View Full Version : Saddam Captured - Your Thoughts...
It took them long enough but at least they have him now. Hope that justice will prevail.
It has taken a bloody long time, :roll: but at least he has been captured, :D now let justice be done. :wink:
Rob The Badger
14 Dec 2003, 21:51
Still don't like this one bit. This whole War On Terror thing spells bad news.
evil nickname
14 Dec 2003, 22:06
What bothers me the most is that now the US make it seem that getting rid of Hussain was the prime reason for the Second Gulf War. Whatever happened to all those weapons of mass-destruction that should be lying somewhere in the desert? Haven't heard anything about that (the real reason for the whole thing) for a while....
Rob The Badger
14 Dec 2003, 22:13
What bothers me the most is that now the US make it seem that getting rid of Hussain was the prime reason for the Second Gulf War. Whatever happened to all those weapons of mass-destruction that should be lying somewhere in the desert? Haven't heard anything about that (the real reason for the whole thing) for a while....
Yes, shame on the Iraqi's for stockpiling mysterious weapons of mass destraction which we can't seem to find. . .
And what about the nukes lying dormant in the U.S.A. . .hypocricy of the highest order. . .oh wait, I forgot, George Bush is a responsible democratic leader. Not.
White of High
14 Dec 2003, 22:32
I am happy that they have got Hussein but I am not happy that the Americans are in Iraq. Why??? Iraq is a legitim country and not a colony. What a hell is USA doing there? Let the arabians living!
They want democracy there! Are they foolish??? Democracy in Iraq where was a cruel dictature in the last years? It's a stupid idea. I think USA does not understand the politic. They know only the politic of economy. The want wew markets there. But Iraq is as same as islam. You can't do Anglo-Saxon world in the arabian countries. Cause it's impossible. Leave Iraq!!!!!!!!!!
Rob The Badger
14 Dec 2003, 22:52
Leave Iraq!!!!!!!!!!
Here Here!
My take on it is this - and i know it's probably gonna cause an uproar, but here goes...
I think we were right to go to war with Iraq. Saying 'WE' i mean, the UK, America and our allies. Even if we do not find any weapons of mass destruction, the miniute that one mass grave was found justified the whole war.
Let's not forget here that Saddam Hussein was a brutal, evil dictator who tortured and murdered many hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
A few years ago i found myself in the position that i was able to pay my respects at thhe site of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. The mass graves there made my heart ache for all the innocents. I was fortunate enough to be able to sign the book of rememberance, and the general concensous of the book was that NOTHING like that should ever be allowed to happen EVER again. But it was. Iraq, Bosnia, Somalia are just a few examples.
Does it really matter that we may never find WOMD? Isn't the fact that we have stopped this brutal regime from continuing justification enough?
IMHO it is.
15 Dec 2003, 00:01
My take on it is this - and i know it's probably gonna cause an uproar, but here goes...
I think we were right to go to war with Iraq. Saying 'WE' i mean, the UK, America and our allies. Even if we do not find any weapons of mass destruction, the miniute that one mass grave was found justified the whole war.
Let's not forget here that Saddam Hussein was a brutal, evil dictator who tortured and murdered many hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
A few years ago i found myself in the position that i was able to pay my respects at thhe site of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. The mass graves there made my heart ache for all the innocents. I was fortunate enough to be able to sign the book of rememberance, and the general concensous of the book was that NOTHING like that should ever be allowed to happen EVER again. But it was. Iraq, Bosnia, Somalia are just a few examples.
Does it really matter that we may never find WOMD? Isn't the fact that we have stopped this brutal regime from continuing justification enough?
IMHO it is.
I'm with you Heat :D
Got to agree with Heat too, this man was evil and deserves everything he gets. I do feel sorry for the thousands of Iraqi's who died as a result of these wars, but at least the rest of the Iraqi people can look forward to a brighter future, without this man.
Have to say i agree with heat on this one.
It is all very well getting on our moral high horses saying the US et al. is wrong but how amny of the same people dared to criticise Saddam with, for example, the masss gassing of the kurds?
Sometimes nations have a moral obligation to take unpopular action in aid of the greater good.
15 Dec 2003, 00:38
i agree with heat to, and i don't see how they are going to get justice for
all the lost family members and well, whole familys that just disapeared.
who are they going to get to stand and say he did this or that, because
people are still afraid, and rightly so, memories are long, and the fear is a strong weapon and he used it to his advantage, with the fullest of force.
the picture of the warehouse full of unburied bodies will stay with me for a long time, also the parents and relatives searching the "jails or dungeons"
looking for loved ones, the question is not now justice will prevail, but
how do you get justice for all that atrocity?
yes their was no womd found but look what was, crimes against humanity
that probably go back, well, god only knows how long, as for the americans being in iraq, well they cant exactly just up and leave now till
the country is a bit more stable, yes it may go more stable if they leave
but it is a big if.
sorry this is such a long post.
black dog
15 Dec 2003, 01:17
It is good news that he has finally been captured. I did wonder if it would ever happen. We must all let justice take over now.
The Flying Mouse
15 Dec 2003, 01:25
:twisted: First of all, i'm glad he's been caught.He should be now tried and hung.Nice and simple 8) .
Iraq is a much more complex problem.
Many Iraqies have welcomed the allies and the downfall of Saddam's regime. but that will not last long.Sooner rather than later the military presence of the allies will be resented.There have already been conflicts between civillians and troops.
