View Full Version : Heli needs creative help!!

15 Mar 2004, 20:49
Could anyone do me a quick advert, advertising Bat 3!! I know it sounds daft but it's part of my GCSE English course work and i dont know if i will have time!! If you read this and have anyspare time, then just whip one up and email me it at:


I really appricate it!! It doesnt have to be amazingly wonderful but just somthing i can write about!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! :D :D :D :wink: :wink: :wink: :D :D :D :wink: :wink: :wink:

15 Mar 2004, 21:46
No doubt I'm going to get shot down for this but anyone who averages 15.63 posts per day on this firum alone doesn't really have an excuse of not having enough time!.

Also outside influence and work for any GCSE project isn't allowed, I know because I was in the first year to do them.

Sheriff Spud

Rob The Badger
15 Mar 2004, 22:28
No doubt I'm going to get shot down for this but anyone who averages 15.63 posts per day on this firum alone doesn't really have an excuse of not having enough time!.

Also outside influence and work for any GCSE project isn't allowed, I know because I was in the first year to do them.

Sheriff Spud

Will you shut up for one minute? For God's sake.

Heli, I'd be happy to help you. . .

15 Mar 2004, 22:37
Will you shut up for one minute? For God's sake.

Heli, I'd be happy to help you. . .

NO! because you know what I said was right.

Sheriff Spud

15 Mar 2004, 22:39
oh for gods sake spud, give it a rest. Anythin anybody does is influenced by something.

i'd b happy 2 help also :D

Rob The Badger
15 Mar 2004, 22:40
No, Spudnik dear. Truth be told, you were being and unhelpful, pretentious tw@t.

15 Mar 2004, 22:41
Spud, I don't know you well enough, and Badger, I know you, your my furry little friend :P

so, as a friend (badger), and an aqquaintance (pudd) i ask you nicely and with all respect, (could you PM your argument or views, whatever you wish to call it.)

please don't take it personally :wink:

Heli, I'll try to help you! :P

15 Mar 2004, 22:42
and you lot quibbling over what Spud posted isn't exactly helping the situation is it?

so, stop it now, all of you! :evil:

Rob The Badger
15 Mar 2004, 22:44
I cite moral high ground. . .

black dog
15 Mar 2004, 22:46
I have to agree with Sheriff Spud on this Heli. The course work you hand in should be your own work as this goes towards your final result. I know it isn't easy but your school work must be your priority at the moment.

15 Mar 2004, 22:48

From no one coming forward willing to help Heli now she has 3 willing helpers, all from my initial statement. :mrgreen: Obviously being the bad guy can bring out the good guy in others.

Sheriff Spud

Rob The Badger
15 Mar 2004, 22:54
Well, aren't we the clever one.

15 Mar 2004, 23:08
Heli wrote:
Could anyone do me a quick advert, advertising Bat 3!! I know it sounds daft but it's part of my GCSE English course work and i dont know if i will have time!! If you read this and have anyspare time,

I've got a load of work to do too..........quite willing to let someone else do it for me... so if you have some spare time.............. :wink:

evil nickname
15 Mar 2004, 23:33
Three things:

The course work you hand in should be your own work as this goes towards your final result. I know it isn't easy but your school work must be your priority at the moment.

To use two very much over-used statements around here: couldn't have said it better - you took the words right out of my mouth!


Anythin anybody does is influenced by something.

There's a major difference between influence, and asking people to do something you ought to do yourself.


I cite moral high ground. . .

What moral high ground? Some things in life you must do yourself, and I think your own schoolwork is definatly one of them. If you're too busy to do it yourself while having time to come here asking for help - I think you should reorganize your priorities. (and if this is not the moral high ground you're referring too: too bad, then you should either have been clearer with what you meant, or used a bigger font-size :p )

15 Mar 2004, 23:39
Well, aren't we the clever one.

YES! no doubt you wouldn't have offered toffee to Heli if I hadn't have said what I did. I'm just hoping she shares what you're offering her, so we all can see.

Sheriff Spud

15 Mar 2004, 23:59
Help ..... I have just had a touch of de ja vue here ...... I think I had an arguement similar to this with my own daughter recently .... due to the fact that at the moment it's the Higher Grade Prelim Exams and I feel she isn't putting enough effort into her work. The Higher Exams are only two months away and as with her Standard Grade Exams it will be last minute studying (although she did excellently with the passes in those ones). Am now trying to get through to her that she HAS to study, and also limit her net time, but short of taking the bloody computer plug to work with me, I think I'm fighting a loosing battle :x

16 Mar 2004, 00:45
Thanks guys but I've actually ran out of time now. It wasn't exactly important and it didnt matter how good it was it wasn't going to effect my grade anyway. I just needed an advert to right about what methods i used etc etc and i was going to change it slightly anyway!

Thank you all and I appreciate you wanting to help me! :wink: :wink:

16 Mar 2004, 01:34
No probs Heli! 8)

Spud, please understand that heli needs some escape from schoolwork. She has come here for help with her work and she doesn't need more nagging. Trust me, i am 14 myself.
I am not trying to cause rows.

I reapeat, I am NOT trying to cause rows.

love eddie

evil nickname
16 Mar 2004, 02:00
Spud, please understand that heli needs some escape from schoolwork. She has come here for help with her work and she doesn't need more nagging. Trust me, i am 14 myself.

Well, I have been 14 myself ten years ago, but trust me on this one: everybody needs some escape from what they do, be it school, work or whatever. That does however not mean that you should get another to do what you're supposed to do yourself.
That's resposibilty, or whatever you like to call it - not nagging.

16 Mar 2004, 02:53
No probs Heli! 8)

Spud, please understand that heli needs some escape from schoolwork. She has come here for help with her work and she doesn't need more nagging. Trust me, i am 14 myself.
I am not trying to cause rows.

I reapeat, I am NOT trying to cause rows.

love eddie

I was 14 once (many many moons ago) and I took up a sport if I wanted an escape. It was always drummed into me that you "work first- play later" if someone plays first then they'll always be trying to catch up on the work. It's so easy nowadays for someone to come up with an excuse for not doing something but it doesn't make it right!.

You're 14 and Heli's 14 and I'm not saying you don't know how some of the world works but in time you'll come to realise that the longterm benefits far out-weigh the shorterm sacrifice of doing schoolwork.


16 Mar 2004, 12:58
For god sake!!! It doesnt matter now and no matter who did it it wasn't got to effect my grade, all i needed was just a little bit of help while i caught up with everything else!!

It's all done and dusted now so it doesnt matter.

If the bickering carries on then I'll ask a mod to lock this. :? 8O

Rob The Badger
16 Mar 2004, 18:55
I'd have helped. Simple. A friend asks me to help her out. I don't care whether she spends too much time on here or whatever. It's irrelevant.
God. . .some people are so stuck up with rules and regulations. . .

As for work first-play later. Let her live a little. Damnit. . .

16 Mar 2004, 19:02
I'd have helped. Simple. A friend asks me to help her out. I don't care whether she spends too much time on here or whatever. It's irrelevant.
God. . .some people are so stuck up with rules and regulations. . .

As for work first-play later. Let her live a little. Damnit. . .

Awww Rob, you are a sweet heart arn't you!! :wink:
Thank you, for everything!!

I just wish I hadn't started all this tho, but it was fun while it lasted eh!!?? heeheeheeheeheehee :lol:

16 Mar 2004, 20:39
Rob wrote:
I'd have helped. Simple. A friend asks me to help her out. I don't care whether she spends too much time on here or whatever. It's irrelevant.
God. . .some people are so stuck up with rules and regulations. . .

As for work first-play later. Let her live a little. Damnit. . .

