View Full Version : Political Compass

Rob The Badger
13 Mar 2004, 18:24

I scored:

Economic Left/Right: -8.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.05

Tell us what you get. . .

13 Mar 2004, 18:34
Economic Left/Right: -2.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.03

which isn't far off middle of the raod and completely different from the last time I took it which was at the end of a string of things happening to me in the same day that made my outlook on life temporarily more extreme than Thatchers :D

13 Mar 2004, 18:48
I'm not a political person. I think at least 2 ideas each party has come up with is aload of pants!

13 Mar 2004, 22:09
Economic Left/Right: -1.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.36

black dog
13 Mar 2004, 23:32
Economic Left/Right -2.62
Social Liberation/Authoritarian -0.77

Think I'm fairly middle of the road

14 Mar 2004, 01:41
Being very tired (after a lovely evening) and Dutch...it took me 30 mins! to do this :oops:

Okay, these are the results...no idea what it means, exactly.

Economic : - 2.88
Social Libertarian (what IS that!) - 4.41



14 Mar 2004, 19:19
OK...here's me...

Economic left/right = -6.00

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian = -4.87

And if anyone can understand that...can they let me know....

15 Mar 2004, 08:02
Ok, mine came out to be:

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -5.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.10


15 Mar 2004, 09:05
Mine is:

Economic Left/Right: -2.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.56

Which puts me not far off Pope John Paul II

Sheriff Spud

Mike Piercy
15 Mar 2004, 16:07

Econ. L/R -2.75

S lib/Auth. -3.13

and I'll have you all flogged if you disagree!

15 Mar 2004, 16:23
my result was

economic left/right : -1.25
social liberation/authoritarian : 1.74

whatever the eff that means!!

15 Mar 2004, 16:23
sorry make that -1.74

native texan
15 Mar 2004, 18:07
Economic Left/Right -3.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian -4.15

whatever those numbers mean :?

Rob The Badger
15 Mar 2004, 20:39
Bascially it means that the further into the negative numbers you go, the more left-wing you are. And vice versa.

black dog
15 Mar 2004, 22:13
Interesting that nearly every result is a negative figure

16 Mar 2004, 00:30
I'm just below Tony Blair and I can't quite work out if that is a good or bad position to be in!!!

16 Mar 2004, 00:32
I'm just below Tony Blair and I can't quite work out if that is a good or bad position to be in!!!

Perhaps you should ask Cherie? :lmao:

16 Mar 2004, 00:41
Or George Dubya Bush!!

16 Mar 2004, 01:46
Economic Left/Right: -7.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.67

As for being near Blair, I think the website is a little old and hasn't accounted for his swing to the right ;)

The Flying Mouse
17 Mar 2004, 04:41
As for being near Blair, I think the website is a little old and hasn't accounted for his swing to the right ;)

:twisted: RIGHT????????THAT COMMIE GIT 8O ?????????
Well, whatever, if he's heading right he might meet me there one day.I can have the contempable prat put agaist a wall and shot :mrgreen:

Rob The Badger
17 Mar 2004, 19:06
I'm a communist. . .

17 Mar 2004, 20:46
I'm a communist. . .

Rob, Just about everyone is compared to Tony B:D

18 Mar 2004, 23:10
I'm a communist. . .

"Economic Left/Right: -8.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.05"

Gave the game away a little ;)