View Full Version : What Does R Look Like ??

14 Dec 2003, 22:22
Now that some of us having been posting our pictures ... who wants to see a picture of R :??:

14 Dec 2003, 22:24
I do ....otherwise i'll keep thinking he looks like Clint Eastwood :lol:


14 Dec 2003, 22:25
i do i do hehe :D

14 Dec 2003, 22:28
he he... thanks for making the poll, Vicki 8)

/me wants to see R's picture
/me demands R's picture

Plumbers HAVE to upload their picture, those are the rules :lol:

original sin
14 Dec 2003, 22:34
:mrgreen: please - pretty pretty please :wink:

Rob The Badger
14 Dec 2003, 22:35
If we see him, we might die.

14 Dec 2003, 22:36
he he... thanks for making the poll, Vicki 8)

/me wants to see R's picture
/me demands R's picture

Plumbers HAVE to upload their picture, those are the rules :lol:

You're welcome :))
Sounds like a good rule to me Guppie :lol:

14 Dec 2003, 22:37
Rosie and I thought we saw R. in the Arena Bar at Wembley, this guy looked just like Clint Eastwood, but it wasn't him Alas! :(

Please R. show yourself 8)

14 Dec 2003, 22:39

Rosie :lol:

original sin
14 Dec 2003, 22:41
Will the real R. please stand up, please stand up!

14 Dec 2003, 22:44
Please R. show yourself 8)[/quote]

Um Rosie your right, better re-phrase that:

lets see a photograph of R

14 Dec 2003, 22:51
Please R. show yourself 8)

Um Rosie your right, better re-phrase that:

lets see a photograph of R[/quote]

:lmao: :lmao:


14 Dec 2003, 22:56
Actually, I know what R. looks like because he recognized me in Amsterdam after the promo concert. 8)
But that was a long time ago and I'm 42 so my memory isn't that good anymore so I WANT TO SEE A PICTURE :lol:

14 Dec 2003, 22:59
ive only got one thing to say :D ,RVM.No.30,P16 . :wink:

14 Dec 2003, 23:03
ive only got one thing to say :D ,RVM.No.30,P16 . :wink:

Um looks very, very intelligent 8)

14 Dec 2003, 23:59
I want to see one too :D

15 Dec 2003, 00:54
it would be fun to see a pic of him as i am curious... :wink:
also it is a good thing guppie has seen him as he could try fooling us with
a pic of some one else 8)

15 Dec 2003, 00:57
ive only got one thing to say :D ,RVM.No.30,P16 . :wink:

Shoot .... misplaced that one .. can anyone help us out :??:

black dog
15 Dec 2003, 01:14
Yes please. I'd like to see a picture of R.

15 Dec 2003, 01:41
I also see him as a young Clint- the new John Cleese avatar has me all disoriented!


15 Dec 2003, 01:58
Yip I imagied him to look like Clint Eastwood, now Charlie Chaplain ( it s charlie right?)

The Flying Mouse
15 Dec 2003, 01:58
:twisted: Well, if you think of R. in terms of his past avatars, he would be a Clint Eastwood lookalike, who does silly walks, and spins webs by night and sells soap by day :lmao:
I was suprised by his picture though.He looks so quiet :lol: .Is this really the man who brought us MOO and the first ever erotic video?
I've seen his picture but i'll always think of R. as looking like :mrgreen:

15 Dec 2003, 02:29
it would be fun to see a pic of him as i am curious... :wink:
also it is a good thing guppie has seen him as he could try fooling us with
a pic of some one else 8)
Yep, I'll know a fake R-picture when I see one :lmao:

15 Dec 2003, 02:34
:twisted: Well, if you think of R. in terms of his past avatars, he would be a Clint Eastwood lookalike, who does silly walks, and spins webs by night and sells soap by day :lmao:
I was suprised by his picture though.He looks so quiet :lol: .Is this really the man who brought us MOO and the first ever erotic video?
I've seen his picture but i'll always think of R. as looking like :mrgreen:
Actually, when I shook hands with him: That was R. allright. No surprises. It's all about reading posts and getting to know the man/woman behind a mail/post... :D

15 Dec 2003, 10:22
yes itīs time.... I want see a picture of R.

come on R.
give us a pic..... of you

Komm sei doch nicht so, wir haben doch auch
Bilder reingestellt.... schaust bestimmt ganz
super aus.... :wink:

AngelJ :devil:

15 Dec 2003, 15:50
I said "Who Cares" only because I Wanna picture R. As Clint Easterwood, :lol: . Not in mean way, but if he posts his pic, i won't be dissapointed.

15 Dec 2003, 21:54
You did it Vicki, we finally have a picture of R. :D
I would of never pictured him looking like that, I figured more Clint :wink:
Great pic R. :D

15 Dec 2003, 22:32
YESSSSS! He he he.... finally a Picture of R.
I can confirm R.'s the guy on the left :lol:

Thanks R. for being such a good sport and putting your picture in the picture-topic 8)

Rob The Badger
15 Dec 2003, 22:36
We have been shown a picute of God! (And that little fella with the big voice too). . .MY VISION! ARGH! :D

15 Dec 2003, 22:40
At last, a face to go with the posts!!!

15 Dec 2003, 23:22
He is that young :!: bigmomma is well shocked, from his posts i allways
thought he was quite a bit older, nice pic though.

Rob The Badger
15 Dec 2003, 23:56
He is that young :!: bigmomma is well shocked, from his posts i allways
thought he was quite a bit older, nice pic though.

Badger likes speaking in third person too, bigmomma.

16 Dec 2003, 00:10
mmm, maybe it is something that happens after we have been here for a while :??: :nuts: :wink:

Rob The Badger
16 Dec 2003, 00:24
Probably. . .

16 Dec 2003, 00:33
He is that young :!: bigmomma is well shocked, from his posts i allways
thought he was quite a bit older, nice pic though.

Yes .... I agree ... I thought he was older too :)

Rob The Badger
16 Dec 2003, 00:45
I knew all along. . .*stalks*

16 Dec 2003, 01:08
Erm...where is the pic?

16 Dec 2003, 01:12
in the pic section i think R was the last to post.

16 Dec 2003, 01:16
Ughh how stupid am I? Thanks Big :)

16 Dec 2003, 01:24
no problem, just dont look in chat :oops: