View Full Version : Hot Water Bottle Vs. Electric Blanket

Rob The Badger
01 Jan 2004, 23:21
My First topic of the new year. C'mon peeps, which do you think is better!?

The Flying Mouse
01 Jan 2004, 23:25
:twisted: Unfortunatly I have very hot blood :( .
Even at this time of year I sleep with a fan on full blast next to the bed.
That doesn't make Mrs Mouse very happy though :? .

01 Jan 2004, 23:28
dont have either... i just snuggle in my covers :P

01 Jan 2004, 23:30
dont use blanket or bottle,i do use a hot bottle in the car on the dashboard to help defrost windows if they are frosted up.happy new year everybody. :) 8)

01 Jan 2004, 23:54
Hot water bottle
Spare blanket
One hot mama to snuggle with!!

But not necessarily int hat order!!

I have never had an electric blanket! I used to have a water bed and was always worried about using an electric blanket and waking up poached!! :lmao:

02 Jan 2004, 01:33

I have the maid prepare a bed pan filled with red hot coals and place it under the covers when she turns them down for the night.

And if it's really cold, we just throw another peasant on the fire :D

02 Jan 2004, 01:37
I love my hot water bottle :D

another peasant on the fire Andyk :twisted: :nuts:

black dog
02 Jan 2004, 01:41
It would have to be an electric blanket. Hubby likes to get in a cold bed though so I'm allowed neither.

02 Jan 2004, 02:01
well i don't like hot water bottles as i usually end up throwing them at the wall when they go cold, hubby won't let me get a electric blanket as he gets to hot.
so we have a double duvet and a single thick duvet over my side as well :? 8O

02 Jan 2004, 02:29
I have an all-night blanket but I don't like it switched on when I am in bed!

It has separate controls, my hubby David does not even have his side plugged it I heat my side to maximum, wallow in the heat when I first get in, then snuggle up to David when I get cold as he is big and very hot blooded! :D

The irony is I also have a fan blowing at my face on 2nd setting, as I am female and at a certain time of life! (All ladies my age will know exactly what I am talking about!). Must have warm toes and cool head!

Today I gave away all my lovely "Honey" jumpers with embroidered bears and penguins on as I have been unable to wear them for 2 years now!


02 Jan 2004, 05:38
Electric blanket all the way for me! When I was a teen, I used to use an electric blanket every day- even in the summer, in Florida- I love to be toasty warm! Even now, I have a waterbed with a dual control heater- hubby has his on the lowest setting and mine is on the very highest, no matter what the weather is outside. Thank goodness I live where I do, I would never survive in any kind of cold!


02 Jan 2004, 08:26
Well that all depends on who i'm with at the time...

If i'm on me lonesome, then it's gotta be me hot water bottle - i've got the kind that can go in the microwave, and it stays warm for hours.

If i'm not on me lonesome then neither as a sunggle and a kwrtch beat both lekky blankies and hot water bottles hands down....

03 Jan 2004, 01:20
Definitely electric blanket....!!! :D

Rob The Badger
03 Jan 2004, 13:31
It's neck and neck! 8O

03 Jan 2004, 14:55
hot water bottle. :wink: when that goes cold i just snuggle up to mousie. :lol:

03 Jan 2004, 17:44
meatfan wrote:

The irony is I also have a fan blowing at my face on 2nd setting, as I am female and at a certain time of life! (All ladies my age will know exactly what I am talking about!). Must have warm toes and cool head!

I know what you mean - I start with hot water bottle, but in middle of the night end up sweating, too hot & no covers :roll:

03 Jan 2004, 18:17
In Finland we donīt use any of those īcouse we have thick covers (not plankets) and we use heatings in our homes. In Finland there could be even -40 degrees but itīs almost every day itīs only a - 25 celsius. And in nights itīs cooler.

03 Jan 2004, 21:53
I tend to have the heating on low all night and I have a big double duve that i can roll up in!!!

The only problem with that is when you start falling out of bed, adn you cannot get a n arm free to stop yourself in time!