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Feat Loaf
04 Jan 2004, 03:01
i meet meat recently and i have to say i was let down big time. he can let you down with a look. i know hes been sick but hello it doesn't hurt to be friendly im glad i meet him but sometime the illusion is better
that is too sad... but indeed....sometimes an illusion is better.
Feat Loaf
04 Jan 2004, 03:20
hi tim, i'm new to this, i can't say meeting meat was all bad because it was an unexpected meeting, basically he wasn't supposed to be there 8O but he was. he kinda igonored me and the 2 people i was with, but to make up for it, i met the band and they were terrific, couldn't meet nicer people and i'll always remember that. so it wasn't all bad. i got his autograph and picture, it wasn't the extreme low of low, but as i said it was an unexpected meeting and i did make the most of it.
Mike Piercy
04 Jan 2004, 13:28
I think we often expect Meat to be exactly like he is on stage and television. My impression the only time I met him (99 Tour) was of a quiet, shy and thoughtful man who was waiting for us to say something first. We are somewhat older and I imagine it's easier to play the role with a younger audience. Meat is a stage persona - he can't be Meat all the time.
Also the whole show stands or falls on him really. He often meets people before concerts and has to get his head together afterwards to do the show.
His health has not been good even before the collapse and therefore some allowance has to be made for that - serious medical problems this time, he has to take care and it must have been a shock to him.
Met Kasim in 2002 and he was terrific.
if you really want to know how much he thinks about the fans look at his rescheduling of the part-completed London show - not many people would do that. He deserves real recognition for that
04 Jan 2004, 13:54
I met him. He didn't expect that I would turn up (with an album he really hates). I think he's ok.
I've met him a couple of times - always after a concert rather than before, the first thing that struck e was how short he was (bear in mind I'm 6'3" here so I'm not saying he's a dwarf!) ... on stage and in interviews he's a larger than life character... in real life (frightening place that) he's less loud, less large, he struck me as incredibly humble, but with a wicked sense of humour and a genuine streak of kindness and care for his fans.
I'd love to spend some time with him to really talk to him, perhaps a round of golf would be an interesting time?
im not as fortunate to of met him YET :( .But id love to im still hoping. :wink: cant think what id say if i met him though. :roll:
04 Jan 2004, 15:03
I have to admit that I am curious what Meat is like off-stage. I have heard he is a sports fan & has taken up golfing. For someone as well-know as Meat is, there are very few interveiws etc where he is not in his Meat persona. Maybe the closest would be the Storytellers video, he was still Meat and yet seems at ease & relaxed between the songs. I certainly don't blame him for protecting his privacy. It must be rough to be a celebrity and maintain any kind of sane life. But I would love to hear more "meeting Meat" storys from people.
Do you know that moany womon from Cork who kept bitching to the band about how they played too much guitar and didn't sing enough on the 15th?
Damn she was annoying.
04 Jan 2004, 20:36
I stood outside the Sheffield Arena in December hoping to see him before the sound check. I waited for 2 hours and was frozen!! When his car did arrive it had tinted windows so I'm not sure if I was smiling at the right spot. :oops: The car drove through the gates and he got out about 50yds away. I was the only person there but he didn't come over - perhaps next time. (I'll have to wear a sign which says "Fan - please talk to me!! " - or maybe not!!)
07 Jan 2004, 06:52
I want to tell everyone about how I met Meat Loaf, but without the animosity I had in the past. It was at the HMV Studios in Melbourne on October 7. I asked the guys on duty if I could take one of the ad-posters as a souvenir - and if I could only get a scan of it, I'd show it to you guyz.
Anywayz, me and my mum went on Oct. 7. We bought three things for him to sign: his biography, the CHSIB cd and the 1978 edition of MEAT LOAF AND STONEY. We waited, about 2 hours in the line, and after long squabbling I decided to get my STONEY AND MEAT LOAF sign. Mum would be signing the TO HELL AND BACK biography. As we entered the store, I saw him in the distance, up on a high platform, and I totally crapped myself. I was sooo scared of meeting him. He was this humungous giant, just sitting up there, hunched over and laughing with the fans. I remember him being really funny - and really down-to-earth. He's amazing with his fans. He really makes an effort sometimes. Anywayz, it was finally my turn - and I put the album out in front of him. Mum seems to think he was joking around when he said: "I'm not signing this album" but I knew he was being serious. For all you people out there, don't get him to sign your STONEY AND MEAT LOAF albums. He does NOT like it one bit - and he told me that this was the only S&ML album he had signed (or, at least the edition with the plate-of-meatloaf on the front cover). He continually told me he would not sign the album, and he looked me straight in the eye and I was petrified. All the things that went through my head - it was so weird. Eventually, he signed the back of it. When it was my mum's turn to sign, and she's been a fan for 20 years (and relished her final chance of meeting him), he totally ignored her and continued his conversation with me. He signed her bio, then looked over to me - as security were trying to drag me away (I was holding up the line) - and I kept saying: "I'm Ryan. It's Ryan from ML... MLUKAFUKA... how do the hell do you pronounce him..." --- and he's like: "Pardon, I can't hear what you're saying". I must have repeated myself a million times, and the security guards kept splitting us up. All the while, mum was trying to get his attention. She soooooo wanted to speak with him after 20 years of being a fan. It was mum who actually got me into him. It was so sad that he didn't notice her, but she just laughs it off when I bring it up (that he ignored her). Anywayz, he eventually heard what I was saying: "It's Ryan, from Mlukfc. The guy who writes all the musicals", and he says: "Oh yeah... I know you... You said you'd be coming down". And I almost flipped. I was overwhelmed, despite the circumstances, that he remembered who I was. The security-guards grinned and said: "COme on, you. YOu've had enough!" and the de-toured us out the store. We walked back in, and I tried to get his attention from the sides, but dammit, either he was deaf in one ear - or he was just so far away. I later got real upset that he wouldn't sign my album, and I told him about it. We had this really big fight - on our PMs - but we had both seriously misjudged each other. I told him that he was the most inspirational thing in my life, and he is. Nobody, absolutely nobody, beats my Meat! We're on good terms now (I think) but I had to get rid of that STONEY AND MEAT LOAF album. Nohow, I still have my biography. So, there you have it. That's how I met him
When i saw/met him backstage back in 1989 he was a quite, peaceful person. Not like the rocker on stage.
08 Jan 2004, 04:18
This topic isn't over!!!! Keep them stories rolling in...
08 Jan 2004, 04:19
R. can you make this sticky?
I've met Meat before and after shows. Off stage he comes across as quiet, a little shy, completely unassuming, kind and very gracious, and with a lovely sense of humour. He says he eschews celebrity status, and certainly doesn't act the star .. quite the reverse, patiently moving from one person to the next giving everyone some time. I found him a lovely person with a warm heart, a great sense of fun and a gentle soul :)
I have not met Meat as yet, but from the stories I have read from other people's experiences, I believe him to be a very nice and kind person, hopefully my day will come to meet him. :D
He is nice but don't make him angry, then he can be really mean.
Lyrics: DIST
I believe every person can have their off days, it is natural and were only human, and I know Meat will have his off days too, and some person or persons are going to see him when he is down, but that don't make him a nasty person. This is not a debate post, only my opinion. Until the day I meet him I will never truly know, but it is nice to believe that he is a great person and I believe it fully. And to all you lucky people who have had the chance to meet him, well, I envy you. :D
09 Jan 2004, 12:38
yeah your spot on there Jayd. Everyone can have their off days. I had an unexpected meeting with him. He didn't say anything at all. Well except hi! But he wasn't there to see me, but he did take the time to come over, so that was cool. But I was keeping my mouth shut this time 8O he looks so different off stage though.
Keep believing Jayd2 :) I've never heard anything that would make me feel that your faith was misplaced. I've seen Meat pushed to the point by someone who wouldn't take No for an answer where many people would have lost their temper .. he didn't .. just said "You don't understand" and moved on to the next person. Later he was as gracious as ever with the original person.
As to the lyrics from DIST Bart .. that's what they are .. lyrics .. not a psychological profile of ML Aday :) I know Meat says in his autobiography that he has a temper .. but I think you have to give him cause! He suffers quite a bit of crap before he explodes!! Treat him with courtesy and you get that back in spades imo .. b ugger him about and he might well have something to say :)) But he's more patient with groups of fans than many "stars".
Incidentally, I've met his daughter Amanda when she was gallantly pressing the flesh one night when Meat was not feeling well. I heard her asked some quite impertinent and intrusive questions, and she was as gracious as her father, deflecting them and moving on without a ripple in her good humour .. she's her father's daughter and a credit to him!
O Really? DIST is not a little bit teenieweenie autobio? And he has not a temper? And afterwards he feels sorry? Well, read his comments here on this board. :wink: :mrgreen: and read the lyrics from DIST.
Bart I said:
I know Meat says in his autobiography that he has a temper .. but I think you have to give him cause! He suffers quite a bit of crap before he explodes!!
and I stand by that.
And no, I see no reason to suggest that DIST is autobiographical. Meat did not write the song, and frankly you can take pretty much any song and find a phrase or two that can be applied to the singer :)
He did not write it. But he gave George Michael ( :roll: ) a second hand on the songs, if that is correct English, you know, just the same way he wrote his book. Meat would be the last to say that this song is autobio. Cause he wants the listener projecting him/herself in the song.
Yes, and he might also be the last to say that because it isn't autobiographical Bart :) It's a song, and imo not a psychological profile.
You may think differently, that's your right. But I do not see it as such, and imo Meat only loses his temper when he has plenty of cause, and even then not every time. I have found him to be kind, patient, generous and gracious, and so have all the people I know who have met him. I see no reason to suggest he is some kind of touchy, temperamental star who loses his temper easily because he recorded DIST. And from interviews I've heard and read I thought his contribution to songs on the new album was to make suggestions like put in a longer bridge here, write new lines for this chorus .. ie making it more custmised to his style, ie like a Meat song than one written and recorded by other singers.
He only lose temper when he has plenty of cause. Yeah right. So the Master himself has always right and doing nothing wrong. Well, i read the book when he had a fight with Jim about the mixing of Lemon and then he felt sorry afterwards. I read all those angry comments from him here and then he feels sorry afterwards. I read the lyrics from DIST and then i see Meat.
09 Jan 2004, 16:18
i think the songs are autobiographical. actually it's quiet obvious they are. listen to the lyrics. there not written by someone who just made them up. there's a story behind them. it's meat's story.
Yes Bart I've read the book too .. and I don't think a fight with Jim back in the early nineties means that Meat is not patient and gracious when he meets his fans. And yes, he lost his temper here .. after being goiaded beyond his endurance IMO at a time when despite not feeling well he was striving to give people the exceptional concert performances we expect and he delivers.
Suggest we agree to differ. My view is that if you treat Meat courteously you get that back in spades. If you don't you may reap what you sow.
That's how I see Meat .. not perfect on every occasion, but in the autumn of his years, a gentle, generous, kindly and gracious human being whom I respect very much. Anyone who thinks differently may .. and Jayd2 will have to make her own mind up as to what she might expect. I know what I do, and he has not disappointed me.
And all I was saying Winston is that just because DIST has lines about over-reacting I do not consider this to be a psychological profile that implies Meat would be temperamental and difficult when he met fans.
As to whether the songs mirror his life experiences, not knowing all the details of his private life over the past years I would not wish to make that assumption. I do not believe I really know enough to make such a judgement. If anyone wants to based on a little limited public information that's up to them, but I don't have to adopt the same view.
But everybody resepct him very much. We are here you know. Not because we hate him. He is my life too.
its great these discussions here. Impossible to do it with friends, collegues and family. 8) :D
we-are-family :D :wink:
Indeed :) .. but you need to get different friends :lmao:
09 Jan 2004, 17:01
And yes, he lost his temper here .. after being goiaded beyond his endurance IMO at a time when despite not feeling well he was striving to give people the exceptional concert performances we expect and he delivers.
Firstly, he lost his temper on the board becuase of me. No secret there yeah :??: but my original post that lead him to loose his temper was posted along time before he was sick. There was plenty of time for him to reply if he felt so strongly about it. I still feel that the original topic was taken out of context, but shit happens. He was not provoked or aggrivated just for the sake of it by me or by anyone else who he got thick with.
And all I was saying Winston is that just because DIST has lines about over-reacting I do not consider this to be a psychological profile that implies Meat would be temperamental and difficult when he met fans.
