View Full Version : Thieving b******s

Kitty Kat
20 Apr 2004, 21:57
I got home from work the other evening and some thievin b's had stolen my garden furniture. In Broad Daylight. What they don't know is that I have put a curse on the chairs and anyone who sits on them will get a raging attack of hemorrhoids. I have also arranged for the local chemists to run out of the necessary creamfor this ailment. :evil: :twisted:

20 Apr 2004, 23:52
Ouch, Kitty that's the pits <hugs>

Same thing happened to my neighbour except her furniture was in her back garden ... they took the table and left the chairs ... go figure .... only thing was they had to climb over a thigh high fence to get at it, so there must have been more than one of them and nobody heard a thing :evil:

21 Apr 2004, 00:30
what is the point of nicking a table and garden furniture?

Crystal Eyes
21 Apr 2004, 00:33
We had people around our area who nicked hanging baskets. :?

21 Apr 2004, 00:40
I've never nicked anyhting more than a nut off a cake is tesco's before but I believe if your gonna nick something nick somethng thats worht nicking.

Crystal Eyes
21 Apr 2004, 00:43
Apparently hanging baskets are more expensive than you might think and I know garden furniture is worth a bit. Still you'd think there would be easier stuff to steal. There are plenty of items that are worth more and are smaller.

Ageing Bat
21 Apr 2004, 08:04
That's the pits..... sorry to hear that.

Some parasite nicked the gas bottle off our caravan a few months ago - it was parked in our drive way, on a main A road, with a primary school a few doors down.

21 Apr 2004, 09:30
Hey come on.... here the same,
last week I come home from work and my
bicycle is stolen out of my garden... grrrrrr :evil:
And no help from the police..... 8O :cry:
I hate that...


21 Apr 2004, 11:08
I used to steel knickers from washing lines 8O ..........

Only kidding by-the-way :wink:

21 Apr 2004, 13:05
Gerry wrote:

I used to steel knickers from washing lines 8O ..........

I can believe that :lmao:

There's some horrible people about - some git nicked our bird table - yes a bloody bird table :twisted:

21 Apr 2004, 19:08
In Zim (Zimbabwe) the people we stayed at had 6 foot electrified fences to keep people from stealing things, as before in broad daylight people jusmped over the fence and stole their garden furniture.

Kitty Kat
21 Apr 2004, 20:30
[quote="Gerry"]I used to steel knickers from washing lines 8O ..........

Have I've also had a plant pinched from my front gardenyou been down my way Gerry?? Although I must admit I've not had knickers pinched for a while. Someone took my garden gate once and it was broken - how sad is that? :roll: :roll:

I've also had plants pinched from my front garden and lost count of the number of these little plastic covers that fit over the valves on car tyres.

Someone once left a swimming costume hanging on my back door handle. Maybe they were paying me back for nicking other things.!! :?

Rob The Badger
21 Apr 2004, 21:53
The thread title concerns me. People stealing testicles must be a real problem.

21 Apr 2004, 22:56
The thread title concerns me. People stealing testicles must be a real problem.

he he Badger...for a wee change :roll:

22 Apr 2004, 00:31
We got burgled 3 months ago. What annoyed me more was the things they left behind rather the stuff they took.

They only took my DVD player, PS2, PC monitor and all my games. But thank god they left my CDs, and more importantly, my Meat collection! There's a load of things that are worth a lot more, it just shows how stupid the thieves really are.