View Full Version : Pop Quiz

Modern Girl
14 May 2004, 16:37
Hi everyone, a friend sent me this quiz so i thought i'd pass it on to you


Hope i've done the link right :oops:

Let me know how you all get on. I've got about 160 correct answers so far.

(thats a combined effort from my work colleagues as well :lol: )

14 May 2004, 17:09
88 on my first go!!!

BTW, they have spelt meat loaf as one word!!!

Modern Girl
14 May 2004, 17:23
Chris Wrote -
BTW, they have spelt meat loaf as one word!!!

It took me ages to figure that one out, i couldn't understand why it wouldn't give me the point when i knew i had the right answer :lol:

(I'm aiming to try and get all of the answers might take a while though :? )

14 May 2004, 18:30
I got 91, then forgot to save it so am gonna have to start all over again!!!

14 May 2004, 22:42
I can't even open it :oops:

angel eyes
16 May 2004, 03:47
Me neither :( :oops:

Not very good with computers!!! Help.


Keep Rocking
16 May 2004, 11:48
I can't even open it :oops:

It's an Excel-document. So you need Microsoft Excel on your PC

Modern Girl
17 May 2004, 17:01
How's everybody doing??

I've got 333 out of 350 so far. But stuck on the last couple. Will have to send it to my hubby's works and see if he has any ideas :lol: