View Full Version : So quiet, yet so powerful

27 Feb 2004, 08:19
I AM big fan of a show called, "Without A Trace." 2 weeks a go, there was an episode, about teenage suicide, it was so suspenseful and SO moving. The kid was only thirteen, and he was going to commit suicide. -->episode spoiler, He tried to hang himself in this hurtful girl's backyard on her swingset. They showed this boy gasping for air as he did his actions. The FBI agents found the boy just in time. They ran to him, one agent Jack, lift him, to stop the hanging, as the other helped hold him, while Jack also, tried to rip the rop off his neck. Very suspenceful, and really upsetting :cry: . A great show with brilliant cast.

As this was all happening, a song, called "Fire Sign" was playing, it was such a soft song yet so powerful in meaning. I found this song (free copy) on the man who sang it on his official webpage.
http://www.davidberkeley.com/music.html I strongly reccomend you hear this song and read its lyrics.

Suicide is a reality, happens everyday to kids who are younger than me and above. It is such an upsetting topic. When my friend was in the same situation, I asked for help on this forum, and I got it, I appreciated it, I used this help. My friend is alive, and feeling better now :) . As for my case, before I met MLUKFC, I had Meat Loaf's "Bat2" to help me. Now I have MLUKFC & Meat to help in problems I used to and still facing. Thank you very much! Give this song a try, I loved it, as soon as I first heard it for the very first time.

27 Feb 2004, 11:13
Sorry RSG.....I saw the header and thought you'd just dropped one.....and wanted to tell everyone about it :lmao: