View Full Version : CAN ANYONE HELP????

17 Nov 2003, 13:07
[/b]Hi there, i've just received this email from The Ticketline where I booked my tickets for tonights concert at Wembley....

Dear Customer,

You are being emailed because you have booked for Meat Loaf on 17th November at
Wembley Arena.

As you may well have heard Meat Loaf is recovering from flu which resulted in
the postponement of 2 of his concerts last week. We are awaiting confirmation
on whether tonight's concert will go ahead as scheduled.

Meat Loaf is expected to hear from his Doctor at 4.30 pm this afternoon after
which point we will email you again with a final decision.

If you wish to contact us please call us on 0870-1000-000.


Ticketline Team

the think is I rang Wembley this morning adn they said that the concert is going ahead.... now I dont want to travel all the way there to find out Meat has cancelled again.... can anyone help????


17 Nov 2003, 13:21
Hey amethyst,

we had the same problem in Oberhausen/Germany last week, after he cancelled the Berlin concert the night before.
We went there and did not know whether it goes ahead or not. It did! And he said during the show that he has fever and his doc told him not to go, but he did. And he said he will do so again.

I would go there, again. So you should.


17 Nov 2003, 13:26
Thanks Martin,

I think I will chance it.... nothing ventured nothing gained.

amethyst xx

17 Nov 2003, 13:30
Keeping my fingers crossed!
Hope and pray he will be well enough to play!



17 Nov 2003, 14:03
Funny Thing:

During 'Took The Words' in Oberhausen, he stopped and turned to the audience, saying:
Shut up everyone! Listen: I have fever, feelin' really really bad the whole day and my doc told me not to go and my girlfriend told me: Meat you gonna end up in the hospital. But I did go!
And for what?? For hearing the great German audience sing and not for that what you're doing right now! So, everybody: Either you stop whispering and SING ALONG or you shut up and let ME sing! Understood? ok, so start up...

I think he'll do the show tonight, if he's not in coma. Have fun there...


17 Nov 2003, 15:15
Great words.. :lol: .. great man...... :D
nobody can stop him..... :wink:

So have fun tonight i cross my fingers for you, that the concert is going on
We´re waiting for great pics ..... :)

AngelJ :twisted:

17 Nov 2003, 15:17
i hope he doesn't cancel
i'm keeping my fingers crossed- he'll probably go through with it after all he did both the birmingham concerts with a raging fever!

17 Nov 2003, 15:44
Hi there

A moment ago I phoned Wembley box office. They said as far as they know its going ahead tonight, I was told to ring again before I travel to make sure. Im leaving at about 4pm so will ring just before.


17 Nov 2003, 17:25
Well im just about to leave.... wish me and Meat Loaf luck ~ grinsssss.

To anyone going.... have a great one.

amethyst xx

17 Nov 2003, 17:30
Well im just about to leave.... wish me and Meat Loaf luck ~ grinsssss.

To anyone going.... have a great one.

amethyst xx

Good luck !!
Keeping very positive thoughts here .... I hope everyone enjoys the show :)) It's going to be amazing !!
