View Full Version : V/So Graham Norton Friday April 9th 2004

09 Apr 2004, 12:13
Tonight Channel 4 - 10.00pm until 11.30pm - For your pleasure So Graham Norton, and V Graham Norton - The very best of both series.

Hopefully V Graham Norton will show the Meat Loaf fun and frolics
(Rock and Roll Dreams do come through - General Messages) for all the newbies.

Keep your eyes peeled !

09 Apr 2004, 12:28
I'm definatly gonna be watching that!!

Then i'll watch the full thing on the cd you sent me dottie!! :mrgreen: :bunny:

09 Apr 2004, 14:33
I'm in cynical mode today, so I'm sorry ot disappoint anyone, but I think i'ts unlikely that Meat will be featured on this sow, as he was on with Graham at least two runs of this show ago, if not more.

09 Apr 2004, 14:51
Tonight Channel 4 - 10.00pm until 11.30pm - For your pleasure So Graham Norton, and V Graham Norton - The very best of both series. ( England Shows)

Hopefully V Graham Norton will show the Meat Loaf fun and frolics
(Rock and Roll Dreams do come through - General Messages) for all the newbies.

Keep your eyes peeled !

Show 5 Series 4 - This should be on - Have done some digging and leg work.

Fallen Angel
11 Apr 2004, 22:28
Was he on?

11 Apr 2004, 22:33
In a word. No, it was rubbish my mums friend was sitting there watching it and was saying I can tell you more stories about Meat then you'll learn on this.