View Full Version : Broadband

Rob The Badger
07 Jun 2004, 13:26
Isn't it cool!?


07 Jun 2004, 14:22
welcome to the 21st century Rob. :D

How did we manage without 512K minimum bandwidth?

Rob The Badger
07 Jun 2004, 15:03
welcome to the 21st century Rob. :D

How did we manage without 512K minimum bandwidth?

Indeed. . .it seems so . . .sl-ooooooooooooooooooooooooo-w. . .now. ^.^

07 Jun 2004, 17:34
I love broadband!!

07 Jun 2004, 18:32
welcome to the 21st century Rob. :D

How did we manage without 512K minimum bandwidth?
512K me I have 1mb, :P .
*runs off*

07 Jun 2004, 19:12
I'm not scared of my phone bill anymore! :keke:


07 Jun 2004, 21:18
1MB but i only pay for 512k!!!!

When you get broadband, the line is often shared between neighbouring properties for reasons which are complicated and would justify my degree if I explained but i can't be bothered!!!

As I am the only residential property off our telegraph pole and none of the businesses use broadband, i get the full capacity of the line thansk to a nice man from BT!!!


07 Jun 2004, 21:43
I did say 512K minimum, with a supercharger, turbo and VTEC installed on my modem, my internet connection can make a mere 512 perform like a Smart Car :D :lmao:

My work laptop on the other handis a different stoy - dial in to the office server to download my mail and I'm back to the bad bad bad old days of 13k - and we're supposed to be at the cutting edge of real time computing technology :shock: