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View Full Version : Bat Out Of Hell 3: The Release Date!

22 Apr 2001, 22:51
I was gonna start this because I though it was gonna start a lively debate! When will Meat release Bat 3? And is he gonna?

I think Meat is gonna release it. But I think (bad news here... Lucy dont read it, you'd start to cry! SERIOUSLY) Meat will release it in 2008-9. There is a reason for this and pray to Meat that i'm wrong. But Meat released Bat 2.. 15 Years after Bat 1.... Bat 3 fifteen years later still?

Ohh and to throw in a few grenades of hope. I think the songs that will be included are:

God Has Left The Building
Who Needs The Young
Tonight Is What It Means To Be Young
....Renegade Angel? ... well my 2p's worth... your go! LOL!!

Smiley Faces ./icons/icon7.gif

24 Apr 2001, 11:22
Hmmmmm Bat 3 - I wish!

IF he did release a third Bat album, I think it'd probably be before 2008! And let's face it - he had good reason for the 15 year gap between Bat 1 and 2 didn't he! I don't know that he would ever release one really, but some new Jim songs would be great. Tonight Is What It Means To Be Young would defiantely have to be on there! And he could do a cover of Making Love Out Of Nothing At All! Yeah!

Alex look what you've done to me now! Oh and I just read your post in the Fuhouse bit!

Lucy! ./icons/icon2.gif

28 Apr 2001, 18:38
How about if he includes Dixie did you see it years ago on tribute to Elvis the most gut wrenching song I haveeverheard Meat sing

Big G
03 May 2001, 16:41
I would love to hear Meat singing Dixie. Does anyone know where I can get a copy? Does any know of any other covers of songs he's done like that, on TV or anything?

04 May 2001, 21:46
Alex if you contact Anne at the Fan Club
(and join up if your not a member shame on you) I think she might beable to help you with your request. youcan but try

02 Jun 2001, 11:08
During the Storytellers tour he apparently made remarks that suggested that he had had discussions with Jim about Bat 3 (check out the reviews at www.geocities.com/judygirls/ST/ST.html - there are a few references to Bat 3 amongst the reviews there).

But somewhere on the net (can't remember where) I read that Jim thinks it is good to have long intervals between them.

I have had the fantasy ever since Fun House was announced that it was actually Bat 3 in secret! Just typing this has got me back into these visions of Meat and Jim announcing that all the talk about Fun House was an elaborate lie. Most people are offended when they are told a lie, but such a lie wouldn't offend me one bit!

I hope it gets done soon. I had hoped it would be out in time for Bat 1's 25th anniversary next year, but that seems extremely unlikely.

I think the other suggestions for what to go on Bat 3 pretty much take the words right out of my mouth. I would like a song(s) backed by an orchestra.

21 Jul 2001, 23:14
Ooh. Im accused of not being a member of the MLUKFC!! ./icons/icon11.gif How can this be ./icons/icon12.gif
Im a proud member of almost 2 years ./icons/icon7.gif

Escape from Hell has a section on Bat 3. Its well worth a read. It has all the bits that Meat and such have said about whether or not there is gonna be a return ticket to Heaven, a rondie-vouz (spelt wrong) with paradise.... Very interesting. Even has suggestions of titles..... Like

Bat 3: Burning In Hell etc!! Lol

Escape from Hell (http://www.soft.net.uk/meatloaf/meat.htm)

Smiley Faces ./icons/icon7.gif

23 Jul 2001, 16:16
I would love a Bat 3, which Meat Loaf fan wouldn't. In my opinion the sooner the better!

14 Aug 2001, 20:33
sorry alex had you confused with someone else
have only just checked through messageboard.
Of course all the best people belong to the club. Best Wishes Dot

White of High
16 Apr 2003, 16:31
I found this topic!
Very funny!
Well, we got the answer: 2005!

And Dottie!
Are you such an old fan?

I agree with you. With orchestra...

The Flying Mouse
16 Apr 2003, 16:44
:twisted: I'm not going to say much about Bat III until nearer the time.But I will say that Meat has said that they are ALL new songs 8) .
As for when?Meat has said he want's to do Bat III then another album after that before 2010.If that happens i'm more than happy :twisted: .
But right now all my concentration is on CHSIB :D .
Number 1 here we come 8) .

16 Apr 2003, 16:51
How far can you jump into the future........ i mean, lets face it, let it be 2004 first......then we will see.

16 Apr 2003, 16:58
I think that we should let this rest. Let's look forward to the release of the NEW album, enjoy that and then maybe talk about Bat3.

I mean, for crying out loud - Meat releases a new album once every blue moon, and when he does, here we are talking about one many years away yet!!!

Come on folks...get with the program!

The Flying Mouse
16 Apr 2003, 17:19
Exactly :mrgreen: .
CHSIB :wink: .

Fire Ball
16 Apr 2003, 17:21
stop talking about bat 3, I made a great album, and bat 3 may not beat this one, so why can't you enjoy what you have not what you don't have, new ablum out 1 week in germany and you want to talk about somethingf that 3 or 4 years away!!!! learn to enjoy what you have and understand it!

Juan Llanos
16 Apr 2003, 17:26
I want a new album, but not only Bat 3, Bat 4 or whatever...

Now I want to enjoy the new record and the tour....

Tomorrow... is the future who cares about?

Thanks Meat to make a record.

And please, don't forget Spain...

The Flying Mouse
16 Apr 2003, 18:23
I think Meat has said all there is to say on the subject :mrgreen: .
Can we have a lock on this please mods.

16 Apr 2003, 18:34
That thread was buried two years ago.
There's no need for bringing it back to life.