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04 Mar 2004, 17:28
was passing hard rock casino in london & meatloaf was on the foyae screens singing paradise by .meat was wearing a tucx & patti came out in a wedding dress but no band & no stage effects .dose anyone know what show or gig this was recorded at any ways of getting hold of copy would be much appreacheated thanks 8) 8) 8)

04 Mar 2004, 17:36
Its probably from hard Rock Cafe. I believe it was recorded in 1999 orso. This was during the Best Of Tour.

The Flying Mouse
04 Mar 2004, 17:42
:twisted: Your probiblly right Bart, but when I read it, it put me in mind of the vid for Paradise that was done for the Leap Of Faith movie.
There are three couples in the vid (all three guys played by Meat) and if i'm not mistaken (though I probibilly am :oops: it's a long time since i've seen it) one of the girls did wear a wedding dress.

BTW:If anybody has the LOF Paradise vid, send me a PM if you wanna sort a trade :up: