View Full Version : is there anything we can do

29 Jan 2004, 21:16
I have just read the reply from fireball concerning all those small norrowmind people who attack him. i really feel foro him and wondering is there anything that members and non-members can do to show him how much we really care about him any ideas all welcome.
Just feel it is a shame that people have to attack him in such a way he has done so much for all of us in so many different ways and he is even talking about shelfing bat 3 because of these people. We need to unite and show him are suppot and all those people who attack do us all a favour and dissipear

29 Jan 2004, 21:27


Fallen Angel
29 Jan 2004, 21:31
I'll help in anyway i can!!!!!

evil nickname
29 Jan 2004, 21:58
What won't work in anyway is going to other boards and shout at people that they're sad little people who don't have a life and should grow up (just parafrasing what I've read in the (not to distant) past).
That does not work now, nor will it ever work. It does quite the opposite actually. It shows that you don't have anything better to do than making meaningless posts yourself too.
Also, I feel that


does usually lead to nothing more than a contest in who can degrade to the level of a 5-month old baby the quickest.

But hey, that's just me speaking.

Loafy Meats
29 Jan 2004, 23:27
I think it's a real shame what is happening on here. I have never sent Meat a PM - I never seemed to have the guts to do it... get all nervous and stuff and didn't know what to write, but it's not fair that there are some people spoiling it for others. What if it ended up that only fan club members could post messages? It's just taking the fun out of it... Fire Ball has been talking about people complaining and something happened today that seems to have been the last straw...

30 Jan 2004, 00:03
Yes I think there is only so much criticism you can take. I was talking with my dad about it, who is about Meat's age. There is of course contructive criticism, fair enough but after a while an employee will ask his employer: "Look do you want me to do this job or not? -- Why don't get you get someone else to do it".

The thing with Meat's work -- There ain't nobody like that out there!!

Instead of looking too much into this annoying negative carry on we should celebrate the man's amazing music and his commitment to entertain us for all those years.

He truly is only one of a kind and unfortunately he does not get the world wide appreciation he deserve. Like that crazy article in the sun saying that peter gabriel does a better job? What the hell is that all about? After a while I think it can become too much.

In response to what we can do:

For all of us who are going to Glasgow tomorrow: let's all keep shouting:
"WE LOVE YOU MEAT LOAF". I think he'll get the picture then and forget all those assholes, even if it is for just a little while.

Above all I hope Meat will truly enjoy all the shows he is doing. It looks like a lot of fun and it's bloody excellent stuff! Meat Loaf, we salute you!

30 Jan 2004, 00:09

Which reply are you referring to? I am having trouble locating it.

Woman of Steel
30 Jan 2004, 01:04
Tour Talk--sheffield29th

Loafy Meats
30 Jan 2004, 02:00
I'm totally up for screaming loads of support tomorrow night - oh my god it's really tonight now......... I went crazy and lost my voice at the last show. took a week to recover then did it all over again in london.... I can't wait.... I can't sleep either..... I'm in big trouble.... :lol:

Loafy Meats
30 Jan 2004, 02:01
I'm totally up for screaming loads of support tomorrow night - oh my god it's really tonight now......... I went crazy and lost my voice at the last show. took a week to recover then did it all over again in london.... I can't wait.... I can't sleep either..... I'm in big trouble.... :lol:

Loafy Meats
30 Jan 2004, 02:02
oops - I'm seeing double....... lol :lol:

30 Jan 2004, 02:44
I hear Blue Peter have a "Save Fire Ball" campaign running already. Look out for a bring & buy sale near you!

30 Jan 2004, 02:55
We need to unite and show him are suppot and all those people who attack do us all a favour and dissipear

If you come up with anything, count me in!!


30 Jan 2004, 03:05
How people can PM Meat Loaf and tear down someone who gives so much of himself to so many is beyond me. Meat has given so much of himself for so many years to his fans and made such a profound difference in so many peoples lifes that he does not deserve all these lies that are being said about him. It's simple if you don't like him or his music then don't go to the shows and don't buy his music nobody makes you, but don't try to tear down a great man with your lies.

And when you deceide what you are going to do to show support for Meat count me in.

Love & Happiness

30 Jan 2004, 08:19
I really do not see see there is much we can do, exept continue to show our love and support for Meat loaf.
Maybe he could disallow certain people to contact him through the buddy-systhem?



...for today I am sure the Glasgow-crowd will show him just HOW much he is loved!

Ageing Bat
30 Jan 2004, 10:20
It amazes me how some people can be so damned selfish, and from what he says, downright nasty. Don't think he will name and shame though, as he say's he's not coming back on the site, so wouldn't have seen the messages of support. What I don't understand is why he's taking more notice of the few, rather than the majority. I wonder if he's feeling rather insecure, because he only seems to home in on the critisisms. I'd hate for anyone to think bad of me, and I'm just a nobody!!

That's why I find it hard to comprehend what can only be jealousy / narrow mindedness /selfishness from others on the site.

I think what's lacking in the world today are the basic qualities of tolerance, compassion and understanding for others, and it would appear that some of those lacking these qualities have found their way onto this site.

30 Jan 2004, 11:09
He has always came back before :lol:

This forum will survive there have been too many friendships and bonds made here and we have Meat to thank for that for bringing us all together

After all THE MAJORITY of us are family :lol: :lol: :lol:


30 Jan 2004, 12:39
Its really nice to see all the support here already i'm still racking my brains for ideas no good yet and i am sure all you Glasgow people will show him your support. Just wondring if anyone is doing a meet and greet tonight if so you could tell him how much we all care and appricate him from this site, and please just ignore the small norrow minded people.Just an idea I know will all appricate the time he takes out to come to theser forems and post for us and it would be such a shame if he left for good.

30 Jan 2004, 13:35
Meat was feeling not fully fit and doubtless under pressure about the last two performances when he wrote what he did. Remember, he wasn't well and was under similar pressure when he lost patience and left last time. I'd be surprised if he doesn't come back to look at the reviews of concerts. We'll have to wait, hope and see.

When Meat comes here he clearly wants to hear from fans who appreciate him and what he does. He clearly doesn't enjoy picky criticism. He clearly feels that as this is his fanclub, and it's the fanclub board, he should be able to epect this to be a warm, welcoming place where he can expect to get positive affirmation that his efforts are appreciated, where he can expect a bit of unconditional love and loyalty. Yes he wants to know if things go wrong, but I think it's abundantly clear he doesn't want to be told of every missed note, each time his voice takes a while to warm up, any time he forgets a couple of words or uses the wrong line. He will know of each and every one of these minute "failings" and clearly doesn't find to have them singled out helpful or appreciative of the effort he puts into every second of every show, an effort which is almost always acknowledged. And it matters not a jot whether this is "right" or "wrong" .. who's to say anyway. The fact is that it is. That's how he feels, and this is his fanclub forum. It's as simple as that.

Yes, showing him at a show how much he is apprecaited will make him forget those who criticise for a while, but the next moring when the sound of the cheers is dying away, and he comes to his fanclub forum for affirmation, that's what he's hoping to find imo.

So to those who ask does Meat want a bunch of mindless sycophants giving glowing reviews I say, if that's your way of describing it, then probably yes. I would desribe it rather that he expects his fans to be warm, loving, loyal and to give him the positive affirmation he (like any performer) needs, without drawing his attention to any and every minor flaw in what you have probably considered overall a wonderful evening's entertainment. I'd say a "fan" is someone who admires, respects and yes, loves a performer. Remember, when she says "Does my bum look big in this?" she doesn't expect you to say yes!!!

I agree with Evil Nickname that going elsewhere and attacking people does not help. Going elsewhere and being positive can help, in that it puts some balance into the situation, so for eg I will say "I'm surprised, because my take on the concert was rather different", and then give my positive review.

And "naming and shaming" one or two people smacks uncomfortably to me of a witch hunt, and seeking a scapegoat or two to blame everything on. If someone has been cruel to Meat in a PM that is lamentable, but we have not called for "banning" (and worse) when individuals have upset Meat before. And we do not know what was said, nor how far this might have been a last straw when the camel was feeling ill and under pressure. There have been other things posted here since Meat came back which have upset him.

30 Jan 2004, 16:02
There's a fine line between writing down what you see and experience and that becoming or being taken as criticism. I for one do not want a CD experience when I go to a live show. Each of the 6 shows I've been lucky enough to see this tour have been different, some better than others overall, but each having high points and "lower" points.

