View Full Version : How did you become a Meat Loaf Fan?
Keep Rocking
13 Nov 2003, 17:50
Hi! I'm new to this forum and I would like to know since when you are a fan (why I don't have to ask, I think it's obvious).
Here is my story:
I was born in 1975, so when BAT comes out I was to small to remember it, but my Dad must have listened to it very often(see later).
Throughout my youth I sometimes had a certain melodie in my mind, but I wasn't able to sing it or remember which song it could be.
Then I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR LOVE came out. I liked this song very much. When I next visited my Dad, I said:"have you heard about this new song IWDAFL and the new band MEAT LOAF?" He laughed and answered:"New?! Long time ago he has a great album!" And my father put the BAT-LP on the player. There I instantly recognized HOT Summer Night as the melodie which followed me in my youth.
This was the beginning. The next day I started of and bought BAT1, and it was my favourite CD untill CHSIB came out.
It takes even longer to visite a show of Meat Loaf:
after BAT2 he came to Mannheim,Ger (near my hometown) but noone would come with me and I had fear of all the "rockers" (I was a little naive by then :oops:
Years later I lived near Munich,Ger: there he gave a show in a small club, but I heard it on the radio at the date of the show and there were no tickets left...
This spring: at the instant the tour dates in Germany came out I buyed tickets for the show in Frankfurt. I hardly could wait until october. I went to the show with my sister, my father and his girlfriend. The four of us were all the same opinion: MEAT ROCKS (to say it in short words).
I spontanously decided to go to Stuttgart the next day (alone this time)-it was also just great. But I couldn't get enough:
the next sunday I drove to Trier(somewhere in Germany :wink: )
And this show topped it all: I was in the first row, Meat gave about 200% of frankfurt/Stuttgart and in the end I was able to catch one of the sticks of the drummer. JUST GREAT
Now I hope MEAT will come back to Germany next year!!!!!!!!
okay, so i was a meat loaf fan from the cot- the only thing my parents could do to stop my crying is play i would do anything for love (but i won't do that) even at a very young age i learned no one interupts meat when hes singing.
then i guess it just came from the fact my parents are fans and used to play hes cds all the time, until recently when i decided enough was enough i had to have all my own copies of all the albums and begged my parents endlessly for 2 weeks to let me go and see him at birmingham
short and sweet really but i have't really had that much life to extend it past that
13 Nov 2003, 23:06
I'm student, 21.
Got Meat-fever in 1993 hearing AFL on the radio. Then went into the local music shop and wanted to buy BOOH2. As an 11 year old boy, I got some loughs and was sended home.
Then my dad helped me gettin' the disc and that was all. Fever increased!
13 Nov 2003, 23:14
I think I got into Meat with bat out of hell 2 and my dad liking him! Also went to see Meat Loaf 2 which totaly made me into a fan and first saw Meat last year in Liverpool!
I'm only 22 btw :)
It could be at this day exact 10 Years.
The first Song ive ever heard from Meat was "anythign for Love" at at this time i was 13, all my money was spend for Meat CDīs Concerts etc etc but worth it! fFrom that day on iam a big Fan from Meat, and Iam sad that this is his last world tour !
Sapphire Lady
13 Nov 2003, 23:36
i was a meat loaf fan from the cot- the only thing my parents could do to stop my crying is play i would do anything for love
I suddenly felt rather old there. Then I realised AFL was released only 10 years ago. So it looks like kaz is very young, rather than me being very old. :D
13 Nov 2003, 23:44
Wow - spooky! I'm also 22, I also got into Meat through my Dad, and I also saw him for the first time in Liverpool last year!!!
When my mum was pregnant with me, my Dad got a new car, the first he had ever had with a tape player. He had got BOOH and Mum says they always had it on when they went to pre-natal classes. (I think thats what you call them.)
Obviously while I was growing up Meat's music would always be on, and my Dad collected all his albums, even during the 80's when his success fell. I also grew up with a melody in my head - I often found myself singing Took The Words. Although I didn't become a real big fan till a few years back, Meat Loaf has always been there at times in my life.
Like I said, his music would often be on, and we often used to laugh and joke about the lyrics - like on New Years Eve if we had an album on and were all a bit drunk!
