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The Flying Mouse
29 Mar 2004, 14:40
:twisted: I've just caught the end a news item on the telly.

An artist is having their latest piece of concept art performed :roll: .

Basically, there are two people, in a glass box, in the middle of a high street, reading year numbers from a book through a loudspeaker :wtf:

There are a few different people who will take it in shifts to keep this going 24 hours a day until it's finished.The years to be read out are something like 1 million BC right through to 1 milion AD :nuts: .

You just know that box is going to get egged :lmao:

I also predict that at some point there will be a traffic cone on top of that glass box :lol:

It's David Blaine all over again with a much closer target :lmao:

29 Mar 2004, 15:21
but just imagine the smell after they have a curry!!!!!

black dog
29 Mar 2004, 15:26
They come up with some strange ideas. Don't see the point at all - except as target practise

Rob The Badger
29 Mar 2004, 17:26
Concept art is all about the idea itself. There is no "point".

29 Mar 2004, 17:34
exactly so if there is no point what is the point of doing it? Ok I've confused myself but still.

29 Mar 2004, 17:36
I'm an artist but i don't understand this sort of stuff.

David Blaine in that box perchance? :nuts: :wtf:

black dog
29 Mar 2004, 22:59
Concept art is all about the idea itself. There is no "point".

In that case I think I'll give Concept art a miss. A bit like modern art

Rob The Badger
29 Mar 2004, 23:03
I lost interest in art after Warhol. Most modern art really is useless.
Give me Da Vinci anyday.
And Keb, the point is that someone came up with the idea to put someone in a box and read out dates. It's all about original thought.
But I'm with Airhead on this, I'm and artist myself. And it seems pointless to me. But then again, I'm a Wildean aesthete.

29 Mar 2004, 23:05
Concept art is all about the idea itself. There is no "point".

In that case I think I'll give Concept art a miss. A bit like modern art

I agree, i'll give it a miss ... David Blaine was boring enough sitting in that box

29 Mar 2004, 23:06

Rob The Badger
29 Mar 2004, 23:12
David Blaine wasn't art. . .just a pri*k in a box.

29 Mar 2004, 23:13
He was like a gerbil in a cage 8O