View Full Version : I'm going to be ok!

Fire Ball
23 Nov 2003, 21:04
I went through a whole week of tests for my heart and lungs and they found out I have a condition called Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. Basically, it is a condition where an individual is born with an extra electrical pathway in the heart. Many, many people are born with this condition and can live their whole lives without ever knowing it is there. Mine appeared to have remained quiet until now.

The cardiologist performed an angiogram on Friday and they were successful in removing the extra pathway (a procedure called "ablation"). The prognosis is excellent as the procedure's success rate is over 95%.

I was in surgery for around 2 hours, out of the hospital and back at the hotel. Try for the next show to be the 30th, thur I will get the ok from the
cardiologist to play.


23 Nov 2003, 21:06
Brilliant hope you are well,take it easy I was there so close on Monday

Rock on

Rosie :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

23 Nov 2003, 21:09
Get well soon meat, its great to know your in safe hands.

23 Nov 2003, 21:10
Glad to know you are okay meat, rest till they know you are okay.
take care cos we care,

23 Nov 2003, 21:12
Phew! I'm so relieved Meat, thanks for letting us know!! :lol: :lol: :D

23 Nov 2003, 21:18
Great to hear you'll be fine meat.
Just rest up, take care


23 Nov 2003, 21:22
it is great to hear you are ok meat i underwant the same procdure as you a few months ago sadly i am the 5% but never mind glad you are still with us you had us all worried rest up take care and kep rocking :D :D

23 Nov 2003, 21:29
Great news Meat! Take care of yourself. :D
Love ya
Cathie xx

23 Nov 2003, 21:33
Meat, u the man. Take it easy :wink:

Put you feet up and relax for a while. 8)

23 Nov 2003, 21:35
V. glad you're OK :D
V. glad we know what's happening now :)
Take care and don't you dare go giving us any more frights! :wink:

Looks like we can't snub the NHS now!
It was NHS, wasn;t it? Or am I imagining things? I'm a bit tired right now!!![/code]

23 Nov 2003, 21:37
Glad to hear from ya Meat.

You take care now, looks after yourself.


23 Nov 2003, 21:41
Woooohooooooo, great news.

Get yourself well ~ glad to hear that you're out of hospital.

Love and strength

amethyst xx
:D :) :wink: :lol:

23 Nov 2003, 21:42
It's great to hear that you will be ok.
Take the time you need to recover.


23 Nov 2003, 21:48
Soooo pleased we all now know... hope you got my card and balloon Meat bet ya didn't but the thought was there...keep resting OR ELSE :? xx

23 Nov 2003, 21:50
So glad you are ok. Please keep looking after yourself.

Loads of love

23 Nov 2003, 21:50
I'm extremely glad to hear that you are going to be okay :D
Take care of yourself and rest up.


23 Nov 2003, 21:50
Yes Meat, :D take as much time as you need to recover, :D dont rush back on our account, your health is more important to us. :wink: glad to hear you are on the mend hun, :wink: now take it easy big guy :wink: we love ya Meat. :wink:

23 Nov 2003, 21:50
Glad to hear that you are now sorted. Take it easy and do as those nice doctors and nurses tell you to do. :) :) :) :)

Hope to catch you soon in concert.

23 Nov 2003, 21:52
Yes keep resting or you will have us to deal with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can be real scary :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: with patients that don't do as they are told


23 Nov 2003, 21:53
Great to hear that you are ok Meat. Your health comes first, I would much rather wait and see you when you are fit and well. Take it easy.
:D :D :D :D

23 Nov 2003, 21:55
Thanks for sharing this with us!
Keep taking good care of yourself!!


23 Nov 2003, 21:57
Great to hear your going to be ok meat, we was all very worried

Take care man

23 Nov 2003, 22:09
Great to hear your going to be ok meat, we was all very worried

Take care man

Indeed! Aw that's really good to hear, Meat. Glad the surgery went well. But please take your time to rest and recover; we all can be patient. Get well soon!

23 Nov 2003, 22:09
Well this is just the best news ive heard all week! And you take it easy Meat. Take as much time as you feel you need and don't rush into anything. We can all wait and will be here whenever you are ready.

Never, ever stop rocking!


PS: thanx for letting us know the situation personally. The forum was rife with speculato and rumours, as well as a whole truck load of get well wishes.

Meat - I salute you

23 Nov 2003, 22:13
Thnak fcuk !!!!

Great news, thanks for letting us know personally.


23 Nov 2003, 22:22
Hi Meat,

Its so nice to hear from you and that you are ok.

Hope you feel alright again soon.

Best wishes
Krolok !

23 Nov 2003, 22:30
Great to hear you're gonna be fine 8)

23 Nov 2003, 22:31
That's wonderful news Meat. Just take your time getting well as you know we will be waiting for. I'm sure everyone has been saying a prayer for you, so please don't rush yourself. Get well. :lol:

23 Nov 2003, 22:35
good to hear all is well .now all that is needed is a good long rest, :D :| :P :D georgette.xxxxx

The Flying Mouse
23 Nov 2003, 22:36
:twisted: Hi Meat.
Really happy to hear that your surgery was successful :D .
Thanks for stopping by to put our minds at ease.A lot of people here have been real worried :wink: .
Just take all the time you need to get better.The tour is the last thing you should be thinking of right now :wink: .
I've said it before and i'll say it again,don't even think of coming back until your 100% well.We'll all still be here when your over this.We ain't goin nowhere 8) .

23 Nov 2003, 22:39
Hi Meat,
it sounded like singing angels to me when I've read that you're out of the hospital !!!!!!!
God bless ya !!!!
With all my love, yours Judith

23 Nov 2003, 22:48
:D Glad you are ok!



23 Nov 2003, 22:50
nice to see ya meat, glad your ok! :D 8)

23 Nov 2003, 22:57
Great news Meat!
We're here all was very worried!

Get well soon!
Please keep yourself!

I love you

:lol: :lol: :lol:

23 Nov 2003, 22:57
Thank you Meat... just soooo happy to know that you are ok buddy!!
Please just you take care of yourself and yours...

Big hugs!!
Ewan :)

black dog
23 Nov 2003, 22:59
Great news. :lol:

Thanks for letting us know.


original sin
23 Nov 2003, 23:02
and breathe...............

Thank you so much for coming here and letting us all know how things are with you, now you take the time you need look after yourself and we will be here for you

23 Nov 2003, 23:05

Best news I've had this week!!!

All the best

23 Nov 2003, 23:07
:D it's all I have to say...

Take care.

23 Nov 2003, 23:07
me and my partner saw you at the pavilions in july this year.it was the first time any of us had seen you in concert and it was a once in a lifetime experince.since then you have been through so much hassle with the tour ilness etc.so good luck with the rest of the tour.

Keep Rocking
23 Nov 2003, 23:08
Hi Meat!
Did you hear that BANG?
That was the stone, that fell from my heart, when I read, that you're getting well.
The WPW-syndrom was diagnosed by me when I was at the age of 5. I had to take medicine untill I was 15. Gladly there was no need of a surgery in my case. Now -at 28 -I have no problems at all.

Hope you will soon be 100% (or even more) fine.
Don't care of the tour. For us fans the only thing that counts is your health!

Never stop rockin'


Renegade Angel
23 Nov 2003, 23:10
Great news Meat, you had a lot of people worried here you know, but it's good to know that your on the mend and thanks for putting our minds at ease.

Take it easy Meat

23 Nov 2003, 23:10
Yes, Yes, Meat's going to be ok. :) :) :) :)

Even though I knew in my heart that you would be ok I am glad to hear you say the words. :D

Meat please take the time that you need to let your body heal, those that are you true fans will be more then happy to wait till you are able to return to performing. I always say that anything worth having is worth waiting for and your performances are definelty worth waitng for.
I should now I have been a fan of yours for 25 years and counting.

Meat please take the time that your body needs to heal and get well soon.

Love & Happiness
Autumn (BadAttitude)

23 Nov 2003, 23:11
I agree with Krolok an all the others.....

Get well soon

Big hugs :wink:

AngelJ XXX

23 Nov 2003, 23:15

Really pleased to hear your news, hun. Am glad to know you is gonna be ok - take it easy though, wontya??? :P

23 Nov 2003, 23:19
HI Meat, Great news you are getting better, you take care now and get youself fully fit. :D

23 Nov 2003, 23:21
Thats great news, glad to hear from ya, see you soon.


23 Nov 2003, 23:32
:D Thats just the best news :D
So glad to hear you are on the mend, be sure to take care of yourself :wink:

Terri x

23 Nov 2003, 23:33
Meat Loaf!!!

I am so so excited to see you are back at the site, and so glad to hear you are well and in good shape!!!


All the messages of support and love helped you I'm sure, and MBrevard is one of many wonderful wonderful people at this site who have helped us to leave our thoughts in a very special way. Read Em And Weep ( must admit I have been very moved myself).

Meat Loaf, we love you so much, but don't you dare do another thing until you are 100% fit! :lol:

Congratulations Meat, keep on letting us know how you are doing.


23 Nov 2003, 23:34
Hi Meat
Excellent - so happy that you are on the mend
Keep well
Love Carol :D

24 Nov 2003, 00:05
Hi Meat !

Thank you for sharing this with all of us.
I'm just so glad you're going to be ok :)

Love ya !

24 Nov 2003, 00:14
i am SO glad that you are better meat :twisted:
you gave us such a scare on monday
but plz if you are not well enough to sing dont worrie we all love you and dont mind waiting to see you

24 Nov 2003, 00:18
great to see you back. look after yourself.

Woman of Steel
24 Nov 2003, 00:22
Dear Meat

I am so glad you are going to be okay!!! :D :D :D :D Get your rest though, your health is very important!! Rest up, and good luck with the rest of your tour. Thanks so much for the update, and welcome back. Get well soon

Juan Llanos
24 Nov 2003, 00:40
For those who almost can read the english.

- This is a good news because now you are ok, right?
- You'll never go back to have "that", right?
- You are so good that you're planned to back to the tour, right? it's amazing
- When I read Parkinson I though in something worse, but "that" is not the same, right?

What a new!!

24 Nov 2003, 00:41
Hallelujah .. get well soon darlin' .. big hug .. you're the best. May your star never, ever falter xoxo

24 Nov 2003, 00:53
Good to hear you'll be back on your feet, soon!!!

My sister had "bad wiring" in her heart, too. Unfortunately, it wasn't giving birth to her daughter when she found out, but right after she returned to work. Our then boss decided to powerhose the back kitchen area, refused my sister's offer of electrical plugs to keep them dry. First thing my sister plugged in--ZZZZZAAPP!!


She had a number of dizzy spells after, which ER dismissed. She finally worked herself into a fit while there and had minor corrective surgery to fix it.

That was about this time of year back in '92, and she's still doing fine!

ANYway, glad to hear you'll be OK, and back on your feet soon! Trust me, after Thurday, I share your pain (ok, my hernia's a bit lower, but still...).

Here's to your continued good health, Meat!
Don't ever, Ever, EVER stop rockin'!!!

Brian Wagner

24 Nov 2003, 01:00
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

How many artists would go online from hospital to talk to thier fans?



Lemon Girl
24 Nov 2003, 01:02
So pleased to hear that you are going to be ok. Take care and continue to rest up. :D

24 Nov 2003, 01:04
Wonderful news :!: Thank you meat for taking the time and trouble to let us know you are o.k :D Please wait until you are 100 % better before you even consider continueing the tour.

Take care of yourself


24 Nov 2003, 01:08
Thanks for the Check Up Sir. Means a lot, as a fan, and an internet son, I was really worried about ya. Keep Rockin' my friend.

rockin chick
24 Nov 2003, 01:14
Hi Meat :lol: :lol: :lol:

So glad you are OK, I was there Monday and I knew you wasn't well, (I just had that feeling) from where I was sitting. You did try your best to please us. Now get 100% better before you perform again, because we will all be there to see ya.


24 Nov 2003, 01:29
Wow! What a day to be away from the forum!!

Meat, what scary and yet wonderful news all at the same time!!! I'm SO sorry that you had to go through that procedure!! But OH SO GLAD that you are now through it and all went well, that you're back at the hotel and resting!!!

And even better news for all the folks here who have been so anxious about you and wishing you'd get well so they could see you again.

God willing that all happen starting the 30th. But please take it easy and take good care during this recovery time. You, like many of us, are not the most patient person in the world. And recuperation takes patience and a lot of rest!!!

Thank you for coming here with the news. It's such a relief to hear from you!!

