The Flying Mouse
29 Mar 2004, 14:40
:twisted: I've just caught the end a news item on the telly.
An artist is having their latest piece of concept art performed :roll: .
Basically, there are two people, in a glass box, in the middle of a high street, reading year numbers from a book through a loudspeaker :wtf:
There are a few different people who will take it in shifts to keep this going 24 hours a day until it's finished.The years to be read out are something like 1 million BC right through to 1 milion AD :nuts: .
You just know that box is going to get egged :lmao:
I also predict that at some point there will be a traffic cone on top of that glass box :lol:
It's David Blaine all over again with a much closer target :lmao:
An artist is having their latest piece of concept art performed :roll: .
Basically, there are two people, in a glass box, in the middle of a high street, reading year numbers from a book through a loudspeaker :wtf:
There are a few different people who will take it in shifts to keep this going 24 hours a day until it's finished.The years to be read out are something like 1 million BC right through to 1 milion AD :nuts: .
You just know that box is going to get egged :lmao:
I also predict that at some point there will be a traffic cone on top of that glass box :lol:
It's David Blaine all over again with a much closer target :lmao: