View Full Version : michael lee

Candys Room
15 Jan 2004, 18:03
does anybody know why meat chose the name michael,
is it family related or just random?

16 Jan 2004, 04:57
I think it has something to do with an add called "Poor Fat Marvin Can't Wear Levi's". Don't quote me on it but I think that's the reason

Keep Rocking
16 Jan 2004, 10:29
I think it has something to do with an add called "Poor Fat Marvin Can't Wear Levi's". Don't quote me on it but I think that's the reason
Yeah, that's why he doesn't like the name Marvin and also doesn't wear Levi's (he says that in his biographie I think)

16 Jan 2004, 12:25
In ROL I saw a interview clip where Meat show that he wear leviīs. I canīt recall what interview it was. It was really fanny īcous Meat show his bottom to the interviewer and said: "Leviīs".

18 Jan 2004, 13:09
I think it has something to do with an add called "Poor Fat Marvin Can't Wear Levi's". Don't quote me on it but I think that's the reason

Yup, he changed it for that reason. and I never worn levi's and i don't think i ever will. besides there uncomfortable anyway.

:twisted: burn levis burn :twisted:

18 Jan 2004, 14:58
Is it just me or can nobody else read the meaning of the question?

Candys Room, I guess that was just a personal thing for Meat. I don't think anybody konws the reasons for him picking "Michael".

18 Jan 2004, 19:21
Is it just me or can nobody else read the meaning of the question?

Candys Room, I guess that was just a personal thing for Meat. I don't think anybody konws the reasons for him picking "Michael".

I agree here. I know he changed his name because of the levis Marvin commerrcial. Why he actually chose the name Michael I couldnt tell you and i havent heard any reason or reasons as to why he did.

19 Jan 2004, 02:47
There's nothing wrong with the name...Michael. Is someone saying there is? My middle name is Michael :roll: