View Full Version : Need your thoughts and prayers.
Hiya Peoples,
Not really sure where to start on this, but please bear with me.
As most of you know, i'm pregnant, and it was with triplets. Sadly one of our precious babies stopped growing at 9 weeks, and died, and hard as that is to deal with, we've been dealt another blow, and i guess i just need some support and prayers.
We have been told that one of our babies has a serious illness, which basically means that when he's born he's not going to live very long. We know he's a he because the condition that he has only ever affects boys. We have decided to call him Ciaran. Hi condition means that he can't wee, and therefore he'll go into renal failure, if he's not already there, and his lungs wont develop because he can't wee to produce the amniotic fluid he needs to help them, which means that when he's born he wont be able to breathe, and he'll die soon after birth.
There is a small chance - 0.2% - that the blockage will clear itself, but it's very very unlikely that that will happen.
I guess what i'm asking you guys to send Ciaran all your prayers and thoughts. I've never been one for God or anything, but at the moment i'm willing to give anything a go. I'd even sell my soul to the devil if that was what it'd take to help him live.
I'm sorry that this is such a sad post - but if you could just give me 2 mins of your time, just to pray to whoever your god is...then that would mean the world to me.
Thanks folks.
Heat xxx
I think it goes without saying, and I think I speak for everyone here when I say that you and yours will be in our thoughts and prayers at this time!
Take care!
I think it goes without saying, and I think I speak for everyone here when I say that you and yours will be in our thoughts and prayers at this time!
Take care!
I agree entirely.
10 Jun 2004, 01:10
Done it heat and will continue to pray for Ciaran hunny. As you know I have a strong faith and i hope me sharing that with you will help in some small way. I will see our minister tomorrow and will ask him to put out a prayer circle for you. This is where he contacts certain people in our church who will all pray for you at the same time and this is more powerful for us. I will be at church tomorrow on my own so I will spend time in the chapel just for you.
God bless
10 Jun 2004, 01:12
My prayers are with you and your family at this time. May God give Ciaran the strength to fight and keep him safe.
I am at a total loss of anything else to say, I can't even begin to imagine how you must be feeling at this time.
10 Jun 2004, 01:15
I think it goes without saying, and I think I speak for everyone here when I say that you and yours will be in our thoughts and prayers at this time!
Take care!
I totally agree with Andy.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Keep Rocking
10 Jun 2004, 02:08
I don't find the words to express what I want to say!
So I just give you a big hug
angel eyes
10 Jun 2004, 02:36
The power of prayer is a wonderful thing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones. May they give you the strength and courage to bear the heavy burden you are carrying at the moment. Hoping for a little miracle.
God Bless
10 Jun 2004, 07:51
Heather - you know where I am if you need me.
My thoughts are with you, Ciaran and the rest of the family at this difficult time
Love Sharon
I'm thinking about you and yours and add you to my prayers.
10 Jun 2004, 08:51
Im so very sorry to hear you sad news.
I will be praying for you, God bless you all.
Feleena x
black dog
10 Jun 2004, 09:28
Heat, my thoughts and prayers are with you, little Cirian and the rest of your family.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Ciaran and your family.
God bless you all.
For all of you...........
I said a prayer for you today
I hope you didn't mind
I asked the Lord to comfort you
and put your tears behind.
I prayed for peace and mercy too
to help you through the day
And for His loving guidance
as He leads you on the way.
You need not walk this path alone
so I prayed He'd hold your hand
and offer you some guidance
in a way you'll understand.
I asked Him for little miracles
and to bless you every day
Keep searching for the Rainbows -
and let Him light your way.
Ageing Bat
10 Jun 2004, 11:27
My prayers are with you and your family Heat at this very difficult time. The power of prayer is indeed a wonderful thing.
May you find some comfort from the love and prayers of those around you.
Rob The Badger
10 Jun 2004, 12:26
I'll be thinking of you.
Heat!! Words fail me to show you how sorry I am!!! Like you I'm not a great believer but I am willing to try anything with you just to make sure that everything turns out ok!! :cry:
Lots of love to you, Ciaran, and your remaining children!
Hang in there!
I am so truly sorry to read this. I can't put into words how I feel, but I hope and pray for you all.
I was going to write a poem but as I sat down I realised there was no words that express the way you feel right now. Right now you are in everyones thoughts in my house and at school. Let God bless Ciaran and I pray he is in that 0.2%.
Best Wishes,
.....a prayer for you and your Children Heat.........
Keep hope and sometimes prayers come true. I hope so for you.
you are in my thoughts and prayers Heat
Much love
10 Jun 2004, 21:23
thinkin of u...
10 Jun 2004, 22:18
Dear Heat,
I cannot even begin to tell you how much I wish this would be different for you!
...thinking of you and your precious loved ones daily from now on. And sending you all my love!
I'm so sorry, I can't begin to imagine what u must be going through. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Terri x
Sapphire Lady
10 Jun 2004, 23:27
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Ciaran.
Lynne x x x
11 Jun 2004, 13:24
Hi Heat,
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care.
Love, Heidi
I will pray for little Ciaran, you and the rest of your family.
My thoughts are with you!
I am so truly sorry to read this.
As I asked you some times ago to keep us posted, I didn't even think that something like this could happen.
There's not much I can add to the previous messages, so I'll just shut up.
Do not give up. Ever.
Thanks guys for all your messages of support and love - and for your prayers. I can't begin to express just how much it all means to me and Pat.
Went to Cardiff for a scan yesterday, and things are still looking quite bleak. Ciaran's amniotic sac seems to be shrinking around him, which indicates that he isn't passing any water at all, so i guess we hafta prepare ourselves for the worst. I'm trying to be strong and carry on daily things, but i just feel like i'm going through the motions. Keeyfer and Finlaye have gone to stay at my sisters for a few weeks, just untill we sort our heads out. I feel so guilty about that, that i'm not being a proper mum to them...but at the moment i'm finding it hard to concentrate on anything for very long. I spose i'll get there in the end.
We have to go up to Bristol on monday, to see a hospital consultant up there - i'm not sure what he's going to tell us....more of the same perhaps, but our consultant in Cardiff seems to think that we should see him. Spose it can't hurt.
Anyways guys, just thought i'd say thanks for just being there.....You lot mean the world to me.
Heat xxx
Hi Heat
Sorry to hear the latest news on Ciaran. Hopefully you'll get some better news in Bristol. We'll all be thinking of you all.
Don't feel bad about the kids, i bet they think they're on holiday at your sisters :)
Love to you all
Dear Heat,
I was so sorry too to read what is happening.
My thoughts are with you all.
14 Jun 2004, 23:40
Im still praying for you. Hope all goes well at the doc's.
Your kids will be ok they are having fun I bet.
Take Care Hun
Feleena xx
Hi Heat
Just wanted to let you know I've been thinking of you today
Thinking of you , Heat
15 Jun 2004, 00:53
You and your family have been in my thoughts today too, Heat!
Sending you all my love,
15 Jun 2004, 01:28
You and Ciaran are in my thoughts from now on... keep on believing!
angel eyes
19 Jun 2004, 00:57
Keeping fingers and everything else crossed that you may receive some good news. Thinking of you all.
Hope you all are doing ok Heat, havent heard from you in a while.
Thinking of you Heat,
hope you and your family are okay
Much love
You and your family are in my thoughts Heat.
01 Jul 2004, 16:50
Dear Heat....
You'll be in my prayers... all of you...
And my best friend... who is Wiccan... will carry out a ritual for you... to bless you and your unborn children....
All the best to you and yours...
May all your wishes come true...
Blessed Be....
The Flying Mouse
01 Jul 2004, 17:12
:twisted: Heat, i'm so sorry to hear this :cry:
Hopes and prayers for Ciaran, and special (((((hugs))))) for you and Pat.You must be going through hell right now.
Never give up on hope.
