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23 Dec 2003, 14:46
Say yes, Meat! Make my BATMAN experience much better..... you m'st play JOKER!!!

23 Dec 2003, 20:42
That would be something to see........NOT, hehe.

Meat Loaf in Green Body Suit tights. (I know the ladies would like to see that though. :lol: It would be similiar to what he'd look like if he played Peter Pan. I ain't making fun of, and therefore I take that comment back, lol but Meat Loaf could definetly do the joker.

My favourite comedian Jim Carrey did the Joker, why can't my favourite actor\singer?

Rob The Badger
23 Dec 2003, 21:16
My favourite comedian Jim Carrey did the Joker, why can't my favourite actor\singer?

I thought Carrey played The Riddler?

Debbi V
24 Dec 2003, 01:48
My favourite comedian Jim Carrey did the Joker, why can't my favourite actor\singer?

I thought Carrey played The Riddler?

Absolutely correct Eyeore - Jim Carey played the Riddler. Jack Nicholson played the Joker.

And while we're at it, Aaaaarnold played Mr. Freeze, Michelle Pfeiffer played Cat Woman. Hmm . . . this brings to mind some trivia . . . .

Who played the original Cat Woman on the 1960's TV series?? :??:

Deb V

24 Dec 2003, 02:04
My favourite comedian Jim Carrey did the Joker, why can't my favourite actor\singer?

I thought Carrey played The Riddler?

Absolutely correct Eyeore - Jim Carey played the Riddler. Jack Nicholson played the Joker.

And while we're at it, Aaaaarnold played Mr. Freeze, Michelle Pfeiffer played Cat Woman. Hmm . . . this brings to mind some trivia . . . .

Who played the original Cat Woman on the 1960's TV series?? :??:
Deb V

Hi, Devbi V
There were two cat woman that I remember the first was:
Catwoman 1 - Julie Newmar
# 63 - The Cat's Meow
# 64 - The Bats Kow Tow
# 67 - The Sandman Cometh
# 68 - The Catwoman Goeth

# 74 - That Darn Catwoman
# 75- Scat, Darn Catwoman

# 83 - Catwoman Goes To College
# 84 - Batman Displays His Knowledge

The second cat woman was:
Cat Woamn #2 Eartha Kitt
and she played in Played in Episodes :

# 108 - Catwoman's Dressed To Kill
# 110 - The Funny Feline Felonies
# 111 - The Jokes On Catwoman

Love & Happiness

Debbi V
24 Dec 2003, 03:51
Very good, Bad!!! Everytime I ask that question, Ertha Kitt is always forgotten!!

By the way, Lee Merriwether played Cat Woman in some of the later shows. YIKES! :oops: I'm really dating myself now!! :lol:

Here's to all having a healthy and happy holiday - Debbi V

24 Dec 2003, 03:55
Very good, Bad!!! Everytime I ask that question, Ertha Kitt is always forgotten!!

By the way, Lee Merriwether played Cat Woman in some of the later shows. YIKES! :oops: I'm really dating myself now!! :lol:

Here's to all having a healthy and happy holiday - Debbi V

I loved Ertha Kitt as Cat Woman too :D

I'll just say that I watch lots of re-runs so I won't date myself :twisted:


The Flying Mouse
24 Dec 2003, 10:25
:twisted: Well if Meat doesn't want to play the Joker he could always dig his old tux out and play the Penguin :lol:
How about Pattie as Catwoman :mrgreen:

Debbi V
24 Dec 2003, 15:29
:twisted: Well if Meat doesn't want to play the Joker he could always dig his old tux out and play the Penguin :lol:
How about Pattie as Catwoman :mrgreen:

Patti as Cat Woman? Now there's a thought!! How about Amanda as Batgirl??

BTW, I've got an awesome version of "Santa Baby" by Ertha Kitt on one of my Christmas albums - going to pop it into the CD player now!! 8)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all -
Debbi V

26 Dec 2003, 15:41
I said MEAT LOAF - not the whole freakin' Neverland Express. The only one I care about is Meat Loaf, and Jim Steinman. The others mean nothing to me (noooooo, not even Patti...)

31 Dec 2003, 01:07
am i bad, :lol: that's what i meant. jim did do the riddler.

mr. jack nickelson (something like that) did the joker.