View Full Version : Parodies

01 Feb 2004, 22:49
Anyone know of any good parodies of Meat Loaf songs?


02 Feb 2004, 00:48
Well if I had the money
Tell you what I'd do
I'd take a contract out upon a Mercury or two
Driven crazy by a Mercury
Lord maddened by a Mercury
I'd buy me up this Mercury
And fire me a Chief Exec or two

Well hey now promo guy
You look so fine
You're promoting CDs but they sure as hell ain't mine
Driven crazy by a Mercury
Lord maddened by a Mercury
I've been shafted by a Mercury
And so I'm headed on the road

Well hey now promo guys
Who needs you?
The album just went platinum, my concerts sold out too
Driven crazy by a Mercury
I was maddened by a Mercury
So I hitched my pants and hired a bus
And drove that sucker down the road!

Well if I had the time
I tell you what I'd do
I'd go and kick the asses of a promo guy or two
Driven crazy by a Mercury
Oh hell I'm maddened by a Mercury
I'd stick them on my fender
And I'd cruise them up and down the road
Oh yeah .. I'd stick them on my fender
And I'd cruise them up and down the road

02 Feb 2004, 01:03
Mooooouuusie! :o

Where is your Christmas song?! "I bought a lot of crap and I want my money back!" 8O

Cool one Caryl! 8)

02 Feb 2004, 03:03
great work :)

The Flying Mouse
02 Feb 2004, 11:41
:twisted: Ooooh.The Xmas send up's.They're in General Messages somewhere :roll: .
We've only just got into Febuary so they can't be too far back :wink:

02 Feb 2004, 12:03
That is so funny Caryl, well done. :D

02 Feb 2004, 12:20
there's sheffield screaming and
glasgow is cheering
way down in the venues tonight

theres a man in the shadows with a camera on his eye
and a mike shining oh so bright
there's music in the air thunder on the stage
and the sound man's cranking up the beat

and down in the tunnel where the band are rising
oh i swear i saw a big man
down at the entrance
he was starting to rock to the beat

oh meatloaf your one thing in this whole world thats pure and good and right
and wherever you sing and wherever you play its allways gona be the best night
so we gotta get out
we gotta get out now
before the ticket's are all gone
so we gotta make the most of our last gig together
when it's over you know
we'll both be going home

like a bat out of hell
you'll be gone when the concert's done
when the greet's are over
like a bat out of hell you'll be gone gone gone
like a bat out of hell
you'll be gone when the concert's done
and when the tour is done
and the stage comes down
and the house light's a shining through
then like the sinners before the gates of heaven
we'll never stop rockin' with you

(if anyone want's to continue this feel free)

The Flying Mouse
02 Feb 2004, 12:34
:twisted: Great stuff :D .
how about someone suggest a topic for a send up?
Dafter the better 8) .

02 Feb 2004, 12:38
These are very imaginative, and also funny. :D

The Flying Mouse
02 Feb 2004, 14:07
:twisted: OK, here's one I think most of the guys. can relate too
I wanted to write one with a silly subject, but with emotional undertones that can be related too.I subject close to our hearts.
That no matter how many we have, us guys never seem able to find a pair of socks that match.

Get your lighters in the air for.....
Two Near The Same Ain't Bad.

Baby I can look all night.
But that ain't gettin me nowhere.
My drawes are upside down and turned inside out.
There's nothing left inside of here.
And maybe I could search all night.
But that'll never solve this puzzle I feel.
I just can't find two socks that perfectly match.
There's something strage goin on here.

I've got one that's stri-i-ped in a shade of green.
An unusual spotted one that i've never seen.
I'm gettin angry and i'm ready to shout.
It's got so cold, my feet now freeze.
My toes are icicles and don't give off steam.

And all I can do.
Is keep on tellin you.
That's not black.
That's dark brown.
And there ain't no way, im wearing odd socks to go to town.
Now don't be sad.
Cause two similar ain't bad.
Now don't be sad.
Cause two near the same ain't bad.

I know I never left them at the launderette.
I know I never lost them in a silly bet.
I know i'm lookin for a pair that match in this pile of socks.
But there ain't two just the same.
Hiding at the bottom of the laundry box.

I cannot find.
I cannot find two that are cashmir with dots.
Or even two Argyle.
I'll never be able.
To find a good pair.
It's something that I just haven't got.

Well I remember the best pair that I ever had.
But that was, so many years ago.
They used tpo keep my feet warm when the weather was damp.
They even kept them warm, out in the snow.
Well I remember that I took them off after one drunken night.
Then I threw up and collapsed on my bed.
The next mornin I looked and there was only one left.
I've never got them out of my he-ad.

Now I have to tell myself.
I have to tell myself.
I need to tell myself.
That's dark blue.
That won't do.
I'm sure socks get lost, just to irr-i-tate you.
Hmm, two shades of black.
From a distace it won't look bad.

I wanna pair.
I needa pair.
Why is life so very often un- fair.
It drives me mad.
Odd socks just look so sad.

Now don't get mad.
From a distance it won't look bad.

Baby I can search all night.
But that ain't getting me nowhere.

Copyright, need to get a life productions :mrgreen:

02 Feb 2004, 14:22
So funny! :)) Thanx for the laugh guys! 8)

02 Feb 2004, 14:35
Great you guys - how do u come up with such good ideas?

Not much imagination - me - only in my dreams :wink: :oops:

03 Feb 2004, 12:48
Great work! :lmao: I remeber that Xmas song too.

03 Feb 2004, 15:45
The christmas parodies can be found here ---->


03 Feb 2004, 18:19
oh you took the gum right out of my mouth
it must have been while you were kissing me
you took the gum right out of my mouth
and i swear its true
i thought my breath would offend you

it was the hot spicy wings
and my mouth was burning
i tested my breath with my hand

08 Feb 2004, 00:50
I thought of this while I was trying to do some research last night. After I tried I listened to LIAL and came up with this:

It's all or nothing
And nothing's all I ever get
Every time I turn it on it gets burned up and gets burned out
It's always something
There's always something going wrong
That's the only guarantee that's what this is all about.
It's a never ending attack
Everything's so hopeless, that's a fact
Computer's crashed again, I need my research back!
The moderators, and Billy Gatesy with their coins
They're the ones who make the rules, to them, a game; to me, a rout.
There's desperation
My desperation's in the air I need a stiff drink right now
Or else I may just have to start to scream and shout
And it always seems to want to crash.
Then the screen clicks over, fades to black
Computer's crashed again, I need my research back!
I need my research back! I need my research back!
What about Word? It's defective. It always pastes in funny ways
What about books? They're defective. Thought we're past those primitive days
What about the keyboard? It's defective. All the keys just seem to be stuck
What about CD ROMs? They're defective. All copies are out of stock
What about printing? It's defective. I ain't got no paper left
What about the scanner? It's defective. I'm infringing every theft.
What about ISP? It's defective. I can't get them on the phone
What about the mouse? It's defective. Clicking's gave fingers aching bones
What about the speakers? They're defective. I can't even play CDs
What about the screen? It's defective. I'm begging just one click please
What about you writing? It's defective. That's dead and buried in the past
What about the modem? It's defective. That's the biggest pain in the a**!!I need my research back. Computer's crashed again
I've lost my research
And if I cannot get it back
For this debate, I guess I'll simply have to quit, and just bail out.
It's a never ending attack
Waging war on Windows, and we're back.
Computer's crashed again, I need my research back!
And they're always slipping through the cracks.
'Net gets away with murder, that's a fact.
Computer's crashed again, I need my research back!
[Mandatory instrumental]
I need my research back! I need my research back!
Pass me that hammer!

The Flying Mouse
16 Jun 2006, 23:41
:twisted: The thread that came back from the dead :mrgreen:

16 Jun 2006, 23:47
:drool: this is great!!!!!! and so funny :lol:

17 Jun 2006, 08:03
:twisted: The thread that came back from the dead :mrgreen:

Dahlink...you were mahvelous...

17 Jun 2006, 20:03
:twisted: The thread that came back from the dead :mrgreen:

17 Jun 2006, 22:53
I've been trying for hours just to think of what exactly to cook
I thought I'd leave you with a chicken or a nice shepherd's pie
Like when Jamie Oliver makes an exit at the end of Naked Chef.
And I've been dying for hours trying to fill up all the pies with some meat
I'd like to know why you barfed and you threw it all up
I'd like to give you all the reasons why I still cannot cook...

