View Full Version : Remember this....

01 Apr 2004, 11:48
How much of this rings a bell.
Just for a minute, forget everything stressful and read

Close your eyes and go back in time...
Before the Internet or the Apple Mac.
Before semi-automatics, joyriders and crack....
Before SEGA or Super Nintendo...
Way back........

I'm talking about Hide and Seek in the park.
The corner shop.
Football with an old can.
Beano, Dandy, Buster, Twinkle and Dennis the menace.
Roly Poly.
Hula Hoops, jumping the stream, building dams.
The smell of the sun and fresh cut grass.
Bazooka Joe bubble gum.
An ice cream cone on a warm summer night from the van that plays
a tune - Chocolate or vanilla or strawberry or maybe Neapolitan
or perhaps a screwball
Saturday morning pictures.
Watching Saturday morning cartoons....short commercials,
The Double Deckers, Road Runner, He-Man, Zeebedee
Tiswas or Swapshop?, and 'Why Don't You'? -
or staying up for Doctor Who.
When around the corner seemed far away and going into town
seemed like going somewhere.
Earwigs, wasps, stinging nettles and bee stings.
Sticky fingers.
Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, and Zorro.
Climbing trees.
Building igloos out of snow banks.
Walking to school, no matter what the weather.
Running till you were out of breath, laughing so hard that your stomach
Jumping on the bed. Pillow fights.
Spinning around, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for giggles.

Being tired from playing....remember that?
The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team.
Water balloons were the ultimate weapon
Football cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a
Choppers and Grifters

I'm not finished just yet.....
Eating raw jelly. Orange squash ice pops.

Remember when...
There were two types of trainers - girls and boys, and
Dunlop Green Flash - and the only time you wore them at school
was for P.E.

You knew everyone in your street - and so did your parents.
It wasn't odd to have two or three "best" friends.

You didn't sleep a wink on Christmas eve.
When nobody owned a pure-bred dog.
When 25p was decent pocket money
When you'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny.
When nearly everyone's mum was at home when the kids got there.

When it was considered a great privilege to be taken out to
dinner at a real restaurant with your parents.

When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him or
use him to carry groceries and nobody, not even the kid,
thought a thing of it.

When being sent to the head's office was nothing compared
to the fate that awaited a misbehaving student at home.
Basically, we were in fear for our lives but it wasn't
because of drive-by shootings, drugs, gangs etc.
parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat! -
and some of us are still afraid of them!!

Didn't that feel good?
Just to go back and say, Yeah, I remember that!
Remember when....
Decisions were made by going " Ip Dip Dog Shit "
"Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest.
Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in "Monopoly".

The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was germs.
And the worst thing in your day was having to sit next to one.
It was unbelievable that 'British Bulldog 123' wasn't an Olympic event.
Having a weapon in school, meant being caught with a catapult.
Nobody was prettier than Mum.
Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better.
Taking drugs meant orange-flavoured chewable aspirin.

Ice cream was considered a basic food group
Getting a foot of snow was a dream come true
Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but also the fiercest protectors
If you can remember most or all of these, then you have LIVED.
Pass this on to anyone who may need a break from their "grown up" life...

Keep Rocking
01 Apr 2004, 16:37
Oh Chris,
this is really lovely :)

And yes:


I want my good old childhood back! Where there were no sorrows and mostly fun!

02 Apr 2004, 17:02
Chris.............do you have a lotta time on your hands by chance :? :wink:

angel eyes
03 Apr 2004, 00:20
:D What about the foot long barley sugar sticks and the ones with the chocolate centre. Playing tarzies across the beck and falling in. Aztec bars.
Wall ball, flying kites (home made of course). Five boys chocolate bars. Sweets as a treat not an everyday occurance. Everyone linking arms and singing songs in the playground. Alleys (marbles) - bongis (the big metal ones). Playing "bottle of pop".

You've started something now - ahh sweet memories!!!


03 Apr 2004, 00:27
I might be 14 but I'd kill to be back in the pre hormone years.

I want to:

Be able to find something to do when over at someones house and you have an excuse

Be able to play hopscotch and bulldog and leapfrog again

Be able to eat ice cream and jelly at birthday parties

be amused by a clown and baloon animals.


03 Apr 2004, 13:41
:D What about the foot long barley sugar sticks and the ones with the chocolate centre. Playing tarzies across the beck and falling in. Aztec bars.
Wall ball, flying kites (home made of course). Five boys chocolate bars. Sweets as a treat not an everyday occurance. Everyone linking arms and singing songs in the playground. Alleys (marbles) - bongis (the big metal ones). Playing "bottle of pop".

You've started something now - ahh sweet memories!!!


I think some of these were before my time - mainly the Aztec abrs and Five boys bars.

But yes, I remember playing marbles and trying to win the dobbsies( big ones). Making mud pies next to beck. Taking frogs home in coat pockets to show our parents. (one my sister used to do)Finding a worm and eating it!! Snickers bars being called Marathon bars!!!!

Happy days :D

black dog
03 Apr 2004, 15:33
What about the slogans

A Mars a day helps you work rest and play
Do you love anyone enough to give them your last Rolo

Those were the days

03 Apr 2004, 16:25
i remember most of these, :roll: i remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday. :oops: :lmao:

03 Apr 2004, 22:54
I rember this long forgotton Hula Hoops slogan:


04 Apr 2004, 02:22
OMG I remember Aztec Bars AND Five Boys Chocolate *okay i'm getting wayyyyyy too nostalgic now* :lmao:

04 Apr 2004, 02:56
Know what I miss like mad?

TRIO BARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not once has there been a chocolate bar that tastes so weird and artificial yet so delicious....

04 Apr 2004, 05:05
that is truely a nice piece. that is SO strong and true. i loved all of it.

i remember most of that stuff, and it was just six years ago. as much as I love MLUKFC, I wish there were no such things as internet, computers because I would love to experience a world without that "entertainment" being sixteen now i rarely see that stuff happen anymore, but its still there, and its slowly leaving :(

nice piece Chris, it was truely lovely

Rob The Badger
04 Apr 2004, 12:47
that is truely a nice piece. that is SO strong and true. i loved all of it.

i remember most of that stuff, and it was just six years ago. as much as I love MLUKFC, I wish there were no such things as internet, computers because I would love to experience a world without that "entertainment" being sixteen now i rarely see that stuff happen anymore, but its still there, and its slowly leaving :(

nice piece Chris, it was truely lovely

What he said. . .

04 Apr 2004, 15:24
Know what I miss like mad?

TRIO BARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not once has there been a chocolate bar that tastes so weird and artificial yet so delicious....

I wan t aTrio and I want one now
Not one,
not two
but Trioooooooooooo

etc. etc.

They were the ones advertised by that cartoon girl with the huge mouth weren't they??

04 Apr 2004, 21:50
OMG I even remember that advert for the Trio bars and yep you are right Chris ..... i think i can even remember the flipping tune :oops:

Rob The Badger
04 Apr 2004, 21:55
Know what I miss like mad?

TRIO BARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not once has there been a chocolate bar that tastes so weird and artificial yet so delicious....

I wan t aTrio and I want one now
Not one,
not two
but Trioooooooooooo

etc. etc.

They were the ones advertised by that cartoon girl with the huge mouth weren't they??

On the moon no less. . . :D

04 Apr 2004, 22:02
Whats a trio bar?

Rob The Badger
04 Apr 2004, 23:10
Whats a trio bar?

8O You were deprived. . .

04 Apr 2004, 23:17
Whats a trio bar?

I'm Shocked 8O

05 Apr 2004, 01:16

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yummyyummmyyummmyyummmmy in my tummy!

remember when Hula Hoops had the slogan EAT DONT HULA and there was this cereal that turned the milk into banana milkshake! (The pop things stayed fast to the bowl).

And the sun pat advert! "Our Pat, was pretty nifty with a bat, gave the ball a pat..."


Am I the only one who was and still is terrified of CATCHPHRASE?

05 Apr 2004, 01:34
Whats a trio bar?

8O You were deprived. . .

Yes Rob I was deprived, what was a trio bar, please someone tell me.

05 Apr 2004, 01:42
Ok a trio bar was an odd tasting chocolate bar thing. I only have a vague memory so maybe someone like Gerry or rob might enlighten you better.

05 Apr 2004, 12:35
Bitty Chunky trio (3) crispy choc-laty thingies..... 8O

Does that help :?

05 Apr 2004, 12:53
Oh yeah I didn't like it,

05 Apr 2004, 13:02

05 Apr 2004, 14:13
what a brilliant topic!!!

do u remember also, the baddest thing u could ever do
was play knock-a-door-run!! i miss that hahah!!

Did anyone else used to make mud-pies in their gardens?!
that was so disgusting.....how could i ever think that was fun......

And when u were having a tantrum...running away meant
hiding round the corner for a hour until u were hungry or
needed the toilet and came home.......

Does anyone else remember the board games "MouseTrap" and "Hamburger?"

Rolling down hills in cardboard boxes.........

oh those were the days..........

The Flying Mouse
05 Apr 2004, 16:30
Does anyone else remember the board games "MouseTrap"

:twisted: Remember it? 8O
I still have the bruises :(

05 Apr 2004, 16:36
The best was sliding down the stairs in a sleeping bag (I always ended at the bottom) or even better was sliding down the stairs on a mattress.
getting bitten by red ants because your cousin was annoying them and as you were the closest they thought it was you, :twisted:
Absailing don the back of the house using only a bedsheet and nothing on the floor (oh maybe my cousin is the only person dumb enough to do that)
Making hideouts down the garden, I had one behind the sofa I used to sleep in it and eat in it,

05 Apr 2004, 16:38
Do you remember when Meat used to post on this forum

Am i supposed to use smilies now

05 Apr 2004, 16:47
AAAAAAAAAAAAAH those were the days..... I can just about remember Meat posting..... :twisted:


Ageing Bat
08 Apr 2004, 15:45
Does anyone remember ........

the black and white Robinson Crusoe series that was always on during the summer holidays?
Mary, Mungo and Midge
Funny Faces Ice Cream
Coconut 'tobacco' - shredded coconut coated in brown sugar sold in a waxed paper wrapper that was red, I think with a picture of a pirate on it!

angel eyes
09 Apr 2004, 04:17
Yes - and you could buy the chocolate smokers set with a cigar and pipe etc. and you could get liquorice ones too. Arrow bars - all different flavours. I still have the Mousetrap and burger game in the loft. Escalado the first time round with the metal horses - it's out again now but not sure how it's changed. Metal adjustable roller skates that strapped on to your shoes! Having milk at playtime - thinking you were the bees knees if you were picked to be milk monitor. Having dinner ladies who wouldn't let you leave the table until you had eaten everything - even if you hated the taste of it. Can't think of anything else at the mo. - put it down to old age hee hee!!



Kitty Kat
09 Apr 2004, 11:24
Whip and top. Tin Can Squat, Hopscotch , Bogie carts, Toboganning down grass on pieces aof cardboard (not good for the bum) and skipping to those stupid rhymes like "I'm a little girl guide dressed in blue, These are the actions I must do, Salute to the King and Curtsey to the Queen (can,t remember the last line)."s
Also remember barley sugar stick, licquorice root, highland toffee bars, lemon crystals with a halfpenny hard licquorice stick to dip in, wagon wheels three times the size they are now and spangles.

OH HAPPY DAYS - when kids could play out all day without being in danger, and you could leave your door open knowing that you wouldn't be burgled.

11 Apr 2004, 04:51
This topic reminds me of Sam Robert's song "Every Part Of Me" I just got done listening to it. It is a truely amazing song. The whole album is awesome. I reccomend it! Canadian rock!! If you take this record in consideration, I reccomend you get the Canadian release! An extra track in the middle, and it is nice to have!

"I can never bring them back, but those days remain inside every part of me!" Beautiful topic!

11 Apr 2004, 16:08
when I was six i had this phobia about being left in the car on my own thanks to one of my dreams...

I used to make mud pies at four... AND I ATE THEM!!!!!! :?

I was a tap dancer and a ballerina. Shame I couldn't dance for love nor money...

Ah the 90s. I miss them.

11 Apr 2004, 16:47
I used to make mud pies at four... AND I ATE THEM!!!!!! :?

My little cousin used to do that.
I used to make mud pies but most of the mud would end up on me oh well and it still happens apart from now I don't make mud pies I play football.