The times when Meat, or anyone else in the band for that matter deviates from the normal path of the song (either deliberately or by accident) are what make each show unique, and I for one write about those not as a means of criticism but as a way of sharing my experiences with those who couldn't attend the shows.

Meat stopped singing the opening line of Paradise last night because he wasn't happy with the way he started the song. He lost his microphone at one point last night as well. At one of the previous shows he started the wrong verse during Took The Words, and then corrected himself with good self-deprecating humour. He dropped his gum onto his guitar at Manchester. He sang a wrong note at the second show in Manchester and proclaimed "That wasn't the right note, but it WAS a note!"

All of these things contribute to making each show different from the last.

What is never in doubt in my mind is that the energy is there, and the commitment is there, always! I just hope all of that is what comes across when I write my reviews down? I'm revealing the show "warts and all" I suppose, but hopefully in a positive way?


30 Jan 2004, 19:39
That is so true Andy, i think i said something along those lines in another posting, you think you know what is coming next but doesn't, it is a nice surprise.

But how can we support Meat? i mean nobody knows who the good guys are or the bad guys are so to speak, and it would seem that meat see's people as good so of course he will open his PM's but by then it is to late.

The guy is so nice, i don't understand people who would be Nasty, who gave them the god given right to rule the roost!

I don't know what i can do except to say Meat you have my support on what ever you decide.


30 Jan 2004, 19:42
AndyK wrote:
Meat stopped singing the opening line of Paradise last night because he wasn't happy with the way he started the song. He lost his microphone at one point last night as well. At one of the previous shows he started the wrong verse during Took The Words, and then corrected himself with good self-deprecating humour. He dropped his gum onto his guitar at Manchester. He sang a wrong note at the second show in Manchester and proclaimed "That wasn't the right note, but it WAS a note!"

All of these things contribute to making each show different from the last.

What is never in doubt in my mind is that the energy is there, and the commitment is there, always! I just hope all of that is what comes across when I write my reviews down? I'm revealing the show "warts and all" I suppose, but hopefully in a positive way?
I think yes, it does, and you do in your example Andy. If you look at what you said in your opening para these would all be viewed by Meat I think as observations which weren't critical, in which you pointed out how he managed them (you forgot to say he said "Oh shit .. dropped my gum" and giggled at Manchester ), made us laugh at them and with him, and just added to the feeling of being there. They are thus not warts .. just interesting freckles :wink:

What I think he finds harder to take (and he has said as much) is when people say "It was a great show but his voice wasn't as good as at ..." .. or "He sang *** which was great but I don't like *** Why didn't he sing ****" etc etc .. Better to say at the end "Now if one day he'd sing *** .. that would make my day!!!" Some people on the OIFC board have been going on about him being a "semi-tone off in ...." .. pleeeeease!!! And some have been a lot worse! So a thoughtless comment, not intended to be harsh, can be the last straw sometimes don't you think?

I've said elsewhere that written feedback is the hardest to take .. anything negative sits there staring at you, and most of us if we're honest would I think look at any written report on us and read through the good bits and get riveted on the thing that was negative. It's the human condition, and Meat's very human :) When I write a review I write it for others who haven't been to the concert, but also because I know Meat comes here and I hope he sees how much I've enjoyed the show (I'm sure he wouldn't wade through all mine :wink: .. but skimming the opening paragraph should tell him I loved it :D ) And we all KNOW that Meat comes here and reads the reviews .. we know he's sensitive to criticism. That's a fact, not a right or wrong. So I'd always make sure that my review of a show that had been a great night, which I had enjoyed, and in which the man had given his all, wouldn't make him think anything but that, and that it would assure him he'd done a great job and I was truly greatful.

My dad used to play the piano .. by ear. He'd play for me sometimes .. even play the songs I loved, bless him, although he didn't like them(he thought music died with Irving Berlin!) Sometimes he was spot on .. sometimes he wasn't. But he did it for me, he did the very best he could. And when he asked was it OK .. I'd say lovely, thank you.