Then when I was quite young, I got my own TV for my bedroom for Christmas. The first thing I watched when I set it up was a Meat Loaf concert on BBC I think. I think it was for Welcome to the Neighbourhood, and I remember thinking how powerful he was.
Then, a few years later, I was sat at school in the common room listening to some music when a girl called Kelly came and sat with me (turns out she'd fancied me for ages), and asked me what I was listening to. I said "oh, nothing" and tried to hide it as I thought she would laugh. When she saw it was a Meat Loaf tape she said "oh my god, i love Meat Loaf", and that formed the start and basis of a really good relationship between us two. Unfortunately we split up when I went to Uni but we had some great times following that, many involving Meat's music ( :wink: ).
Then some time later I saw someone on Stars In Their Eyes who worked in a garden centre, and was doing Meat. He got to the final I think, and meat sent him a signed copy of his autobiography. I asked dad to get me it for xmas, and by New Year I had read it all! I thought it was an incredible book and was intrigued by Meat's amazing life. From there I have never looked back. I was desperate to see him in concert before it was too late, and last year in Liverpool was perfect. The weather was amazing, the concert was superb and it was a fantastic day out. This time I have been lucky enough to get tickets for Newcastle a week on Monday and then MEN Arena in December.
So thats my story - on the way to Liverpool last year on the M6, with my dads car stereo playing the same BOOH tape as back in 1980 on the way to pregnancy clases, it did cross my mind how incredible it was that the unborn baby back then was now in the passenger seat listening to the same tape, but now on his way to a concert of the man himself. What a testament to the longtevity of the man!
13 Nov 2003, 23:47
Oh, missed something. As well also being 22, also getting into him through my Dad and also seeing him for first time in Liverpool last year, I also saw MeatLoaf2 first and found it brilliant!
Saw it in Whitehaven, Cumbria first then Hull.
Cheese Head
13 Nov 2003, 23:53
My story is a little embarassing. :oops: When BOH was released I was only 9 and I was a Tom -boy growing up. I was very much into baseball. I would act out the baseball part of Paradise, not aware of the sexuall meaning to. I would run around the bases and before I reached home, I would scream out STOP RIGHT THERE. I was a very stupid kid, however now when I hear Paradise I laugh and think of my innocents.
There a many more storys of Meat Loaf that I have growing up. Too many to type.
It all started when my dad took his sister's copy of Bat Out Of Hell CD before she moved far away. Well I thought it was wrong for him to do that so I took it from him. And I was curious what would make a grown man take a CD of his OWN sister for his own use. Well I heard the title track for the first time around 10:32PM and I said to myself, that's why. :lol: I have played that CD since I Was 6 (10 years ago.) Don't worry she has it back, the cd that is, not the case. couldn't find it. well i bought Bat 2, 4 years ago, and since then i'm i've been lookin for them. so ya, now i have 9 meat stuff.
Bat Out Of Hell, Dead Ringer, Bad Attitude, Back Into Hell, Welcome to the Neighborhood, Very Best Of, Vh1 Storytellers Audio, Couldn't Have Said It Better. And Bat Out Of Hell vinyl. - A taste of Paradise :D
Cheese Head
14 Nov 2003, 00:25
RSg- I know why your Dad took the CD from his sister, because I did the same thing to my sister when she moved out of our parents house to get married back in '89. My sister and I would listen to BOH all the time in her room while growing up. I was helping her to move and was carrying her box of cassettes and load and be hold BOh was on top. i told myself that there was no in hell I was going to let her take it away from me, so i stole it from her. Later on she invited me over for dinner one night and wanted to listen to BOH with me just like old times. However, she couldn't find it. I wonder why :twisted: . She blamed her husband for taking it, poor guy. I didn't the heart to tell I had it. This wnet on for a few years until Bat2 came out. By that time the BOOH cassette was very wore out, so I bought a CD of Bat 1 and 2. I finally brought down and told my sister that it was me who had her tape. Boy was she mad at me. I appolized and bought her CD's of Bat 1and 2 to make it up.
In 1999, I saw his VH1 Storytellers CD sitting on the shelf in my local record store and bought it :) Up until that point I had no idea who he was ..... but as soon as I listened to Paradise, and watched him and Patti sing it on the Storytellers program I was hooked :))
14 Nov 2003, 00:51
we were sitting by a pool on a compound in saudi arabia and one of the
american fellas was playing this great music, well i had just turned into
my teens and it was a case of, dad can you ask him, what it is i love it!
i was to shy to go over to ask so after a lot of pestering he went to
ask, and it was bat out of hell, my poor father, had the hell of a time putting up with me till i got it, and blimey i feel old reading you guys
saying about your mothers, i too gave birth to my daughters and sons
whilst listening to meat, its great .....but you lot have a way to go yet.
Woman of Steel
14 Nov 2003, 00:53
Hi, I am a huge Meat fan, have been ever since the first time I heard his voice. My parents were working, so they left me & my sister home with a babysitter, who was watching the music video channel, and Anything For Love came on!!!! :D Of course, even though I was 2, I was in loove!! My parents were in shock when they came home, but my dad ended up buying the CD and was forced to play it all the time, and then they hid it from me!!! Then I found it again, fell in love again, and became a huge fan :D . Of course, now I have taken the Cd and claimed it and I won't give it back :twisted: . After all, Dad doesn't need it as much as I do. :D
Debbi V
14 Nov 2003, 04:00
So, let's see if I can remember that far back??!! :lol: Anyway, there's a group of us at (God, I even remember her name) Donna Ciccone's house practicing for the church folk group and we had MTV on in the background. I lived in Massachustetts then. Must have been about 1976 or 1977 and Two Out of Three comes on the TV. OK, I'll say it, I was 15/16 at the time!! :oops:
I'm thinking "what is that - it's so different! Then I catch a glimpse of this adorable man (I just love big men!) and I'm totally hooked. What a doll! That baby face just floored me back then and it still does today (pardon - I'm gushing again!) If I close my eyes and put BOOH on the stereo, I can go right back to that point in time *sigh*
Been hooked ever since! Debbi V
14 Nov 2003, 10:02
okay, so i was a meat loaf fan from the cot- the only thing my parents could do to stop my crying is play i would do anything for love (but i won't do that)
I did the same thing with my daughter and now I feel old too 8O
I also saw MeatLoaf2 first and found it brilliant!
Saw it in Whitehaven, Cumbria first then Hull.[/quote]
Hi choccy bat, there are a couple of photographs of Steve Steinman in Off Topics - Meat Loaf 2, go take a look :lol:
Renegade Angel
14 Nov 2003, 12:47
I remember my sister was mad on Meat around the time of Deadringer and the rest of the family thought she was a bit odd for liking a fat sweaty guy but we all watched the video for Deadringer on TOTP and we were all hooked instantly and I remember my dad bought Bat and Deadringer on vinyl and he made a cassette for me with Bat on one side and deadringer on the other and this was the only tape I had for years, so I listened to it a lot!
Then my dad went to see Meat on the Bad Attitude tour in 1985 but he said I wasn't old enough to go as I was only about 8 or 9 at the time but for the few years after I spent my pocket money on anything to do with Meat Loaf - Vinyl, cassettes and videos and I built up quite a collection.
Then my dad bought us both tickets to see Meat on the Lost Boys tour in 1988, which if you know anything about this tour, you'll know is a very special tour as Meat played a lot of songs from Bad For Good - What a show!
Ever since then I've always been a bit of a die hard fan and have gone to see him on every tour apart from the welcome to the neighbourhood tour as I was in hospital having surgery.
I feel like Bat Out Of Hell is a soundtrack to my own life as it's always been played through good times and bad times in my life.
14 Nov 2003, 15:39
Thatīs a short story. There was, You Took The Words......
on the radio and I got lost in his voice, then I bought the CD and got lost in his music.
14 Nov 2003, 17:15
Man! I feel really old after reading some of these posts!
I was introduced to Meat via a K-Tel record compilation back in 1977 I believe. I bugged the h*ll out of my Mom to get it because it had "Hot Child in the City" by Nick Gilder on it -DON'T EVEN ASK I WAS 9 YRS OLD OK! (Talk about wasted youth)
The album also had "Two Out of Three" on it. Needless to say -both my Mom and I were hooked and never looked back!
14 Nov 2003, 18:02
I can't remember when or where i first heard Meat Loaf but my kids have been bought up on Meat Loaf. When the kids were born we bought them the record/cd that was No1 when they were born. My eldest daughter will be 10 on Tuesday so she was lucky enough to get anything for love.
We took 3 of them to the NEC on Tuesday and they loved it.
I remember seeing him on an Elvis Tribute programme when it was the 10th anniversary of his death (Elvis's!) in 1987 and one of the song's he sang was the American Trilogy.
Louise x
i was a meat loaf fan from the cot- the only thing my parents could do to stop my crying is play i would do anything for love
I suddenly felt rather old there. Then I realised AFL was released only 10 years ago. So it looks like kaz is very young, rather than me being very old. :D
okay my bad :oops: - i'm actually 17 and it was just meatloaf in general that shut me up i have been re-informed by my parents but AFL was the first one i really remember and learned all the words to- sorry! :oops:
15 Nov 2003, 00:09
I also saw MeatLoaf2 first and found it brilliant!
Saw it in Whitehaven, Cumbria first then Hull.
Hi choccy bat, there are a couple of photographs of Steve Steinman in Off Topics - Meat Loaf 2, go take a look :lol:[/quote]
Love the photos - he must have thought all his Christmas's had come at once!!
Heck with feeling old - I don't and I think I'm NEARLY as old as Himself. :lol: Anyway, I was watching TV this past May, and a car commercial came on with interesting background music. I turned to my friend and said "I like that! What IS that?" (It was a snippet of Paradise) He said, with infinite patience, "That's Meat Loaf." He loaned me the BOOH CD and I was amazed that this heartbreakingly beautiful voice had been around for so long and I didn't even know it. My only excuse is that I worked practically night and day for years and was not exactly up on pop culture (an understatement).
BTW, I couldn't tell you what car the commercial was for, proving once again that I am part of a worthless demographic :lol:
Meat's first appearance on The Old Grey Whistle Test .. singing Paradise, with the red scarf and white cowboy boots .. OGWT was a favourite of my husband .. he called me in saying "You have to see this guy" .. I saw him .. I heard him .. I was hooked .. that was 26 years ago, and I have been ever since .. and he only gets better with each passing year :)
15 Nov 2003, 02:46
i first got to like meatloaf through my mother :twisted:
who in turn had liked him since the meatloaf and stoney album 1971 and i was just about to be born :twisted: (oh dear showing my age)
and i could always remember her play meatloaf of for me a very,very long time
15 Nov 2003, 12:22
my mom was allways playing him when i was little then i liked it as well.
i just loved the album with the bike on it.
now i have my own cds of him and i saw him in concert last year and
if he gets well enough i will see him this year as well he is far better
than any of the modern groups.
Cpl Mickey
15 Nov 2003, 19:41
I've always loved BOOH but it wasn't until about 15yrs ago that i became a fan of Meat Loaf and in the last 8yrs i have tried to collect as many vinyl's as i can lay my hands on. Since i first saw in live i have been inlove with the man behind the songs, his songs really do help when you are unhappy, lonely or when you just need a pick me up.
16 Nov 2003, 01:48
Last March I watched his biography with W Earl Jones. I know some people critisise the film, but for me it was pure magic!
At the age of 55 I discovered Meat Loaf! :D :D :D Where had I been for the last 25 years?
Luckily, he was at Leeds and Liverpool a few months later. I went to both concerts, and bought everything I could lay my hands on on CD and Video!
Meat made me a teenager again. My son Brian (33) became a fan, and my Grandson Benjamin (3 at the time) had a twelve-month love affair with the Video's (his favourite "Bad Attitude") before switching to "Winnie The Pooh" and back to Meat loaf a few months ago. He knows all the words to all the songs!
AND I still love the film.