Well I usually think you write a lot of sense Rob but got to disagree with you here. People have got to learn to get their priorities right and balance the amount of time they spend on different activities. If there's work to be done then there is no point in shelving it or expecting someone else to do it for you. You can help friends by saying no sometimes.
Got to agree with Spud here.

Heli wrote:
If the bickering carries on then I'll ask a mod to lock this.

Think this is more discussion than bickering.

Rob The Badger
16 Mar 2004, 21:19
If it's irrelevent to the grade I don't see the problem.

16 Mar 2004, 21:50
If it's irrelevent to the grade I don't see the problem.

But you didn't know it was irrelevant until after you started your menopausal rant.

And personally I think anyone who thinks sitting in front of a computer and posting on a message board is "living a little" needs to go out and "get a life".

Spud :twisted:

Rob The Badger
16 Mar 2004, 22:37
I stopped reading after you used the word 'menopausal' in reference to a 16 year old boy. . .

16 Mar 2004, 22:43
No doubt I'm going to get shot down for this but anyone who averages 15.63 posts per day on this firum alone doesn't really have an excuse of not having enough time!.

Also outside influence and work for any GCSE project isn't allowed, I know because I was in the first year to do them.

Sheriff Spud
sorry spud but your wrong you can have help so long as you admit to having it, on our spanish one we got loads of help on. So heli might need to hand it what ever some one sends her. So Heli change it a bit.

16 Mar 2004, 23:11
You are allowed help on GCSE coursework


There is a major difference between having help from someone and having someone do the work for you.

Getting someone to do the work and just changing sections of it is a blatant example of plagarism and, when i did my GCSE's, was an automatic fail.

If you get into the habit now of asking people to do work for you, when your workload increases, be it in further education or the workplace, you will find it very hard to do things off your own bat without other people helping. Trust me, I have been there. Habits like that nearly cost me my degree. So as previous replies have said, it is all about prioritising.

black dog
16 Mar 2004, 23:18
Sheriff Spud had a valid point to make which other people have agreed with so why is everyone having a go at him about it. Surely we are all entitled to our own point of view.

16 Mar 2004, 23:25
Sheriff Spud had a valid point to make which other people have agreed with so why is everyone having a go at him about it. Surely we are all entitled to our own point of view.


That's it, I'm done with this thread.

Spud :twisted:

Rob The Badger
16 Mar 2004, 23:36
I'm too happy with my cool sig to moan at people anymore. . .

black dog
16 Mar 2004, 23:43
I'm too happy with my cool sig to moan at people anymore. . .

Love the new sig Rob. It takes me back a few years

Rob The Badger
16 Mar 2004, 23:55
Cheers B_D. Video game nostalgia, who'dathunkit?

The Flying Mouse
17 Mar 2004, 04:24
OK, Heli posted an appeal for help with schoolwork.A little strange I thought, but certainly not agaist forum rules.

There are people who are happy to help someone with corsework.Others think it is wrong.Both opinions are valid, in so far it is what the poster themselves believe.

Personally I would not like to operated on one day by a surgeon who got a friend to virtually disect his frogs on the net for him while he was at school :roll: .But this was hardly surgery :roll: .

I don't know the rules concerning GCSE corsework, so I have no informed opinion, but if I did have an opinion, it would matter very little to anyone accept ME.The only time my personal opinion has any bearing whatsoever on anyone else is when I have to moderate (i.e. now).

It isn't opinions I have a problem with in this thread, rather the fact that people are unable to accept another opinion without bitching about it.I don't even object to debateing opinions (which is basically a waste of time, seeing the possibility of changing another persons ethics are very slim to say the least, but what the hell, it's something to do :mrgreen: ).What I do have a problem with is, is comments like....

Unhelpful pretentious tw@t

and accusing people of a....

Menopausal rant

This just isn't showing other forum users the respect they are due here.

Yes, have your opinions.

Yes, feel free to have your say.

Yes, debate ideas (even though the chance of changing another persons opinions is small).

BUT.If you can't do that without becoming agresive, and posting insults, don't bother posting.