View Full Version : Michael Myers is gonna get you!!!
02 Nov 2003, 02:23
Hey guys, I almost don't dare to bring up this topic (Halloween) again, but since I LOVE the "Halloween" movies I'd like to know if anyone else does so as well?! :wink: Or horror movies in general? ...Hmmm maybe I actually shouldn't watch stuff like that, because every time I watch Halloween I think Michael Myers is just somewhere around the corner... :lol: ... 8O
02 Nov 2003, 02:58
My favorite horror movies are the "Nightmare on Elm Street" movies. Freddy is my idol :twisted:
02 Nov 2003, 15:27
Halloween is my favourite movie. It scared the s**t out of me when I was about 8 and I've loved it ever since! I love the whole series, but the last one was a bit pants.
Just seen the new Texas Chainsaw and have to say that I really enjoyed it.
Mmmm.... are there typical haloween movies then??
I love the halloween movies and seen them all, :lol: but i must say freddy is my hero. :wink: I have the whole collection of freddys movies, :lol: just love horror films. :wink:
Horror?? it makes me laugh always... so that is nothing for me to watch. Give me some action, comedy or drama.
I too love horror films, Freddy, Michael Myers, Jason - the whole shebang. :D
Love the old classic Hammer horror films too - I remember when i was about 7, i stayed up late and watched the whole of Frankenstein and it scared the holy bejeasus out of me :evil:
Watched the Exorcist last night - was great - i'd only ever seen bits of it.
Love Stephen King horror movies - Pet Sematary 1 & 2 were both excellent, and Carrie and The Shining were excellent.
The king of horror though, hasta be Freddy - i have all the Nightmare On Elm Street Films, all the books and do you remember ages ago Sky One used to do a programme on Sat. night called Freddy's Nightmares - i have almost everyone of them on video - fantastic. :D
Hello Tim. :lol: Hope you are well. :wink:
The Excorsits... now that is a good movie. But so scary... my god. i'll never watch it in the dark again.
Woooooooow, :D i love all the exorcist films, 8O scary but cooooooolllll. :wink:
02 Nov 2003, 16:23
has any one seen darkness falls?
we saw that on halloween and it seems okay but for chills you cant beat
the exorcist.
The Flying Mouse
02 Nov 2003, 18:03
:twisted: Fav monster would have to be Dracula :twisted: .Bela Lagosi was cool 8) .
Also love The Omen (well at least 1 & 2,3 was a bit of a let down),Jaws and Elm St.
I wasn't very impresed with The Exorcist :? .It was banned for years,and then when they finally re released it I was very disapointed.It seems to me it relied more on shock and bad taste rather than actual horror :roll: .
02 Nov 2003, 18:27
Woooooooow, :D i love all the exorcist films, 8O scary but cooooooolllll. :wink:
Love the Exorcist too, but only the Director's Cut of course! :lol: Seen Carrie twice, could have been a bit more scary! :wink:
I have to confess that I don't normally do horror films as they tend to scare the sh*t out of me!!!!
I have seen darkness falls which was good, Freddy Versus Jason which was funny!!!
Seen H20 but i haven't seen the rest so i didn' get it!!!
Also I liked that film tht was released not so long since. The one wih the alien virus in, think it was based on stephen king book!! It featured Mister Grey and "SSDD"
I love horror films, :lol: especially when they scare the sh out of me, 8O love it when you dont know what to expect coooollll. :wink:
Rob The Badger
02 Nov 2003, 22:15
'Beware' over at scared me. . .
As for real ones, The Shining give me the creeps everytime.
Eyeore love the avatar, :lol: badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom, mushroom, snake ,snake ,oh its the snake pmsl. :wink: cooooooooollllll. :roll:
The Flying Mouse
03 Nov 2003, 05:27
Eyeore love the avatar, :lol: badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom, mushroom, snake ,snake ,oh its the snake pmsl. :wink: cooooooooollllll. :roll:
Stay on topic please darling :wink:
Oh go on :( .
Please :cry: .
Looks like we have a new horror film,The Liverpool rolling pin masacre 8O
03 Nov 2003, 05:59
Chris said:
I have to confess that I don't normally do horror films as they tend to scare the sh*t out of me!!!!
Chris, you are just my speed when it comes to horror movies! I used to like them when I was a teen, but now they just freak the heck out of me! The scariest ones I've seen, that absolutely sent my into panic attacks walking to my car afterward were The Exorcist and (I think) The Believers, or something like that- it had Martin Sheen in it and it was about Santeria. The Nightmare on Elm Street movies quite literally cause sleepless nights, I can't watch them anymore. My favorite movie ever is Psycho, I can watch that (and any of the sequels) endlessly- it's not quite so scary as there is less of the supernatural involved- just good old crazy people!
Also I liked that film tht was released not so long since. The one wih the alien virus in, think it was based on stephen king book!! It featured Mister Grey and "SSDD"
That was "Dreamcatcher". I read the book and was just terrified by it, so I'm not even going to attempt the movie! Though if you liked it, it must not have been too bad, huh? BTW, Stephen King fans- the newest Dark Tower book comes out on Tuesday!!!!!
Take care, and watch out for the boogeymen....
Salem's Lot, i watched as a teenager while babysitting for my sisiter's kids I then had to walk home alone, the memory of that walk (run). Just going to check the doors are locked
Seems so strange us all talking about films I grew up with, but for most of you there 'new'.
My favourites are:-
Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Exorcist, The Entity, Night of the Living Dead, all the Dracula films
The Flying Mouse
03 Nov 2003, 17:49
Salem's Lot, i watched as a teenager while babysitting for my sisiter's kids I then had to walk home alone, the memory of that walk (run). Just going to check the doors are locked
Loved the book (one of my favourites),but the film was just pants :( .
They changed names characters and events for no apparent reason 8O .
The worst thing they did was the changes they made to Barlow and Straker.In the book Straker was the servant while Barlow was the brains of the operation.I found that Straker was much more in control in the movie,while Barlow was portrayed as a very dumb creature.Although Straker did refare to Barlow as "the master" once,I still feel that there was a very heavy element of "zombie slave controled by human master" :? .
Apart from his cunning (which he lost completly in the movie),Barlow's greatest threat was his ability to pass for a human.I don't know what book the director read,but I don't know many seven foot tall purple humans with a mouth full of steak knives :roll: .
The most positive thing I can say about it was that it was not nearly as ridiculous as the sequel :lmao:
still,to end on a positive note,the best movie version of a S.K. book i've seen would have to be Misery.Not 100% faithful to the book,but still a very good film 8) .Cathy Bates and James Caan were fantastic :D .
Yep, Misery was fab - really liked that one.
Loved CUJO as well - excellent 8) :D
03 Nov 2003, 19:57
Yep, Misery was fab - really liked that one.
Loved CUJO as well - excellent 8) :D
I love those too and also Children of the Corn scared the crap outta me 8O
I loved Misery - although it did frighten me a little as I have an auntie who looks like Cathy Bates.
The scariest film I have seen (IMHO) was Arachnaphobia. I was only about 10 and my big evil sister made me watch it and I was terrified. To this day i am scared witless of spiders to the point where we stock a spider mag for a customer. And he knows to only come int he shop to collect it on my day off because i cannot touch the mag with the pictures on the front page!!!!!!
03 Nov 2003, 21:31
i thought the wicker man was quite a good one, i only saw it for
the first time the other week, and i have to say it is an oldy but a goody.
saw one last night that is a bit of a let down, fear dot com.
dont know if you have seen this yet but didnt scare, make me jump
or anything a real let down, was told it was good. :?
Cpl Mickey
04 Nov 2003, 01:40
I absolutely adore Horror, the scarier the better, i will sit in the dark watching a horror on tv or DVD. i love Stephen King. Nightmare on Elm Street brilliant and i remember the series on a Saturday night i used to look forward to them although i never taped them. I love the Hellraiser films old pinhead. :evil:
Yeah Pinhead was good - but i preferred Hellraiser one to all the others.
What about the Childs Play series??? Chucky used to scare the shit outta me - i loved him. Never liked big dolls like that though :roll:
Anyone remember the Candyman films??
The Flying Mouse
04 Nov 2003, 10:45
:twisted: I love the Chucky movies :lol: .
A friend of mine who does ventriliquism had just been to buy a new figure.He sat "Charlie" on the back seat of his car on the way home.
As they were driving along,the vibrations of the car were making Charlie's head turn to the side.His wife looked in the rear view mirror and seen the figure suposedly moving on his own.she freaked out :lmao:
I once popped into a karaoke bar on the way home from work one day and sang Mustang Sally.I had my figure (Henry) sing backing vocals 8)
04 Nov 2003, 13:30
:twisted: I love the Chucky movies :lol: .
A friend of mine who does ventriliquism had just been to buy a new figure.He sat "Charlie" on the back seat of his car on the way home.
As they were driving along,the vibrations of the car were making Charlie's head turn to the side.His wife looked in the rear view mirror and seen the figure suposedly moving on his own.she freaked out :lmao:
Great story!!! :lol: :lmao:
I would never buy me a figure like that - too scary!!!! :mrgreen:
Cpl Mickey
04 Nov 2003, 15:03
Yeah I love the Chucky films but what about Puppetmaster. The puppets that came to life to kill so that HE could live again, they were spooky :wink:
Cpl Mickey
04 Nov 2003, 15:06
Dottie i love the exorcist as well a friend of mine saw it for the first time the other night and she was really freaked out by it. The entity was a bit weird in places but it did get to me a bit though :(
Did anyone see the film "The Ninth Gate" last night on channel 4??
If so, what happened, I fell asleep before the end!
Kitty Kat
04 Nov 2003, 21:32
Am I on my own - I hate horror filme. When I have watched them I sit with a newspaper over my eyes. If I think something really nasty is coming along I close my eyes, stick my fingers in my ears and hum loudly. Bit daft really but my imagination seems to work overtime after watching this type of film. I can convince myself that someone is coming up the stairs and that I can hear them breathing. I'll have to stop now or I will be having nightmares tonight. Bit of a wimp really :oops: :oops:
Am I on my own - I hate horror filme. When I have watched them I sit with a newspaper over my eyes. If I think something really nasty is coming along I close my eyes, stick my fingers in my ears and hum loudly. Bit daft really but my imagination seems to work overtime after watching this type of film. I can convince myself that someone is coming up the stairs and that I can hear them breathing. I'll have to stop now or I will be having nightmares tonight. Bit of a wimp really :oops: :oops:
I can be the same Kitty kat.
I was ridiculed when we went to see Jeepers Creepers (for went to see read got dragged kicking and screaming to see)when i asked for a sofa in the cinema. I wanted something to hide behind!!!!
And am i the only one who is still scared by Cybermen!!!
No I get neighbours still over the Cybermen nglad I'm not the only one I still can't walk near drain covers .
Still can't watch Jeepers Creepers without fast forwarding the cats UGH
Think the Entity was a fantastic film - brilliant.
Hafta say - i just love being scared - think it's the whole endorphin rush thingy that does me. Love it.
Did that scare you enough??
enough to scare me Chris
05 Nov 2003, 03:21
Chris said:
And am i the only one who is still scared by Cybermen!!!
No, Chris- but for some reason the Daleks bothered me even more- especially the Tom Baker era Daleks with the bits of brain showing. Oh, I had such a Doctor Who obsession in high school! :lol:
Does anyone watch Most Haunted on Living -Sky ? Now there's a programme to make you want to put your feet on the sofa and turn on all the lights. We saw Derek at the Beck a couple of weeks ago, and I must admit by the end, I had an unexpected urge to exit the theatre as soon as possible, bordering almost on panic, but I don't know why, never happened before, something about the atmostphere I guess, and all that talk about spirits etc., and this was a believer in re-incarnation behaving this way :!:
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