Well I could tell you eat up or maybe bon apetit
With just a touch of a sarcastic thanks
We started out with a prawns and at the top of the world
Now the pots are all dirty and the leftovers suck
And everything's gone


If I could find the clean pots then I would start it again
If I could only find a talent I would cook
Oh its there on my floor the flour I have spilt
Cmon and look at me and pity me and weep


I've been cooking lasagna, trying to build a perfect mountain of cheese
We let the souffle go flat, and put the stuffing on stove
Now the pork chops are nothing but a hollowed out dream

And I've been dying for hours trying to fill up all the pies with some meat
I'd like to know why you barfed and you threw it all up
I'd like to give you all the reasons why I still cannot cook..

Well I could tell you eat up or maybe bon apetit
With just a touch of a sarcastic thanks
We started out with a prawns and at the top of the world
Now the pots are all dirty and the leftovers suck
And everything's gone


It's there on my floor and coming straight from the jar
It's running gooey and sticky and red
It's there on my floor and its all I can see,
C'mon and look at me and pity me and weep

Cook em and eat - for all the hours well be spending at stove
Cook em and eat - for the dreams we'll ignore
Running silent and deep -
And all those dinners we have promised to cook, they wont be cooked anymore

Cook em and eat - for the magic that our cooking had made
Cook em and eat - for the cookies we ****ed...
Running silent and deep - and all the recipes we given away
For whatever the cost

Cook em and eat - for the lobsters still alive in the pot
Cook em and eat - for the pies we have burned
Running silent and deep - and all the leeks that can never be cooked
Why don't you look at me and pity me and weep

C'mon and look at me and pity me and weep
It's there on my floor and coming straight from the jar
It's running gooey and sticky and red
It's there on my floor and its all I can see,
C'mon and look at me and pity me and weep

17 Jun 2006, 22:56
:nuts: :lmao: :lmao: please don't cook anymore :lmao:

17 Jun 2006, 23:07
I hope Evil Nickname doesn;t mind too much but there is a link to the lyrics of two Meat loaf spoofs - Here (http://home.planet.nl/%7Ewilliamg/www/MLJS/meatloaf/misc/parody.html).

Both are hilarious songs.

Personally I prefer the second one - "Three Little Words"

17 Jun 2006, 23:08
:nuts: :lmao: :lmao: please don't cook anymore :lmao:

Oh I don't...straight from the personal experience...hahahahaha

The Flying Mouse
18 Jun 2006, 02:07
:twisted: I would like to point out that the missis doesn't do the pub grub at The Bat :lmao:

The has much more appealing qualities :wink:

18 Jun 2006, 03:16
Like A Mac out of Hell

Steve Jobs is screaming about different Ipods
Down in Silicon Valley tonight
He's there in the shadows pointing a gun at me
Forcing me to buy one that's white
I-tunes is playing on my Mac all day
And my I-book is charged to go
And on my hard drive Quicktime is running
Oh I swear it's much better
Than Media Player
Just believe what a Mac guy knows.....

Oh baby, it's the only thing in this whole world
That's pure, incompatible and white
PC software like most use
Would never work you know I'm right

But I gotta get it out
Before I break this box
The cinema display is gone
So we gotta make the most of I-life right now
Cuz when Vista is released
We'll all be so alone

Like a Mac out of Hell finding software till the morning comes
When the night is over like a Mac out of hell
It won't run, run, run
Like a Mac out of Hell finding software till the morning comes
When my friends have none
Of those apples around
And my Macintosh looks so dim
Then like a sinner before Bill Gates in 7-11 I'll come crawling on back to him...

I cannot upgrade or install more ram
It's OSX Panther I like
When the G6 is out, whenever that may be
I'll tell Pc nerds to take a hike
You can't play games like on a console
They don't exist it seems
And nothing tops the cost
I get so crossed
Cuz I know what's in this darn box

And I know that It's white if I get it out there
Yes it will be white If I do
But with any other computer I would buy
You know that I'd rather that it's white too
If it's gotta be white, you know it's gotta be white
Never change the look it's true
If it's gotta be white, it's gotta be white
Gotta be white, you know it's gotta be white
If it's gotta be white you know it's gotta be white
Never change the look
Never change the look
Never change the look it's true.....

