View Full Version : Chickens!!

18 Feb 2004, 00:11
OK, don't want to sound like a "Looney Tune" but dreamn't of Meat last nite :D

Was laying in bed with him (my best mate Sarah and Kasim was also there - ALL above board of course!!!!!! :wink: )

Anyway, to cut a long story short, Meat kept telling me he was dreaming of chickens all the time and could I look it up in my dream book ..... snap to reality, woke up and I did look it up, the meaning is as follows:-

"Dreaming of chickens denotes, worry from many cares, some of which will prove to your profit"

(then went on to dream I was in a quiz show and Joanna Lumley was hosting it, but that is another story!!)

What are all you guys dreaming??

Rob The Badger
18 Feb 2004, 01:09
I dreamed I was Michael Stipe a while back. . .my voice cracked on stage. . .

18 Feb 2004, 02:08
What drugs are people using on this board?

Pud :twisted:

Rob The Badger
18 Feb 2004, 02:20
Love. . .is the drug. . . .

I'll get my goat.

18 Feb 2004, 02:46
Love. . .is the drug. . . .

I'll get my goat.

8O 8O 8O 8O

18 Feb 2004, 08:30
I had a dream about Meat - in a football helmet

Nothing else - just a football helmet 8O

nuff said :twisted:

18 Feb 2004, 18:13
Iīve seen dreams of Meat three times. But hereīs only one:

There were Meatīs concert and I was there. There were standing room only and I get in first īcouse I got Backstage pass. I was like overcharged Duracel bunny and I was jumping around the hall like maniac.

18 Feb 2004, 18:16
Mine's alcohol Pud, how about you? 8)

19 Feb 2004, 01:02
Mine's alcohol Pud, how about you? 8)

I want some of what FALLEN ANGEL1000 had 8O

Pud :twisted:

19 Feb 2004, 08:30
madonna123968848 wrote:

Mine's alcohol Pud, how about you?

I want some of what FALLEN ANGEL1000 had


Mine's alcohol tooo. http://www.platinumrogue.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/smilies/cheers.gif plus a good imagination :roll:

22 Feb 2004, 01:23
I just had a strange dream last night....here it goes....

Well I was at a concert, and it was Roger Taylor (Drummer of the british rock band Queen, that comes joint first with meatloaf in my eyes lol) and Meatloaf! Roger was doing drums and singing. Meatloaf was doing piano, guitar and singning!!!! It was such a worped dream!!!!!

What has been your strangest dream?

Rob The Badger
22 Feb 2004, 02:30
. . . .falalalalala. . .

The Flying Mouse
22 Feb 2004, 04:04
:twisted: Moderator has been drinking beer all night and is now very drunk :mrgreen:
Will find relevant topic and merge this thread with that one tomorrow :wink:

22 Feb 2004, 12:12
This moderator is as sober as a judge and has hunted down said chickens and merged all the dream talk into one thread.

22 Feb 2004, 23:39
I had a strange dream. (and trust me, my dreams are warped) and It was Jack Black. He was running around this classroom being chased by a little girl. The girl was farting a lot... :oops:

And walking out I saw Elton John at his piano and Meat was singing along. Weeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrd.....

Trust me, this dream is tame compared to others.