View Full Version : Revision

15 May 2004, 22:30
I am sick to death of revision. Haven't done a lot and my exams start next week so met up with my friend to do some today. Have been revising psychology all afternoon and my brain has completely melted...even with music on...ARGH! :evil:

16 May 2004, 03:17
Revision, revision and more revision, I'm fed up of it too, best thing to do is to go for a long bike ride or anything to take your mind off of it. Or at least thats what I do.

16 May 2004, 03:26
feel for you both, :( dont worry guys , :lol: im sure the hard work will pay off , :wink: infact i know it will good luck guys. :lol:

Rob The Badger
16 May 2004, 11:37
Revision, yeah, I really should do some. . .

16 May 2004, 14:49
...I can't get into revision...never have been able to...my excuse is that cramming at the last minute works for me because I don't have time to forget it :wink: ...I've actually been good this year and started earlier than usual...not sure how long it will last though...

17 May 2004, 03:59
it will last as long as you want it to hun, :lol: got every faith in ya. :wink: and everyone else :wink:

17 May 2004, 04:26
I'm not gonna bother with it, its hopeless :roll: :wink: