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View Full Version : Where are you all???

10 Dec 2003, 22:18
... tis lonely....

10 Dec 2003, 22:19
im here don't feel 2 lonley u'll make me cry :cry:

original sin
10 Dec 2003, 22:23
I'm here!

10 Dec 2003, 22:24
I is lonely too, :( come on guys come back we miss you. :wink:

10 Dec 2003, 22:24
wheyyyy people!! hi :D

10 Dec 2003, 22:30
I'M HERE!!!!! :D

10 Dec 2003, 22:31
YAY T's popular!"

10 Dec 2003, 22:32
wheeeey i got mates lol :lol: :P

10 Dec 2003, 22:35
awwwwwwwwww GROUP HUG!!

10 Dec 2003, 22:44

10 Dec 2003, 22:51
at the time of this message i was at school, in the lunch hall, now i am here. :) (PS isn't the PROMISED LAND live version, great? more info in the TTBH place

10 Dec 2003, 22:59
I'm Here

10 Dec 2003, 23:02
hey JC hehe :D

10 Dec 2003, 23:30
Can i just say

It's cold outside
there's no kind of atmosphere
I'm all alone
more or less

10 Dec 2003, 23:35
whey chris!! :D

10 Dec 2003, 23:38
Im here too

Debs :D

10 Dec 2003, 23:40
I'm here now, Football on tele took preference i'm afraid

10 Dec 2003, 23:52
hehe hello. so your all cumin out of hidin then.

10 Dec 2003, 23:58
I was at work :( Group Hug :D


11 Dec 2003, 00:01
*group hug* :P

11 Dec 2003, 00:05
*Group Hug* :D :D :D

11 Dec 2003, 00:12
hehehe, so u all havin a good week? :D

11 Dec 2003, 00:15
Oh yeah fantastic you try running a sports retail warehouse on the run up to xmas its a real barrel of laughs, not quite sure if i'm on my head or my arse at present!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Apart from that I am superb....how about you?

11 Dec 2003, 00:24
well im nakrd, so im gonna go to bed hehe nite nite :P

11 Dec 2003, 00:40
Home trying to kick this Flu bug... Need to be better by Friday. :oops:

Most, BostonCPA

11 Dec 2003, 03:23
When this message was posted I was taking a final in statistics and, I ended up with a B+ in the class overall, yeah me!!!!!! :D :D :D

Love & Happiness

11 Dec 2003, 04:08
When this message was posted I was taking a final in statistics and, I ended up with a B+ in the class overall, yeah me!!!!!! :D :D :D

Love & Happiness

Congratulations :D

So far my week hasn't been too bad. I went Christmas shopping yesterday :roll: Way too many people out there for my liking 8O
Work has been ok. I work in a call centre so I get paid to talk on the phone all day. Life is great :lol:

11 Dec 2003, 04:46
Bad Attitude said: When this message was posted I was taking a final in statistics and, I ended up with a B+ in the class overall, yeah me!!!!!!

Good going Bad Attitude! I took stats when I was in grad school at USF, and I got a C- but only for one very unfortunate reason- my prof died the day of the final! I didn't deserve a C by any stretch- math of any kind and I don't get along- but I think the school was struggling to determine everyones grades and I got lucky (though my prof was quite unlucky, unfortuately.) :cry:

Sherrie- math phobic!

11 Dec 2003, 06:13
Now me is here and I'm all alone, *snif*

I'm at work and it's very quiet, all my patients are asleep, and got my work finished for now, things will start to come alive in an hour orso...

So, just thought to pop my head in for a sec.


11 Dec 2003, 07:53
Bad Attitude said: When this message was posted I was taking a final in statistics and, I ended up with a B+ in the class overall, yeah me!!!!!!

Good going Bad Attitude! I took stats when I was in grad school at USF, and I got a C- but only for one very unfortunate reason- my prof died the day of the final! I didn't deserve a C by any stretch- math of any kind and I don't get along- but I think the school was struggling to determine everyones grades and I got lucky (though my prof was quite unlucky, unfortuately.) :cry:

Sherrie- math phobic!

