View Full Version : Most unusual place you've heard Meat Loaf songs played

Mike Piercy
09 Feb 2004, 20:14
Just a thought.

I wonder how many out there have heard Meat Loaf songs played in unusual places. Here are two and there true!

In our GP's (Doctor's) practice Reception Area (Bat Out of Hell would you believe).

In an operating theatre to mask sounds (I had to put up with Simple Minds because they couldn't find BOOH when I asked for it but they did have it!). You'll gather I was awake for the procedure.

Can you top those?


09 Feb 2004, 20:52
we play Meat Loaf all the time in the operating theatres I have seem many a surgeon using their instruments for percussion :lol: :lol:

Many a specimen has hit the formaldahyde to 'bat out of Hell' :lol:

The best was a sing along of 'I'll do anything for love' to an operation called a 'Nesbits' (Willy straightening to the untrained)

Trust me it goes on all the time.

R :lol: sie

09 Feb 2004, 20:55
Went to visit my brother at his work - he had orchestral music plasying in the background.... thought to myself - i know that tune...i did - Bat Out Of Hell..

What does my brother do???

He's an UNDERTAKER!!!!!!

09 Feb 2004, 20:56
Heat, there is no connection to my previous post :lol: :lol: is there?

R :lol: sie

09 Feb 2004, 20:58
Heat, there is no connection to my previous post :lol: :lol: is there?

R :lol: sie

I'm begining to wonder... :roll:

Mike Piercy
09 Feb 2004, 22:15
The deadly nurse curse. Who infected Meat I wonder?

Shouldn't the undertaker be playing "Heaven can wait"?


09 Feb 2004, 22:22
Does anyone have Peter Kay Live at the top of the Tower?

At the start there is music in the background played on the organ (it is in Blackpool), there is Sussudio by Phil Collins (or Genesis?) then BOOH!

09 Feb 2004, 22:22
I have no idea what you you are talking about Mr Nesbit sorry Peircy :lol: :lol:

R :lol: sie

09 Feb 2004, 22:50
A couple of years back we visited the wife's Grandparents who were in an old folks home and they were listening to 'Heaven Can Wait' while playing Bingo!!


09 Feb 2004, 23:46
IWDAFL was playing when I was getting my wisdom teeth removed a few years back- :lol:

10 Feb 2004, 02:25
i don't think their is an unusual place to hear a meat song. i heard Paradise, while bowling, but that was more fun than unusual 8) . i requested the song.

you know that part, where they go "line shot up the middle" during the play-by-play, well it was my turn, and actually through a straight shot. :P it was pretty funny, cause that was like one of three shots up the middle. :roll:

10 Feb 2004, 02:41
sister in law was having a baby and in the room she had meatloaf playing

10 Feb 2004, 02:43
Maybe not in an unsual place but...

- in a supermarket a few weeks ago. I suddenly stopped and began to grin. My best friend went: "Don't tell me! Meat Loaf! Right?" :)) They were playing I'd Lie For You.

- at the Glasgow airport last week. When I got off of the plane, I made a few steps and heard BOOH. 8O (Yeah, spooky!) I went on and saw a man in a shop singing (sorta) along and dancing 8O (Yeah, spooky too!).

... thinking that is less spooky than that banner at the airport saying "make sure you do not bring any forbidden meat"! 8O

10 Feb 2004, 03:00
sister in law was having a baby and in the room she had meatloaf playing

I had Meat Loaf playing in the background when my son was born. I had The Very Best on continuous play and Bat Out Of Hell had just finished and Anything For Love had just started and out he popped.


