View Full Version : 14/4/2002 - What's So Special?

Rob The Badger
09 Feb 2004, 00:20
I noticed that many people here on the board. . .like, loads, have the 14th of April 2002 as the join date. Is this a coincidence! Someone let me know! It's been driving me insane!!!!!! :?

09 Feb 2004, 00:22
If I'm not mistaken, wasn't that the date that the board went to this php software? In which cas eeither everyone rejoined on that date, or peoples accounts were transferred.

I'm sure R will correct me if I'm wrong.

09 Feb 2004, 00:22
That was the date the forums were upgraded and all the members were transferred fromt he old system to the new one!!

Do a search for all posts by someone to get the date for their earliest post adn hence their joining date

Rob The Badger
09 Feb 2004, 00:28
I suspected as much. . .cheers guys.