Thanks Sherrie and Shadow.
Yeah, I have to admit that math is not one of my favoirtes either I am definetly math challenged and I had to work hard to get this B+, but now I am done with math no more math in the rest of my college career.
Wow, Sherrie your profesor died wow, I didn't have professor die but one of my professors left on leave right before the last 2 weeks of classes as she was having a nervous breakdown.
I am happy and flying on the clouds tonight, no more math for me. :D :D

Love & Happiness

11 Dec 2003, 11:38
Thought this was rather apt for this topic

Barry Manilow - One Voice

Just one voice,
Singing in the darkness,
All it takes is one voice,
Singing so they hear what's on your mind,
And when you look around you'll find,
There's more than

One Voice,
Singing in the darkness,
Joining with your One Voice,
Each and every note another octave,
Hands are joined and fears unlocked,
If only

One Voice,
Would start on it's own,
We need just One Voice facing the unknown,
And that One Voice would never be alone,
It takes that One Voice,
Would never be alone,
It takes that One Voice.

Just One Voice,
Singing in the dakrness,
All it takes is One Voice,
Shout it out and let it ring,
Just One Voice,
It takes that One Voice,
And everyone will sing!

Just remember all the time you have voice, use it, and you will truly never be alone.

p.s. This is my favourite Barry Manilow song, and I always recall Fatal Extraction/ 'The Peckham Riots' - The Trotter Family, when this was played during the finale of this episode.

11 Dec 2003, 12:22
Hello :D

The Bat is very silent at the moment...she has lost her voice, no sound comes out , just a series of squeaks!! :lol: ...appropriate for a bat i suppose.


11 Dec 2003, 15:43
Been in hospital - but back now - wouldn't let me borrow a computer to get on the forum :lol: :lol:

Hello all - hows everyone doin :??: :D

11 Dec 2003, 16:06
Been in hospital - but back now - wouldn't let me borrow a computer to get on the forum :lol: :lol:

Hello all - hows everyone doin :??: :D

why you been in hospital? (sorry being nosey) hope you are all better!
I'm in school a the mo, was in a lesson when this topic started- much rather have been on here- meant to be doing an essay! hehe, thats not going to happen any time soon!

weeks been ok, got the flu bug thing but i've got over most of it now, just a bad caugh and no voice (much to my freinds pleasure- seems they don't like me ranting on about meat!)

went to the clothes show live yesterday and brought lots of tops!

hope every1 isn't feeling too lonely


11 Dec 2003, 18:39
Kaz wrote:

why you been in hospital? (sorry being nosey) hope you are all better!
I'm in school a the mo, was in a lesson when this topic started- much rather have been on here- meant to be doing an essay! hehe, thats not going to happen any time soon!

Had to have nerve sugery in groin - had nerve damage after hysterectomy :cry: OUCH It hurt :!: :!:

On road to recovery

Get your essay done lol - you need a good education - my daughter just done her mock GCSE's - you'll realise the importance in later life - sorry to nag I'm a mum of a teenager :wink: only joking Kaz
I sneak off work to come on the forum :twisted:

11 Dec 2003, 19:24

11 Dec 2003, 19:28
hellooo how are you

11 Dec 2003, 22:25
where are u all again??? :(

Rob The Badger
11 Dec 2003, 23:24
I'm here!
*dances* <----see avatar.

12 Dec 2003, 10:43
[/quote]Had to have nerve sugery in groin - had nerve damage after hysterectomy :cry: OUCH It hurt :!: :!:

On road to recovery

Get your essay done lol - you need a good education - my daughter just done her mock GCSE's - you'll realise the importance in later life - sorry to nag I'm a mum of a teenager :wink: only joking Kaz
I sneak off work to come on the forum :twisted:[/quote]

ahh, yes the beloved gcse's the nice easy exams that really seem like so much of a doss know that i'm struggling with a-levels!
got my essay done- at 10:00pm after a thousand and one other things!
ouch, nerve surgery-painful!
lots more *hugs* to help you get better

12 Dec 2003, 12:55
hi moshachic & kas - THANKS FOR THE HUGS

Will be OK in a week or so ready for Xmas

:D :D

12 Dec 2003, 15:31
Huhuuuuuuuuu Iīm here........

Itīs so cold outside....... brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......

AngelJ :wink:

12 Dec 2003, 18:52
Itīs so cold outside....... brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..

Bloody freezin, Innit????

12 Dec 2003, 20:39
Hey T, :D our where are you all topic worked its cool, :wink: glad you are all still here we missed you all , :( loadsa hugs to all our bezzy mates on here :wink: {whoever and wherever you are} .:wink:

Fallen Angel
12 Dec 2003, 20:46
Hey guys.
How r we all??Cold up here!!

12 Dec 2003, 21:10
bloomin freezin here to brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. :(

12 Dec 2003, 22:02
tis cold here 2!! anyone think it will snow?

12 Dec 2003, 22:56
tis cold here 2!! anyone think it will snow?

I'm dreaming of a whitttteeeee christmassssss.....just like the ones i used to knowwwwwww......

12 Dec 2003, 23:10
hehe, hi heat! hope u is ok mate :D

13 Dec 2003, 00:17
tis cold here 2!! anyone think it will snow?

I'm dreaming of a whitttteeeee christmassssss.....just like the ones i used to knowwwwwww......

Whatever it is your drinking, do you want to share :twisted:


14 Dec 2003, 16:00
tis cold here 2!! anyone think it will snow?

I'm dreaming of a whitttteeeee christmassssss.....just like the ones i used to knowwwwwww......

Whatever it is your drinking, do you want to share :twisted:


Nope. :twisted:

14 Dec 2003, 16:06
Hi Heat :D how are you? hope all is well

Hi one and all :D


14 Dec 2003, 16:22
hi bren, :D hope you and yours are well, :D we are fine. :D hi all you lovely ppl. :wink:

14 Dec 2003, 16:23
Hiy Bren,'lo Carol :D

Cal - if you get Mousie to sign in, he'll find a PM from me, ok hun.

14 Dec 2003, 16:28
hi heat, :D ok mate no worries. :wink: hope you are well and the family. :wink:

14 Dec 2003, 16:33
They is great, Cal, me too. Hows you doing? all set for crimbo?

14 Dec 2003, 17:07
Havent even started yet :oops: i know im just a last minuate person, :( definatley not organized. :lmao:, will start this week :roll: [i hope] :lmao:

14 Dec 2003, 18:03
where we all are???

well, i'm here, behind the computer :lol:

14 Dec 2003, 19:15
:lol: The Bat waves to Tim

hello Tim


Rob The Badger
14 Dec 2003, 19:50
Here I am! Look at me! Lavsh your attention on me. . .oh. . .you're gone. . . :cry:

14 Dec 2003, 21:16
Come on guys, :D where are you all :( this fine evening.? :wink:

14 Dec 2003, 21:20
Here Mrs Mouse :D ,

how are you?

14 Dec 2003, 21:24
Hi Bren, :D were fine hun, :D hows you? :wink:

14 Dec 2003, 21:30
i'm fine Mrs Mouse :D very happy today :D

good to see you


14 Dec 2003, 21:36
Great to see you to Bren, :D weekend has been ok i suppose, :? just dreading work tomorrow, :( never mind ,be able to have holidays soon whoooooooooo. :wink:

14 Dec 2003, 22:04
hellooooo, one more week at college then we break up for christmas!!! hehe

Rob The Badger
14 Dec 2003, 22:16
*Makes a Snow Badger*

14 Dec 2003, 22:23
hehe..... can we have a sing song??? a duet from the mousie's hehe

14 Dec 2003, 22:26
*Makes a Snow Badger*

:D I make snow Bats, rather than snowmen :lol:


14 Dec 2003, 23:31
*Makes a Snow Badger*

:D I make snow Bats, rather than snowmen :lol:


Got to say it and to heck with the tone of the thead!!!

I just write my name!!!! :lmao:

04 Jan 2004, 13:20
all is quiet on the forums just now, :( where are you all ? :cry: guys? :wink:

04 Jan 2004, 14:03
:D I'm here Carol......howz u this fine morning?

04 Jan 2004, 14:05
Yay hi Terri, :D im fine, hows you mate? :wink:

04 Jan 2004, 14:13
we're all hiding behind the sofa......... dammit givne it away now... ok close your eyes count to a huindred again and we'll hide again :D

04 Jan 2004, 14:18
:D Hiya Mrs mouse,
I'm good thanks in a really good mood 8) and don't know why :? Had very lil sleep so should be grumpy as hell :roll: Did pay a visit to the "one for the girls" topic do you think that could have something to do with it :wink:
oh well make the most of it I'm sure it won't last :roll:
Hope you are well :D

04 Jan 2004, 14:21
thats great terri ive been on there twice , :D very nice MMMMMeeeeeaaattt :wink: glad your well today.

04 Jan 2004, 14:23
we're all hiding behind the sofa......... dammit givne it away now... ok close your eyes count to a huindred again and we'll hide again :D
dont be cheating Andy :D ,you counting, :D ready or not. :lol:

04 Jan 2004, 16:39
Just been chilling out - do not get much time to myself

been watching fight club - ummmmm :!: :!: :!: what can I say :??:

04 Jan 2004, 21:35
dum dee dum..... where are u all? :cry:

04 Jan 2004, 21:44

04 Jan 2004, 21:45
hey mrs mouse!! hehe howz u matey? :P

04 Jan 2004, 21:46
I'm here - will be til later :D

04 Jan 2004, 21:59
Hey T hows you? lol. :D hiya fallen angel hope you is well tonite mate. :wink:

04 Jan 2004, 22:01
lol im good thanks :P .

hey fallen angel :D

04 Jan 2004, 22:05
yay whoooooooo. :wink:

04 Jan 2004, 22:07
woohooo we got people!! :D

04 Jan 2004, 22:08
Great Mrs Mouse - How are you ??

Hi Testify

04 Jan 2004, 22:32
How do you get rid of the cold :(

04 Jan 2004, 22:47
Chrissybabezni wrote:

How do you get rid of the cold

Do not know want the answer to the same question. Had mine 3 weeks now. May have to go to Docs - asthmatic & affection breathing now :cry:

05 Jan 2004, 00:45
now where u all gone?? :cry: *sniff*

The Flying Mouse
05 Jan 2004, 00:50
here :mrgreen:

05 Jan 2004, 00:53
hey mousie! :D did u bring everyone else with u?? :P

howz u?

The Flying Mouse
05 Jan 2004, 01:01
:twisted: I'm fine thanks Testify :D .
How's you?

05 Jan 2004, 01:04
not bad thanks mousie! hehe... have a good day tomorrow :D

05 Jan 2004, 01:33
Is it just me or is it like REALLY quiet in here tonite?

05 Jan 2004, 01:40
it definatley isnt you Lauren, :D its been really quiet on here tonight. :wink:

05 Jan 2004, 01:48
ah ha. Just realised that tomorrow may be first day back at work/school after xmas hols for a lot of people :roll:

05 Jan 2004, 01:52
I know i gotta be up at six for work, :( just not tired yet at all . :roll:

05 Jan 2004, 01:58
I feel sorry for you carol, luckily my little girl has been allowing me to sleep in lately but its guaranteed she'll be up with the lark when i'm least prepared! :lol:

05 Jan 2004, 02:19
Thats usually the way Lauren , :D im sure they know :lol: its a conspiracy :wink:

05 Jan 2004, 02:24
Thats usually the way Lauren , :D im sure they know :lol: its a conspiracy :wink:

You've got that right :twisted:

05 Jan 2004, 02:28
Hi, shadow hows you? :D as you can see im still not tired. :roll:

05 Jan 2004, 02:31
I'm not too bad considering it's really cold here and I have to be up at 4 am for work. Otherwise it's all good :twisted:

05 Jan 2004, 02:43
I know what you mean hun, :D not even sleepy yet :( ,innsomnia think thats how you spell it :lol: its doing my head in. :wink: great to hear everything is well mate :wink:

05 Jan 2004, 02:46
I hope that you get some sleep soon. It's not pretty when you have to go to work on no sleep :wink:

05 Jan 2004, 02:53
I know hun, will go about 1.30 i think, :roll: and try hopefully to get some sleep :wink:

06 Jan 2004, 23:44
ok, so where you all hidin? :?

06 Jan 2004, 23:58
I'm here :wink:

07 Jan 2004, 00:00
whey we got one :P :D

07 Jan 2004, 00:02
We're doing good :lol:

07 Jan 2004, 00:05
yup :lol:

come on wheres the rest of u?

07 Jan 2004, 00:07
Me's here!!!

07 Jan 2004, 00:08
woooo we got 2!! :lol: :P

07 Jan 2004, 00:10
we're really flying now :lol:

07 Jan 2004, 00:12
come on keep it cummin :P :lol:

07 Jan 2004, 00:57
i'm here - having a drink

had a crap day :cry:

08 Jan 2004, 23:52
Where are you all? :( boo hoo :cry:

08 Jan 2004, 23:59
In the chatroom having fun :D

08 Jan 2004, 23:59
im here!!! :D

09 Jan 2004, 00:23
Hey everyone :D

09 Jan 2004, 01:36
Hiya all. :wink:

native texan
09 Jan 2004, 02:55
hi y'all! How's everyone doing? :)

09 Jan 2004, 14:46
Hi all. Greetings from Finland. Hereīs cold and a lots of snow. :D

09 Jan 2004, 21:35
Wish we could have my Sssh! topic back :( pretty please :!: Looks like there is a demand for it.

Started Wednesday March 19th 2003 at 3.36pm

Cann't some brave person lobby R.? :lol:

09 Jan 2004, 22:46
i miss that thread :P

soooo where are u all? :D

09 Jan 2004, 22:49
what was that topic then dottie ?

09 Jan 2004, 23:02
soooo where are u all? :D

...round the bend...