16 Nov 2003, 15:10
I first fell in love with Meat - I was ten and my family and I moved to the US from Denmark. My first concert was when I was 11 and It was Meatloaf. I then saw Meat several times after that. My dad pasted away when I was 21 and found out a few years after that we went to see him so many times because he knew someone who worked with the crew, not sure who but I know they had been friends, I believe he had left the crew a few years before my daddy pasted. I am now 30 (oh my god) and I still remember every word to songs. It's funny how things change, our lifes get very busy and yet we still fit a Meat song into our day. My last concert was Meat in Boston in Sept. I already miss him due to us only getting a 1 1/2. He was great and hope he will return. I travel so much that I will miss him again I am sure. I found this board and just felt so at home here, I can always post with no proble. Although I hope Meat is still reading from us, because if he is then I am sure he has big Meaty smile.
Most, BostonCPA
Ahhh these stories are sooo sweet *sniffs* ok so im just soppy- so sue!
17 Nov 2003, 00:10
:up: : :D I have been a fan of Meats since hte agoe 17. I was "introduced" to him through a girl I went to school with. I was at her place spending the night. We were in her room and she was getiting ready to go out She put a tape in her tape player and started playing it. I heard the music and was stunned to hear itd! Passionate powerful etc etc. My eyes fell out of my head! I asked her who it was and she told me. I spent a few months or so TTRYING to find the tape of Bat Out of hell with no luck.. finally after a long search i found it in the PX on the base overseas where I was living at the time. I tried after that too find whatever I couuld of his music or anything else. I even got the chance about a year ago to thank the girl over the phone for bringing Meat into my life he is such a blessing and a saviour to me! She seemed glad when i told her thank you even though she probably thinks i am nuts! LOL
17 Nov 2003, 13:55
I remember when i was only a 6-year-old my mom played Piece of the action. I didnīt understand a word what meat was saying but I loved his voice and the music of course. Since then Iīve been listening Meatīs song a few times a day. My friend says that iīm hooked into his music and she is right. I don`t know why, but thereīs something magical in his voice.
Fallen Angel
17 Nov 2003, 19:18
I started listening fully 2 meat when i was 12 (only15now). Dad listend to meat yrs ago then switched to iron maidenetc. Mom and dad had went out and left me with my auntie in th house. Not knowing what their "Sweet,Quiet,Darling" daughter would get up to. :twisted: . Raking around in the living room drawer i spotted a cool cover of a CD with Meat Loaf: Bat out of hell on it and down at the bottom jim steinmans name. So the cd got put in a listened to intently. I LOVED IT!!! Not untill recently did i realise that the songs have helped me and others. Also how magnificent meat is. His music is "banned" from the house... tough they cant stop me!!! Theres just something special about the songs but i dont know what except the voice of course. Cant wait till 27th! 8O
F.A :lol:
I first became a fan when my sister bought the Bat out of Hell Album in about 1981. I got married in 1983 and my husband became hooked as well, we went to our first concert in Hammersmith in 1985ish when i was pregnant with my first daughter, the kids have all been brought up on Meatloaf (they are the only cd's we have in the car) and we all went to the concert last night, sadly :( the kids didn't see Meat at his best but they are still devoted fans and wish him all the best, get better soon big guy.
Should be half way up the M3 now - so having my own concert - all cds in random order at full blast til I take pity on the neighbours.
Feeling maudlin, :( so on any website reading about Meat - no one will tell us how he is, so here I am...
I am also one of the older ones - when I was 15/16 got option of MeatLoaf 2 out of 3 (the single) for Birthday, or Dean Freidman - Lucky Stars :oops: - well it was close run thing but asked for meat.. loved the B Side.
Well a few weeks later, shopping for LPs when I saw this wonderful cover (BOOH) and just had to have it - sang it through university & just never looked back.
Hoping you are well again soon Meat.
18 Nov 2003, 20:34
I was going on holiday when i was about fourteen. I was allowed to bring a friend with me, and as you do we brought CD's along to listen to on the journey. I always knew she was a Meatloaf fan and she listened to the CD non stop. When I had exhausted all mine I asked to lend it and it was from that point on all I lsten to. I like other music but after a while i get tired of the songs. Meatloaf's music is not so, I could never tire of listening to him he is the absolute best artist I have ever come across and I am very much looking forward to my first concert this December
Kitty Kat
18 Nov 2003, 20:35
Another oldie here - I have been a fan since the 70's. My son has been brought up for the last 27 years on Meat Loaf music. His current girlfriend wasn't too happy when they came to visit and he asked me to play the video of the film Back into Hell. However after the fist 15 minutes she was jigging around on the sofa with the rest of us. She said that she had never actually listened to him before but was floored by his voice. There we go - another fan.