10 Feb 2004, 12:36
my daughter was born in the delivery suite with (all reved up )playing

10 Feb 2004, 14:06
i don't think their is an unusual place to hear a meat song.

Wanna bet? :twisted:

In a Maasai mud hut in the bush in the middle of nowhere in Kenya. Seriously!! I was there for a while last year - a friend I was with had a walkman with him and the Cd in his walkman at the time was BOOH 2. So we listened to a bit of it there waiting to be served some goat's milk!!!! It was great. 8) And the Maasai were fascinated with the walkman! :lol:


10 Feb 2004, 14:13
TESCO'S - down meat isle :lol:

Seriously though have heard him in supermarkets

10 Feb 2004, 15:54
sister in law was having a baby and in the room she had meatloaf playing

I had Meat Loaf playing in the background when my son was born. I had The Very Best on continuous play and Bat Out Of Hell had just finished and Anything For Love had just started and out he popped.


I managed to pop my two out during Bat Out Of Hell, and weierdly enough, we had Very Best Of on continuous play too...spooky 8O

10 Feb 2004, 16:36
I was in Sheffield last month and I was walk around the city. Suddenly I hear BOOH!!!!
In a house entrance was sitting a homeless man wrapped in a wool blanked because it was cold and make a sit dance...
Very surprisingly - but nice!!!


10 Feb 2004, 16:41
A very long, long time ago when i was 17, i was on holiday with friends in Spain. Sitting down on our balcony drinking beers i started singing the first line of Modern Girl. A couple of guys and girls on the balcony on the right handside started singing very loud the next line. Then i sang the third, they sang the fourth. And so on and on. At that time i felt like i was the only fan in the universe and this experience was really something because of that. Well, maybe it dont belong here on this topic.

10 Feb 2004, 21:48
Um, long list coming up here! :wink:
Park Lane Interchange: YTTWROOMM twice in Feb last year (and you all know how short a month Feb is!)
Leeds Bus Station (interchange????) on the way down to Dover. It was the weekend of a music festival or something and there were hundreds of students sitting around listening to cds, and one group had Bat on! :D
Restaurant in Fuerteventura: YTTW in hotel restaurant we stayed at. We'd just literally sat down and it came on :)
Pub called The Wheatsheaf outside of Keswick in the Lakes (actually, that's not that strange, is it?)
My sixth form common room the other week: A friend had just bought Heaven and Hell and she put it on the cd player. it lasted about half an hour! :roll:
This one's more nice than strange, but a friend of my brother told me that at a funeral he'd attended, they had Home By Now/No Matter What on at the end :) Apparently there wasn't a dry eye in the house :) :wink:

10 Feb 2004, 21:51
Bat Out Of Hell.... playing very loud about 1000 feet under the Irish sea..... what was even more unusual was the fact that I wasn't in the vessel that had it playing... I could tell you more, but I'd have to shoot you afterwards;)

10 Feb 2004, 21:57
Maybe this isn't unusual unless you know my house mate.....she claims to absolutely *hate* ML and cannot even begin to understand what it is about him that I like so much........but I DID CATCH HER HUMMING PARADISE the other night.....he doesn't get much attention in my area of the country so, sad to say I never hear him anywhere else :(


Michael Marxen
11 Feb 2004, 00:22
In a real ~~~~ing live show on Hamburgs Reeperbahn!


In case you did not get it yet: yes, they really did it on stage to SteinMeatmusic. Don`t ask me what I did there...

11 Feb 2004, 01:56
hidden in bushes of a florida hotel were speakers where they piped music day and night, they played AFL, 10 times a day. It was before it was released here and i couldn't understand why I recognised the voice so much!

Also during my emergency cesarian section in hospital, they played BOOH.

Tescos just before xmas, Dead ringer, now thats a good one to have at a funeral!

Mcdonalds at chesterfield, BOOH

11 Feb 2004, 07:05
Well, on the cd speakers at the restaurant (where I was celebrating my 18th birthday last year) the entire album of CHSIB was playing. I got really excited, and also quite shocked, that not only did the first track appear - I thought it was the radio playing the single (Yeah! In your dreams, Ryan!) - but then Did I Say That followed, and slowly, as I went from meal to meal, the rest of the album. I still think my parents tipped them to play it - but I'm not sure. Other than that, I saw two drunken women rolling around the floor to IDAFL -

Mike Piercy
11 Feb 2004, 12:27
I will ask..................what were you doing there Michael?


11 Feb 2004, 12:52
My boyfriends house (BOOH), the same boyfriend who claims to dislike Meat :evil:

Michael Marxen
11 Feb 2004, 23:15
I will ask..................what were you doing there Michael?


O.k. Mike.
I ended up there in the middle of a scientific weekend with some colleagues I hardly knew (all female!). No, I did not push them!
Hardest part was when a stripper came to our table and I had to take her top off. Tried to hide myself in the middle of my female colleages when I saw her coming...

They played music from Dance Of The Vampires at that time.

11 Feb 2004, 23:48
Hardest part was when a stripper came to our table and I had to take her top off.

Oh dear, how terrible, that sounds like a nightmare :roll:

Pud :twisted:

Mike Piercy
12 Feb 2004, 00:10
Must have been very disturbing for you, I wonder how you got over it. If you ever go there again perhaps I ought to come along as a chaperone!

12 Feb 2004, 18:42
perhaps I ought to come along as a chaperone!

And i think i should come too, just to make the numbers more equal... :wink:

12 Feb 2004, 22:03
... and you can count me in too.

Just to listen to Meat music of course ;) :twisted: :twisted:

13 Feb 2004, 10:51
I donīt know is this unusual place but hereīs the story: Their started showing The days of our lives in here in Finland. And when they start to advertised it they use CHSIB in those comercials. I emmidietely recognized it was Meatīs song. And most odd is that my sister who are not fanzy ībout Meat reacognized to Meatīs song too.

13 Feb 2004, 11:02
Not really unusual, but last week in a hotel-bar in I recognized, that "Paradise" was played. Went into the bar with a big smile on my face, more or less singing and had a short talk to the barkeeper. And she was a Meat Loaf Fan, too. So she played many more Meat-songs that night and later for one hour or more just Meat.

17 Feb 2004, 12:46
I have a 6CD changer thingy in my car, and very often has 6 Meat CDs in, (much to my girlfriends frustration - she is a huge fan, but occasionally likes to listen to other artists, although I'd be grateful if you didn't tell anyone that :) )

So the other day, we were driving to mum and dads house (only about 200 miles, so not long enough for more than a dozen Meaty songs :lol: )
and I stopped at a petrol station on the way, and in the kiosk, they were playing "ILFYATTT"!

We got to the end of our journey and we popped into Tesco to get some flowers for mum, and they were playing "IWDAFL!".

Got back in the car and the Mrs demanded that we listened to the radio (Radio 2). After 3 or 4 songs they played ICHSIBM!!!!

What a cool trip! The most Meat I've ever had in one day, if you'll pardon the expression :)

20 Feb 2004, 23:08
I'd do anything for love and some other songs were played very-very frequently in the biggest MacDonald's (located at the central Moscow square) for the last 7 years.

Now they play modern pop rubbish :(.

22 Feb 2004, 22:22
I was walking to the railway station one morning, and there was a bloke washing his car. He had Midnight playing loudly on the stereo. Ok, so it's not an odd place, but an unusual song to hear.

Walking round an artists house in Germany, I heard Heaven Can Wait, sung by a church choir or something. It took me a while to realise why the music sounded familiar.

On the day of the Jan 22nd concert at Wembley. I went to the Virgin Superstore in Watford in my lunch break and they played CHSIB. That was pretty cool 8)

23 Feb 2004, 18:14
One day i was in TESCO's and Bat out of hell was blasting out of the speakers!
i started to head bang.. :twisted: .........made everyone woooooooossshhhh up the aisles with their trollyes :lol:


24 Feb 2004, 21:24
I heard 'Bat Out Of Hell' playing in 'TK Max' once....

luv and paper lanterns

24 Feb 2004, 22:22
Fratton Park, Portsmouth Vs Liverpool, Dead Ringer.

DIdn't make the defeat any easier though :(

Mike Piercy
02 Mar 2004, 17:38
Televised Rugby League match BBC on Sunday, when try was scored, BOOH was played.