Much love to you and yours,

Raw Recruit
24 Nov 2003, 01:44
Really glad you are getting back to your old self :D

It's been the longest week of my life since Monday night at Wembley
PLEASE take care and get better before continuing the tour

Lots of Love


(the tearful one in block 13 :cry: !)

24 Nov 2003, 01:54
Thanks for letting us know Meat, it's appriciated.
Have a wonderful rest over the next few days and do not 'rush' back into the concerts again, rest and be ready for them! Though i'm sure you'll do just that! :D

See you soon! I'm looking forward to dancing, boogieing and waving my hands in a energetic show of excitement to your music soon!

Meat, I salute you!

24 Nov 2003, 02:45



24 Nov 2003, 02:51
All the best. Hope you get well soon.
Take Care
Chrissy x

24 Nov 2003, 03:09
To Meat Loaf, who made me a Teenager again at the age of 55 when I discovered your music last year! :D

Now I know how you give such "electric" performances!

Seen you live TWICE last year - got front row tickets on 17th Dec and CAN'T WAIT!

Love ya, love yah, love yah! So does my Grandson Benjamin age 4. He knows the words to most of your songs, his favourite video is "Bad Attitude" but he gets a telling off if he swears!

Hugs and kisses from both of us.

Heather and Benjamin.

Debbi V
24 Nov 2003, 04:45
You sweet man -

Please don't stress me out like this again - I'm getting too old for that!! :lol:

And see, all the positive thoughts from the Web-a-thon MB organized must have worked! So extremely glad you are on the road to recovery!

Please, please take care and know that all of us want you to take it easy for as long as you need - no pushing yourself mind you. We'll be here when you are ready.

Here's to seeing you again when you get home, y'all. Louisiana loves you, Meat.

With much affection - Debbi V

24 Nov 2003, 05:48
Oh, that's such good news! You take care now, and don't rush it.
(and thanks for letting us know!!)
Love, Kathy

24 Nov 2003, 06:17

Thanks so much for letting us know what's been going on with you. Unfortunately, I know far too much about such heart defects, as my nearly 7 year old son has had one since birth and has undergone one open heart surgery with at least one more anticipated. Am I right that your abulation was likely done via catheterization? Please give yourself plenty of time to recover- it's important not to over-do after a cath. As many have said before, take all the time you need; we will be here when you are fully recovered.


24 Nov 2003, 06:38
Dear Meat,

Verry, verry good news!!

I´m so happy, that you are back from hospital.

Get well soon. God bless you.

love you



24 Nov 2003, 06:38
I can't tell you how happy I am to see that you are ok. Thank you so much for letting us all know it. Not much for me to add to everyone elses comments......so I'll just say I love you and want only the best for you, so take it easy and don't worry about the fans. You, my man is what is important. Please continue on keeping us informed so that we know that you are only getting better.
All the best to you and yours.

Love, Mary T

24 Nov 2003, 07:39
Glad to hear that everything went well. I hope your recovery is speedy and that you and your family have a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

Love and Peace

PS Since I'm new I just want to add it's really cool to be on a forum where the artist actully interacts with thier fans :D

24 Nov 2003, 09:58
Dear Meat

Thank you for letting us know how you are doing and it is so great to hear you are doing so well!!!!

Now get back to your old self before going back on stage! Remember, your health is more important!!! Especially to us!!!

Love you, please keep blessing us with your music for a long time.
And a big kiss from my 2-year-old, who is a devoted Bat out of Hell fan!!!


24 Nov 2003, 11:15
Hi Meat,

I'm so relieved to hear you're OK. It's been the longest week ever, waiting to hear how you are. I'm just off out to buy lots of copies of the new single. Good luck with it, and take it easy.

24 Nov 2003, 12:05
Oh My! What fantastic news - Meat your back with us :D

Please, please, please do not start touring again until you are absolutely fit and raring to go. We can all wait knowing in the fact that eventually when we see you live again, it will be one of the best nights of our lives.

You still gave a heart wrenching performance on Monday 17th November, despite feeling so unwell. I thank you from the bottom of my heart Meat for all of the joy your music and stage performances have given me over the past 20 years.

Please stay well, and let your heart be your guide.

I am :D

Mike Piercy
24 Nov 2003, 12:13
Meat, Meat, Meat, the best start to a week for ages. Many many thanks for letting us all know about your improving health.

