View Full Version : I am so sad, angry and frustrated!
original sin
20 Feb 2004, 19:39
Today my 13 year old son has gone into town with some friends and they have been mugged! They only took a couple of quid off the boys but thats not the point the filthy swines put there hands in his pockets to check if he had and notes and threw away everything he had in his pockets.
He is so angry and upset and hates the world, the police doubt that they will get anyone.
I'm so p***ed off, why are there shuch shites in the world
Sorry to hear that Sin :(
Happened to my son a few yrs back but they beat him up as well. The worlds becoming a not so nice place to live in lately.
20 Feb 2004, 20:08
Sorry to hear that. It happened to my daughter's friend, she got beat up and mugged (because she looked different) while waiting for my daughter to meet her
There are such scumbags around.
Hope he is OK sin - give him my love xx
native texan
20 Feb 2004, 20:09
I'm so sorry to hear about your son! I hope he'll be okay. I can understand being so angry, that's your child. Try to help him see that people really are basically good, and not to give those hoodlums the satisfaction of changing his world view. They should not be given that kind of power over his life.
20 Feb 2004, 20:23
OMG sin !!!!!
is he ok??
why do people have to do that? just so they can get money for drugs and boze :evil:
he wasnt hurt was he apart from being angry :evil:
its always the same now well i think its either a kid goes missing or kids getting hurt/mugged :evil: esp when they are on holiday
well plz give him my luv sin as he is such a nice young man
draconia and arcangel (my hubby)
Oh, I hope that he's Ok! It happened to 4 of my friends, they were on our way back from town and these bunch of townies (i'll explain someday) came out from no where and jumped my two lad mates and started hitting them with metal poles and took there money and while they were doing that, the rest kept harrasing my two girl mates and took everything off them!! They finally where left alone and dragged themselves to my house, which wasnt far away (only about 1 minutes walk) and I was horrified!! There was blood and tears and then the police finally came round but it was too late and none of those b*****ds were found!! This was all in broad daylight too!!
20 Feb 2004, 20:41
I am sorry sorry to hear bout your son i hope he is ok there really are some evil people around the is a gang of youths going round my area mugging people from cashpoints at the moment ad there really is no need for it hope your son can see there are good people out there and keep his faith in the world
20 Feb 2004, 21:13
oh god Sin. What a horrible thing to happen. Townies (yup Heli i know what they are) hang around everywhere and cause trouble.
The Flying Mouse
20 Feb 2004, 21:17
:twisted: I'm so sorry to hear that Sin :( .
They should bring back public flogging for the little (insert many expletives) :evil:
I'm glad that he wasn't hurt though.
Tell him Carol and I send our best.
20 Feb 2004, 21:22
:( So sorry to hear this, hope he is ok.
Sending a big hug
So sorry to hear this Sin.
What a dreadful thing to happen, i can well understand your son (and you) being angry and upset by this.So glad he wasn't hurt.
Thinking of you both.
Sin I am saddened for your son, is he okay? Shaken I bet :!:
Please give him my love, and with your support I know this will not have a lasting effect on him.
Yes there are scumbags out there I know first hand having had my purse stolen twice.
20 Feb 2004, 21:41
Oh Sin, I hope James is ok? What an awful thing to to happen to him.
Send him big hugs and sloppy kisses from his auntie Christa xxxxxxxxxxxx
Mike Piercy
20 Feb 2004, 21:54
Sin, so sorry, it happens so often now we're becoming immune to it. It's only when it happens to someone we know of we really appreciate the hurt.
These people who do this are the scum of the earth. Take heart everyone here is with you and your son.
Mike and Maureen.
Sorry to hear about this Sin.
I hope he is back to his usual self soon.
Personally I think they shoudl castrate the beggars. That would make them think twice!!
Sin hun,
Am so sorry to hear about this - this is the last thing you all need.
*big hugs to you all*
black dog
20 Feb 2004, 23:18
I was so sorry to hear this Sin. It is a shame these days that we do not always feel safe when out alone. I hope he is okay.
20 Feb 2004, 23:31
sin i know what u rgoing through. a clsoe friend of mine was attacked and raped a few years back. they never caught the person . she was knifed all teh way down her back and a fractured skull. she lives with this everyday . u can never feel safe anymore. its weird what kind of people are out there. i hope everything goes okay.
original sin
20 Feb 2004, 23:50
Thank you all so very much - I did think after posting that maybe I shouldn't have brought it to the boards but this is my release.
What I'm finding really frightening is how many of us has had so many near hand experiences of similar things, god I despair.
We have actually managed to find out who one of the youths is! and have seen his parents - he wasn't the one that did the deed but he was present and his parents are taking him to the police station to make a statement and name the youth who did the robbery.
and heli & airhead he said yeah he know what ya mean by townies but kevs are worse 8O I dunno is a new language to me I only learned Spanish :roll:
he wasn't the one that did the deed but he was present and his parents are taking him to the police station to make a statement and name the youth who did the robbery.
At least that's something, Sin - there's many a parent as you know would only be too happy to tell you where to go - glad to see that they are taking action - wether he did the deed or not, standing by and just letting it happen without intervening is, in my books, just as bad.
21 Feb 2004, 01:01
I am so sorry to hear that Sin. I'm really glad that he wasn't hurt. Hopefully they catch the little b*****ds :evil:
Rob The Badger
21 Feb 2004, 01:46
Castrate the little f******s. . .
I'm sure he might not be too appreciative of this coming from me, but : *HUGZ*
It's a sad world when good people have to put up with the worst kind of crap from these types of individuals. Anyway, don't let him get disaffected or disillusioned.
He's too young to be growing cynical. . .
Hope he's okay, and you also.
With all the love that ever was, and all that could have been,
Rob xXx
angel eyes
21 Feb 2004, 02:28
So sorry to hear about your son's plight. Hope he is able to recover and will be able to venture out again with his friends.
I have had similar experiences with my children.
I hope the experience does not allow him to become cynical. For every scumbag that exists there are 20 fold of decent people who probably go unnoticed. The world can be a cruel place but there are wonderful things and people out there too!!
Take care
I am so sorry Sin, hope he is OK. what kind world of is this when children are mugged :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
R :cry: sie
Sin........tell him not to worry....UNCLE GERRY'S gonni come down, find them and kick their asses :x
P.S. Hope you r ok too!!
Ageing Bat
23 Feb 2004, 08:36
How terrible for you and your son, Sin. Thank God he is relatively 'unharmed', although the mental scars will take time to heal for you both. Unfortunately we live in a society where we cannot become complacent and think 'it won't happen to me'- it can and it does - I know to my cost, but that's another story.
Take heart in the actions of the parents of the boy who was involved - so many would deny their child could behave in such a way - I would be so ashamed of my children if they were ever to do such a thing.
You were right to share your pain with us - where else would you find such a miriad of extended experiences, support and love from people who care? I sincerely hope we've all helped you.
My love to you both
Sarah XX
original sin
24 Feb 2004, 22:32
Thanks folks - it's been a stressful few days this end - everything I say seems to trite - today's the first day since Friday that me lad has busrt into spontaneous laughter - which was a relief - because we usually have laughter very day in this house.
Take heart in the actions of the parents of the boy who was involved - so many would deny their child could behave in such a way - I would be so ashamed of my children if they were ever to do such a thing.
Unfortunately neither the lad or his parents went to the Police Station of their own accord - so now I just hope they really get it :evil:
24 Feb 2004, 22:45
So glad to hear son is OK
Yes - let's hope justice is done in this case
Rob The Badger
24 Feb 2004, 23:02
Let him rest safe in the knowledge of how much of a better person than them he is.
24 Feb 2004, 23:09
Hi Sin
Sorry to hear that, but I know how he feels, my bag was stolen while I was walking back to my car after getting off the tube after the Palladium on the 15th, it had my purse and the CD and DVD I bought - it certainly spoiled a great evening!
Luckily, I had my keys in my coat pocket, so I could get into my car and house!
Just started getting new cards, etc through now after having to cancel them all.
That is terrible carol.
Next time i promise to walk you back to your car myself and make sure it doens't happen again.
Hope everything gets sorted.
original sin
24 Feb 2004, 23:52
Hi Sin
Sorry to hear that, but I know how he feels, my bag was stolen while I was walking back to my car after getting off the tube after the Palladium on the 15th, it had my purse and the CD and DVD I bought - it certainly spoiled a great evening!
Luckily, I had my keys in my coat pocket, so I could get into my car and house!
Just started getting new cards, etc through now after having to cancel them all.
I'm so sorry i never realised, I thought you were going with dottie and Roy - or we would never have left you - we waiting with Drac until her hubby came for exactly that reason - i feel so guilty now - I'm soo sorry
Glad your son is okay Sin. He's the same age as my son, and I get grief from both my son and Leanne, (she is 16) if they go the Centre, they get issued with instructions but all I get is 'don't worry mum'.
