View Full Version : Official Pub Thread (Bat&Bellfry + Bed&Breakfast)
some cold refreshments would do it... so i will have some. Anyone wants to join me?
some cold refreshments would do it... so i will have some. Anyone wants to join me?
yes please...a cold drink would be lovely... :D ..very hot at work today, heating on full...and it's a lovely mild sunny spring day......
Aahh.. nice bren. Then you deffinately can use a cold drink :D
Oh, for me too please..make mine a very large Southern Comfort and coke! Ta very much!:oops:
21 Apr 2005, 22:50
Oh, for me too please..make mine a very large Southern Comfort and coke! Ta very much!:oops:
Can I have a glass of white wine please
21 Apr 2005, 22:54
And a cold Pint over here too plz??? :D
Gerry the only "Screw" you can have is the one that's loose mate ;)
Asks Caz nicely to stop hanging the Voodoo dolls from the lamps :lol: & throwing darts at them (use the dartboard - you'll hit um better)
Drinks all round me thinks :hic:
ok FA ..... but it's going to have to be big dartboard and big darts .... i want to make it as painful as possible for that guy :lol:
ok, bit late in posting reply to this but hey, i'm blonde what can i say :lol:
lovely warm, sunny afternoon, work finished for the week.... :D
...any one going to join me for a drink?
22 Apr 2005, 18:55
I would love to join you for a drink Bren.....:D
Need cooling down from the very VERY good day of sunshine we have had!
* wanders in, makes self a drink, goes outside to sit and enjoy the sunshine*
anyone coming to join me?, could do with some company... :D
23 Apr 2005, 23:05
* wanders in, makes self a drink, goes outside to sit and enjoy the sunshine*
anyone coming to join me?, could do with some company... :D
I'll join you Bren - although it is dark now - shell we go back inside & listen to some Meat on the Juke Box ??? & get another drink :hic:
24 Apr 2005, 10:22
Tea - Coffee - Toast - Cereal anyone ?????
mmmm...yes please FA :D ...Tea and toast would be nice thanks :D
think i will take some coffee. Nice, hot, relaxing....
* makes Tim a coffee* :D
ahh...lunchtime now......what to have? :roll:
lunchtime??? well, make a tosti. That is nice and good food :D
24 Apr 2005, 20:10
OOOO large ice cold coke.....just what i need after a good. hot afternoon......
Any one else???
i'm in for that. You know.. i had peanut soup. That was strange but nice.
24 Apr 2005, 21:39
Strange but*Hands Tim Coke* ;)
Nice strong cup of tea needed here please....
25 Apr 2005, 16:02
Nice cuppa tea here please too - with brandy
* makes tea for pixie and FA*
*puts coffee on as case it's required*
25 Apr 2005, 19:17
I'll have a coffee if you are making one Bren..... ;)
4get that, make mine a pint please :D :D :D
i'm very thirsty.. don't know what it is... so some orange juice, please.
Aaaaahhhhh, thanks Bren, I really DID need that - trying to book flights to Aussie and am tearing my hair out trying to travel for as little time as possible and as cheaply - the two just aren't compatible.....but I feel a bit better now, thanks again XX :D
i'll stick to the apple juice tonight :nuts:
btw... can you get drunk by drinking a large amount of apple juice? Heard a story.... wondering if that is true.
26 Apr 2005, 23:15
One way to find out Tim.....Have a go... :lol:
27 Apr 2005, 00:02
need a drink :oops:
i'll stick to the apple juice tonight :nuts:
btw... can you get drunk by drinking a large amount of apple juice? Heard a story.... wondering if that is true.
...if the apple juice has been made in to Cider,...yes! :lol:
don't know about pure apple juice .......interesting thought....
27 Apr 2005, 09:11
Drinks on SuperLoafMan tonight - his B'Day
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLM!!! What's the damage? :D
Hope you had a GREAT time...and do we have to post quietly this morning?? :D
27 Apr 2005, 15:25
Drinks on SuperLoafMan tonight - his B'Day
:lol: drinks are definitely on me.....Anyone who wnats one give me a shout :D
Thanks joining the party??? ;)
DEFINITELY FA!!! Let's turn the music up really loud!! :D
...and I'll have a diet coke pleeze..being good today...
oh s*d it, I'll have a large bacardi & coke please :D :-P
27 Apr 2005, 17:24
Nice one :lol:
You still celebrating SLM? :D I'll buy the next round then....! ;)
27 Apr 2005, 19:07
Nice one Pixie...the drinks have just started to all yours lined up!! :D......:hic:
* hands drink to SLM*......happy birthday :D
feeling lots of beer. If anyone wants to join me, that is okay, but think you will find some better compagny elsewhere....
feeling lots of beer. If anyone wants to join me, that is okay, but think you will find some better compagny elsewhere....
i'll join you Tim :D your company wether you're depressed or not.... :D ..i'll try and cheer you up
THanks Bren...then we will have a good time :D
wanders to have a drink,and some good company...looks to see if any friends are about.....all quiet methinks :roll:
any one going to join me for a drink?
30 Apr 2005, 22:50
wanders to have a drink,and some good company...looks to see if any friends are about.....all quiet methinks :roll:
any one going to join me for a drink?
Bren - I will have a drink & a chat with you .............. Will even put some music on the Juke box & if had enough to drink will boogie
i will start with a hot coffee.
*makes nice hot coffee, hands it to Tim*
Thanks Bren. I've some tea, do you want a cup? It's Earl Grey?? :D
:D ..yes please Tim....a cup of tea would be very nice...
Any chance of a bacardi and coke - I may need if if FA's going to start dancing on the tables :D
(sorry FA, with my karaoke we may clear the pub of everyone except Meaty Mates - OK, requests anyone? :??: )
01 May 2005, 18:01
I'd Love to give Bat out of hell a go...maybe not very well...but ad sure give it a go....:D
Bacardi and Coke for Pixie and a pint for me...anyone else??? :cool:
01 May 2005, 23:18
Any chance of a bacardi and coke - I may need if if FA's going to start dancing on the tables :D
(sorry FA, with my karaoke we may clear the pub of everyone except Meaty Mates - OK, requests anyone? :??: )
:shock: OK I'll just play the drums badly instead :lol:
SLM - Yes please a babysham & orange juice please
02 May 2005, 15:18
Sure FA...;)
...does this place still serve alcohol????????? If so, as FA would say, make mines a Large One ;) :!: :!: ;)
Hi there Gerry... offcourse. Lots of alcohol. What do you want? And how big? :D
Big is best Tim, so make mine an extra large :D
Owkay... here you go. An extra big and extra large drink for you, with a little umbrella :D
03 May 2005, 11:48
...does this place still serve alcohol????????? If so, as FA would say, make mines a Large One ;) :!: :!: ;)
I only like large ones Gerry :bunny:
Aaah, thanks for the B & C! :D I'll buy the next round as SLM and I have made £8.52 from singing Bat and dancin on the table! :shock:
I only like large ones Gerry :bunny:
:D :-P I prefer versatility and quality to size FA! :!:
well, i must eat, so i will have something to eat, like burger orso..
a just dont know...........anyway, can I have a drink ;)
sure you can have that Gerry :p
03 May 2005, 21:19
Aaah, thanks for the B & C! :D I'll buy the next round as SLM and I have made £8.52 from singing Bat and dancin on the table! :shock:
Woohooo :cheer: thats not bad have a pint....of much beer over the weekend :roll: :lol:
* wanders in for some company....but all is silent*
but it is a crowded bar now.... so a lot of compagny.
03 May 2005, 23:12
:D :-P I prefer versatility and quality to size FA! :!:
Why Pixie - what do you drink :lmao:
Gerry - u owe me a few :hic: cough up mate :D
first thing i need is a cup of coffee :D
*wanders in for cup of tea..*..tea break time :D
* makes Tim nice cup of coffee*
04 May 2005, 23:59
Well guys this is my 1,000 post....woo hoo...rock on...
Thanks guys very mch for helping me to get here......this is cool.....drinks are now on me....
FA...what do you want.??
Anyone else?? :D
Hehe well done SLM! :D
WKD Blue for me please...
