11 Feb 2004, 22:10
My Mom taught me RELIGION
You better pray that will come out of the carpet

My Mom taught me about TIME TRAVEL
If you don't do as you are told, I'm going to know you into the middle of next week!

My Mom taught me LOGIC
Because I said so - that's why

My Mom taught me FORESIGHT
Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you have an accident

My Mom taught me CONTORTIONISM
Will you look at the dirt on the back of your neck

My Mom taught me STAMINA
You'll sit there until all of that broccoli is gone

My Mom taught me about the WEATHER
This room of yours looks as though a tornado went through it

My Mom taught me about HYPOCRISY
If I told you once, I told you a million times - do not exaggerate!

My Mom taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE
I brought you into this world, I can take you out!

My Mom taught me about ANTICIPATION
Just wait until I get you home

My mom taught me about RECEIVING
you are going to get it when we get home

My Mom taught me about WISDOM
When you get to my age, you'll understand

My Mom taught me about JUSTICE
One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out like you

11 Feb 2004, 22:16
He he he.......not bad.......and so true :D

original sin
11 Feb 2004, 22:55
:lol: Thanks enjoyed that

11 Feb 2004, 22:59
I think there must be a class somewhere where they teach mothers these things!!

native texan
11 Feb 2004, 23:14
When we have our first child, we get manuals with really bad mom cliches :wink:

12 Feb 2004, 00:25
Very true :D

Debbi V
12 Feb 2004, 04:26
Have you been listening when I talk to MY kids?! :twisted:

12 Feb 2004, 06:40
where DO you find all of these FA?????????????

black dog
12 Feb 2004, 09:50
Brilliant Fallen Angel. It's also the things you think you'll never say to your kids and then you hear them coming out your own mouth.

evil nickname
12 Feb 2004, 09:57

That, my friend, is not a word.

12 Feb 2004, 13:35
but Insaniaaaaaaaaa is

12 Feb 2004, 21:31

That, my friend, is not a word.

Yes it is...Jocular, jocularity = given to jesting/merry.......'tis in the dictionary

evil nickname
13 Feb 2004, 01:23
How the hell would I know? I'm Dutch :p

13 Feb 2004, 10:26
i got one that my mum always said to me

if you fall and break your leg......

dont come crying to me

native texan
13 Feb 2004, 14:28
Here's one- Don't run with that stick (or whatever), you'll put your eye out.

My sister knew a kid in school who actually did that!

13 Feb 2004, 17:44
How the hell would I know? I'm Dutch :p

i'm well aware you are Dutch....as you did not seem to know the word ,i was simply stating what it said in the dictionary.... :roll: trying to be helpful.......
sorry ....

Apologies....in replying to this i'm off topic...