Oh baby, it's the only thing in this whole world
That's pure, incompatible and white
PC software like most use
Would never work you know I'm right

But I gotta get it out
Before I break this box
The cinema display is gone
So we gotta make the most of I-life right now
Cuz when Vista is released
We'll all be so alone

Like a Mac out of Hell finding software till the morning comes
When the night is over like a Mac out of hell
It won't run, run, run
Like a Mac out of Hell finding software till the morning comes
When my friends have none
Of those apples around
And my Macintosh looks so dim
Then like a sinner before Bill Gates in 7-11 I'll come crawling on back to him...
Then like a sinner before Bill Gates in 7-11 I'll come crawling on back to him...

Well I can see my Mac
Running graphic applications
Faster than any PC has ever done
They started Firewire twice as fast
And no one's gonna stop me now
I gotta hit escape
But I can't stop thinking of Ipods
And all the software has a name that's starts with the letter I

All the software has a name that's starts with the letter I!!!

Then I'm lying about the computer spec just for fun
Winding Windows users up is what I like
And I think somebody somewhere is buying a Dell
And the last thing I see is XP
Still running
Breaking every damn Apple
Throwing my Nano away
Like a Mac out of Hell

Then I'm lying about the computer spec just for fun
Winding Windows users up is what I like
And I think somebody somewhere is buying a Dell
And the last thing I see is XP
Still running, still running
Breaking every damn Apple
Throwing my Nano away
Hey! Like a Mac out of Hell
Like a Mac out of Hell
Like a Mac out of Hell

Oh like a Mac out of Hell
(Like a Mac of Hell finding software till the morning comes)

Oh like a Mac out of Hell
(Like a Mac of Hell finding software till the morning comes)

Oh like a Mac out of Hellllllll..........

18 Jun 2006, 03:27
:twisted: I would like to point out that the missis doesn't do the pub grub at The Bat :lmao:

The has much more appealing qualities :wink:

And now I REALLY would like to know who THE is...

19 Jun 2006, 15:34

I was wondering why such an innocent expression as "**** cookies" was edited in my so-called lyrics.

My deepest words of thanks to the certain mod god who has educated me in British meaning of the expression.

My deepest apologies to all UKers for misuse of your native language.

To **** cookies: American meaning is VOMIT (pardon my French).

Now two questions come to mind:

1. Weren't we once your colony?
2. And if were, why couldn't you teach us proper English???

Sorry again for this misunderstanding...

19 Jun 2006, 15:38
You were ... we did, but you chose to change it ...

Noting that if you spoke the Queens ENglish you'd be called MissZed! :))

Now, where's the parody of Out Of The Frying Pan that I wrote a while ago?

The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2006, 15:43
And now I REALLY would like to know who THE is...

:twisted: I'm sorry my sweet "the" was suposed to be "she".
Brain must have gone to sleep for a moment :oops:
Will make it up to you later :wink:

19 Jun 2006, 16:34
You were ... we did, but you chose to change it ...

Noting that if you spoke the Queens ENglish you'd be called MissZed! :))

Now, where's the parody of Out Of The Frying Pan that I wrote a while ago?

I chose to change it??? I choose nothing...

I do know about Zed thingie...that would sound quite ugly on a girl, wouldn't it???

Where is it??? Read your Christmas stuff and thought it completely inspired...

19 Jun 2006, 16:35
:twisted: I'm sorry my sweet "the" was suposed to be "she".
Brain must have gone to sleep for a moment :oops:
Will make it up to you later :wink:

It's alright, hun...I read Brain as Brian and was wondering who Brian is...hahahahaha

Read your Christmas stuff too and laughed so hard had to be carted away in a van with gates on the windows...especially loved the part where you get hit in the can with the cart...I had such a terrific visual that it entertained me for hours on end...

The Flying Mouse
19 Jun 2006, 16:45
It's alright, hun...I read Brain as Brian and was wondering who Brian is...hahahahaha

Read your Christmas stuff too and laughed so hard had to be carted away in a van with gates on the windows...especially loved the part where you get hit in the can with the cart...I had such a terrific visual that it entertained me for hours on end...

:twisted: I'm glad you like it darling :wink:

20 Jun 2006, 12:30
Where is it??? ...

Here it is, found and rewritten to bring it up to date ...

It's only two o'clock and the modem's are beginning to glow
And all around the forum you see the walking wounded and a new locked thread
I've never had posts locked and I've never been so bored
And reading is just no fun anymore
Then I saw you like a summer dream
And you're the answer to every post that I ever read
I saw you like a summer dream
And you're the answer to every post that I ever read

You can feel your pulse on the keyboard racing like a runaway horse
The shoutbox is sizzling and the skin of the mousemat is gleaming with sweat
I've seen your daily post count start to climb
But you were looking so restless and quoteless and lost
I think it's time for you to come online
I'll be waiting here to post something you'll never forget
I think it's time for you to come online
I'll be waiting here to post something you'll never forget

Come on, come on and there'll be no turning back
You were only PMing Meat but i'll PM you right back
Come on, come on, it's time to burn up the fuse
You got nothing to do and even less to lose
You got nothing to do and even less to lose

So wander down to the ancient hallway, reading the posts only one at a time
Follow the sound of my heartbeat now
I'm in chat room room at the top, you're at the end of the line
So log onto the board and read through those threads, the number of posts are gettin' higher
And I wanna post you out of theBat III thread (and into off topic)
Out of the Bat III thread (and into Off Topic)
Out of the Bat III thread and into Off Topic
And I wanna post you out of the Bat III thread (and into Off Topic)
Out of the Bat III thread (and into Off Topic)
Out of the Bat III thread and into Off Topic
And into Off Topic, Topic, Topic, and into Off Topic, Topic, Topic
And into Off Topic, Topic, Topic, and into Off Topic

It's only two o'clock and the post count is beginning to soar
And all around the forum you see the moderators are deleting those threads
I've never seen threads locked and I've never been so bored
And Pudding is just no fun anymore
Then I saw you like a summer dream
And you're the answer to every post that I ever read
I saw you like a summer dream
And you're the answer to every post that I ever read


And into off topic, and into off topic, and into off topic
And into off topic, topic, topic, and into off topic, topic, topic
And into off topic, topic, topic and into off topic

20 Jun 2006, 13:08
That is AWESOME. Terrific meter too, closest I've seen to perfection as far as the actual song would go.

The Flying Mouse
20 Jun 2006, 13:21
:twisted: Well done Mr King :mrgreen: *applauds*

The Flying Mouse
20 Jun 2006, 14:58
:twisted: An ode to moderation...............

I was bored till your post I read.
Then the moderators called CODE RED :shock:
it was qui-et
but now it's all
gone pear shaped

it was quiet, but not no more
With Bat III arg-u-ments happen more
and we're lock-in threads :lock:
from morning
until night time

and now the forums are goin to hell
I think that I am goin as well :roll:
and we're sinking deeper and deeper
in an argument without an end

Oh I know you this belongs
inside ano-ther thread
this stuff I gotta moderate
and it's wrecking my head :faint:

And don't you hear me cry-ay-in
Off top-ic, don't flame
and now i'm readin your reply
how am I to blame?

I'm in the middle of one PM
then another arrives

Someone called me a fecking w*nker

fix him you have the time

Well give me just a moment
to read the rest of this thread
it's 5 o clock in the bloo-dy morning :zzz:
and i'm missin my bed

and i'm gonna need somebody
to read this thread like I do
and I will perceive somebody as
posting flame
posting trash
mess about again and you know that I will ban you-oo

For cryin out loud - this is way off topic
For cryin out loud - it's a bit insulting
for cryin out loud - official warrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrning

I was done
and i'm off to bed :D
cleaned it up
and I locked the thread
now i'm tired and i really need, some shut eye

then a thought comes into my head :idea:
that post before I beter double check
Cause I didn't pay enough attention
the first time :oops:

and now I see a quote I somehow misread
that Fire Ball must be out of his head
and i'm typing, editing, quoting
that this really should have not been said

I know this belongs, in no thread on these boards
i'm moderating round the clock now
while everybody snores

and don't you hear me cryin
unfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair, NO NO
and don't you hear me screamin

i'm in the middle of edit-ing
then while i'm doin that
a fight kicks off in the bloo-dy test board

"OI, he just called me a t*at"

Well gimme just another moment
to finish this edit and quote
everyone has gone feck-ing senile :wtf:
and are rocking the boat

And i'm gonna need anoth-er mod to give me back up
and I will receive a PM


For crying out loud, I sould edit this maybe
For crying out loud, my minds gone lazy
For crying out loud, my brains gone hazy
For crying out loud, it drives me crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrazy :nuts:

For posing on a thread
that monster is crap
for goin on and on
whan i've said once shup up
then my oh my, for that, i'll warn you

for postin on a thread
and starting to scold
for confusing my head
makin me feel very old
and don't you know, for that, i'll warn you

for going off topic
and for hijacking threads
for keepin me up
when i'm needin my bed
and you gotta know, for that, i'll warn you

for starting new thread
when I just locked the last
for posing again
for bein a pain in the ass :bicker:
and all in all, for that, i'll warn you

for fightin and for cussing
and then passing the blame
for doin too long posts
and for frying my brain
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lord, for that i'll warn you

Oh but most of all, for links to bootlegs, for that i'll ban you
Oh but most of all, for messin around, for that, i'll ban you
Oh but most of all, breakin the rules, for that, i'll ban you.


For that, I'll ban yooooooooooooooooooooooooou.


20 Jun 2006, 15:28
Here it is, found and rewritten to bring it up to date ...

Andy...this is inspired, mate...thank a lot for posting it!!!

20 Jun 2006, 15:33
:twisted: An ode to moderation...............


Hahahahaha...well done...very well done...

20 Jun 2006, 18:33
Didn´t have much time, but hope you´ll like it:

Modern Thread - An ode to old times, new times and the mods

Once a beautiful non sense thread like One word story thread
Turned into an arguement about Jim Steinmans Head :twisted:
But that was last one week ago, now its a brand new board :-)
Gimme the future, gimme the future, gimme the future with a modern thread
Gimme the future, gimme the future, gimme the future with a modern thread

Somewhere just between Bat3 and TT and BH
Theres a promotion thread,or a thought of a hit
Yeah, that´s where you´re gonna find it :!:

Between the threads there were before and what they´re gonna be
There are songs by some artists, we´d like to hear Meat sing
yeah, thats where you find me rea-ding

Cant you hear the keyboard groanin like some broken down jaws
Rusted with the guilty tears of fallen Mega Loafers
But you and I we´re still posting , baby its a brand new board
Gimme the future, gimme the future, gimme the future with a modern thread
Gimme the future, gimme the future, gimme the future with a modern thread
(gimme the future, gimme the future, gimme the future with a modern thread)


Were the son and the daughter on a new forum
(gimme the future, gimme the future)
Laughin while the mods startin´ to foam
(gimme the future with a modern thread)
Were the son and the daughter and they ain´t make us afraid
(gimme the future, gimme the future)
We´ll be makin the mistakes they never made
(gimme the future with a modern thread)
(gimme the future, gimme the future) oh, gimme the future with a modern thread
(gimme the future, gimme the future) oh, gimme the future with a modern thread

Once a beautiful arguement about Did I say that
or about this sweaty guy who can´t sing and is fat :shock:
But that was once upon a time, now its a brand new board

Gimme the future, gimme the future - gimme the future with a modern thread...:))

20 Jun 2006, 18:36
Well done, RJ...me thinks it's us against mods...

Let's show mods what we can do...

It's a war!!!

20 Jun 2006, 18:55
Well done, RJ...me thinks it's us against mods...

Let's show mods what we can do...

It's a war!!!
Do Do Do
Doooo Dooo

Do Dooo Dooo Doo
Doo Do Dooo Dooo Doo
Do Do Doo Doo Doo

With the famous quote:
"Neil, Pudding is your father!"

20 Jun 2006, 19:42
Do Do Do
Doooo Dooo

Do Dooo Dooo Doo
Doo Do Dooo Dooo Doo
Do Do Doo Doo Doo

With the famous quote:
"Neil, Pudding is your father!"

hahahahaha...let me just get some time on my hands...we shall see who wins...

The Flying Mouse
20 Jun 2006, 20:02
:twisted: My FATHER? :shock:



Knew that pic would come in handy one day :lol:

20 Jun 2006, 20:06
What exactly are you trying to say with that pic??? Are you trying to scare us so we run away? Yeah, right...

The Flying Mouse
20 Jun 2006, 20:14
What exactly are you trying to say with that pic??? Are you trying to scare us so we run away? Yeah, right...

:twisted: No darling.
It's suposed to look like i'm screaming "no" at the news that apparently Pud is my father :roll:

I'll get my coat :lol:

20 Jun 2006, 20:42
:twisted: No darling.
It's suposed to look like i'm screaming "no" at the news that apparently Pud is my father :roll:

I'll get my coat :lol:

I would be screaming too if he was my father...but then again...if he was my father I would be a bit younger and possibly better looking...hmmmm...

20 Jun 2006, 20:45



21 Jun 2006, 06:36
45 seconds of misery
Chat just froze and bounced me
Type so fast and lose the screen
45 seconds of misery
45 seconds of misery
Can't I get just right back in?
When I feel my browser freeze
45 seconds of misery

The Flying Mouse
21 Jun 2006, 20:04
45 seconds of misery
Chat just froze and bounced me
Type so fast and lose the screen
45 seconds of misery
45 seconds of misery
Can't I get just right back in?
When I feel my browser freeze
45 seconds of misery

:twisted: BRILLIANT :lmao:

21 Jun 2006, 20:20
:twisted: BRILLIANT :lmao:

Thank you, darlink...

07 Nov 2006, 00:29
Perfect timing.... lol Okay this video is for people with a sense of Humour about Meat


07 Nov 2006, 04:11

07 Nov 2006, 04:21
Perfect timing.... lol Okay this video is for people with a sense of Humour about Meat


OK not really sure how to take this:shock: !!!

It basically butchured one of my all time favourite Meat tracks; I'm Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us, which is unforgivable because that song and lyrics are phenominal and secondly is it really fair to post this knowing very well Meat may very well open that link...

I will leave it there because if I continue I might end up upsetting people again!

The Flying Mouse
07 Nov 2006, 04:36
OK not really sure how to take this:shock: !!!

It basically butchured one of my all time favourite Meat tracks; I'm Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us, which is unforgivable because that song and lyrics are phenominal and secondly is it really fair to post this knowing very well Meat may very well open that link...

I will leave it there because if I continue I might end up upsetting people again!

:twisted: *sigh*

Try taking it with a pinch of SALT.

It's a parody.

Parodies have been done for many years, and they'll contine to be done wether artists or fans like it or not.

This one has been around for quite a while, and most fans (well, every fan i've talked about it before now) take it in at least good humour (some even LOVE it).

Meat has had much more cruel and hurtful things said and done to him over the years, and I very much doubt that this is going to make him too upset.

In fact I think Meat would appreciate the joke.He is well known for having a sence of humour about himself.

As for the comparison with I'm Gonna Love Her, I do not hear any simalarity at all with either the music or lyrics.

In fact I hear no simalarity with anything ever done by Meat, except that it is in a poor imitation of his dramatic style.

Another parody, which I happen to love is "Pull My Finger", and I would urge fans to have a listen as it's good for a giggle.

07 Nov 2006, 05:44
Another parody, which I happen to love is "Pull My Finger", and I would urge fans to have a listen as it's good for a giggle.

Oooo I have that, excellent parody. It's actually called 'Three Little Words' and it's by Davinci's Notebook if anyone's interested.

Pud :twisted:

07 Nov 2006, 13:04
Each to their own with parodies but i thought both the mad tv and celebrity death match were good.

In some ways is it not a sign of how popular Meat Loaf is if shows are taking the time to do parodies of him?

07 Nov 2006, 15:38
Each to their own with parodies but i thought both the mad tv and celebrity death match were good.

In some ways is it not a sign of how popular Meat Loaf is if shows are taking the time to do parodies of him?

Yep...sort of a compliment...they don't do parodies on you if nobody knows who you're...

The Flying Mouse
07 Nov 2006, 15:47
:twisted: Well there's the old saying that there's no such thing as bad publicity :wink:

Let's face it, parodies are quite often done by cult shows, in some cases on prime time.

Look at Saturday Night Live?

It was FAMOUS for parodies.

John Belushi might have taken the mickey out of Joe Cocker in one famous skit, but it had thousands of viewers at prime time thinking "Joe Cocker".

People could hear one of these parodies, and afterwards imediatly satart unconciously humming Paradise to themselves.

It's all about getting the artist on a persons mind.

07 Nov 2006, 16:05
Having said that, Mr. Flying Mouse, you're a genius with parodies..can't wait for more!!!