View Full Version : Having A Moan....

02 Jan 2004, 20:39
Hiya Guys and Guyeses..

Am feeling rather sorry for myself at the moment. Life just isn't going my way. Had some bad news just before Christmas and it was all downhill from there. Haven't really been feeling well for a while so took myself off to the doctors earlier, only for him to tell me i have got shingles. He gave me some medication and told me to rest as much as possible and to have no stress. YEAH RIGHT!!!!! What planet does this fella live on??? I have 2 demanding one year olds, a hubby about as useful as a chocolate teapot and i just haven't got time to be ill just now. I feel so crap and all i wanna do is sleep but i can't. Life hasta go on. I hafta be the mother and the wife. i feel like i have no time to be me - i've just completely lost my identity. And now im just jabbering so i'll go.

Thanks for letting me rant, folks. Love ya all....

02 Jan 2004, 20:44
Oh no! Sorry to hear that! Hope things improve sooner rather than later.

And remember even a chocolate teapot can be melted down and made into a 500g bar of dairy milk - so give him a prod from me!!

02 Jan 2004, 20:48
poor heat :evil: :evil:
sorry to hear about your problems :cry: :cry:
but if you can join in chat and we will all cheer you up and forget your worries and make you laugh again even if it is for a short while :twisted:

Rob The Badger
02 Jan 2004, 21:19
It could be worse, your hair could be on fire.

02 Jan 2004, 21:31
Heat - sorry to hear you are not well :cry:

You do need to rest - get hubby to do his bit - he has to with 2 young ones.
I had a really rough time of it 10 years ago with my health (needed emergency hysterectomy) when my daughter was a toddler, my problems have only just started to get better. My husband was holding down a full time job and had to look after a young one. He managed it. Men have to realise that they have responsibilities when the "mum" is not well. Talk to him - tell him you need time for yourself.

Before all you men start on me - I am not having a go - just pointing out facts. Sometimes us women need extra help in our hour of need.

Drac wrote:

sorry to hear about your problems
but if you can join in chat and we will all cheer you up and forget your worries and make you laugh again even if it is for a short while

get yourself on the chatroom after 9pm - we'll cheer u up

Not very good at advice - but hope it may help a little

take care

love Sharon xx

Rob The Badger
02 Jan 2004, 21:51
Before all you men start on me - I am not having a go - just pointing out facts. Sometimes us women need extra help in our hour of need.

Then tell us. . .

02 Jan 2004, 22:15
Badger wrote :

Then tell us. . .

I would ... :wink:

black dog
03 Jan 2004, 00:18
I am sorry to hear that you are not well and hope you will feel better soon.

You must try and get some help from your husband. If he could take the children out for a while so that you could have some peace and quiet I'm sure it would help you and isn't too hard for him. Do you have any family or friends that could look after the children for an hour or so to give you a break?

I hope this helps. You must be a star anyway to look after two 1 year olds. I found one was tiring I can't imagine two. Well look after yourself.

Best wishes


03 Jan 2004, 00:58
So sorry to hear this Heat, can't be easy for you at all at the moment.
feel better soon, and take care of yourself.

03 Jan 2004, 00:59
Hiya Heat, So sad to hear how down you are, life's a "crock of shit sometimes" I know. But as they would sing from Monty Python "Always look on the bright side of life", just imagine that scene that should make you smile a little. Go on you know you want to smile just a little :)

love dottiexxx

03 Jan 2004, 01:23
hey heat
sorry to hear you're feeling down. I can imagine how difficult this is with two one year olds (i have one 3 year old), but you really have to take time for yourself when you can even if its only asking hubby to watch them for 1/2 an hour while you have a soak in the bath. Or while they're asleep, ignore the housework (they won't care if the ironings not done) and read a book or have a nap yourself! But the most important thing, as dottie says, is to 'keep your chin up' there's no better medicine than the power of positive thinking.
Hope you feel better soon
Lauren xx

03 Jan 2004, 01:45
I'm sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well Heat. The doctor would have an easier time telling you not to breathe :wink: Just try to get all the rest that you can and if you ever need to vent, you know how to reach me :D


03 Jan 2004, 04:40
Hey Heat huns, :D ive been working sorry to hear about this mate, l :( Loves ya huns :D talk to me anytime, :wink: your friends forever CAROL AND NEILXXXXXXX.

03 Jan 2004, 08:22
Hi, Heat
I am so sorry that you are feeling under the weather right know. There are so many things that I would like to say unfortunatly the words won't come right now. Please take some time for youself and let your body heal, rest is very important to get well.

I can't offer much support but as I have so much pain going on my life right know, but I can always lend and ear at least when I am helping other with there problems it gives me less time to think aobut my own problems. Any time you want to vent please pm me and I be glad to listen.

I hope that you feel better soon.

Love & Happiness

03 Jan 2004, 14:46
Heat hun, so sorry to hear you're not well.

Try and get as much rest as you can, I know it's easier said than done when you're a mum (and I speak from experience there!)
As for that doc:
.......rest as much as possible and to have no stress. YEAH RIGHT!!!!! What planet does this fella live on???
I think he must come from the same planet as mine, cos only last week I was told this too :roll:

Take Care
Luv Terri x

03 Jan 2004, 15:19
Thank you guys all so very very much. You people are so special to me. I'm feeling a little better today, the pain is still there and im still knackered, but hubbs has taken the boys out so i can get some housework done - just having a quick 10 mins on here. Just to know that you guys and guyesses are thinking of me has really bucked me up - im sorry i was so down yesterday - i just felt so alone. Thanks go to you all - you're all stars. Love ya's. xxxxxxx

03 Jan 2004, 15:46
we all loves ya too, :D take care hunnie.xxx :wink:

03 Jan 2004, 17:00
We love you too Heat :D Just remember that you are never alone here :wink:

03 Jan 2004, 22:04
Love you my friend Heat :) and the world :) with you :)

love dottie

03 Jan 2004, 23:47

Hope that cheers you up a little. :))

04 Jan 2004, 01:47
That cheered me up R. and I wasn't even sad :lmao:

04 Jan 2004, 03:04
Same here. :lmao: :lmao:

04 Jan 2004, 11:17
Hello Heat,
hope you are feeling a little better today :D
Thinking of you

black dog
04 Jan 2004, 20:00
Great picture R.

Hope you are feeling a bit better today Heat. My thoughts are with you.


04 Jan 2004, 21:13
:lol: :lmao: :devil: - great pic R

05 Jan 2004, 02:22
I hope that you're feeling better today Heat :D

05 Jan 2004, 03:01
Hope your feeling better Heat hun. :wink:

05 Jan 2004, 12:31
Hi Heat - The sun is smiling - are you to? :)

05 Jan 2004, 17:41
Yeah, i'm not doing too bad today. Medication is kicking in, Boys are at thier grandparents and i'm getting some 'me' time. Feeling lots better. Thanks for all your love and support xxxxx

black dog
05 Jan 2004, 20:40
I am so glad to hear you are feeling lots better. It must be good to have some time for yourself. Look after yourself.


06 Jan 2004, 03:18
Sorry i missed most of you last night :( ,but been coughing every nite since friday, :( keeping myself awake and Mousie. :roll: been coughing so hard my stomach is very tender most probably burst a few blood vessels in my stomach coughing so hard, :( glad to hear your better Heat , :wink: and at last have had some you time, :wink: gonna get something of the doctor hope to cu all soon, :wink: take care of you, :D will miss you all for a couple of days , :( but stomach is very tender its making me hacked off. :( All the coughing is really getting me down. :( just thought id have a moan.<sorry guys> :oops: cu soon. :wink:

06 Jan 2004, 04:14
Sorry i missed most of you last night :( ,but been coughing every nite since friday, :( keeping myself awake and Mousie. :roll: been coughing so hard my stomach is very tender most probably burst a few blood vessels in my stomach coughing so hard, :( glad to hear your better Heat , :wink: and at last have had some you time, :wink: gonna get something of the doctor hope to cu all soon, :wink: take care of you, :D will miss you all for a couple of days , :( but stomach is very tender its making me hacked off. :( All the coughing is really getting me down. :( just thought id have a moan.<sorry guys> :oops: cu soon. :wink:

I hope that you're feeling better soon. My husband kicked me to the couch because of my coughing so I know how you feel :twisted:

Keep Rocking
06 Jan 2004, 11:26
seems that a lot of us are not feeling well at the time. I have fever now for the 4th day, not speaking of the coughing and my nose running without stopping... :(
Get well you all out there!

06 Jan 2004, 17:10

Hope this cheers you all up :lol:

06 Jan 2004, 23:55
Very cute Dottie :lol:

07 Jan 2004, 05:38
Hi Heat
Sorry to hear your not very well, i've just managed to sneak onto the computer, i've got my mum staying with me, so have a hard time getting computer time. :D

black dog
10 Jan 2004, 23:53
Hi Heat

I see you are off to Cardiff tomorrow so that should definately cheer you up if all goes to plan. I don't know if I'll get to see you but I'll be in burgundy coat, trousers and cardi and Meat t-shirt.

Have a great time.
