View Full Version : Meat makes it in SOS chart at No 8!!

Mrs Loaf
31 May 2004, 17:44
Have just had a look at the BBC R2 web page and if you go to their Sold on Song link you will see that Meat Loaf -Bat out of Hell is at no 8 in the Top 100 best songs!! Hurray. :D

White of High
31 May 2004, 19:10
And Anything For Love is 76th.

Rob The Badger
31 May 2004, 20:09
For a laugh I read the comments on someof the crappy songs:

Dave S. on Robbie Williams' 'Angels':

Hi my name is Dave and this is my absolute fav song ever. In the early nineties, I used to be into Take That in a massive way, but after Robbie left it just wasn't the same anymore. I watched him launch his solo career with great interest and was appalled when he got fat and checked into rehab. I really started disliking him when his solo stuff just sounded like a cheap imitation of Oasis (e.g. Old before you die) and nothing like his old Take That stuff (e.g. Everything Changes). Then one night, I was going out in La Gare (my local hangout) when they suddenly played this song. It really reminded me of the Take That days and how Gary Barlow could never have written a song with such underlying sensibilities at all. It was strange; everyone in La Gare seemed to understand that this song wasn't just any song from a former boy-band singer, it was a song written for the heart! Eveyone grabbed a partner and close-danced to this song (or for lack of a partner, held their lighter in the air). I have never seen such heartfelt bonding together in La Gare since (they usually play Morrissey etc.) and will always cherish this moment...

Spectacularly I didn't edit in the Morrissey bit. . .[/quote]