View Full Version : Our version of "The Very Best Of"
27 Aug 2002, 02:17
Hi people
I am going to make a compilation called "The Very Best", and I want to
know what people think the compilation should have on it. I will send a copy to everyone who emails me and in return you can send me a blank disc?
So could everyone please put a reply with 1 request? I have high quality
80 minute discs!
PS> I will surely put FCOL on it! Please tell me whether you want studio
version or specific live version (remeber I have lots of live stuff).
'I'd do anything for love' storytellers version- it's the best I've heard it as his voice sounds fantastic- also include Hot Patootie as it's often left out as Meat song however it's fantastic.
What do you think of Out of the Frying pan. I think the Cardiff version. That one is great.
And also, great other songs would be Rock and roll dreams and Jonny B. Goode.
But i think you have to make a double Cd of it, couse there are so much great songs.
Yes, I also agree with Out Of The Frying Pan from cardiff.
Maybe you also have to put on the CD the birmingham 1988 versions of Bad For Good and I'm Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us.
And offcourse the More Than You Deserve from 1974.
28 Aug 2002, 02:11
Great posts people!
I will be sure to make this a 2CD set! bring on the requests
28 Aug 2002, 03:49
I forgot to add that the reason I am signed on as a guest is because I am on a different computer at my friends place.
The Flying Mouse
29 Aug 2002, 14:21
:twisted: You've got to have the Live Around The World version of Life Is A Lemon.It rocks.
29 Aug 2002, 21:05
I am pretty sure that the Live Around the World version of Lemon is the same as the one he did at the Beacon Theatre in 1995, they sound alot alike!
The Flying Mouse
29 Aug 2002, 21:24
:twisted: Yes, I think they are both the same recording.
i would love to hear read em & weep live live
Meat played that song only once on stage.
He played it on november 20th 1999 on the storytellers tour. I read it on this page:
But if you don't have this version, the original would be great for the album!
Meat played that song only once on stage.
He played it on november 20th 1999 on the storytellers tour. I read it on this page:
But if you don't have this version, the original would be great for the album!
Meat played that song only once on stage.
He played it on november 20th 1999 on the storytellers tour. I read it on this page:
But if you don't have this version, the original would be great for the album!
Meat played that song only once on stage.
He played it on november 20th 1999 on the storytellers tour. I read it on this page:
But if you don't have this version, the original would be great for the album!
Sorry about the many reply's, he gave an error while submitting, every time, so i thought that it wasn't placed on the forum!
Sorry about the many reply's, he gave an error while submitting, every time, so i thought that it wasn't placed on the forum!
Just edit or delete them using these:
Thread locked while fixing the error ...
Wolf with the red roses
02 Sep 2002, 20:45
Objects in the rear view mirror and Heaven can wait from Live Around the World because Steinman plays live on them.
Bat out of hell & Two out of three aint bad from the bottom line, because they're the best versions i've heard him sing during his tours from the late 70's.
Amnesty is granted live is really good, i think it's a b side on running from the red light.
04 Sep 2002, 00:27
Thats 13! I think I will need maybe 20 to make it a 2 CD set.
I would like to add in "I Love You So I Told You A Lie", and the original
"What You See (with Stoney)".
After all, The Stoney and Meatloaf song was Meats chart debut!
Thats 15!
You gotta put 'I'll Kill You I f You Don't Come Back' and 'Objects In The Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are' on it..'cos they are just two fantastic songs that touch me somplace inside...sounds soppy, but true... :oops:
04 Sep 2002, 04:30
Hi Heat
I will be sure to put "Ill Kill You" and "Objects" on the compilation.
People want the New York 1993 version of it, is this OK?
I think the NY version is a little more powerful.
I would also say a live version of Midnight at the lost and found, and maybe, don't know if there is any, but a live version of Getting away with the murder.
Meatles, i think it's a hell of a job. Cause there are so much great songs. It's so hard to choose. But i'm curious about the cd you making..... :lol:
04 Sep 2002, 23:16
Hi Tim
I have so many different versions of Midnight Live.
- Wembley 1983
- Bad Attitude Live 1985
- Bottom Line of NY 1985
- Offenbach 1984
- Wembley 1987
- Birmingham 1988
- Dillengen 1990
- Kologne 1991
- Beacon Theatre 1995
I believe there is more!