Iraq will need a lot of help restoring itself.An opresive regime does not go away over night.It's not a matter of removing one man from power.In many cases the grass roots officials are much worse than their masters.Rounding these people up to face trail (not to mention setting up the judicial system to try them) will not be easy, but haveing an army in Iraq is the wrong way to go about it.
Advisers should be left in place to establish a efficient police force of Iraqui nationals and the great majority of the army should be brought home.
It's the difference between helping a country and occupying a country.
There should be democratic elections as soon as possible.At least then the common man can see that Iraquies have a say in the counries future rather than being dictated to by foreign powers.
Once a government is set up and working, these advisers should also be pulled out.
After that it will be enough to set up diplomatic relations.
15 Dec 2003, 02:09
I'm glad Saddam has been caught. I would hate to have been living in that country under his regime. I'm sure you have all heard the stories about servants having their tongues ripped out, his sons letting dogs savage any woman who dared turn him down etc, and that is just what happened in his household, what went on in the country itself was far worse. We dont know how lucky we are. I also agree that just because the dictator is gone doesnt automatically abolish the regime, but hopefully now slowly but surely the country will return to peace of some shape or form. I heard on the radio today that Saddam will not return to Iraq. Wheres he going to go then? I do not agree with capital punishment but that does not play any part in my decision that hanging is too good for Saddam, but I dont fancy the thoughts of the taxpayer having to pay for him. Maybe they can use all the money he used to have in Iraq to pay for him to spend the rest of his damned days in jail.
Finally, a rat captured like a rat.
White of High
15 Dec 2003, 21:57
I think the UN should bring Bush, Blair and their allies to trial. Why? The have started a war without cases. There aren't biological and chemical weapons. I bliss Saddam is not on the top of Iraq but Bush, Blair and their allies are guilty too! To prison! Now!
Rob The Badger
15 Dec 2003, 23:32
My opinion can be summed up in the immortal words of Mr. Horse:
"No, Sir. I don't like it."
P.S. I love Ren & Stimpy. . .ah. . .*floats away on a high of nostalgia*
The have started a war without cases.
I'm sorry WOH but i really can't agree with you there. It seems to me like Bush, Blair and thier allies where only doing what others were scared to do. Many people thought what they did was wrong, but i fully support them. To me, the issue was not weather Saddam had Weapons Of Mass Destruction, he probably does, but that isn't really the point.
For me the point is that we no longer have an evil, barbaric pysychopathic dictator ruling Iraq. Given time, the poeple that the allies have liberated will go on to build a strong independant country that they move freely within without fear of persecution and that they can be proud of.
Personally, i think next stop should be Robert Mugabe.
Rob The Badger
15 Dec 2003, 23:43
The have started a war without cases.
For me the point is that we no longer have an evil, barbaric pysychopathic dictator ruling Iraq. .
No. We've got one ruling the U.S.A. instead. . .
The have started a war without cases.
For me the point is that we no longer have an evil, barbaric pysychopathic dictator ruling Iraq. .
No. We've got one ruling the U.S.A. instead. . .
:lmao: :lmao: But you've gotta admit - he's the lesser of the two evils...
original sin
16 Dec 2003, 00:25
The have started a war without cases.
For me the point is that we no longer have an evil, barbaric pysychopathic dictator ruling Iraq. .
No. We've got one ruling the U.S.A. instead. . .
:lmao: good point Eyeore
My only problem with what was done was the lies that formed the basis of attack - if they had cut out the WOMD crap and been honest they were doing a job that had to be done I could have accepted that.
Also (imho) to start a campaign on that scale and not make adequate provision for the restructuring and reinstatement of the countries infrastructure was in itself a negligent act.
Sadam needed to be removed and the job should have been over and done with 12 years ago.
A people in fear, oppressed by a tyrant deprived of the “freedoms” we hold dear, we owed them no less
Rob The Badger
16 Dec 2003, 00:26
The have started a war without cases.
For me the point is that we no longer have an evil, barbaric pysychopathic dictator ruling Iraq. .
No. We've got one ruling the U.S.A. instead. . .
But you've gotta admit - he's the lesser of the two evils...
evil nickname
16 Dec 2003, 00:32
I do seem to recall that the reason why this Gulf War II started was that Iraq possed an actual threat with weapons of mass-destruction that could be deployed with 45 minutes.
Most people seem to have forgotten that, and seem to think it was all about getting rid of Saddam Hussain. I don't think it's a bad thing he's captured - but now it seems to me that all that crap about W.o.M.D. was just a facade to get in, and change the regime. And I don't like that idea one bit. A regime, how terrible it might be, is still a country's internal affair. And if the people in such a country do not like that regime, they should do something about that themselves. It is not up to the US, the UK, Andorra, or whatever country to decide some other country's regime has to change. That's like France invading the US to get rid of that Bush fellow.
So to sum it up: I don't think it's a bad thing Saddam is gone, but I do think that this Second Gulf was has been fought for all the wrong reasons, as the prime objectory (the location and disarming of weapons of mass destruction) is still not met. And I don't have high hopes it will be.
And for Bush being the lesser of two evils - I say it's just by a small margin, and I sincerly hope that he won't be re-elected next year.
Rob The Badger
16 Dec 2003, 00:38
and I sincerly hope that he won't be re-elected next year.
I have a horrible feeling he will be.
16 Dec 2003, 18:24
as a proud american who has served in the military, i feel we need to get our troops out . let them fight there own war. every day one of our soldiers are getting killed why? because we are trying to help out when they should be doing it thereselfs. yes i am glad sudam is captured but what about bin ladin. how long is this war going to go on ? our soldiers should be home for christmas and not over there always watching there backs.
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