer historical novels.
So, next one
Kitty Kat
03 Jan 2004, 21:26
I have a cat who, like me, is gettng on a bit. In cat years he is 105. I dont think that I will be as agile as he is is I reach 105. come to think of it I'm not that agile now :!: :!:
My two main hobbies are genealogy and water colours. My maternal grandmother's family came from Denmark and grandfather from Wales. How they met is a mystery as my grandmother spent a number of years at the beginning og the 1900's in Argentine as a governess.
As far as my painting abilities go, Grandma Moses has nothing to fear. I just find it very relaxing.
03 Jan 2004, 21:49
I have a ginger cat who I found years ago and a black shetland collie dog who I got from the dog shelter. I love watching soaps, emmerdale, coronation street and eastenders, and going to the cinema, the last thing I went to see was the Lord of the Rings, Return of the King. I like going out shopping for clothes when I have the money, and love eating out, though I resolve to replace that with the gym this year ( I hope)
03 Jan 2004, 22:39
lets see after your lot mine will be boring.......
i build computers but only as a hobbie :twisted: learning to spell is also a on going thing with me :twisted:
i do read but only mills and boon (romance novels)
i also have 2 catscalled charlie(8yrs) and jules(10mths) and they drive me crazy
i also enjoy chatting in chat rooms (ok i only talk in 2 rooms as 1 is a private room and the other is the meat loaf one) :twisted:
i also do on-line gaming UT2K3 and normal UT which i belong to a clan rabit dogs of hell (1 of about 10 females )
also i am at the moment trying to de-americanise a friend who is american if that is possible!!!!!!
i use a program called trillian to chat on ICQ and i enjoy talking to people only that i know and you are free to talk to me if you want i dont mind :twisted: :twisted:
04 Jan 2004, 01:02
well i like to try and meditate and relax out totally especially to celtic
music, but its not easy as we have a totally packed house.
we have six children one of who has special needs, and takes up a lot of time, and until recently a lot of my time was spent on the computer trying to find out more about his condition and what could be done for him to make his life better, but not a lot is listed so its a case of keep looking.
when and if i get time the books i like to read are historical, jean plaidy especially, and factual historical as well.
as well as meat, i listen to queen, ozzy, 2pac, pod, enya, basically anything and everything.
well their you have it, oh and we have 2 dogs and a puppy that thinks its a cat. :roll:
enjoyed learning more about you all.
04 Jan 2004, 01:17
Ok here's mine.........
I don't work cos I stay at home and look after my two boys, Samuel who is 6 and Charley who is 3. i like to read autobiographies but not Stephen King....sorry guys.
i love going to concerts, I will go to see anyone as long as I can get good seats. As well as my beloved Meat Loaf, I like robbie Williams, Westlife, Erasure, Whitesnake and Status Quo. I also love the theatre especially panto (Oh yes I do).
I love Formula 1, went to Silverstone only 4 weeks before giving birth! it was a wow! still a big damon hill fan.
I get involved alot with my local community, i live on an estate of 700 houses and I organise day trips for the pensioners and families, christmas parties, out door carol singing on xmas eve. I produce a monthly newsletter for the estate and organise local schools to help pensioners to look after their gardens. I love it. we all know each other and crime is almost non-existence cos we look after each other. try it, it works.
I run a parent and toddler group at our local church and help out at the church creche on a sunday.
My hubby does archery and travels the world in competitions, sometimes i just have to go with him to carry his cases (any excuse).
Oh yes and I love chatting to my friends on the phone for hours at a time!
- running 2 times a week, aprox: 10/15 kilometres each time;
- working out in the gym, 3 times a week. 1 hour each time;
- like to read about the universe, second world war, Adolf H., psychology;
- this forum and the dutch forum;
- Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman;
- My two girls, Yvonne and Nina;
- The beach and the dunes, i just love it and am very happy i live near to the beach;
- Every now and then i love going to get drunk in a (few) pub (s);
- sit in my garden and just sit there and doing nothing;
- discovery channel: Medical detectives, FBI Files. Serial Killers, WO II, Egypt, Universe;
- I love having discussions about politics or whatever.
- i love to sleep the whole day when its possible.
ok well most of my time is taken up with school work but after that and this site my hobbies are:
first and most importantly fencing, then its got to be music- i play the flute and sing in a church choir, i read a lot-stephen king, tamora pierce, terry pratchett, tom holt, susan price, the harry potter series, the lotr series (which starts with the hobbit)ummm, then i sew a lot and do crafty things like stamping, i make all my own cards and gift tags etc......ummmm then just things like hanging out with mates, going to the cinema etc
oh and i have a saturday job and at the mo i'm learning to drive
ok next...
Ageing Bat
08 Jan 2004, 18:40
Live in a madhouse - two daft black Labradors (Fern & Pin) and a dafter fluffy fat cat (Percy), together with husband and two teenagers from hell, and my brother - Uncle Fester. 'Spose we are a bit 'Adams Family'!
We're also one of those anoying people with a Caravan!! :twisted: which is basically a mobile mad house!
I enjoy smoking, (no good at self control!)
Can talk for England on the phone to my friends,
Like eating chocolate (have a drawer full at work!)
Have a 'sick' sense of humour - I like Bottom and Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.
I'm an active charity fundraiser - shaved my hair off last April, and before that sat in a bath of custard for 6 hours.
There's probably more, but my brain's gone dead!
Next .......
08 Jan 2004, 19:18
Don't know that you would call them hobbies...'ere goes:
I LOVE going to concerts! Something about a "live" show just gets me...and I hate leaving a show "disappointed" -I seldom appreciate the artist afterwards :(
I really enjoy "road tripping" for concerts as well. KISS is my weakness and if its within a 14-hour drive radius, I will talk myself into going (I live in NC, USA and that means I have driven as far as New Orleans and Toronto to see KISS)
I love to read.....I am "ravenous" if its a real good one! I prefer crime/suspense. Fave is Patricia Cornwell. I do enjoy biographies as well!
Travelling! Nothing is more exciting than going on a big vacation trip! Especially going to a "beach" area! Key West is one of my faves with many of the California beaches a close 2nd. My two fave cities to visit are New Orleans and London!
Football! American football that is! Especially college level.....and especially Virginia Tech Football! Go Hokies!
Tailgating! Having previously mentioned football...tailgating has to come next! Nothing like hanging out in a parking lot with several thousand of your closest friends eh? (Did I mention that we usually have a band and a hot tub too? the parking lot. You should drop by sometime!)
Graphic Design.....I'm a newbie at this. I love playing with Photoshop and I have a mean creative streak!
Going to the movies! I would always rather see a movie at the theater!
Several "shows" I consider a hobby: ER, Sopranos, and CSI
Playing the drums
Hanging out with my best friend -my 6 year old nephew! Such a great kid!
Spending time with my friends!
...I'm sure I do other things that qualify as hobbies (if you saw my paycheck you would agree)...but I'll stop with these!
09 Jan 2004, 04:10
We should hang out, we have a lot of common interests! Have you ever been to Clearwater (FL) Beach? It beautiful, but awfully tourist trap-like. I live about 10 minutes from there. I also love Key West, we spent several consecutive Thanksgiving weekends there when I was a teen. I am intensely obsessed with college football, more specifically the mighty (okay, not so mighty this year :oops: ) University of South Florida Bulls. I like your new icon- very cool.
We should hang out, we have a lot of common interests! Have you ever been to Clearwater (FL) Beach? It beautiful, but awfully tourist trap-like. I live about 10 minutes from there. I also love Key West, we spent several consecutive Thanksgiving weekends there when I was a teen. I am intensely obsessed with college football, more specifically the mighty (okay, not so mighty this year :oops: ) University of South Florida Bulls. I like your new icon- very cool.
WOW - sherrie87:
I was in Clearwater Beach in December 2002! I was traveled to see MEAT in Clearwater on 27th Dec. 2002 !!!
It is very nice in your homeland!!!