I wouldn't be a mum if I didn't worry now would I :??: :bicker:
25 Feb 2004, 07:58
Cabbie212 wrote:
Sorry to hear that, but I know how he feels, my bag was stolen while I was walking back to my car after getting off the tube after the Palladium on the 15th, it had my purse and the CD and DVD I bought - it certainly spoiled a great evening!
sin wrote:
I'm so sorry i never realised, I thought you were going with dottie and Roy - or we would never have left you - we waiting with Drac until her hubby came for exactly that reason - i feel so guilty now - I'm soo sorry
I am sorry this has happened to you, and I agree with sin, if we had known that you were traveling alone (no matter how small a distance) we would have made sure you were alright
Hope you are ok
25 Feb 2004, 10:37
Don't feel bad Sin, it's no-one's fault except the gits who mugged me!
I did walk to the tube with Dottie and Roy, it was when I got off at the other end that it happened!
Thanks everyone for your kind words.
Carol what can I say, we were all so happy when we parted company, I feel for you, check your pm's.
I know only to well the feeling having had my purse stolen twice in the same store in Hounslow.
take care Carol
love dottie
25 Feb 2004, 10:57
Thanks Dottie
Love Carol
what a horrible thing to happen. just shows how pathetic and mindless them criminals are.
what kind of place is this world turning into?
sending u and ur son a big hug
colleen xoxoxox
Rob The Badger
25 Feb 2004, 17:23
. . .I got attacked today. Most of you are probably smart enough to see the 'reason'.
Anyway, it was one guy and I'm fairly strong and hefty. So I got him in a choke hold and he left me alone after that. . .
But I just feel so sad.
*feeling very misanthropic at the mo*
26 Feb 2004, 04:34
I got frustrated today because some old dear kept on barging my trolley with hers to move me out of the way just so she could get to the discounted baked beans. But I got my own back when I chucked a packet of condoms in her trolley when she wasn't looking and her face at the checkout was a picture. :oops:
Sheriff Spud
26 Feb 2004, 05:41
. . .I got attacked today. Most of you are probably smart enough to see the 'reason'.
Anyway, it was one guy and I'm fairly strong and hefty. So I got him in a choke hold and he left me alone after that. . .
But I just feel so sad.
*feeling very misanthropic at the mo*
I'm sorry to hear that Rob, but I'm glad that you're okay. At least you got a chance to fight back.
original sin
26 Feb 2004, 06:56
. . .I got attacked today. Most of you are probably smart enough to see the 'reason'.
Anyway, it was one guy and I'm fairly strong and hefty. So I got him in a choke hold and he left me alone after that. . .
But I just feel so sad.
*feeling very misanthropic at the mo*
Rob - hope you are ok - as you can imagine - I feel for you - unfortuntely for me something else has happened to my son today and he has reacted and looks like he's in trouble :(
I dunno what is happening to society and dont know how much more I can take of this persisitant attitdude that seems to prevail of i you have summat I don't or summat good - I have the right to take it from you.
. . .I got attacked today. Most of you are probably smart enough to see the 'reason'.
Anyway, it was one guy and I'm fairly strong and hefty. So I got him in a choke hold and he left me alone after that. . .
But I just feel so sad.
*feeling very misanthropic at the mo*
Rob - hope you are ok - as you can imagine - I feel for you - unfortuntely for me something else has happened to my son today and he has reacted and looks like he's in trouble :(
I dunno what is happening to society and dont know how much more I can take of this persisitant attitdude that seems to prevail of i you have summat I don't or summat good - I have the right to take it from you.
I'm so sorry Rob ... I hope you're ok now :(
And I'm so sorry to hear about your son Sin .... I hope everything will be ok ....
And Sin, my thoughts are with both you and Rob right now ...
Ageing Bat
26 Feb 2004, 10:13
Yes, Sin and Badger, this world we live in is a sometimes cruel, unfair place to be.
Please don't let these negative experiences taint your life - if you do, then the perpetrators have achieved what they set out to do, and more.
black dog
26 Feb 2004, 10:29
I am so sorry to hear about your news Sin and Badger. I hope things work out okay with your son Sin. It is lucky that you were able to fight back Badger but it makes you think of those that wouldn't have been able to.
Please know that my thoughts are with you both.
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