Which version do you prefer Tim?
04 Sep 2002, 23:22
If anyone wants to know how I am making this compilation, this is how.
- Hook my stereo up to my computer
- use the direct cut function and create wave files of each song, my wave files are very high quality!
- Than compile them and burn them
This gives me really really good quality for sure.
Does anyone want a version of Heaven Can Wait?
I have the studio version, the Nassau Coliseum 1978 version, Mannheim 1994 version, Cardiff 1993, New York 1994 with Jimmy.
05 Sep 2002, 03:38
The compilation list is going along great, I properly counted 13 songs.
But they are all Live, so do you want some studio tracks? or do you want it to be "THe Very Best of ..... Live"?
The List is this
disc 1.
ANYTHING FOR LOVE - Storytellers 1999 (8'00)
LIFE IS A LEMON - Beacon Theatre 1995 (9'00)
ROCK N ROLL DREAMS - Mannheim 1994 (8'30)
TWO OUT OF THREE AINT BAD - Bottom Line 1977 (6'00)
HEAVEN CAN WAIT - New York 1993 (5'40)
BAD FOR GOOD - Birmingham 1988 (10'00)
IM GONNA LOVE HER FOR BOTH OF US - Wembley 1982 (8'00)
WHAT YOU SEE - Cleveland 1994 (5'00)
ALL REVVED UP - My Fathers Place 1977 (9'00)
disc 2
OUT OF THE FRYING PAN - Cardiff 1993
YOU TOOK THE WORDS - Meltdown 1987
AMNESTY IS GRANTED - Beacon Theatre 1995
But I need some more, this is on its way to becoming a good compilation!
Yesterday i posted here also something, but now i'm looking, and i can't find my post? 8O What happend?
WEll, i said, that it was a hell of a job that Meatles is doing. And also i suggested some other songs, if you don't have enough songs. I thought a live version of Midnight at the lost and found, and maybe, don't know if there is any, a live version of Getting away with the murder.
I'm very curious how you will manage it, Meatles. :lol:
Yesterday i posted here also something, but now i'm looking, and i can't find my post? 8O What happend?
WEll, i said, that it was a hell of a job that Meatles is doing. And also i suggested some other songs, if you don't have enough songs. I thought a live version of Midnight at the lost and found, and maybe, don't know if there is any, a live version of Getting away with the murder.
I'm very curious how you will manage it, Meatles. :lol:
And again, something went wrong.
The Flying Mouse
05 Sep 2002, 21:30
:twisted: Hi Meatles
I've already put my request in,but if your short of ideas have you got a live version of Razor's Edge.
It's my favorite song off the Midnight album,and like I'm Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us,i've never heard a live version.
Heaven can wait is always great. But I think you have to choose for a heaven can wait with jimmy. I think the nassau coliseum is great, with Nocturnal Pleasure
HI Meatles,
About Midnight live, i would prefere the Bad Attitude Liver 1985 version. Never heard it, but i think it's great. :D
Or, the Ahoy 1999 version. That one is a great acoustic one. Very good. But i don't know if you have that bootleg.
07 Sep 2002, 03:22
I was hoping you'd ask for the Nassau Coliseum version, it is my favourite version. The Mannheim version is O.K but Jimmy isn't in it and Meats voice is strained from to much touring.
I will be sure to add the Midnight Bad Attitude Live.
PS> I would love to have a copy of an Ahoy 1999 show, I am also desperate for 2002 shows!
09 Sep 2002, 22:46
I've never put anything up here before, but thought I'd chip in my tupenneth's worth 'cos I really like the sounds of what you're doing...!
I have to say that I think that the Life Is A Lemon original studio version should go on this compilation because of all the crazy guitars towards the end. I personally think it's better than the live version, but if you were going to use a live version, how about the one on the 'Bat Out Of Hell 2: Picture Show' video...?
Also, I think Read 'Em And Weep has got to go on, and I also really like Surf's Up - it's a song about an erection, and that's good enough for me. It's got to go on - surely...?!
I've noticed all the talk about bottleg live CDs on here too, and would really like to get my hands on as many of these as possible. Is anyone out there prepared to stick 'em on a few CDs for me...? I'd appreciate it if someone could find the time - depending on what they want in return.
Oh, and 'Execution Day'. Get it on there.
White of High
10 Sep 2002, 01:28
If we want to listen a very good live version have to hear Torna di Surriento (Come Back To Sorrento) with Pavarotti. OK, Meat doesn't want to sing together with him - I think it's better - but it's fantastic. I think nobody has got as voice as Meat in soft-music. He's alone who can sing together with a great voice - if not so together...
10 Sep 2002, 02:09
I am ready to put this compilation together now. I think we have enough, There will be a few studio versions of songs on the compilation, but not to many.
I am just havin a wonder about how we are going to buy them off you? :? Do we hafta send you a cheque or a postal order, or do you take visa and mastercard? :lol: May seem like a really stoopid question, obviously you know what youre doing, :wink: , but i was just a wee bit curious.
Space Monkey,
I've got 2 bootlegs (copy's of them) here. I've burned them. So if you like them.....send me a mail.
They are: Live in Ahoy Rotterdam 1999 and Bats out of Hell: live in Cardiff.
And if you willing to wait. I'm putting, together with Michel, a site together, were you can get the bootlegs, most of all. And lots more.
10 Sep 2002, 23:07
I do not accept money for this compilation, that would be ripping Meat off, thats the last thing I want to do. So I am asking people to replace the CDRs I sent them with 2 blank CDRS
12 Sep 2002, 23:02
2 requests:
12 Sep 2002, 23:04
I forgot...
Dance in my pants - vienna 1988
White of High
13 Sep 2002, 01:34
And another:
Home By Now/No Matter What with Night of the Proms
OK, no problem...i was just curious :roll:
14 Sep 2002, 17:59
BAT OUT OF HELL - Bottom Line 1977 (10:03)
ANYTHING FOR LOVE - Storytellers 1999 (8'00)
LIFE IS A LEMON - Beacon Theatre 1995 (9'00)
TWO OUT OF THREE AINT BAD - Bottom Line 1977 (6'00)
HEAVEN CAN WAIT - Nassau Coliseum (7'40)
BAD FOR GOOD - Birmingham 1988 (10'00)
IM GONNA LOVE HER FOR BOTH OF US - Wembley 1982 (8'00)
ROCK N ROLL DREAMS COME THROUGH - Mannheim 1994 (10'00)
OUT OF THE FRYING PAN - Cardiff 1993
EXECUTION DAY - Meltdown 1987
DANCE IN MY PANTS - Birmingham 1988
AMNESTY IS GRANTED - Beacon Theatre 1995
DEAD RINGER FOR LOVE - Live Around the World 1994
RAZORS EDGE - Wembley 1983
BAT OUT OF HELL - Storytellers 1999
This is the tracklistings for "THE VERY BEST OF", what does everyone think? Should I make some adjustments?
I think it is Great.
Maybe one adjustment, if there is enough room on CD 2, can you make the Dead Ringer into Everything Louder Than Everything Else/Dead Ringer (Cardiff 1993)
15 Sep 2002, 04:44
Hi Michel
I don't think there is enough room for Dead Ringer/Everything Else, but I will check it out.
The Flying Mouse
15 Sep 2002, 17:30
:twisted: WOW!!!!!!!!
15 Sep 2002, 22:52
Why is BOOH on there twice? other than that it sounds great. btw, there's a really neat version of HCW that was on the show w/ pavarotti - not sure if that's the one you're usin'
15 Sep 2002, 23:27
Some people want the Bottom Line version of BAT while some want the Storytellers version. So that the hell, lets just put them both on there?
The Heaven Can Wait I am using is the one from the Nassau Coliseum Bootleg since Jim and Meat do a duet on it towards the end, and Jim does a speech at the beginning.
The Flying Mouse
16 Sep 2002, 23:22
:twisted: The Nassau Coliseum version of Heaven Can Wait sounds great,can't wait to hear it.
By the way Meatles,when do you think the discs will be ready?and how do we get them?
17 Sep 2002, 03:06
Flying Mouse
There are two alternatives on getting these discs, you can either send me
2 blank CDRs or we can trade for something you have that I dont.
email me privatly
18 Sep 2002, 03:50
I am starting to wonder if I should make this a 3CD set? I have forgotten to add Tims requests "Johnny Be Good" and "Midnight At THe Lost and Found" and some people may have some stuff to add?
The Flying Mouse
18 Sep 2002, 04:52
:twisted: Go for your life Meatles.I don't think you'll get any complaints.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
A 3 CD set?? Wow, very cool Meatles. I can't hardly wait!!! :lol: :lol:
A 3 CD set??? that'd be wayyyyyyy cool 8)
if thats the case, how about..
Everything is Permitted,
Masculine and
Rock and Roll Hero ?
just a few ideas, meatles. :wink:
And maybe some of the "classic" stuff, like Back into Hell, Pray Lewd or some other, you know what i mean Meatles. Or from the Cd the Philharmonic Orchestra plays Meat loaf.
And do you also put some Jim Steinman songs on it? Otherwise I would think, songs like It's all coming back to me now, Twentieth Century Fox.
This gona be a hell of a CD!!!
18 Sep 2002, 15:35
This should be a 4CD set. On, you can order $CD jewel cases, so casing will be easy.
As for tracks, I think that the tracks that you ibcludded on the 'draft versin' (see earlier post) should be included.
* Anything Fior Love - notp - not storytellers
* All Coming Back To me now - Original Sin
* Pray Lewd
* And tracks from the RPO album and the early JS musicals
My God This is going to be great!
Chou 4 now,
Ps: Call it: "The Best Hits of Meat Loaf & Friends"
18 Sep 2002, 15:44
I think we're getting a bit carried away here. Yes; a three CD set would be good, but I don't think we should have any of the old Steinman stuff on it. That's going a bit far. Sure, ML's versions of Stark Raving Love (if he ever did it), Bad For Good and Dance In My Pants and stuff would be good, but we don't want to go too far, do we...?
Is there a live version of 'Rock And Roll Hero'? Stuff like that would be good. And what about songs that most people wont have - didn't he do a version of 'American Trilogy' for example? Stuff like that. And what about the time he sang the American National Anthem...? And let's not forget 'Let It Be' and 'Come Together' from the 'Not a Dry Eye...' single. And the live version of 'Where The Rubber Meets The Road' from whatever single it was is good too. And are there live versions of 'Where Angels Sing' and 'Runnin' For The Red Light'? If so, put 'em on...!
Wouldn't people rather see the lesser-known gems like these on this kind of collection?
But for God's sake don't put his version of 'Oh What A Beautiful Morning' on it.
18 Sep 2002, 22:48
I don't think that MEAT LOAF AND FRIENDS would be a good idea, since I don't own stuff like Pandoras Box or Bad For Good (I do have vinyl, but cant transfer it).
PS> Space Monkey, I agree that Rock n Roll Hero should be on there, I think of it as MLS signature song : "burnin it up, in a smoke filled club"??
Altough I dont have a live recording of it.
Anything for Love - NOTP
Back into Hell
Everything is Permitted
Johnny Be Good - London 1978
What You See is What You Get
Midnight at The Lost and Found - Bad Attitude Live! 1985
Everything Louder Than Everything Else - New York 1993
Bat Out Of Hell (replaced from CD2) - Storytellers 1999
How does this sound for a 3rd disc
I think it sounds absolutely crackin', Meatles...I can't wait :lol: :lol:
Any idea when they are gonna be ready to put out?
19 Sep 2002, 14:32
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease could you confirm when the final version of this CD will be available and the full track lists (with runtimes for each track)
I am planning to design a full CD Cover set, and post it on (Lets have a 'name the album' competition while we're here!)
Happy times and places,
To name the album, i would say something like this: Between the Bats
Or, Between the Bats: A strange world.
3 cd's, that's 3 times around the 70 minutes. Cool!! :lol:
19 Sep 2002, 15:33
Let me tell you a story about Calafornia 2002
It was a hot summer night and the beach was burning
There was fog crawling over the sand...
Meanwhile, in Hyde Park, London, a big guy from Texas was doing a Concert
I think you get my drift!
Either that or the STORYTELLERS mix
19 Sep 2002, 15:35
"Good one... (Let me look at your name)
19 Sep 2002, 15:36
... Tim!