I don't think it's a psychological profile either. That's not what I said. I said the songs on CHSIB are autobigraphical, just listen to the lyrics. Just because he sings about something that angers him or whatever, does not make him a fruitcake in real life. I personally think he can over-react, thats my opinion, but when it comes to meeting him face to face, would he rant and rave the way he has done with myself and others here if such topics were brought up :??:
Firstly, he lost his temper on the board becuase of me ..... along time before he was sick.
I'm not sure you can claim all the honours .. there were several people, including one fiercely destructive posting from someone in (I think) Italy, and Meat was fighting with ill health throughout the US leg of the tour, and was ill when he was in Europe.
I said the songs on CHSIB are autobigraphical, just listen to the lyrics.
I have done, many times, and I've said what I think. And I've also said several times now that no-one I know has found him to be anything but courteous, gentle and kindly when meeting him, and I have seen him pushed by a fan, and he dealt with it skilfully and without losing his temper. On the board he was reacting to a series of negative non-constructive criticisms, and personally I didn't blame him for losing his temper. He's a good man .. but not a saint up for martyrdom!
09 Jan 2004, 17:31
Caryl if your going to quote me, please quote properly ok.
This is getting off topic. :?
CarylB, I am male not female. But I do agree with what some things you say.
Apologies Jayd2 :)
Winston I copied and pasted from your post, using ..... to indicate where the quote broke up .. I saw no reason to post the entire thing as it was just above!
09 Jan 2004, 19:42
After reading the posts here I have only one thing to say...
"The greatest trick Meat ever pulled was convincing the world Meat Loaf has existed."
I mean: Meat is an actor and once he walks out of the stage he's just himself!
09 Jan 2004, 22:02
I met Meat in 1999 during his Cleveland book signing, now before I go further a little backround info is needed. A few weeks before that VH1 had him dj Vh1 at work where it was like a online radio station and he answered one of my questions and made a comment about my name and how to pronounce it and I just about went into shock then so, when we went to Cleveland I was going to bring that up and so on. Well when we first got there I seriously started to hypervenilate and was crying and the sad thing was he wasn't even there yet :D my mom and friend finally got me calmed down so finally he arrived and I did panic a little but not as bad and the closer we got the better I got, by the time I was next I was like I can do this and I was calm. That lasted five seconds lol cause I went up and he was looking down at something and I sat my BOOH picture album down and he looked up at me and I lost it I got out Hiiii and it was funny he leaned back in his chair and said Hi Hi Hi and I was standing there was this goofy grin on my face and said thank you well then my mom went and she had the book and told him who I was and he said he remembered cause I had such a unique name so he signed the book To Phoeba Meat Loaf (my mom's not a fan she just went for moral support), then we left and I sat on the hood of our car for 10 minutes just crying cause I was so happy. So that folks was my adventure in meeting Meat the only diappontment I had was that I went loafy, as my mom says, and didn't really get to ask him anything or tell him how much him and his music meant to me, but he was excellant and has a great sense of humor.
Love and Peace
09 Jan 2004, 22:19
IMO I don't think DIST is autobio because to me the song is saying he loves her but just doesn't know how to say it and when he sings "sometimes I overreact" I think it means that because he doesn't know how to say it he says the wrong things. It has nothing to do with Meat as a person but the character in the song trying to express his feelings to the woman he loves. I agree with CarylB we just know a few details of his private life not all and the little we know you can't make a sound opionion about the man unless you know him as a friend. Also I don't know of anyone who doesn't sometimes overreact to something and is sorry afterwards heaven knows I've done it on a few occasions. But that is just my two cents.
Love and Peace
09 Jan 2004, 22:32
I wish I had met Meat Loaf, but I did have him wave to me once! 8)
Cast your mind back to the summer of 2002... Hyde Park, London... A rubbish (IMHO) support act, but at least we got free ice cream :)
In the wings I can see Meat wearing the ugliest Hawaian shirt I have ever seen :lol:
Anyway, I start leaping up and down and waving like a darned silly idiot, but I can see Meat laugh, do an exagerated wink, and HE WAVED BACK! 8O
That was so cool - I'm sure he thought I was a nutter :)
On the subject of the songs, it is easy to believe that they are biographical OR autobiographical (if we are going to be picky over words :)) because Meat puts so much of himself into them, but not necessarily all of them are, although I wouldn't be surprised.
For example, anyone who reads Meat's wickedly funny (but also touching)biog will know that Objects is very bio, as is Paradise, Wolf etc and I wouldn't be surprised if there were many more!
09 Jan 2004, 23:25
Keep believing Jayd2 :) I've never heard anything that would make me feel that your faith was misplaced. I've seen Meat pushed to the point by someone who wouldn't take No for an answer where many people would have lost their temper .. he didn't .. just said "You don't understand" and moved on to the next person. Later he was as gracious as ever with the original person.
As to the lyrics from DIST Bart .. that's what they are .. lyrics .. not a psychological profile of ML Aday :) I know Meat says in his autobiography that he has a temper .. but I think you have to give him cause! He suffers quite a bit of crap before he explodes!! Treat him with courtesy and you get that back in spades imo .. b ugger him about and he might well have something to say :)) But he's more patient with groups of fans than many "stars".
Incidentally, I've met his daughter Amanda when she was gallantly pressing the flesh one night when Meat was not feeling well. I heard her asked some quite impertinent and intrusive questions, and she was as gracious as her father, deflecting them and moving on without a ripple in her good humour .. she's her father's daughter and a credit to him!
And keep in mind Meat didnt write those lyrics either they are just songs, even though so many of the songs he has done I cant get Leslie out of my head.
As for Amanda, I know for a while that he had a daughter with Leslie. I watched the Behind the Music on VH1.. I WAS SHOCKED
8O At that time, she looked EXACTLY like him!! As she gets older though her looks are leaning more towrads her mothers.
Trex, I waz at hyde Park too.
Was a wee bit pissed, spending the whole day in Leicester square.
Just made concert but glad I missed support act by the sound of it.
By the way, remember Meat throwing drumstick into crowd...well I caught it :D
09 Jan 2004, 23:29
Bart I said:
I know Meat says in his autobiography that he has a temper .. but I think you have to give him cause! He suffers quite a bit of crap before he explodes!!
and I stand by that.
And no, I see no reason to suggest that DIST is autobiographical. Meat did not write the song, and frankly you can take pretty much any song and find a phrase or two that can be applied to the singer :)
I SECOND THIS! The only song on CHSIB that pertains to him even a little(well a lot actually lol :lol: ) IS Tear Me Down which could be semi autobiographical as was its intentions. And just as a side note I think it is about time SOMEBODY wrote a song for him to do about himself that makes me laugh and smile!
09 Jan 2004, 23:30
Cool Gerry!
I only got a guitar pleck from Wembley - but the music just about made up for it :lol:
Trex, after it hit me on the head and concert finished.......a wee drink to celebrate waz had...
after flying from Glasgow to see the man 8O
09 Jan 2004, 23:37
i think the songs are autobiographical. actually it's quiet obvious they are. listen to the lyrics. there not written by someone who just made them up. there's a story behind them. it's meat's story.
I dont think this is true of CHISB as an entire album. I do however think that all the albums he did in the 80s are EXACTLY his life and how he felt at that time(this was during all the bad times, bankruptcy etc). As I have said I feel that so many of the songs Meat has done he always seems like he is singing about Leslie and his family. But also his career. Love You Out Loud makes me think of his fincee though, i mean Meat hasnt exactly told the "whole world" aobut her yet.. not that I expect him to which I dont but the song fits the situation. Does he really "wish he could tell the whole world and love her out loud"..doubt it.
09 Jan 2004, 23:43
After reading the posts here I have only one thing to say...
"The greatest trick Meat ever pulled was convincing the world Meat Loaf has existed."
I mean: Meat is an actor and once he walks out of the stage he's just himself!