The thing now is to come back when you're ready, make sure you're OK before setting foot on that stage again - we can wait, your health can't.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery
Keep rockin'

Loafy Meats
24 Nov 2003, 12:44
I know we'll be sounding like broken records, but just hearing that you're recovering is the best news. Thanks for taking the time to let us all know, it is really appreciated. I had been so worried since last Monday, but I think I might get a good nights sleep at last.

Take care of yourself.


Mike Piercy
24 Nov 2003, 13:27
Meat can now really call himself the "Wolff with the red roses".

Pat Out of Hell
24 Nov 2003, 13:27
Hello, Meat. I am new here. I have been lurking for a long time now, but this is my first post, so I am a little nervous. I am so glad to hear that you are going to be all right. I have been so scared for you.

Please take your time and get well. And please come back to the United States sometime and perform. I hope to finally get to see you live someday.

Get Well, Meat.


24 Nov 2003, 13:32
Great news

Take care Meat

24 Nov 2003, 13:46

Golden Girl
24 Nov 2003, 14:41
Glad to hear that you're recovering!!! :D Get the rest you need, Meat, your health is very important. The Rock God will rise again!!
Love ya, Big Guy

24 Nov 2003, 15:26
Great to hear that you're on the mend :D
Take it easy for a while and we all look forward to seeing you when you're back on top form
luv ya

24 Nov 2003, 15:31
:D Thanks for letting us know your on the mend.

You take the all time you need to recover.

Keep on rocking

love martha ;-)

24 Nov 2003, 15:49
Meat it's so good to finally get some news on how you are. We;ve all been worried sick. Glad you got it treated on you're on the mend. Look after yourself big guy, we love you. xxxxx

24 Nov 2003, 16:00
Wow! so glad to hear you're on the mend- its the best news ever. Take all the rest you need and don't start the tour again until you're fully recovered otherwise you'll have the fans to deal with. :D
Love and best wishes

24 Nov 2003, 17:00
I'm so pleased to hear that you are doing so well! :D Thank you for taking the time to talk to us and hopefully we'll see you back real soon...!!

Cpl Mickey
24 Nov 2003, 18:06
:D Yeah the train that was stuck in the station due to a technical fault has know been fixed and will now be leaving the station but only at half speed until it is run in then all being well pick up speed gradually. Meat take care and relax and do as the Dr's tell you OK? We Love You.
Jane my daughter says Take Care of Yourself xxxxx Hugs and Kisses :)

24 Nov 2003, 18:09
Great news to hear u are on the mend. Dont rush back, take time to recover and recuperate, we can wait patiently for the rescheduled dates. At least I'll be able to relax and enjoy my birthday on wednesday now I know youre on the mend.


24 Nov 2003, 18:29
Great news. From another who was there on Monday this is fantastic, and to echo what other have said, take your time, dont rush back.

:D :D

24 Nov 2003, 18:52
Good to hear you are on the mend meat, take it easy. :D :D :D :D

24 Nov 2003, 19:04
Phew! My heart rate can start getting back to normal now!!!

Thanks for keeping us informed Meat, we can all relax knowing you'll be OK now!!

Hope to see you at Newcastle in December!

Lucy! x

A Slice Of English
24 Nov 2003, 19:20
It'll be great to see our Man of Steel back on the circuit but please, Meat, whatever you do, look after number one!

And by the way, great new single Meat, I really hope its gets some serious airtime.

24 Nov 2003, 19:47
:D Great to hear you are feeling better Meat and thanks for letting us know personally. Take it easy hope to see you in Cardiff on 22nd December.

A Slice Of English
24 Nov 2003, 20:15
I, also, will be in Cardiff on December 22nd. What an Xmas present that will be!

24 Nov 2003, 20:36
This is my first time on this but i have been looking on the site for months now. Great news about Meat, get well soon big guy and get back to showing us what a real concert is all about.
I've seen Meat Loaf twice on this tour already and for anyone who has not seen the show there is only one word that describes it......AMAZING!!!

Can anyone help with a problem that i have. I hold tickets for the re-scheduled concert on the 21st December but I cannot go however i would like to see Meat in Manchester on the 30th November........does anyone have or know someone that has tickets for the concert on the 30th and would like to swap then for the concert on the 21st???? i have very good seats in the lower tier, block 103 and would definetely swap for similar seats.

