View Full Version : I got another taste of paradise!

21 Mar 2004, 01:50
Well, a while back I received the vinyl record of Bat Out Of Hell for my record player, and it was like I heard Bat for the first time ever when I played in my record player. Well, going through the record store uptown today, I was going through the records and I found :O

Dead Ringer!!!

OMG, I heard it and it was like I never heard it before, it sounded much better than the audio CD for some reason. I was jammin for the whole record! I used to think this was my least liked record by Meat witn a 9\10. Now I'm not sure, I like it even more now that I've heard it on vinyl.

Anyways, just I thought I'd share! :P

23 Mar 2004, 06:55
The day I found this on LP I nearly wet myself in the store. Ever since, I've been having dreams (non-stop dreams for 5 years) about finding "Bad Attitude" on LP. Oh how I wish I had it !!! Anyone can help me? Any willing traders? All I can offer you are my DREAMS - though they are fully of insatiable appetite for Meat Loaf rarities!

23 Mar 2004, 23:20
Hey Ryan,

I will L 8O 8O K out for two copies. One for me, and one for you :)

Happy Hunting!

24 Apr 2004, 02:00
In my hometown there was record fair and there was Bad Attitude LP. I have it of my own so i didnīt bought it. But I bought BAT LP! That was worth it. My mom asked me didi I brought it with me when I went to see here next morning.