Meat Loaf does exist on stage or off. When acting, he is more of a "ral person" Michael Lee Aday and not Meat Loaf its just a perception of himself
09 Jan 2004, 23:54
I met Meat in 1999 during his Cleveland book signing, now before I go further a little backround info is needed. A few weeks before that VH1 had him dj Vh1 at work where it was like a online radio station and he answered one of my questions and made a comment about my name and how to pronounce it and I just about went into shock then so, when we went to Cleveland I was going to bring that up and so on. Well when we first got there I seriously started to hypervenilate and was crying and the sad thing was he wasn't even there yet :D my mom and friend finally got me calmed down so finally he arrived and I did panic a little but not as bad and the closer we got the better I got, by the time I was next I was like I can do this and I was calm. That lasted five seconds lol cause I went up and he was looking down at something and I sat my BOOH picture album down and he looked up at me and I lost it I got out Hiiii and it was funny he leaned back in his chair and said Hi Hi Hi and I was standing there was this goofy grin on my face and said thank you well then my mom went and she had the book and told him who I was and he said he remembered cause I had such a unique name so he signed the book To Phoeba Meat Loaf (my mom's not a fan she just went for moral support), then we left and I sat on the hood of our car for 10 minutes just crying cause I was so happy. So that folks was my adventure in meeting Meat the only diappontment I had was that I went loafy, as my mom says, and didn't really get to ask him anything or tell him how much him and his music meant to me, but he was excellant and has a great sense of humor.
Love and Peace
phoeba you may remember me from Loafdom I am ANN from Loafdom. Anyway, I remember when I went to a storytellers concert of his, prior to it I had a lot on my mind to say or ask him. I was very excited to be going and be in such an atmosphere as that. However I found out shortly before we left my mine wasnt exactly there. My emotions were completely calm and mellowed out.! I am female so figure it out lol. I was very hyper after the concert but at the same time I was extremely disappointed that once I got to the concert I was mellowed out and couldnt think of anything to say or ask him.
10 Jan 2004, 00:06
i think the songs are autobiographical. actually it's quiet obvious they are. listen to the lyrics. there not written by someone who just made them up. there's a story behind them. it's meat's story.
I dont think this is true of CHISB as an entire album.
i don't think the whole album is autobiographical either, but i do think that alot of the songs are. as i says he didn't get someone in to write a bunch of songs for him, just to make an album. if that was the case then the writers could have written jingle bells. CHSIB, DIST, LYOL, Tear Me Down, BOY, are i think autobiographical. Just because he don't write the lyrics doesn't mean he can't get his story across to the writers.
If you read in General Messages - Rock and Roll Dreams do come Through, (Graham Norton Show)you'll know that I have met Meat, what a wonderful experience and what a wonderful, gentle, polite, charismatic guy.
Meat pulled out all the stops on our meeting by getting into bed with me and my husband, (totally unexpected) and singing Two out of Three ain't Bad, how perfect is that?
At least I can pass over happy now :lol:
10 Jan 2004, 04:16
Ok then. Who's met Jim Steinman?
Dottie, don't take this the wrong way, but lets say you bin your hubby and take me to bed......... you think Meat would still be interested?? :oops:
Dottie, don't take this the wrong way, but lets say you bin your hubby and take me to bed......... you think Meat would still be interested?? :oops:
:oops: :wink: :lol:
12 Jan 2004, 15:55
NJC: I really look like Mr. Burns. Imagine me as Mr. Burns, not as a person who's nothing like him. lol ***
Dottie, you seem a bit confused. Does this mean hesitation ????
:wink: :wink:
Dottie, you seem a bit confused. Does this mean hesitation ????
:wink: :wink:
Always play hard to get :lol:
Grrrrrrrrr tiger :twisted:
13 Jan 2004, 17:23
i went to a meatloaf concert in ohio and had backstage passes to meet meat. after the concret we all went backstage and waited.the band came out which was awsome. we met them all an dhad pics taken with them . they all started to leave and we all looked at each other wondering where meat was. i had waited over 20 years to meet him and he never comes out. it was like a knife going through my heart. yes we got to meet the band but to not be able to take the time to just come out and sit and say hi , it was heartbreaking. it ruined a perfect night. the drive home was quiet one. the friends i was with new i was upset. i had takled about this for over 3 months and now i was going home with a tear in my eye. i hope someday i will be able to actually meet meat, but untill then i still have a hole in my heart
13 Jan 2004, 17:41
it's a real pain in the ass when things turn out that way isn't it.
13 Jan 2004, 17:44
yes it does :(
13 Jan 2004, 17:46
you know, if you really, really, really want to meet him, you'll find a way.
13 Jan 2004, 18:48
i wish i could. my mom recently passed away and i saved up money to purchase a headstone, so money is tight . but i keep my fingers crossed
13 Jan 2004, 18:49
sorry to hear about your mam. keep the faith, you'll meet him one day.
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