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View Full Version : How many videos?

10 Aug 2002, 17:21
I have a question: :??:

How many video clips of Meat Loaf are existing? :??: (I don't mean live videos! I only think about video clips with story and action, like movies!)

I know the following: Deadringer, Razors Edge, If you really want to, Getting away with murder, I'd do anything for love, Objects in the rear view mirror, Rock'n'Roll dreams come through, I'd lie for you

F.e. Is there a video of Not a dry eye in the house? :??: Are there videos of any other songs? :??:

10 Aug 2002, 17:31
Don't forget Bat out of hell and Paradise by the Dashboard light. From the last one, you've got a great video. The Leap Of Faith video. I've seen it only a couple of times, but it is a really great and funny one. It's called after the movie Leap of faith, with Steve Martin.

A kiss is a terrible thing to waste, i think there is also a video of. I don't remember seeing a video of Not a dry eye in the house, or maybe it was a live version.

Maybe there a some other video's, but they are forgotten or something like that.

The Flying Mouse
10 Aug 2002, 19:06
:twisted: I didn't know there was a video for Getting Away With Murder.
There is a video for Rock And Roll Mersenaries featuring girls who look like the ones off Robert Palmers Addicted to love.
I also have reason to believe there is a video for Modern Girl.On one of those half hour adverts for c.d. collections,they show about five or six seconds of it.Can anyone confirm?
TIM'S right about the Leap Of Faith video.It rocks.Does anyone know if the song video is on the film?
One more thing.Why are these videos not available to buy on a compilation video? :(

10 Aug 2002, 19:12
Yes there is a "Modern Girl" video. There is also a version of Paridise on
"Old Grey Whistle Test" and "Hot Patootie" the just use the part of the movie.

10 Aug 2002, 19:42
I believe there was a video for Surfs Up. I think this is where Meat is sitting at a bar table with people dancing around him. Then it switches to the beach where the waves are pounding with a woman in a bridal dress on the rocks

There was a video for Not A Dry Eye House. Meat was singing the song to an empty theatre with some flahbacks thrown in

What about the video for More Than You Deserve in the roadside cafe. I think that is one of Meat's best

10 Aug 2002, 21:55
The video for Surfs Up is really great, but very rare and never released on
a video. Was there ever a video for "Blind Before I Stop"?

11 Aug 2002, 00:05
There is a page were they have a lot of Meat Loaf video fragments, also a few of the Paradise Leap of Faith version. But i'd have to find it, i've got it somewere.

There are a lot of video fragments, so maybe there are also a few from other songs. Also some live performances and interviews.

The getting away with the murder video is one i would like to see. Also the Modern Girl video. The video of Razors Edge is on Hits out of hell. A great vidio or DVD. I just bought it, and man it is super.

11 Aug 2002, 01:36
I remember hearing at the time that the video for Not A Dry Eye In The House was filmed in London - at the Brixton Academy (or whatever it's called nowadays).

There was also the video for Is Nothing Sacred that was also filmed in London with the orchestra (and the band).

Was there ever a video for Runnin' For The Red Light?


White of High
11 Aug 2002, 01:37
You forgot the clip of "Is Nothing Sacred". I think this song isn't too powery, but with video is so good.

Another question: Is there a video of "For Crying Out Loud"? Clip or live video?

11 Aug 2002, 12:07
I've the video of It's Nothing Sacred downloaded from the Meat Loaf multimedia site. It's a real player clip and is 6 mb. Not the great sound and video qualtiy, but it is great to see!

Is there an official clip of Heaven Can Wait?
On the Classic Album DVD of "Bat Out Of Hell" there is a great Live clip of Heaven, Recorded in Rotterdam 1994, the same version as on my bootleg.

11 Aug 2002, 17:09
Here is all the videos I know of by ML

Hot Patootie

Bat OUt Of Hell
Two Out Of Three
Took The Words

Dead Ringer For Love
Im Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us
Read Em And Weep
More Than You Deserve

Razors Edge
If You Really Want To

Modern Girl
Piece Of The Action (Scene from "Feel The Motion")
Surfs Up

Getting Away With Murder
Rock n Roll Mercenaries

Paridise By The Dashboard Light

Anything For Love
Rock n Roll Dreams Come Through
Objects In The Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are

Id Lie For You
Not At Dry Eye In The House

Is Nothing Sacred Anymore
A Kiss is A Terrible Thing

Is there anymore? I would like to know so I can find them>

12 Aug 2002, 15:25
Where can I get the videos to

More than you deserve,
Modern Girl,
Surf's up,
Piece of the action,
Rock'n'Roll Mercenaries,
Not a dry eye in the house,
A kiss is a terrible thing to waste?

??? :??:

12 Aug 2002, 15:28
Ooops, I've forgot the login! Now, once more.

Where can I get the videos to

More than you deserve,
Modern Girl,
Surf's up,
Piece of the action,
Rock'n'Roll Mercenaries,
Not a dry eye in the house,
A kiss is a terrible thing to waste?

:??: :??: :??:

27 Aug 2002, 10:16
Please, could anybody finally tell me where I can get the videos to

More than you deserve,
Modern Girl,
Surf's up,
Piece of the action,
Rock'n'Roll Mercenaries,
Not a dry eye in the house,
A kiss is a terrible thing to waste?

Please tell me !!!

The Flying Mouse
28 Aug 2002, 16:07
:twisted: Hi Garret
The only video i've seen with Rock n' Roll Mercenaries,is a compolation vid called Hits 5.
More Than You Deserve is on the Hits Out Of Hell DVD,although I havn't seen it because I don't have a DVD player yet.
Try looking in pawn shops,or house clearance shops as they usually have lots of deleted vids.It might take a while to find them but you never know your luck.

The Flying Mouse
28 Aug 2002, 16:14
:twisted: I forgot to say there's quite a lot of vids I havn't got.
If anyone knows what videos there on let us know.
It's always easier when you know what your looking for.

29 Aug 2002, 03:11
You can get piece of the action from a segment of an ML movie called "Formel Eins Film". He does a cameo in the movie which is actually while he is making a video of Piece Of Action.

I only way to get Surfs Up is to maybe call in to MTV or VH1 during a video request show and ask for it. Or what until an ML video archives special comes on (????).

Modern Girl gets a good amount of play on VH1 UK.

30 Aug 2002, 02:21
I know for BatII he released BatII Picture Show was released with three live performances and three music videos from BatII, was there a picture show released of Welcome To The Neighbourhood?

31 Aug 2002, 14:52
The compilation video "Hits 5" with Rock N Roll Mercenaries on it may be out of print but it is not difficult to find

There are currently four copies on Ebay with no bids:





11 Dec 2002, 23:29
There was no picture show to Welcome To The Neibourhood and i have never seen any video with songs like A Kiss Is A Terrible Thing To Waste or Modern Girl but try getting on to MTV durning a request show but wheather or not that they'll play it and i deticate this message for any fan in need for any of these videos so if any fan wants these videos go ahead don't be afraid to try this method out.

White of High
11 Dec 2002, 23:48

Maybe I can help you! I have got the video of Kiss and Modern Girl. Go to KaZaA and download it from me. If you want, write back!

My name in KaZaA: whiteofhigh@KaZaA

The Kiss video is fantastic! One of my fav. Just it's too short...

12 Dec 2002, 23:44
Hi there White Of High, I'm not looking for these videos but i'm looking for the video for I'd Lie For You(And That's The Truth) And i have a hard time downloading it off of Kazaa and I'm currently on the tent scene(The second verse) And if you possibly use Kazaa Lite V2(The one i use) Then if you have that file i could download it from you. And i'm downloading it right now but it is very slow. Just take your time and reply, Any information would be greatful(While The Slow Speed Is DISGRACFUL!) So is that Remotly Queued! And the killer More Sources Needed!

14 Dec 2002, 16:33
Hey White Of High, I'm downloading from you! And DON'T DISCONNECT! Oh and that's my message! Hi White Of High, What in the world were ya doing since i needed that file bad and you disconnected, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? :x Sorry 'bout that but i'm downloading it from Pol@Kazaa and i am not A SLOW SPEED PERSON!!