View Full Version : Thank-you Dottie
I would like to say a public THANK-YOU to Dottie and her husband Roy for looking after me on Monday night at Wembley. Their kindness and generosity was humbling. I'm sorry that I couldn't get us on the list Dottie knows what I mean!!!!!!!!
Personally I would like to see Dottie more involved in running the fan club she is always there, ready to share and the first to find the news, and afetr all she is the only one of us who has been to bed with Meat Loaf!!!!!
Cheers Dottie a real friend
20 Nov 2003, 12:15
I would like to say a public THANK-YOU to Dottie and her husband Roy for looking after me on Monday night at Wembley. Their kindness and generosity was humbling. I'm sorry that I couldn't get us on the list Dottie knows what I mean!!!!!!!!
Personally I would like to see Dottie more involved in running the fan club she is always there, ready to share and the first to find the news, and afetr all she is the only one of us who has been to bed with Meat Loaf!!!!!
Cheers Dottie a real friend
Meeting Dottie was like the 'silver lining' on this clowdy evening. I have met a lot of wonderful people on this trip (no Lost Soul, haven't forgotten about you!) but standing next to Dottie and both of us being there, was wonderful! Sorry, we had to say goodbye under these sad circumstances.
Thank you for giving me some warm memories also to November 17th, dear Dottie!
We will be back!!!
Sorry, I was too late to meet you, Rosie...I couldn't find the bar :oops:
THAT doesn't happen to me often...
Look forward to meet you next time!
20 Nov 2003, 17:11
Personally I would like to see Dottie more involved in running the fan club she is always there, ready to share and the first to find the news, and afetr all she is the only one of us who has been to bed with Meat Loaf!!!!!
I couldn't agree more with you! I would love to see this as well!
Even to those of us who have not had the pleasure of meeting Dottie in person, there is a great warmth and compassion which comes from her messages here. There is no sense of ego or looking for glory in anything she does. What comes through first and foremost is her love of Meat and also a very genuine concern and love for all of us here.
An excellent idea!! :up:
Love to all,
20 Nov 2003, 17:58
ROSIE wrote:
Personally I would like to see Dottie more involved in running the fan club she is always there, ready to share and the first to find the news, and afetr all she is the only one of us who has been to bed with Meat Loaf!!!!!
I couldn't agree more with you! I would love to see this as well!
Even to those of us who have not had the pleasure of meeting Dottie in person, there is a great warmth and compassion which comes from her messages here. There is no sense of ego or looking for glory in anything she does. What comes through first and foremost is her love of Meat and also a very genuine concern and love for all of us here.
An excellent idea!!
Well what does one say after an accolade like this?
I thank Rosie, MBrevard, MarthaMae, and Mariella for beautiful words, and for your love.
Everyone on this board accepts me as I am, warts and all (and yes the post whoring is under control) :lol: I've matured, and grown from a reticent poster who when first started looking around these boards, felt very uncomfortable initially, knowing that so many of you were much younger than myself. But I have grown superbly (If I can say that myself) to a very confident person, who feels so at home here with my adoptive family, where we can all share our love for Meat and his music.
Um turning into a bit of a 'wedding speech' best be quiet now :lol:
Thank you girls, you really have made my day.
Kisses to you all :D
original sin
20 Nov 2003, 20:20
Cheers Dottie a real friend
You took the words right out of my mouth........................
Cheers Dottie a real friend
You took the words right out of my mouth........................
thank you Sin, :D We had a wonderful time at the Meat Loaf Story, you made me laugh so much, I'll never forget it :)
Dottie is just a star - a wonderful human being and tis a pleasure to know her...
Dottie is just a star - a wonderful human being and tis a pleasure to know her...
Oh Heat, your too much :lol: No seriously you've always helped me when I've got a problem with anything techy, Heat thank you from the bottom of my heart :D - Um a Star - Um what does mean I can do now and get away with :lol:
21 Nov 2003, 03:07
Dottie is just a star - a wonderful human being and tis a pleasure to know her...
Oh Heat, your too much :lol: No seriously you've always helped me when I've got a problem with anything techy, Heat thank you from the bottom of my heart :D - Um a Star - Um what does mean I can do now and get away with :lol:
I think that you can get away with whatever you want Dottie.
You are a real sweetheart :D
I think you were very blessed by having having Dottie and Roy there w/ you. That must have been a tough night. I've had an inkling about what you must have experienced. Being that concerned about the guy on stage is no fun.
JMO, but I think Dottie is a gem. While am very happy to see all the younger folks here enjoying Meat (he's a true artist for all ages), I'm esp. happy to meet...ahem, more experienced folks here who have NOT stopped ROCKIN!
Rock on all,
and afetr all she is the only one of us who has been to bed with Meat Loaf!!!!!
Cheers Dottie a real friend
Whaa!, R U Serious? :lol: reguarding the meat loaf bed thing.
and yes, Rosie, she is a true friend. I never met her, but she's very sweet. :D
Shadow1000001, tbuck, and RSG what can I say, your words enter my heart and stay there. I am well and truly humbled by everyones love.