I have the original 1977 BOOH record and if I am ever lucky enough to get a meet and greet that record will be going with me for autographing.
19 Nov 2003, 14:23
Hey everyone! New to the board and saw this topic and decided that it would be a great place to introduce myself and say how i became a Meatloaf fan, y names Matt and im 15, i first became a meatloaf fan only about a year and a bit ago when i first saw someone acting as Meat in the film MeatLoaf: To Hell And Back on one of the SKY Digital movie channels and i was hooked straight away so i decided to download some tracks and a few i had heard when i was younger, namely I Would Do Anything For Love (But i wont do that) and i loved them, i also downloaded Bat Out Of Hell which i knew was one of his hits. Me and my family were going to Florida that year (2002-03) so i checked up on (Little Plug there lol) and there was a whole list of concerts. first i saw Jacksonville florida but then i noticed there was HARD ROCK LIVE, located in the UNIVERSAL area where there is Islands of Adveture and Universal Studios etc so when we arrived in america a few days later for JAN 2nd we booked my Meat Loaf ticket, i went to see him and he was EXCELLENT, one of the best preformers i have ever seen in my life and thats quite alot, i was also booked to see him Yesterday (18/11/03) but unfortunately he has fallen ill and thats scary too cos im also ILL lol! well hope he gets better soon and reshcedules the date. speak soon
Loafy Meats
20 Nov 2003, 00:19
Hi - I'm also new to the board, I kept coming on to read other posts and never registered for some reason!!. I flew down from Scotland to see the concert on Monday, I have tickets for Friday and next Thursday too, but at this moment I am more concerned for Meat Loaf's health and this has been the best place to get info. Where does my story start? I've been listening to Meat Loaf since I was about 7 or 8. I was looking through my Dad's LP collection and seemed to like the front cover of BOOH. I played it constantly after that and managed to learn the words (even though I had no idea of what they meant then!!) The first LP I ever bought from my own "pocket money" was Midnight at the Lost and Found and I've just went on from there (well for another 18 yrs really- oh my god is it really that long ago!?!?). I keep thinking that Meat Loaf songs just get better and better, especially when you grow up listening to him. All the new songs just seem to click into place. I've seen him live 4 times, and he's been amazing at all the concerts. There are so many songs I would still love to hear live - that's the problem when there are so many great ones to choose from....
The first time I heard I'd Do Anything For Love made me a fan.
The first time I heard I'd Do Anything For Love made me a fan.
its converted quite a few og my mates as well, so songs really can be powerful!
either that or they've finally realised meat is fantastic and his voice is to die for! (most of them being guys i'd hope they didn't think he was to die for!)
A Slice Of English
26 Nov 2003, 18:25
At the age of twelve struck up a friendship with an unlikely source in my local area and after visiting his house, I noticed he was often playing music in the background. It was BOOH2 and at the name Meat Loaf, I started to think of where I had seen it before at my home. I found the original BOOH on vinyl and played it over and over. I was officially hooked.
Since then I have made it my task to buy every Meat Loaf single ever released and every original album also. I have several compilation albums that I will buy if they have rare or new songs on them but generally, compilation cd's are a dime a dozen.
I saw Meat live in London in 1999 and I have never been so overawed in my life. I have never seen a concert that has topped that performance. I'll be seeing him again on December 22nd in Cardiff.
God Bless Meat Loaf.
Around 15 years (!!!) ago when i was about 12 my science teacher decided he was bored of all that teaching stuff and instead got out his guitar and began to play bat out of hell. I was hooked from that moment, went out and bought the album on vinyl and have never looked back!
