View Full Version : To My Friends & MLUKFC family.

25 Feb 2004, 19:02
To anyone who reads the forum pages on (Link Deleted)

I just wanted to say for anyone who read my message, that I said reguarding to a being who called Meat a quitter. I'm sorry if you found it offensive, but I do not take my words back. Yes, my name is RSG on that forum, and I did write, that message, on what I thought of that being's view towards Meat. I think some other people here will agree with what I wrote, some may find not like my message, and it isn't like me so I apologise if it sounded a bit harsh. But thats my angry side, and that is the only time I have ever been so angry. I have low tollerance for the being who called themselves "ONEWHOCARES"

Just so anyone didn't understand this message, I didn't call him a quitter, someone else did. And I told the kid off, who did.

25 Feb 2004, 23:05
I thought it was a silly reaction that was completely uncalled for. Telling someone to DIE IN HELL is just plain silly.

Just because someone reacts in the same manner that Meat Loaf does doesn't make it right nor should it get the backing from the Meat Police.

Sheriff Spud

25 Feb 2004, 23:08
ooo, i sense a move into Fight Club :)

If you did say that, it is very harsh, as nobody deserves an insult like that.

*backs off and gets out of the situation*

25 Feb 2004, 23:48
what i said, was uncalled for. well 2% of it was. i posted a message earlier. on the same page, i do stand up for what most i say. but at the time i was rather upset. still kinda am.

The Flying Mouse
26 Feb 2004, 00:08
Any arguments on any other site should be continued on the site they started.
I don't want any fights spiling on to this site that don't belong here.

Thread locked and link deleted.