...a little further...

...just about there...

10 Jan 2004, 00:43
evening everybody,its rather cold here :( ,its going icy here :cry: ,can anyone tell me what newspaper is giving a free dvd of cabaret away tomorrow(i only seen the advert on the tv briefly while passing the tv in my work,didnt see it all) :D :D

10 Jan 2004, 01:30
hello again :lol: answering my own question must be a sign of old age :? just seen the advert its in the scottish daily mirror night anybody who is still there :lol: :lol: :lol:

10 Jan 2004, 02:15
what was that topic then dottie ?

Hi there FallenAngel ...Once upon a time I started a topic called Sssh!

I came onto the forum and it was Oh so quiet :zzz: So the topic became a meeting place for those lost souls without any companions to post with :lol:

10 Jan 2004, 02:41
Where are you? First time in ages I get the computer at night to myself, and there's no- one around :cry:

10 Jan 2004, 11:51
It's saturday morning and I'm in the office. I'm sure I spend more time here than I do at home! :(

native texan
10 Jan 2004, 16:20
how awful :(
Hope you're able to get finished soon and enjoy your weekend

10 Jan 2004, 18:15
Wish we could have my Sssh! topic back :( pretty please :!: Looks like there is a demand for it.

Started Wednesday March 19th 2003 at 3.36pm

Cann't some brave person lobby R.? :lol:

Agree Dottie,
in several of my posts recently on postwhores i said the same thing......one of my favourite topics to post on it was, we used to have nice discussions on that topic..........perhaps we should smile nicely at Mousie :lol:


10 Jan 2004, 18:26
i'm all alone :(
finally get some time to myself to be here


11 Jan 2004, 06:30
Dottie said: Hi there FallenAngel ...Once upon a time I started a topic called Sssh!
I came onto the forum and it was Oh so quiet So the topic became a meeting place for those lost souls without any companions to post with

Yeah, that's the topic I need- I often arrive here about 2AM UK time, but it's only 9PM here in the US. Quite often, there is nary a soul around, chat is always empty.....I was hoping to chat with someone tonight, but no luck. Someday, I'll meet up with a UK insomniac in chat! 8)


11 Jan 2004, 22:42
very quiet here on off topic tonight :roll:
The Bat is doing a solo flight,
no friends to chat to
no one in sight

...so The Bat flies off in to the night............


11 Jan 2004, 22:44
im here! :D

13 Jan 2004, 23:21
Thinking about going to the pub :D

13 Jan 2004, 23:26
hello everybody im here for a short while :D

black dog
13 Jan 2004, 23:52
Hello to you all.

I've just watched Celebrity Fit Club. Has anyone else been watching it. I do love Harvey. The way he barks out the orders.

14 Jan 2004, 02:40
Where am I?

Right now I'm on cloud 9, and soaring, a great show, and then to get home to more good news. Can today get any better? I doubt it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

15 Jan 2004, 13:31
nanoo nano mork calling orson is anybody outhere????

The Flying Mouse
15 Jan 2004, 13:37
:twisted: I'm not out there, but i'm in here :mrgreen:

15 Jan 2004, 17:29
sit in my livingroom hear MTV.... 8O
and watch the snow falling...... :twisted:

AngelJ :wink:

Ageing Bat
15 Jan 2004, 17:33
Supposedly working! :twisted:

Thank you whoever it was that invented the minimise button - you're a star!

15 Jan 2004, 17:40
I'm here

I think!!! 8O I not really know!!!

15 Jan 2004, 23:08
hello every one :D where are you all? :(

15 Jan 2004, 23:27
From Gerry Mouse to Carol Mouse.

I'm in the warmest place on earth. Sunny skies and palm trees. :?

........and bagpipe's! :roll:

I'm such a liar :wink:

15 Jan 2004, 23:29
hello im here now :D :lol:

15 Jan 2004, 23:38
im here!! :D :D

15 Jan 2004, 23:59
Hi Gerry, :D hope you are well tonite. :wink: what u been up to tonite? :D
Hey T :D

16 Jan 2004, 00:02
hello - anyone out there ???

16 Jan 2004, 00:03
yup im here :D

16 Jan 2004, 00:15
all revved up & nowhere to go


16 Jan 2004, 00:18
I'm here adn very bored

If I don't find something to do I may have to go on the Oragne Smart site and post something inflammatory

(for us Funkysmarters, that is the equivalent of someone from here going on Steinman site and letting hell break loose!!)