30 Jan 2004, 21:18
i am sick and tired of people always talking bad about meat. i mean come on if u don't like the things he does then leave and let the true fans enjoy it. meat shouldn't let idiots who don't know anything turnm him away from teh true fans that are here. him not posting anymore is putting him down to there levels because that is what they want . i have enjoyed meat and his music for over 20 yerasnow and i not going to let some u know what ruin it for me. if u don't like what meat does then go somewhere else . true fans will always be here forever.

30 Jan 2004, 22:10
Well, Frankly, if Meat leaves I couldn't really blame him. Sounds negative (sorry!) but it's realistic. What can we do...well not too much, he's a regular human being who seems to be quite (understandably) fed up. Whether or not he wishes to return to the forum will depend on how he feels, I suppose. Right now I'd say it's unlikely-but I've been wrong before.

I've been criticised before for being 'too positive' so I'll keep it short and sweet.

If you are priviledged enough to get a ticket and see this man perform, you are in for a treat. I've been a fan since the first note I heard him sing and I've been priviledged enough to see him live four times (much less than some-you lucky dogs!) and can honestly say that the most recent (August- Syracuse) was an incredible show!!! I'd say the voice was very strong.

"Opinions (as to how good or bad a show is) are like 'a part of the anatomy' everybody has one". It doesn't make them right. If you want to say nasty things, I personally don't care to hear it. To be blunt- what the heck have you ever done? And what exactly are your qualifications to 'critique' somebody who has done the high quality work that Meat has? hmmmmmmmmmmm? What's that??? Oh you don't have ANY..gee i'm shocked. :evil:

Critics who tear people apart have rarely DONE ANYTHING. That's why they criticize others...it's the only thing they're any good at.

Just my opinion, however. :P

30 Jan 2004, 22:32
Ok, this might sound really corny, but here goes...

We all know this is the last tour, and how much Meat has given us. The past cards have all failed (i think) but how about we have another go, with a thanks card, to signify how we all feel about how much he has given to us through his touring since he began.

It might not work, and it might not do much, but I am sure if he got a card from us Message Boarders saying how much we appreciate what he has given us, that he will definately understand how much we care.

Or, maybe we could all nominate someone (I dont mind, or someone official) and each e-mail a message of how we feel about this being the end and what he has done for us. They could all be printed out and stapled/bound together and then sent to him. I for sure would be happy to collect them all, print them and make some sort of book/something and send it to him.

Anyone else have any ideas?

30 Jan 2004, 22:41
not a bad idea badger but those who always put meat down will come back and do it again. meat must know there are alot more fans out there than just the few ones who always put him down.they are out there to make meat mad and leave and well they did it. and if meat doesn't post here again well the people who can't say anything nice well have won. there are the true fans out there and meat knows it , and he shouldn't quit posting . its a shame how a few people can ruin the lives of many.

30 Jan 2004, 22:43
i know ladyloaf, it is a shame there are those few that cause so much trouble. I just thought something that so many people had taken the time to put together and physically create would be a big gesture.

30 Jan 2004, 22:46
yes it would be a nice gesture. i hope it works . i hope if anyone who is going to the concert and gets to meet meat lets him know how we all feel about him and hope he comes back. and for teh few that likes to write terrible stuff about meat why don't u just go away . if u don't like him , leave. don't have us suffer because of u.

30 Jan 2004, 22:46
Little dancer said:
"Opinions (as to how good or bad a show is) are like 'a part of the anatomy' everybody has one". It doesn't make them right. If you want to say nasty things, I personally don't care to hear it. To be blunt- what the heck have you ever done? And what exactly are your qualifications to 'critique' somebody who has done the high quality work that Meat has? hmmmmmmmmmmm? What's that??? Oh you don't have ANY..gee i'm shocked.

I'll run with that!!

Sounds a constructive idea Badger. Printed off, professionally bound it would look good. I sent a copy of the Hall of Fame Petition backstage to him last night. With it's cover it looked good and was full of messages from fans that I hope he'll get a good warm feeling when he reads it.

30 Jan 2004, 22:55
I have been fortunate enough to see Meat twice in this tour, both times he has been ill (Birmingham & last night) However, both times he has blown me away, he gives his heart and soul, puts everything he has into entertaining us - the fans.

Last night, he did stop the beginning of Paradise as he was not happy with it, he himself needs it to be good, even though he may feel like s**t.

I looked around where I stood and most people were singing every word, clapping, shouting, to show their appreciation. It can't be easy entertaining people when you are ill. I personally hope that Meat is getting some pleasure out of these shows, even if he does not feel very well, and not just doing it for us.

I hope that he reconsiders about leaving the forum - it would be a great shame. However, I do agree with the majority, that something needs to be done about the minority.

30 Jan 2004, 23:51
i lie the sound of badgers idea on the book if wil could all put sometunhg even if it is just a thankyou it shows we care bout him and what he does any one got ideas on how to go bout doing this

30 Jan 2004, 23:58
goodhip, if everyone emails or posts them i will collect them and sort it (with maybe a little help). I just wanted to check how many people would want to before I started really.

31 Jan 2004, 00:07
no worrys need a hand shout

31 Jan 2004, 00:30
goodhip, if everyone emails or posts them i will collect them and sort it (with maybe a little help). I just wanted to check how many people would want to before I started really.

Count me in too badger :)
Thank you

31 Jan 2004, 00:43
Well, Frankly, if Meat leaves I couldn't really blame him. Sounds negative (sorry!) but it's realistic. What can we do...well not too much, he's a regular human being who seems to be quite (understandably) fed up. Whether or not he wishes to return to the forum will depend on how he feels, I suppose. Right now I'd say it's unlikely-but I've been wrong before.

I've been criticised before for being 'too positive' so I'll keep it short and sweet.

If you are priviledged enough to get a ticket and see this man perform, you are in for a treat. I've been a fan since the first note I heard him sing and I've been priviledged enough to see him live four times (much less than some-you lucky dogs!) and can honestly say that the most recent (August- Syracuse) was an incredible show!!! I'd say the voice was very strong.

"Opinions (as to how good or bad a show is) are like 'a part of the anatomy' everybody has one". It doesn't make them right. If you want to say nasty things, I personally don't care to hear it. To be blunt- what the heck have you ever done? And what exactly are your qualifications to 'critique' somebody who has done the high quality work that Meat has? hmmmmmmmmmmm? What's that??? Oh you don't have ANY..gee i'm shocked. :evil:

Critics who tear people apart have rarely DONE ANYTHING. That's why they criticize others...it's the only thing they're any good at.

Just my opinion, however. :P

I Couldn't Have Said It Better .

The bottom line is we should try follow the golden rule ... "do unto others as you would have them unto you". Simply put .. like any other member of this forum, Meat is a person with feelings, and we (myself included) all need to keep that in mind and treat him with respect.


31 Jan 2004, 00:56
I Couldn't Have Said It Better .

The bottom line is we should try follow the golden rule ... "do unto others as you would have them unto you". Simply put .. like any other member of this forum, Meat is a person with feelings, and we (myself included) all need to keep that in mind and treat him with respect.


Well said Vicki,
I wish that more people would live by that rule. It would make life so much easier.


31 Jan 2004, 01:04
I Couldn't Have Said It Better .

The bottom line is we should try follow the golden rule ... "do unto others as you would have them unto you". Simply put .. like any other member of this forum, Meat is a person with feelings, and we (myself included) all need to keep that in mind and treat him with respect.


Well said Vicki,
I wish that more people would live by that rule. It would make life so much easier.


Thanks Maria.

31 Jan 2004, 20:11
Okies, Sorry if some of the things Im going to say have already been said but a few of the other replies were so long they had me nodding off or used words that had me looking up my dictionary, so Ill just say this plain and simple.
We are all very lucky to have gone to see Meat, and any mistakes he may have made in his concerts, Im pretty sure no one noticed them any more than he did, constructive criticism is ok, for example if you're not too fussed on one of the songs or whatever, but this is a fansite and no one should come of to continually put him down, or complain about the way other people support him, as for the people doing this, we dont need to name and shame them, as we all already know who they are, they arent necessarily nasty people just different views, and can sometimes say things for want of a better way to explain themselves, but I do think its high time they opened their eyes and realised theyre hurting peoples feelings.

31 Jan 2004, 23:27
ChrisseybabezNI wrote:

Okies, Sorry if some of the things Im going to say have already been said but a few of the other replies were so long they had me nodding off or used words that had me looking up my dictionary, so Ill just say this plain and simple.
We are all very lucky to have gone to see Meat, and any mistakes he may have made in his concerts, Im pretty sure no one noticed them any more than he did, constructive criticism is ok, for example if you're not too fussed on one of the songs or whatever, but this is a fansite and no one should come of to continually put him down, or complain about the way other people support him, as for the people doing this, we dont need to name and shame them, as we all already know who they are, they arent necessarily nasty people just different views, and can sometimes say things for want of a better way to explain themselves, but I do think its high time they opened their eyes and realised theyre hurting peoples feelings.

Well said, I have seen Meat twice on this tour and feel very privaliged to have done so. However, both times he was ill. Nevertheless, he was amazing. My very first concert was in Birmingham in November, when he had flu. If he had not pointed it out himself, I would not have known. I was emotionally overwhelmed by the whole experience.

I think that he is amazing, the amount of effort he puts into the shows is fantastic. OK, not all shows are absolutely brilliant, but for the individual attending a particukar show, it is to them. You have to take each show on it's own merit, and not compare it with others. Meat's health has been up & down, so obviously concerts are going to differ.

Thursday, to me was fantastic. I was given a 4th row ticket. (Thank you to that man) When Meat arrived on stage, I was chocked up, couldn't believe my luck. I was glued to him the rest of the nite, I even missed John mooning !!!

I could not believe the effect Meat had on me, he was sooo electric, and watchable. I knew that he was not well, but, I was still mesmerised by his presence. I could not keep my eye off him. Can someone explain this to me ??

He gave his all and more, ok the show was only 2hours or so, but it was 2 hours of great entertainment.

Sorry, but I cannot slag off Meat's performance - given the fact that he was ill, he did a cracking job. I know he has been better by the reviews, but I comment on what I personally saw. He gave every ounce of himself, both occasions.

I am still on a high and it's Saturday night - what does that tell you. Bloody Great job, Meat.

Got great pics too.

01 Feb 2004, 04:33
Sorry, but I cannot slag off Meat's performance - given the fact that he was ill, he did a cracking job.

Hey I'm not too sure what impression my last post gave off but I certainly wasnt asking anyone to slag off performances thats the last thing I would want.

01 Feb 2004, 10:56
It shouldnt be that hard to find the person/persons who have abused meat in a pm. He stated that they were abusing him because they didnt get the meet and greet he had promised, and called him a liar. All we need to do is see who in previous threads were getting a meet and greet with him on the night in question. Being on a meet and greet list is not a guarantee that he will see you. He also has his own personal guest list which takes priority over fan clubs and so it should be. Iwas lucky enough to see Meat backstage on 2 occassions prior to this incident arranged between meats management and myself and will treasure the time he spent with us, my meets were nothing to do with the fan clubs meet and greet allocation.

01 Feb 2004, 12:41
Little dancer said:

"Opinions (as to how good or bad a show is) are like 'a part of the anatomy' everybody has one". It doesn't make them right. If you want to say nasty things, I personally don't care to hear it. To be blunt- what the heck have you ever done? And what exactly are your qualifications to 'critique' somebody who has done the high quality work that Meat has? hmmmmmmmmmmm? What's that??? Oh you don't have ANY..gee i'm shocked.

I really don’t like posts like this. How can you write what the heck have you ever done? And what exactly are your qualifications to 'critique' somebody
Statements like this are just plain put downs and serve no useful purpose. After all what do you know about the lives of any of the people who post here or of the contributions they have made to making this world a better place? OK they may not be rich or famous but do you really have to be that to have done something with your life?

Personally I think that anyone who has bought a ticket has the right to make comments on what they paid to see. Surely Meat’s intelligent enough to know when his performances are below his previous standards. Would he then want people to write just how wonderful the performance was, that would just make these people sycophants and Meat would surely know it wasn’t entirely true.

ChrissybabezNI wrote:
we dont need to name and shame them, as we all already know who they are,

Do we?

How do you know that the PM sent to Meat wasn’t from someone who rarely posts on here. Nobody has any idea who it was. Maybe they would come on here to explain why they sent the PM and what its contents were if people were less antagonistic. OK people are upset but surely the person should be given the chance to explain their actions without fear of being slaughtered. The comment about the programme full of adverts was made on another board anyway so I’m not sure why Meat wants to blame us for this.

