View Full Version : Has anyone seen or herd of the Film "to hell and back&q

meat loaf is my god
09 Mar 2004, 22:49
Hay people I Was just wondering if any one on here had seen or herd of the film "To Hell And Back"(The Meat Loaf Story.) I saw it on Sky a coupple of months ago and i throught it was brill so i wanted to go and buy it. When went to order it form my local music shop thay said no such Film was ever made??????????? I have also looked on e-bay and Amazon and on Play .com but thay have nothing so I am Pleading to anyone who knows were that flim is avilible from please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

09 Mar 2004, 22:53
it was a made for TV (VH-1 I think) movie, never commercially released on video or dvd.....

moving this to Loaf! Camera Action, as I seem to be on tidying duty tonight :D

09 Mar 2004, 22:54
Hay people I Was just wondering if any one on here had seen or herd of the film "To Hell And Back"(The Meat Loaf Story.) I saw it on Sky a coupple of months ago and i throught it was brill so i wanted to go and buy it. When went to order it form my local music shop thay said no such Film was ever made??????????? I have also looked on e-bay and Amazon and on Play .com but thay have nothing so I am Pleading to anyone who knows were that flim is avilible from please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Well i taped mine off VH1 when it was last on!!

09 Mar 2004, 23:34
it was a made for TV (VH-1 I think) movie, never commercially released on video or dvd.....

moving this to Loaf! Camera Action, as I seem to be on tidying duty tonight :D

Andy is right it was a Vh1 movie only. Their hasnt been any release of it other showing it on Vh1.

10 Mar 2004, 02:24
the film is great never commicall released but have seen a few copies floating around check some of my post some menbers said they had a copy

10 Mar 2004, 14:02
Sorry to contradict you all, but I bought a copy of it from an ex-rental video store in Tottenham Court Road (London) a couple of years ago, therefore it must have been commercially released. Hope this is of some help.

10 Mar 2004, 22:00
It was only released for rental as far as I know, never for general sale.

31 Jan 2005, 01:21
It must have been commercially sold because I bought like 4 years ago mine from www.ginza.se a VHS tape with cover and everything.

31 Jan 2005, 13:50
You may get it from here.

01 Feb 2005, 18:25
i saw that film on VH-1 when it was a kinda metloaf night i think. do you think their is any chance they will show it again!!!!!!!!

01 Feb 2005, 19:25
You may get it from here.

I want to buy a copy but is the American VHS system compatible with the UK one?

01 Feb 2005, 21:41
You may get it from here.

I want to buy a copy but is the American VHS system compatible with the UK one?

In a word no.

Americans systems use NTSC encoding, the UK uses PAL. Depending on your video recorder though - you [i0could[/i] be ok. Many video reccorders today are NTSC compatible, allowing you to play video tapes from across the pond.

02 Feb 2005, 11:26
Thanks Andy, I'll check - fingers crossed.. :roll:

20 Feb 2005, 13:28
Picked mine up from www.sendit.com.

£27.99 ex-rental copy.

Don't think there is any left though :(

20 Feb 2005, 20:05
i remeber seeing this film and thinking it was good what did every1 else think?????????????

20 Mar 2005, 10:19
:roll: I taped my copy off the TV :roll:

20 Mar 2005, 11:25
They usually repeat it on Meat Loaf Days on VH1. I ouldn't go paying £28 for it though :shock: Either wait till it;s on again or get sone kind soul to copy it for you. I've got it somewhere and can copy to vhs or dvd if that helps.


20 Mar 2005, 20:43
Is that the film where it is another person who is playing Meat, if it is it is very good, i had it on VHS but i seem to have misplaced it, :(

20 Mar 2005, 21:39
Yeah thats the one :D

20 Mar 2005, 22:14

23 Mar 2005, 21:05
Also looking for that movie. Really want to see it.

and... also looking for the movie Dead Ringer from Meat Loaf... really want to have that one, very curious. Can't find it anywhere.

23 Mar 2005, 21:56
He also did a film called "Dead Ringer" I havnt heard of that one. :-)

25 Mar 2005, 23:08
hey guys i believe that the republic of loafdom may have some clips of all meatloafs rare tv appearances its one of the best sites to vist for his rare stuff check it out any1 seen the episod of monsters that meat appeared in, i managed to a copy of it from ebay its very rare and meat was wonderful !

25 Mar 2005, 23:31
Cool, cheers, I go on there for the UK TV shows Meat was on, but al have a look for the Dead Ringer film, yeah it is a cool site the republic one too :D

White of High
26 Mar 2005, 00:42
It was only released for rental as far as I know, never for general sale.

It's not the truth! I could buy it in Hungary. You can't buy many CDs and DVDs but I could purchase it on VHS!

26 Mar 2005, 01:13
hey guys if anyone is looking for a copy of motorama that meatloaf stared in then i'm glad to say that amazon.co.uk have a few copies for sale so order your copy fast before they sale out if you want to se the trailer for it videodetective.com has the trailer for some of meats old movies :D

26 Mar 2005, 12:02
Also looking for that movie. Really want to see it.

and... also looking for the movie Dead Ringer from Meat Loaf... really want to have that one, very curious. Can't find it anywhere.


When I find my copy of To hell and back I can copy it to dvd for you


28 Mar 2005, 02:34
I taped mine from tv. I am not sure that it is available for sale anywhere. I could be wrong though