19 Sep 2002, 22:28
Yes I think the album should have a creative name, like "BETWEEN THE BATS: ULTIMATE MEAT LOAF" or possibly "THE WAY OUT OF HELL: THE MEAT LOAF COLLECTION". YES, "BETWEEN BATS: LIVE AROUND THE WORLD" sounds good, but it isn't all live!
If all goes well, I think this compilation should be done over the weekend.
Everything looks great and ready for processing. I will inform everyone about it.
What about - 'BATS ON THE BRINK....MIGHTY MEAT MOMENTS' As a title?Just an idea.. :lol:
20 Sep 2002, 20:28
Cheers Meatles.
I'll look at the board on Monday for full set lists and lengths, so I can start on the CD jewel case inserts. I have chosen a title, but I won't tell you what it is yet.
See you later
24 Sep 2002, 01:06
Hi guys
The VERY BEST is ready to go! here are the tracklistings
Bat Out Of Hell - Bottom Line New York 1977 - 10'00
Anything For Love - Storytellers 1999 - 6'20
Life is A Lemon - Live Around The World - Beacon Theatre 1995 - 7'20
Two Out Of Three - Bottom Line New York 1977 - 6'09
Heaven Can Wait - Nassau Coliseum 1978 - 7'10
Bad For Good - Birmingham UK 1988 - 10'00
Im Gonna Love Her For Both Of Us - Wembley Arena 1982 - 7'50
Rock n Roll Dreams Come Through - Rotterdam 1999 - 10'00
Read Em And Weep
Home By Now / No Matter What - Rotterdam Ahoy 1999 - 7'53
Out Of The Frying Pan - Cardiff Wales 1993 - 10'01
Execution Day - London UK 1987 - 6'55
Dance in My Pants - Birmingham 1988 - 8'56
Keeper Keep Us - Intergalactic Touring Band 1977 - 3'23
I'll Kill You If You dont Come Back - 6'25
Dead Ringer For Love - Beacon Theatre 1995 - 4'36
For Crying Out Loud - New York 1994 - 9'56
Razors Edge - Wembley Arena 1983 - 5'23
Back into Hell - 2'44
Anything For Love - Rotterdam Ahoy 2001 - 10'00
Everything Louder Than Everything Else - 1993 New York - 9'32
Johnny Be Good - Odeon Hammersmith 1978 - 7'54
Rock n Roll Hero - 4'13
Amnesty is Granted - 4'50
What You See is What You Get - 2'14
Midnight At The Lost and Found - Bad Attitude Live - 3'55
You Took The Words - Cleveland 1978 - 6'00
Lost Boys and Golden Girls - Birmingham 1988 - 4'13
Bat Out Of Hell - Storytellers 1999 - 11'55
Very, very cool Meatles. I think this is a great CD.
How can we get hold of it?
24 Sep 2002, 15:25
I've done a frontpiece, now I'm working on the back
I'll Email you, tonight.
Danny, to be honest, i don't like the title. Well, he, but's that my opinion. But how did you made it? Photoshop and Illustrator? or do you use 3d max? I'm very curious about it. Cause i usually work with Illustrator and Photoshop. Corel isn't good, i think. But i'm curious about how it will look.
24 Sep 2002, 23:23
I think the title is fine, it was my suggestion, but it is not my say on the title so whatever people come up with is fine.
25 Sep 2002, 14:08
I like the title.
Has anyone got any live bootleg CDs they'd be prepared to put onto CD for me...? I can send out blank CDs if anyone could spare the time...?
I've got you cd: The Way out of Hell. but why did you cut Rock And Roll Dreams and Into The Frying Pan? :angry:
That's to bad. I think!
The rest of the cd's are nice :lol:
31 Oct 2002, 02:18
I had some problems with my burner and therefor didn't get the full FRYING PAN and ROCK N ROLL DREAMS. So I am doing the compilation over again.
This CD sounds cool!
How does we get hold of a copy?
02 Nov 2002, 06:40
My name is Meatles (although for some strange reason, my name isn't coming up on the messages .... ????)
to get this, contact me at
and we can work out a deal (I dont except money), you can send me 3 CDRS blank and I wills send you the compilation cd set.
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