09 Jan 2004, 09:44
Hmmmmm.... I have 4 Kids in the age of 18, 15, 13 and 6, two boys and two girls.... so hobbies....... :lol: :wink:
I love all kind of music...... but no Jazz,Country and Klassic.... 8O
I love books.... Mark Frost, Diana Gabaldon and so on..... :D
I love my fruitgarden...... 21 treeīs with all kind of fruits 8O :lol:
I love my fishes....... japanese koi`s...... there great..... 8O :lol:
So I think with children, man, pets, house, garden .... these are enough hobbies...... :lol: :wink:
AngelJ :wink:
09 Jan 2004, 14:29
Eva said: WOW - sherrie87:
I was in Clearwater Beach in December 2002! I was traveled to see MEAT in Clearwater on 27th Dec. 2002 !!!
It is very nice in your homeland!!!
Eva, I went to that concert as well, it sadly is the last time (but prayers go up that it's not the last time) that I saw Meat in concert. That was about a month and a half before I joined MLUKFC. Dang, it seems to me that you, VickiP and CarylB were all there- if I had known I could have shown you all the town in grand style as I've lived here for 26 years. Perhaps Meat will come back here some day and if a crew of MLUKFCer's come I can throw a hella good pre and post concert party at my house! (Of course Meat will be invited as well! :wink: )
Eva said: WOW - sherrie87:
I was in Clearwater Beach in December 2002! I was traveled to see MEAT in Clearwater on 27th Dec. 2002 !!!
It is very nice in your homeland!!!
Eva, I went to that concert as well, it sadly is the last time (but prayers go up that it's not the last time) that I saw Meat in concert. That was about a month and a half before I joined MLUKFC. Dang, it seems to me that you, VickiP and CarylB were all there- if I had known I could have shown you all the town in grand style as I've lived here for 26 years. Perhaps Meat will come back here some day and if a crew of MLUKFCer's come I can throw a hella good pre and post concert party at my house! (Of course Meat will be invited as well! :wink: )
I'm so sorry for you, Sherrie! :?
I saw MEAT a day after Clearwater in Melbourne/FL and on the New Years Eve show in Boca Raton! WOW!!!!! That was GREAT!
After Florida he comes to Germany in January 2003 and I saw the first Promoshow in Cologne. In April the same in Amsterdam/The Netherlands and in June in Plymouth/UK.
In October/November I was going to the full German part of the CHSIB tour and in November and December I travel to London to see this man! In two days I go to nine rescheduled UK shows! You see here are a crazy one! :P
Fallen Angel
06 Feb 2004, 21:51
Interests..let me think...
Drama/singing:doin musical this year.
reading:Fav book. "World of the unexplained"
music: obviously meat, cher, sheryl crow, nickelback and aerosmith
Oh and bein 15...cute guys.. even though i dont get fooled by appearences as easy as i used to!!!
what musical you doing fallen angel?
my school put on grease before christmas and now we're doing midsummer nights dream with the boys school, (very srtange arrangement we're part of a foundation, single sex grammer schools but the schools are so close we do loads of stuff together)
Ageing Bat
10 Feb 2004, 13:06
See you like Aerosmith, Fallen Angel..... went on the Aerosmith roller coaster at MGM studios in Florida. Whole ride in darkness with lazer lights, apparently. Well, it was definately dark for me - I was so terrified I had my eyes shut the whole way round.
Not as bad as the Hollywood Tower of Terror ride in the same park though - you drop goodness knows how many floors in a lift, for what seemed like fifty times (probably not that many, but my goodness it was never ending!). I have honestly never been sooo terrified in my life. Got off the ride a jibbering wreck! My husband made me go back on for the photo, 'cos you couldn't see me in the first one as I ended up hanging onto my brother's ankles (don't know why or how!!). He only got me back on 'cos I was in no fit state to make any kind of rational decision! Second time, I could hear someone really screaming.... and then I realised...... it was me!
So, no, I don't include terrifying, gut churning, stomach lurching theme park rides in my list of favourite things to do!
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