Rob The Badger
21 Nov 2003, 17:57
*does an extra special Badge dance in Dottie's honour*
Who loves ya, baby? :D
*does an extra special Badge dance in Dottie's honour*
Who loves ya, baby? :D
maybe a poem from you Badger :oops:
Cpl Mickey
21 Nov 2003, 18:39
:D I couldn't have put it better Dottie I am sorry did not make it to the bar Monday so didn't get to meet you in person, but the lovely emails from you show how much you care about everything and everyone. I hope i get to meet you real soon :wink:
Rob The Badger
21 Nov 2003, 18:42
A poem eh? Lemme see. . . .
If this seems incredibly tacked on. . .it's because it is.
Dull is the angel that works in Heaven
For there they are aplenty
Blesséd are the bright lights
Who bath the towns in velvet orange
Blesséd are we, who touched by those
bright lights are forever indebted to their cause
These shining beacons of hope and eternal wonder
All this and one more
that the sky would surely fall without.
A person is not a person
without a smile on their face
Or a sly faced dagger lodged in their side
A manachin devoid of feeling or experience
is as blank as the sky above London
A real human being, with a beating chest
A pounding heart and a lust for life in all its forms
These humans, these beings are example to all
Without which the sky, would surely fall.
Oh Badger, that is beautiful, I don't know how you do it.
thank you. :D :oops:
Rob The Badger
21 Nov 2003, 18:55
Oh Badger, that is beautiful, I don't know how you do it.
thank you. :D :oops:
Well. . .I try my best. :)
Well, I have to say i agree with all the above!!
Dottie is great!! (especially when it comes to scouring record fairs on behalf of annoying newsies!!!!)
Three cheers for the Dotster....
Hip Hip........
21 Nov 2003, 22:03
Well, I have to say i agree with all the above!!
Dottie is great!! (especially when it comes to scouring record fairs on behalf of annoying newsies!!!!)
Three cheers for the Dotster....
Hip Hip........
You remembered Dotster! and it was a pleasure Chris :D
My little protege - you come a long, long way on this your journey of posting. Methinks have to watch this one :!: :twisted:
23 Nov 2003, 06:29
In summary....Dottie Rocks! 8)
In admiration,
23 Nov 2003, 19:04
In summary....Dottie Rocks! 8)
In admiration,
I couldn't have said it better :lol:
The Flying Mouse
24 Nov 2003, 21:11
:twisted: Dottie's a diamond :wink: .
:twisted: Dottie's a diamond :wink: .
a 20 carat one I hope :lol:
Dottie all i can say is, :D
your simply the best. :wink:
Well, I have to say i agree with all the above!!
Dottie is great!! (especially when it comes to scouring record fairs on behalf of annoying newsies!!!!)
Three cheers for the Dotster....
Hip Hip........
You remembered Dotster! and it was a pleasure Chris :D
How could we forget that little forum virgin the dotster!!!!
How times changed!!!!!!!
You remembered Dotster! and it was a pleasure Chris :D[/quote]
How could we forget that little forum virgin the dotster!!!!
How times changed!!!!!!![/quote] :twisted: :lol:
28 Nov 2003, 02:00
Thanks for all the support Dottie,and all the kind words when i needed
them the most, you really are an angel.
Thankyou :)
Thanks to all including sherrie87, shadow 1000001, Mrs Mouse and Bigmomma, may my love surround everyone who has posted here, and may all your dreams come true(just don't wait as long as I did :lol: )
The Archangel Gabriel
28 Nov 2003, 22:05
Dottie the angelic one is special,so be good to her
Yours faithfully
In summary....Dottie Rocks! 8)
In admiration,
Indeed, i've only just joined and all i can say is yur warmth comes through all your posts!
your fantastic and caring and lots of other wonderful stuff that i can't describe
Kaz - Loving thoughts to you for your kind words :)
Archangel Gabriel - Does this mean I'm assured a place in Heaven :lol: ?
To be blessed by such a Divine Messenger is indeed a gift from God
The Archangel Gabriel
29 Nov 2003, 17:07
Archangel Gabriel - Does this mean I'm assured a place in Heaven :lol: ?
To be blessed by such a Divine Messenger is indeed a gift from God
My dear Dottie, the angelic one,with someone as kind and loving and full of goodness as you, how could it be otherwise.
Yours Faithfully
Kaz - Loving thoughts to you for your kind words :)
Archangel Gabriel - Does this mean I'm assured a place in Heaven :lol: ?
To be blessed by such a Divine Messenger is indeed a gift from God
ahh, no need you really deserve them!
Only been coming here a short while but dottie comes across as one of the warmest, most genuine people you could hope to meet. The amount of people who so obviously love and respect her on this site is just reward for her beautiful nature :D
Dottie, got a bit of a favour to ask!
I have just been trimming up for christmas and was wondering if i could borrow you for a few days!!!!
You see, i ahve got a tree but i need a beautiful angel to sit on the top of it!!! :oops: :oops:
Chris! xxxx
lol :D flattery will get you every where!
Dottie, got a bit of a favour to ask!
I have just been trimming up for christmas and was wondering if i could borrow you for a few days!!!!
You see, i ahve got a tree but i need a beautiful angel to sit on the top of it!!! :oops: :oops:
Chris! xxxx
Oh Chris, you are a chooch!!! :oops: :oops: please just make sure the tip of the tree hasn't any sharp pine needles :lol:
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