View Full Version : Question for a agreement from all of you!!!!!!

01 Feb 2004, 12:05

my question to all of you: I want to make a Homepage about Meats Worldtour with all concerts. In this forum are many opinions and pictures of all the concerts!!!
I want you to ask, if I can use these pictures for the new Homepage? Not all, only a few pics. The whole Site will be in English, although I'm from Germany...

By the way...I'm also the Webmaster of the German Fanclub!

Keep Rockin'

01 Feb 2004, 13:47

my question to all of you: I want to make a Homepage about Meats Worldtour with all concerts. In this forum are many opinions and pictures of all the concerts!!!
I want you to ask, if I can use these pictures for the new Homepage? Not all, only a few pics. The whole Site will be in English, although I'm from Germany...

By the way...I'm also the Webmaster of the German Fanclub!

Keep Rockin'

Hi Steven

You can use some of mine, with credit of course :D Was you at Wembley with the other german fans? If you was i would of met you at The Hard Rock cafe or The Ibis :)

love the German site and the german fans, especially Eva :D :D :D


01 Feb 2004, 13:58
Cool...thank you very much!!!!!!! :P
Yes, I was on 24th in London. And I was also in the HArd Rock Cafe with other German fans. I was this blond big guy with this very cool Meat Loaf T-Shirt!!! :D

Keep Rockin

01 Feb 2004, 17:06
Hi Steven,

It was great to meet and spend time with the German fan club. I've posted a few pictures on this site as well as on MOTS and you are more than welcome to use them (with credit, please).

Jules 8)

01 Feb 2004, 17:39
Cool...thank you very much!!!!!!! :P
Yes, I was on 24th in London. And I was also in the HArd Rock Cafe with other German fans. I was this blond big guy with this very cool Meat Loaf T-Shirt!!! :D

Keep Rockin

Ahh so we did meet then :D One thing though, you all had the meat Loaf t shirts on!! lol

I have a pic of us all somewhere, so I'll check that, also Jules and terrys as they have pix of the meal as well.

I was the pregnant one btw lol, who Eva just loves to call her fatty english friend :twisted:


01 Feb 2004, 20:04
Don't think this is the way. Maybe if you want to use a picture u can ask the person who has got it on its site.

Let's say that... i will not agree with you or let you borrow pictures that i've made, unless you contact me and ask friendly. Then i will think of it.