Please e-mail bignath1982@yahoo.co.uk for more questions, CHEERS!!!

24 Nov 2003, 20:36
It's great to hear you are on the mend.

Take care of yourself xx :D

24 Nov 2003, 20:41

Its really good to hear your on the mend!! All the best and thanks so much for letting us now in the forum!!

Best Wishes,


24 Nov 2003, 21:05
I feel awful, remember my dream I posted in the "for girls only". My god! the poor man. How could I dream about him in the hospital and then it happened?? Never dream again!!
SO glad your getting better sweetie - just for that dream I will give you 4 months of free tax help!! don't like that ok how about a dvd of our performance warm-ups to the great song of Testify and Tear Me Down. Very cute seeing a bunch of Celtic dancers dancing to those great songs.

SO glad you came back and posted - your the best.

Most, BostonCPA

25 Nov 2003, 01:51
I was there on Monday night, and have been on this forum ever since, waiting to hear some news, ANY news on how you are doing. I have never been so glad to hear from anyone in my life.

I wish you all the best in the world, like so many people here, and I will re-iterate what most people have said on here, that your health is MOST important, and please DON'T come back until you are fully fit and healthy.

I remember your speech on Monday night, which included the words "Against Medical advice I had to come and play here tonight". Meat, don't EVER go against medical advice again PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, make sure you are fit and well and have the OK from your Medical staff before setting foot back on the stage. WE WILL ALL BE HERE FOR YOU WHEN YOU RETURN TO FULL HEALTH.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting how you are, and just wish, someone, somewhere over the last week would have let us all know how you were, we were all very worried

Take care and hope to see you in London on the 18th December, AS LONG AS YOU ARE WELL.........OK???

angel eyes
25 Nov 2003, 04:09

:o Best news ever!

Thanks Meat for letting us know how you are. Please take care and don't rush back.

Lots of love & hugs


25 Nov 2003, 04:31
Ha Ha Ha!

Nice one Mike!


25 Nov 2003, 05:21
Like a few others found this forum after Monday 17/11 been looking in waiting for infomation to come in.So glad your on the mend wish you all the best hope to see you soon,but none of this please
[quote]Against Medical advice I had to come and play here tonight[quote]

After 25 years i can wait a few weeks more.

BTW THANK YOU Meat for the music over all those years now take it easy get well soon.

25 Nov 2003, 11:10
Thanks Meat for letting us know how you are. :lmao: Get well soon big guy! You take the all time you need to recover. And remember: KEEP ON ROCKING! :D

Best wishes, Heidi

25 Nov 2003, 14:29
Did not know whether to place this on here or not, but someone has told me that ML is back in hospital, under going more tests. Is this true?

25 Nov 2003, 14:41
This may have been based on a news item which gave that impression, and was based on a statement put out by the Wellington hospital, but I wouldn't take it too seriously as an indication that something is wrong. Remember he said he was waiting for the doctor to give him the all clear on Thursday .. well part of that might well be a further ECG to check that all is OK .. that could well require a visit to a hospital. From an email I have had from someone close to Meat I have every reason to believe he is tucked up in his hotel suite still.

The news to run with and believe is what Meat had posted here. We are fortunate that he did, because I don't believe he's had anything as informative put out officially to the media. In the meantime they will speculate. Remember the Glasgow Evening Times saying with huge confidence that he was doing the Glasgow show, and that Mercury had made this statement? That was completely untrue .. let's wait and hear from Meat, who will probably come here and tell us the result of his discussions with the doctor on Thursday, or have someone tell us, before there is any official statement put out. That's the kind of chap he is :) That's the kind of care he has for us :))

Fallen Angel
25 Nov 2003, 18:09
YIPEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Excellent to hear from you Meat!!! :D

Mind you why wouldnt it be!!!!!
REST, REST,REST AND RECOPERATE. Thats all you can do. Your in good hands as far as i know your doin good buddy!!!!
hoping the doc will say yes for thurs 27th but......
Love ya loads,

25 Nov 2003, 18:45

Hope you're feeling better very soon. :) Hopefully see you in Manchester on 21st December .... but make sure you're 100% first!