This is getting way off topic. Badger I like your idea so count me in.

01 Feb 2004, 17:51
Em Wrote
How do you know that the PM sent to Meat wasn’t from someone who rarely posts on here. Nobody has any idea who it was. Maybe they would come on here to explain why they sent the PM and what its contents were if people were less antagonistic. OK people are upset but surely the person should be given the chance to explain their actions without fear of being slaughtered. The comment about the programme full of adverts was made on another board anyway so I’m not sure why Meat wants to blame us for this.

Actually I wasnt talking about the PM to meat :) I was talking about a couple of people who had abused him previously and he had mentioned himself. I never made any references in my aforementioned post to PM's :D

02 Feb 2004, 12:59
Em wrote:
I really don’t like posts like this. How can you write Quote:
what the heck have you ever done? And what exactly are your qualifications to 'critique' somebody

Statements like this are just plain put downs and serve no useful purpose. After all what do you know about the lives of any of the people who post here or of the contributions they have made to making this world a better place? OK they may not be rich or famous but do you really have to be that to have done something with your life?

How exactly is a statement a 'plain put down' if I have not mentioned or even alluded to a single person, but only an innapropriate attitude? I think you need to re-read my post, Em, you would realize that I am commenting on people who have (according to Meat) sent nasty pm's to him, or have posted repeatedly (on different sites) mean, and often un-tuthfull things. I have not suggested who these people are- and when I say "what exactly are your qualifications" I am not IMPLYING that the poster need to be "rich or famous" (as you seem to have read into my statement somehow) but that if you read PUBLISHED music critiques, they tend to be more balanced than: "oh the whole thing just sucked." I am saying that people who sit back and tear people apart without making any contributions THEMSELVES are pathetic- and I stand by that statement...which has NOTHING to do with fame or money (I really have NO IDEA how you got THAT from my post) This doesn't refer to normal criticisms for a show/album etc- I used the phrase 'tear apart' does this not tell you that I am talking about a more extreme attitude and not constructive comments???

My statement is not a PLAIN PUT DOWN- if you want to know it's USEFULL PURPOSE it is this: constructive criticisms are one thing, calling somebody a liar for being ill- quite another. I think that you have taken my statement WILDLY out of context and that if you were to re-read it in the context that it was posted (RE: Meat Loaf signing off this board, being quite angry with PM's he was receiving from people) you would not be so judgemental of me.

On a closing note:

Personally I think that anyone who has bought a ticket has the right to make comments on what they paid to see. Surely Meat’s intelligent enough to know when his performances are below his previous standards. Would he then want people to write just how wonderful the performance was, that would just make these people sycophants and Meat would surely know it wasn’t entirely true.

1> I never implied that people could not make comments on what they paid to see- only that intelligent critiques are more balanced and thought out than flames.

2. ' below his previous standards' is your opinion- one that I don't personally agree with. I haven't said that people shouldn't voice criticism- only that people shouldn't tear people apart- and that EVERYBODY has an opinion- it DOES NOT make it right.

3. 'Sycophant' is being used an awfull lot on several of these boards without people understanding it's meaning, Em. So here : "self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite" (Websters College Dictionary)
I was simply criticising those that go out to tear people apart. Your post suggests that anybody who posts something positive about Meat's latest is a 'fawning parasite'???? If you are defending people's right to have an opinion, it's hardly fair to say that anybody who disagrees with a negative opinion is a 'fawning parasite'.

Calling everyone who disagrees with negative statements 'sycophants' ?:

Statements like this are just plain put downs and serve no useful purpose.

02 Feb 2004, 13:21
chrissybabezNI wrote:

Hey I'm not too sure what impression my last post gave off but I certainly wasnt asking anyone to slag off performances thats the last thing I would want.

sorry if you got the wrong end of the stick with my comment on page 2. I was just saying that I could not fault Meats performance given the circumstances.

It certainly was not aimed at anyone :wink:

02 Feb 2004, 13:42

03 Feb 2004, 20:26
Is there anything we can do?
Yes stop arguing with each other. Don’t have the time to go back and read this thread at present but have noted your long response little dancer. Will read later and on rereading I may well concede that what I wrote before was a load of rubbish. Thanks for responding to my rant anyway. Hope you are having a good week.