I'm working on getting to 1, a bit to go yet...give me time :twisted:
05 May 2005, 00:04
WKD Blue for cathie....:D
Anyone else?? :lol:
i would like to have a cigar.
05 May 2005, 01:55
1 cigar for Tim :D
05 May 2005, 08:18
Breakfast is now being served
Cool FA. Thanks... Like that breakfast
indeed..that made me smile FA... :D
Nice strong cup of tea required, before i face the day.....
Well FA, it'll have to remain my secret :lol:
Well done SLM!! You seem to have gone post-mad since then as well :!:
I'll have a large coffee, some cheese 'n' onion crisps and a long rest please!! :D
indeed...some coffee. Nice!
* makes Tim coffee*
has quick cup of tea and goes back to work,....
kettles on if anyone else wants one :D
05 May 2005, 13:57
Well FA, it'll have to remain my secret :lol:
Well done SLM!! You seem to have gone post-mad since then as well :!:
I'll have a large coffee, some cheese 'n' onion crisps and a long rest please!! :D
Indeed I have Pixie...Thanks :D
Is there still some coffee going spare??? ;)
What is nice to drink and eat? any suggestions?
Liquid Chocolate Tim, such as they give you when you visit the Cadbury Factory in Birmingham - yum, yum, yes please!!:D
The Chadbury Factory?? mmm... okay.. well, will go for an ice-coffee. Also nice :p
and now for some apple juice haha.. a real man :D
05 May 2005, 23:07
a beer for me please - before I pan the daughter :mad:
* hands beer to FA* sound in need of one....
nice cool refreshing drink of something.please.. :roll: .thirsty
a beer for me please - before I pan the daughter :mad:
....Can I hold your drink.....incase you spill it of-course ;)
06 May 2005, 00:26
....Can I hold your drink.....incase you spill it of-course ;)
Yes Please Gerry :lol:
Yeah, right Gerry... like someone would buy that crap hahah.. Some coffee would be nice!
Cheers Tim :( FA definately wont give me it ;) ......and her drink :D
haha... just fooling around Gerry. Euh.. it is weekend. Beer!!!
07 May 2005, 09:20
Cheers Tim :( FA definately wont give me it ;) ......and her drink :D
What is for breakfast on the menu?
anything you like Tim, :D
and i have fresh coffee ready and waiting......
much in need of a cup of tea.....not fully awake yet :lol:
07 May 2005, 10:58
Chef will do whatever you want Tim - but he's going at 10am ;)
It is after 10. But he is still here :D. Well, give me a typical English breakfast. Never had that :D
07 May 2005, 13:12
They are very nice Tim.....Can i have one aswell please?? ;)
Offcourse you can have one too SLM. Don't know if it is nice, but will try :D
07 May 2005, 14:21
2 full englishs - seeing as you are regulars ;)
all this talk about breakfast and food, making me hungry :lol:
anything nice to eat?
Chips with mayo and a....euh.. don't know the english word: frikandel speciaal.
Chips with mayo and a....euh.. don't know the english word: frikandel speciaal.
:roll: ...hmmm...ik ben vegetarische........
Hahahha.. you understood it?? Wow. Great Bren. Do think they don't know that snack in the UK. Typical Dutch. Great!!
Hey Jen, want to join me for a drink? Nobody else is around....
i'll put some cofeee on for you Tim...ready for when you come here...
need tea...lots of it.... :lol: still half asleep....
08 May 2005, 09:54
I'll have a cuppa tea too please Bren
:D sure cup of tea....* hands FA tea*
A thanks. Luckely the coffee was warm. Thanks Bren. Tonight there is a great dinner waiting for you here. I've prepaired it. Enjoy it :D
A thanks. Luckely the coffee was warm. Thanks Bren. Tonight there is a great dinner waiting for you here. I've prepaired it. Enjoy it :D
Thanks Tim :D
Think now i will take some bread and eggs.
anyone for tea?....Earl grey i'm brewing.haha...
will make coffee as well...and there's plenty of other drinks... :D
anyone going to join me?
08 May 2005, 18:30
Yes join you....cup of Coffee...if you are making one...:D
08 May 2005, 18:52
Go on then I'll have a cuppa tea too
* hands coffee to SLM*
* hands tea to FA*
:D ....enjoy....