26 Nov 2003, 21:51
It was AFL that got to me when I was 6 when it first came out. I just thought "Oh, I like this song!" but this was different, cos it was the only song I liekd at the time that I actually knew the title and artist of! :D My Mam got Bat 2 for Christmas, and I remember seeing the tape of it on top of the video cabinet beside the stereo and thinking "Oh, that looks interesting!" then I thought no more about it until about 4, 5 years later on the way to our caravan in the Lakes. Mam had suddenly decided it was about time to listen to the tape again, so one weekend on the way over we put it on. What can I say? I'd been wanting something else from the music I'd been listening to, cos it was all that pop crap coming out. I suddenly thought "This music isn't that good! I want something better!" I had no idea where to start, but Mam helped me there :) I loved it at once, whenever we put it on in the car, I'd never tell when it finished, so by the end of the weekend we'd have listened to it about ten times!!!!!! What I'd found was way beyond what I would have settled for. I may have settled for Bon Jovi, don#t get me wrong, I like a few of his songs! :D But this was just unbelievable!!! I absolutely love all Jim's songs now, apart from boyzon's NMW (can't believe I used to like tham :angry: :roll: :zzz: !) and nikki french's TEOTH. After I've listened to one of Jim's I can't hear anything else, it just doesn't work for me :lol: Love Meat, love Jim....Dad said to me the other day "you might go off Meat Loaf soon" I said to him "Yeah, and you might go off cycling!" (His life long passion) :wink: :D
26 Nov 2003, 22:05
Hi i became a fan when i was about 13 or 14 and i saw meat in the rocky horror picture show and that was it a mate lent me booh and i have been stuck ever since. I was a member of the fan club and was front row when the fan club members where all invited down to London to see the man himself at the Brixton Acadamy what i night i got a bandana of him and i still have it and it goes every where with me.
I have had problems in my life and he has aleways been there in his music to help me through.
:P Gailx
27 Nov 2003, 00:37
I had never heard about Meat before Bat II (unfortunately!).
My sister told me about this really really really long video playing on MTV.
And then once I heard HIS voice, it was too late... :oops:
The next day I bought all of his albums (I mean really ALL!).
I was barely seventeen...
27 Nov 2003, 20:30
I am a 22 year old student and got into Meat through anything for love. Saw the video on tv and fell in love with Meat and his music from then, that much that when I moved into my own place I took my stepdads copy of Bat Out Of Hell 2 with me and still have it, to do this day I dont think he knows I have got it.
28 Nov 2003, 00:33
Around 15 years (!!!) ago when i was about 12 my science teacher decided he was bored of all that teaching stuff and instead got out his guitar and began to play bat out of hell. I was hooked from that moment, went out and bought the album on vinyl and have never looked back!
It's a funny story.
In 1994, my english teacher (who was our philosophy teacher as well!) used to show us song lyrics in order to learn english and he knew I was addicted to Meat's music, he once asked me to bring the lyrics from one song as well as the video.
I asked him which one he would like me to bring.
He said: "Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are".
I said: goooooooood choice! 8)
The Archangel Gabriel
28 Nov 2003, 22:18
It was the Heavenly music that did it.
I've heard Rock'n'Roll Dreams Come Through on the radio in January 1994 here in Moscow. And that was enough :)
Not even gonna tell it again. Told it over and over.... now this is topic number 1001 about this.
Use search and if you lucky you maybe find the older topics about this subject. :twisted:
The Butcher.
Just joined but thought I would add my bit here.
I first heard Meat Loaf because a friends older brother was into BAT1, he the bought Bad Attitude and my friend played it to me. I was hooked. My parents would not let me go to the Bad Attitude tour but I have not missed one since.
Been lucky enough to find a wife that likes meat as well, as does her best friend who fell in love when she met him after a tv filming a few years ago, so I still get to go to the concerts.
Look out for me on the rescheduled 18th Nov gig, I'll be the one 20 rows from the front with 2 drunken women. Well they were drunk when we saw Meat at Hyde Park last year as they had 2 hours in the pub before I could get there.
29 Nov 2003, 23:45
lessee. I was just 17 (and barely dressed!) and had just hooked up with my best friend. His wife was on her 5-6th BOOH tape because she listened to it ALL day, EVERY day. I never paid much attention to it.
They also mentioned liking something called "Rocky Horror". One night sitting around watching TV, we saw RHPS was coming out on video. "We GOTTA get that!" he exclaimed. I found it a week or so later at Wal-Mart.
