Wanted to say well done lads, you have done us proud, all the country loves you. :D
I would also like to say well done to Australia who gave England a tough game. :D
22 Nov 2003, 13:43
I've never seen a match like it, it couldn't have been closer. I'm so happy we came out on top though, we really really deserved it! :D :D :D :D
Does anyone else have a sudden urge to run aroudn the room singing Queen's "We are teh champions!!"
Well Done Lads
Wilko for Prime Minister!!!!!!!
22 Nov 2003, 16:14
wooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooo :lol:
nice one lads
And did anyone expect anything less than a win from our lads?????
Not Me, I backed them all the way. :D
Noooooooooooo never, :wink: way to go lads whhhhhooooooo. :wink:
23 Nov 2003, 00:20
I was at work today and didnt find out till after, SO WELL DONE ENGLAND :D
23 Nov 2003, 21:04
I listened to the game on a train to Sheffield as I was travelling to a football match. The whole coach were listening to my friends radio. We just came out of a tunnel to hear Sir Jonny drop one over the bar.
66 all over again. :twisted:
Do we have to listen :cry: :cry:
Can youz not talk about snooker or something..............or am I just another disgruntled Scot :wink:
66 all over again. :twisted:
Do we have to listen :cry: :cry:
Can youz not talk about snooker or something..............or am I just another disgruntled Scot :wink:
No Gerry you are not the only disgruntled scot :!: After all this is a British Meat Loaf fan club site,and should have nothing to do with english rugby.
Another disgruntled scot
24 Nov 2003, 02:40
Ok Ok sorry :cry: I dont mean to upset. Especially not people of a country I'm hoping to go and live in in the not too distant future.
Sorry again :lol:
Chrissy x
we won!
we are the champions, my friends...
well done to the australians who gave it their best and to all the teams that took part, remember children its the taking part that matters not the winning!
yeah right!
we won, we won, we won, we won........
A Slice Of English
24 Nov 2003, 22:21
Something I never understand is why the Scots refuse to back the English rugby or fottball teams when us English will gladly cheer on the Scots against whomever they're playing against (Unless its us of course).
Why is that?
Sometimes I feel its a crime to be English because the rest of the British Isles tends to dislike you simply becaue you ARE English.
Its a shame, cuz I have no dislike of them at all.
I was attacked once in Wales simply because I was English. Luckily I got through that with nothing more than a scrape, possibly due to my stiff upper lip, eh, wot?
One simple word PARANOID!!!!!!!!! :wink:
This is a game for simple souls.
Rugby.... the same as football.... it s**ks! :twisted:
A Slice Of English
27 Nov 2003, 21:18
This is a game for simple souls.
Rugby.... the same as football.... it s**ks!
You may think so but the vast majority of people in this country would disagree with you.
I'm not paranoid about being English, its plainly obvious half of the Scots despise us simply because we're English and our teams tend to be much better than theirs.
Can we help that? No, so they should grow up and stop sulking.
Thats Bull. You see we know we're crap and admit it :?
Get my drift??????
A Slice Of English
27 Nov 2003, 21:25
So because of that, you dislike us because we're not?
Or is it simply you wish to repress our success because you don't like to see us winning something for once?
C'mon English!! You see, look at your posts!!!
You English think we dislike youz and youz all play onit like big babbies :cry:
A little banter goes a long way you know :wink:
A Slice Of English
29 Nov 2003, 18:48
There's banter and then there's insults.
I find anti-English comments insulting and generally uncalled for.
No, it doesn't matter how you look, what you believe, where you from or whatever other thing..... the main point is.... .football and rugby are horrible and suck.
The Flying Mouse
29 Nov 2003, 20:08
:twisted: C'mon folks.Let's keep this friendly :wink: .
I don't know how much is banter, or how serious people are taking this, but I don't want this getting out of hand.It's only fun.I don't wanna send this to Fight Club :lol: .
Incidently, I agree with Tim.Sport is for people with no beer :mrgreen: .
Thats Bull. You see we know we're crap and admit it :?
Get my drift??????
Slice of English we do o.k considering the size of our country!
we are a proud nation, with a great history and the anti english feeling is based over centuries of opression e.g Braveheart "William Wallace " and Robert the Bruce , Nothing as petty as being jealous at England's sporting triumphs.
O flower of Scotland when will we see you likes again
Who fought and died for your wee bit hill and glen and stood against him brave Edwarde's army and send him homeword to think again .
The Flying Mouse
30 Nov 2003, 20:10
Slice of English we do o.k considering the size of our country!
we are a proud nation, with a great history and the anti english feeling is based over centuries of opression e.g Braveheart "William Wallace " and Robert the Bruce , Nothing as petty as being jealous at England's sporting triumphs.
OK, this is going too far.
This is an international fan club and negative comments about another country (any country) concerning things that happened a long time ago will not be tolerated.Some would label this as racism.
Please keep politics off this board.
It's locked.
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