Just had dinner, a quiche. Very nice.
need a nice refreshing drink .....not sure what.... :roll:
nice strong cup of tea required :D ..please.....
Anyone got anything stronger? :lol: Just been let down by someone and fuming....:evil:
09 May 2005, 22:00
A couple of bottles of Whiskey in the cupboard...any help Pixie :D
09 May 2005, 22:34
Anyone got anything stronger? :lol: Just been let down by someone and fuming....:evil:
Pixie - grab a glass & a bottle & come un join us
09 May 2005, 22:37
What have you got in FA.....Whiskey gets a bit boring after a while?? ;) :D
Oh no.. absolutely not SLM! :D I will have a coffee.
and i will take another coffee.
10 May 2005, 12:19
LOL Tim.....I'll take that coffee with you if there is one going spare :D
Offcourse. Happy that someone will join me :D
10 May 2005, 13:02
2 sugars please :D
2 sucker on the way. Do you want them in your coffee?? :p
10 May 2005, 13:24
lol yes milk.....if i am going to stay awake....well at least try to :lmao:
just foolin' around. Okay.. I will also have a nice cookie, you want one too?
10 May 2005, 13:29
PPPleeasee....chocolate chip??
Ooh, count me in to for a cookie please Tim! :D
Sure Pixie. A cookie for you too. Want something to drink? tea, coffee, something else?
A nice latte please Tim with LOADS of sugar in...aaahhh...:D
Okay.. here you go. I'm the barman this morning :D
Thanks Tim - here's a large tip as well for doing such a good job - that latte was delicious!! :D
Thanks Pixie. Did my best for you!
10 May 2005, 13:42
Are the chockie chip cookies still flowing? and coffee.... :D ;)
10 May 2005, 14:12
Time for Din Dins...see ya at 1 ;)
I'm not hungry for lunch now thanks to Tim's wonderful cookie and coffee!! :D See ya all tomorrow as I must go and do some work now! ;)
10 May 2005, 15:20
Have fun Pixie.....dont work too hard!! :D
Coffee and cookies still available :D
11 May 2005, 03:01
Al need them later this morning Tim...if i have any chance of getting through the day...very :zzz: at the mo...but cant be bothered to go to bed.... :?
Poor SLM. Well, hope you did sleep at all. Cookies and coffee are ready to get served.
Hi there Pixie. Ready to join me?
Have fun Pixie.....dont work too hard!! :D
Ha ha, soon I will be marking assignments!! :evil:
Hi there Pixie. Ready to join me?
Oh yeah Tim, bring it on (but remember my slight hangover please!!) :D
11 May 2005, 13:41
Poor SLM. Well, hope you did sleep at all. Cookies and coffee are ready to get served.
I finally went to sleep...but ready for some coffee Tim...:D
well, the coffee was there... just help your self today.. :D
any Tea, for a very tired Bat? :roll:
11 May 2005, 22:18
well, the coffee was there... just help your self today.. :D
My pleasure and you are always welcome, even if i'm not around hahah...
*makes self tea* none is on offer :lol: ...everyone is drinking coffee
kettle is on if any one else wants a drink :D
12 May 2005, 00:00
Bren - enjoy your Tea - sorry but me on something abit stronger tonight
12 May 2005, 00:27
What you got thats stronger...can i join you...?? :D
Anyone want to buy a girl a drink ;-)
12 May 2005, 00:58
Ad love to buy you a drink Heli....what you want?
now i will have some morningdrink :D
12 May 2005, 07:57
Tea & Coffee on the way
:D ..tea is much needed thanks FA......
12 May 2005, 11:44
Coffee Please....:D
Bit late now...but you can buy me a coffee ^_^ i need one atm *yawn*
12 May 2005, 11:51
Al buy you a coffee.....*Hands Coffee to heli* ;)
...anyone got any of those buns with icing on the top? Just fancy one, with a nice cup of strong, sweet tea..:D
12 May 2005, 13:52
ooo nice...when you find someone who has some..let me know....especially if they have jam in the middle....:D
C'mon Tim, where are you when we need you, oh provider of refreshment?! :D :lol:
12 May 2005, 16:38
I know....your right there Pixie....all i have is a bottle of coke... :roll:
mmmmm Iced buns are gorgeous!! *drool* but i best not have one...i'm on a diet
right i think i'll have a shot of peach schnaps....i'm just about to go for my interview for college :? I'm scared!
here i am Pixie. Sorry i was away... but now i am able to serve you again :D
Tonight in the bar...happy hour between 8 and 9 pm :D
Oooh... the fun is killing me haha.
LOL I never get happy hour.....i'm happy all hours! LOL I can't limit it to just an hour a day! :lmao:
Anyway *gets over the geekiness*
Who's gonna buy me a drink tonight! LOL! ;-)
Hahha Heli!! Glad you are happy all hours of the day!!
what do you want to drink?
Hmm....just half pint of larger and lime please ^_^
12 May 2005, 23:57
Tonight in the bar...happy hour between 8 and 9 pm :D
Oooh... the fun is killing me haha.
Is the happy hour still on for a special guest...ha ha (NOT)...:D
Well, for you allways SLM.
Seeing as thought it's still happy hour....drinks on everyone (who's paying)?? :-P
i'm paying. Tomorrow someone else okay?
I have no money *peels out pockets* ...i'll smile sweetly and hope a cute guy pays for me! LOL!
13 May 2005, 00:17
Brilliant Tim...:D
Al buy the beers tomorrow :-)
I've sneeked my own carry-out in......i know Tims always pleading poverty ;)
OOOOH!!! Gerry hahah... Luckely i didn't catch you!!
Hi everyone! So sorry I missed the 'happy hour', and the chance to contribute some funds (;) ). Today everything's on me, 'cause I feel happy! What're you havin?
Any coffee on the go? Black and very strong please ..... i need it :roll:
*Pixie hands Caz a cup of v v strong coffee* - there ya go Caz - you can stand your spoon up in that one! :D
13 May 2005, 15:19
Hi everyone! So sorry I missed the 'happy hour', and the chance to contribute some funds (;) ). Today everything's on me, 'cause I feel happy! What're you havin?
Just line the bar up - I'll drink it
13 May 2005, 15:50
Hi everyone! So sorry I missed the 'happy hour', and the chance to contribute some funds (;) ). Today everything's on me, 'cause I feel happy! What're you havin?
Hi Pixie.....I am with FA....just line up the sure they will get drunk some way or other :lmao: :hic:
Wow, you two, I'm already having to call for replacements! :D Well, I am sneaking a few major doubles as well! NOW, DON'T WE ALL FEEL BETTER?? :-P :? :hic: :drool:
13 May 2005, 16:18
Oh will definitely need re-enforcments (Spelling?) if me and FA get going with the .... al fetch some crates in....:D
Okay Pixie!! Very nice. Will have some nice cold cola, and a beer!
*Pixie staggers in with a crate of ice-cold cokes for Tim and spirits/beer galore for everyone else!*
Right folks, let's go for it :D ;)
13 May 2005, 21:25
WOO HOO lets rock!!! :D :hic: galore....
can i have a glass of wine please pixie :D ......stressful day :lol:
*Pixie staggers in with a crate of ice-cold cokes for Tim and spirits/beer galore for everyone else!*
Right folks, let's go for it :D ;)
Allright!! Party!!
13 May 2005, 22:30
I´m drinking cranberry-grape juice... That´s good..
But I really need a drink.. My mother borrowed my cd-player when she was approad for two weeks... Can you imagine I was without music for two weeks. My friends from school said that they can see it ´cause I was angry at times..
13 May 2005, 23:36
WOO HOO lets rock!!! :D :hic: galore....
you won't ROCK on a pint Ross :lol:
you won't ROCK on a pint Ross :lol:
if he can it's a cheap night out
14 May 2005, 01:36
if he can it's a cheap night out
Usually I would be drinking most of the night but with a driving lesson tomorrow Keab I want to be sober.
Have I missed happy hour....
good...coz i'm not happy.
*makes herself a lemon tea and goes and cuddle up in the corner* I'm ill
14 May 2005, 14:58
Awww...poor Heli.....Hugs all round for Heli :D ;)
* hands Tim beer* ...enjoy :D
Thanks Ross.
I need more lemon tea....and maybe a big blanket! *sniff sniff*....and a box of tissues! ^_^
14 May 2005, 17:00 get you them...and give you a big cuddle too....;)
bit early, but thanks Bren. Can use it!
14 May 2005, 17:05
Any of them going spare Tim....fancy one myself!! :D
Okay.. glad you join me SLM!!! Let's have fun!
14 May 2005, 17:12
Cool Thanks :D :) .......we got any music going?? :-)
Yes. Ted Nugent.. playing very loud haha.
14 May 2005, 17:21
Cool....what a mixture....have Meat...Reed Em Weep...very loud here :D
14 May 2005, 17:21
Ready for another Drink.....nearly finished mine...haha :lol:
yeah.. think i'm 2 ahead.. .catch me up SLM.. .here's another.
14 May 2005, 17:24
Woo...Slow catch up :D ....Thanks ;) get you them...and give you a big cuddle too....;)
Awww thanks hun *snuggles up to Ross* ...thanks for the tea! ^_^
14 May 2005, 17:29
No Prob Heli....:D ;)
Right, lets cheer me up. Someone put Welcome to the Neighbourhood on! I love that album!! lol
14 May 2005, 17:35
Funny you should say that, the next song in my playlist on the computer is "Runnin For The Red Light" lol
Well, another beer please.
14 May 2005, 17:42
Yes..*Hands Tim Beer* ...gets myself behind you Tim :D
THanks Bren.... Enjoy the beer!!
orange juice for me please..
.( too much wine at the private view of an exhibition i went to lunchtime when i finished work)
14 May 2005, 17:46
Orange Juice for Bren.....*Hands Bren Orange Juice*
I am enjoying mine Tim....lovely Fosters Cold....mmm :D
orange juice for me please..
.( too much wine at the private view of an exhibition i went to lunchtime when i finished work)
LOL naughty bren! tut tut tut. ;-)
Did you hve fun?
More beers and sigaretes hahaha.
No smoking Tim!! It's terrible for you!! *shakes head*
14 May 2005, 17:49
I can supply the Beers...not the cigerettes though...i dont smoke...sorry :D
I can supply the Beers...not the cigerettes though...i dont smoke...sorry :D
Good man ross! ;-)
I had enough of smokers last night!! >_<!
No smoking Tim!! It's terrible for you!! *shakes head*
Hahah...well,i do smoke, to much i must say!
14 May 2005, 17:56
But it is alot cheaper in other countries than in the i can see why more people over sea's smoke...
LOL naughty bren! tut tut tut. ;-)
Did you hve fun?
indeed i did Heli.... :D
Lol good good bren! What exhibition was it?
an artist friend of mine's ...heli.....interesting it was too..
an artist friend of mine's ...heli.....interesting it was too..
Ahhh cool! is he/she good? What kinda art is it?
14 May 2005, 18:05
Ready for another Beer Tim...I am having one....and what can i get you lovely ladies??? ;)
Just another lemon tea and a hug! ^_^! I'm starting to feel a little better
14 May 2005, 18:08
Lemon Tea For Heli....
Lemon Tea For Heli....
Cheers :)
14 May 2005, 18:14
No Prob ;)
cup of tea please SLM :D ...Earl Grey
14 May 2005, 18:46
Early grey for bren.....and Whiskey for Tim...On the coke now...going bowling later...need to be able to see down the lanes...:lmao:
Right....I'm off to go find myself a room...i need to lay down! i'll be back intime for happy hour...if not, someone wake me up ;-)
Early grey for bren.....and Whiskey for Tim...On the coke now...going bowling later...need to be able to see down the lanes...:lmao:
:lol: indeed SLM
14 May 2005, 18:47
Right....I'm off to go find myself a room...i need to lay down! i'll be back intime for happy hour...if not, someone wake me up ;-)
will do...have a good rest...:D x
14 May 2005, 18:47
:lol: indeed SLM
Oh :D
Right....I'm off to go find myself a room...i need to lay down! i'll be back intime for happy hour...if not, someone wake me up ;-)
see you later heli....
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