He was all Shits and Giggles putting it in. "you've NEVER seen this before?"
no, why? I asked, innocently. "You'll see," he said devilishly.
My jaw hit the floor. and stayed there.
I was hooked from then on.
(Later, a friend told me a classmate dressed as Frank for Halloween AT SCHOOL. I never did see the costume, but I DO remember seeing him walking around in a trenchcoat! And here I thought he was a plain old flasher! LOL!)
I think I have every tape/cd since then, and most movies. I even have Disney's "How to Catch a Yeti" on a tape somewhere (I moved right after I taped it and lost it). Even two copies of CHSIB (German spring press from and US summer press from Best Buy. I STILL can't get videos to play on either. ggrrr....)
I STILL can't get him to see RHPS in theatre, and hopefully, one day we will eventually. (He leaves for Iraq on Monday. :( :( :( Happy ~~~~ing Holidays to you, too, GeeDubya.)
p.s.- that was W.Earl BROWN, not Jones as Meat in VH1's "To Hell and Back"
30 Nov 2003, 04:14
I think it's really cool that so many people here learned to love Meat from their folks! That is not the case with me- when I was growing up, my Mom played a steady stream of Statler Brothers, Peter Paul and Mary and Neil Diamond- no Meat in my childhood home! :cry: Then, when I was (in fact) "barely seventeen", my first serious boyfriend (who turned out to be the devil, but thats a story for another time) introduced me to BOOH and I was totally hooked. My very favorite song was Paradise, I used to sit in class and write the lyrics all over my folders. (That could explain why I don't remember how algebra works... :lol: ) I even got the DJ at my senior prom to play Paradise, that was the coolest part of the whole night. I saw Meat in concert in 1989 in St Petersburg, Florida (the best concert, of any performer, that I have EVER seen) and on 12/27/02 in my hometown of Clearwater, Florida. I missed a few concerts during the years in between those, starting a family sort of consumed all my time. Now, however, I am back as a huge fan of ML- along with my nearly 7 year old son. I probably will never convert my country music fan husband, but it's sure fun to try!
06 Dec 2003, 18:23
I first got into Meat aged 13yrs in 1977 when BOOH came out.
My mum had just remarried :cry: and I did not get on with my step father or step brother. :twisted:
I was rebelling against the situation I found myself in. :x
I heard BOOH on the radio & had to by the record. I was into music like David Soul (very sad childhood) :roll: but once I heard Meat's voice I was hooked and have been ever since. :D :D
Now I love loud music like Meat, Bon Jovi, Whitesnake & Cher :)
Raw Recruit
31 Jan 2004, 02:47
[b][b]In 1980 went to a party with my then boyfriend at his friends house whilst his parents were on holiday!!!
We were both 17 and the rather small terrace house was packed to the rafters with long haired, leather clad bikers listening to Iron Maiden, Whitesnake, etc., whilst consuming large amounts of alcohol. Someone wanted to know what we thought of the BOOH album and put it on.
I was absolutely blown away, like nothing I'd ever heard before. I had goosebumps all over so much so that the boyfriend went out the next day and bought the album for me! Paradise was certainly found by the dashboard light that night! Whenever I hear the album even now I just have to close my eyes and I'm 17 again!
Finding out that Meat was a larger than life hunk was just icing on the cake!
03 Feb 2004, 01:54
It was 1980 and i was 13 years old at the school disco. The school had splashed out and hired a live band (God knows who?) They played BOOH and I can remember asking my mate what the song was and next day went out and bought the LP
About 6 months later i entered a competition in the teen mag "Smash Hits" and won! I won a signed pic of Meat, it still takes pride of place on my wall, even if its fading a bit. Last year my hubby bought me (off Ebay) a more up to date signed pic.
After 24 years I still remember clearly first hearing BOOH, thats how it all started for me.
Sitting quietly watching tv one night ..... Rocky Horror Picture Show, (I liked the Time Warp lol) ... next thing I heard this voice and thought what the h**l is that .... looked, listened ..... swooned and bang I was hooked.
I must admit I cried when Eddie got put in the freezer :oops:
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