Lots of love, hugs and get well wishes


25 Nov 2003, 21:09
i am so glad to hear that you are going to be okay meat. i am going in to the hospital for almost the same thing as u. i need a angioplast to open up a pathway and close one off. very scared but i will be listening to your music the whole time i am in the hospital. hope u get alot of rest before touring again. we all miss you

25 Nov 2003, 21:21


Renegade Angel
26 Nov 2003, 01:10
I just read the entertainment page on BBC Teleteaxt (page 501) and there was a page with the news about meat's condition - it mentioned how Meat had posted on his fan club forum (i.e here) and explained the details of Meats surgery ect, it also said that Meat hoped to resume the tour on Sunday.

This just goes to prove that this forum is the place where we can find out the infomation first hand, from the man himself, so full marks to Meat for caring enough to tell us fans before any of the press ect.

26 Nov 2003, 15:07
Great to hear you are on the mend - but you make sure you are really better before going back on stage - we can wait a while longer! Your health is what is important here.

26 Nov 2003, 18:30
Thats great to hear, we was due to see you on the 18th, but it was not to be.

Keep getting better and take it easy for a while.

from a big fan who wishes you well. :P

26 Nov 2003, 19:32
Get better soon, Meat.

Please, please take care of yourself- and get all the rest you need!

Love always,
Leah :)

Kitty Kat
26 Nov 2003, 20:27
Great news. Take care and look forward to seeing you when you are fully recovered. :D :D :D

26 Nov 2003, 21:47
Hi i am new to this forum but have been looking in from time to time.
Just wanted to say get well soon Meat and please don't go back till you are 100% better as many others have said we will wait to see you as it's worth waiting for.

26 Nov 2003, 23:21
Meat - dont you dare stay away ! ive not seen you since 98 tell your Doctor that I will hold you up on the stage and sing the difficult parts!!!
Love ya Bud (not in that way!)
Ya'll take care now ya hear?!
See you Sunday in Manchester England

All the Best
Big D ( aka Junior Meat!)

26 Nov 2003, 23:55
:D :lol: Meat - I was only ribbing mate - the main thing is you get better - sod Sunday - Im seeing you @ Wembley on the 18th December as well- please ignore me - just cant wait to see you again!!!!!!!!!!!!!


27 Nov 2003, 00:05
Get well soon, take youre time to recover.

27 Nov 2003, 00:16
Hey Meat,

I loved it when you said "I've been doing this for a long time, but as long as I can stand on a stage I will always do it"

But nobody wants to see you harm your health, aggravate a condition or collapse on stage...If the tour has to be cancelled, so be it. I am sure all true fans would happily accept that, even if we never saw you perform a live show again. I understand the problem is not that serious, but even so - listen to your doctors, listen to your wife...you don't owe us anything.

All the best,

27 Nov 2003, 00:20
Hey Meat,

I loved it when you said "I've been doing this for a long time, but as long as I can stand on a stage I will always do it"

That was from the Wembley vid'82 8) . And remember those words cause he means it. He will be on a stage until he dies. I am 100% sure about that.

27 Nov 2003, 01:22
So glad to hear you are doing better! Much love

27 Nov 2003, 01:57
Maybe you can put these health scares behind you.

Prayers and Best Wishes,


27 Nov 2003, 03:12
hi meat, been away for afew days and just signed on to be greeted by your message that you are on the mend.DO YOU KNOW HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME. Just chill out and take your time gettin back on your feet.Take care, we luv you lots

Spirit Rider
27 Nov 2003, 15:29
Hi Meat - sorry for the delayed reply but just wanted to say Thank You sooooo much for coming here and keeping us informed about whats going on with your health. I was at the concert on 17/11 and you really did have us all very worried. That was a long week last week.

I am new to here but not to your music or your gigs - I have loved them both for years now. Hope you will reschedule the 17th when you are fit and well again.

Thank God you are going to be OK and hope all goes well when you are back the docs today. I sure hope we are taking good care of you whilst you are here in the UK.

Take good care now
big hug

27 Nov 2003, 20:00
I saw the message on teletext the other day 2, hope the docs have given Meat the all clear 2day


29 Nov 2003, 01:44
Good to hear you are OK and see you on the TV news today.

I am looking forward to the rescheduled dates as we were due to see you on the 18th. It is 10 years since my wife and I started dating and our first arranged date was to see you at Wembly in 1993.