When you feel down
and your world seems blue;
someone is praying for you.
When the sun seems to dim,
and the day feels untrue;
someone is praying for you.
Those hands that come together
in love and care;
Maybe small, smooth, or wrinkled,
but remember they are there.
Each day that's not full of sunshine,
but maybe dread and fear;
Someone is praying
for those they hold dear.
So at night
when you lay your head down for weary
Humble your heart
and pray for those you love best.
Our hearts are with you Heat and your family that you may find the strength within you............
I'm not the most religious man you'll ever meet, but i'll sit at the end of my bed tonight and have a prayer for you and your family
love scott x
Heat, so sorry to hear such sad news, im praying for you and Pat, Ciaran, and all the family every day hunnie. may god be with you all. xxx
You and your family are much in my thoughts Heat,
every good wish from me
Love Bren
04 Jul 2004, 23:57
...sending you and your family all my love...
Hi Folks,
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, it's meant so much to Pat and I to know that you are all thinking of us.
Unfortunately the news isn't good. Ciaran is still with us for now, but it has been confirmed that his lungs aren't developing at all, so we know now that we are going to loose him whatever happens.
I haven't been around for a while, because i needed some time to think and take stock. I know whatever happens now Ciaran isn't going to make it, so we've decided that we have to cram in a whole lifetime of love into the few short months we have with our precious son. We are telling him about places he'll never see, but that are important to us, about people he'll never know, but that love him as much as we do. It may sound silly, but i talk to him every day and tell him about everyday mundane things. We play music to him - Meat of course, but Elvis too and other artisits. We want him to know just how loved and wanted he is, and how much he means to us. We feel it's important that he knows that he'll never be forgotten.
I heard his heart beating for the first time today - it was such a magical experience, and i have felt a few flutterings that could well be kicks - but may just have been wind!!!
I'm not sure how often i'll be around over the next few months, but i just want to thank you all once again for all the love and support you've shown us.
Heat xxx
06 Jul 2004, 01:49
Sorry about the news - but what you are doing makes sense - Ciaran will know that he is loved. Talking to him and telling him things will help. I played Meat cds through my personal headset when pregnant with my daughter - she loved it - Ciaran will to.
Take as much time as you need - just don't forget - I'm here if you need me
Love to you - Pat & the boys
I'm thinking about you every day
Your Friend xx
06 Jul 2004, 08:57
Im thinking of you hun! I am praying for you all.
Feleena x
Dear Heat.
My thoughts and prayers will be with you, Ciaran and your family.
Do the things the way you feel best! These things you do now, will be your memories in later life.
Take care, hun!!
06 Jul 2004, 13:46
I am so sorry to hear this... I wish you a lot of love and strength... know that you are all in our thoughts!!!!!!!!
06 Jul 2004, 16:18
Heat - I don't think I can find the right words to expres how sorry I am to hear about this.
Please know you are in my thoughts often - hope you and Pat will continue to find the strenght to stay positive as often as possible!
I am not sure if I could do that if I was in your shoes.
Dear Heat, my heart goes out to you and Pat.......
you and your family, are and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers
Much love
13 Sep 2004, 13:22
Thinking of you Heat,
you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers
much love
black dog
14 Sep 2004, 00:48
My thoughts are with you and your family at this time.
Ageing Bat
14 Sep 2004, 10:20
Heat, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very difficult time.
I hope these words will offer some comfort:
God gave the most precious gift to me
As He did so he whispered so tenderly
"This child I give you is not yours to keep
When I call him home, please do not weep.
For I will take him by the hand, across my bridge of love
Together we will fly to my Golden Gates above
Where he can play in the sand, as soft as a sigh
The sun will always shine on him, in a summer blue sky
His playmates will be Angels with gossamer wings
His own spiritual mother, a sweet lullaby sings
I'll welcome home, this child, so precious in my sight
He'll be safe at last, a child of Gods light.
So do not grieve when the time comes
He's forever in my care
Behind Heavens Doorway
He'll wait for you there”
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