View Full Version : What we all think of different countries...
Have been wondering this for a while... :D
I was shopping the other day and saw a beach towel, on it said : I GOT UP AT 3AM TO GET THIS SUNBED, SO F@$K OFF!! Now this is aimed at the lovely Germans hehehe... Not sure if any of you other nationalitys know, but us brits have a standing joke on hols. Its that the Germans get up at crack of dawn to put their towels on the sunbeds to get a good spot. (after going to many Meat shows I now know its not just the sunbeds they get up early for ;-) )
Anyway.... what I was wondering was.. Do you have sayings for us? or any other nationalitys? And did you all know this was a standing joke here? I guess The Brits are known as lager louts etc..
Have been wondering this for a while... :D
(after going to many Meat shows I now know its not just the sunbeds they get up early for ;-) )
What do you mean, please??? 8O
I do know nothing about the things, you have asking for..... :D
You know, I live in the M***world!! :mrgreen:
There are all people the same does not matter where they live..... :D
Love to you!
Moved this on over to Off Topic for you Debs :)
Moved this on over to Off Topic for you Debs :)
The 'Move' Topic' feature does really work as designed. Only thing you have to get right, is selecting the correct target forum. :p
Recovered from the dark side.
I guess The Brits are known as lager louts etc..
That comes close. :p :keke:
Have been wondering this for a while... :D
(after going to many Meat shows I now know its not just the sunbeds they get up early for ;-) )
What do you mean, please??? 8O
I do know nothing about the things, you have asking for..... :D
You know, I live in the M***world!! :mrgreen:
There are all people the same does not matter where they live..... :D
Love to you!
Lol Eva...
You know exactly what I mean, my lovely little German lady :D
Yep they are all people the same, but us Brits have a preconcieved idea that Germans have to get up early to beat us to the sunbeds on hols ( and I have one that some of them have to get up early to beat me other places as well ;-) )
So what do you germans have preconcieved ideas about us? and did you know we had our little joke about sunbeds? :lol:
Deb, without joke: I do know nothing about this sunbed things because I never travel in such a vacation! I hate this sunbed-holidays.... :wink:
Hmmmm - what do we think about the Brits???
Only the best of course!!
Maybe that they drink a lot of beer and hanging in the pubs all time..... :?
Well in Barbados (most of the carribbean for that matter) they think the English are mad.
Wait there I am English too but I get off :P :D cos my great aunt is Bajan and she says I do. :lol:
Deb, without joke: I do know nothing about this sunbed things because I never travel in such a vacation! I hate this sunbed-holidays.... :wink:
Hmmmm - what do we think about the Brits???
Only the best of course!!
Maybe that they drink a lot of beer and hanging in the pubs all time..... :?
Yeah thought we'd be lager lots lol. Funny but apperently Americans think that the Germans drink a lot lolol And they think us Brits have bad teeth :?
Yeah thought we'd be lager lots lol. Funny but apperently Americans think that the Germans drink a lot lolol And they think us Brits have bad teeth :?
Actually when I think on Brits, I envision them in their picturesque kitchens stirring up Yorkshire Pudding, and cooking the meat well done. ;)
Yeah thought we'd be lager lots lol. Funny but apperently Americans think that the Germans drink a lot lolol And they think us Brits have bad teeth :?
Actually when I think on Brits, I envision them in their picturesque kitchens stirring up Yorkshire Pudding, and cooking the meat well done. ;)
hmmmmm .... you would :wink: but not all of us like our meat well done. I like mine with blood dripping :)
Oh and we think all Americans say "Have a nice day" and eat Mcdonalds :D
Medium rare for me ;) but sometimes the oven gets a mind of it's own!
As for hanging in the pub all day? Where's the problem? One American friend of mine was astounded when I ordered a pint of Guinness with a big fried breakfast in an Irish themed bar in New York a couple of years ago... beer with breakfast is apparently something that doesn't happen in the deep south :D
I like mine with blood dripping :)
I testify!
I saw it - because I sat on the same table!! :x
Actually when I think on Brits, I envision them in their picturesque kitchens stirring up Yorkshire Pudding, and cooking the meat well done. ;)
hmmmmm .... you would :wink: but not all of us like our meat well done. I like mine with blood dripping :)
Oh and we think all Americans say "Have a nice day" and eat Mcdonalds :D
You like your meat blood dripping! Always knew you were a woman after my own heart. Next time I zip over to England I am there. I will buy the Prime Rib, best cut I can find. ;) Do you make a mean Yorkshire Pudding to go with it? :D
I prefer to dine in a manner a bit more refined than McDonalds... but I am not above a Filet o Fish now and again. ;)
What is wrong with have a nice day? 8O
Di 8)
11 Jun 2004, 20:50
Our (German) best friends are the Netherlands... And I think the other way round as well :)
But lets wait until Tuesday in Portugal! Then the "Cheese" will be beaten be the "Krauts". LOL. Oh dear, I call myself a Kraut.
Having fun,
As for hanging in the pub all day? Where's the problem?
No problem here, Andy!!
But Deb asked me..... :lol:
Medium rare for me ;) but sometimes the oven gets a mind of it's own!
Now there is a poor excuse for the destruction of a great piece of Prime Rib.... ;)
Well I seem to remember that all that was cooked was eaten - which is always a sign that the chef has cooked well :P :p
Well I seem to remember that all that was cooked was eaten - which is always a sign that the chef has cooked well :P :p
.... or that the guest merely has impeccable manners.... ;)
Actually when I think on Brits, I envision them in their picturesque kitchens stirring up Yorkshire Pudding, and cooking the meat well done. ;)
hmmmmm .... you would :wink: but not all of us like our meat well done. I like mine with blood dripping :)
Oh and we think all Americans say "Have a nice day" and eat Mcdonalds :D
You like your meat blood dripping! Always knew you were a woman after my own heart. Next time I zip over to England I am there. I will buy the Prime Rib, best cut I can find. ;) Do you make a mean Yorkshire Pudding to go with it? :D
I prefer to dine in a manner a bit more refined than McDonalds... but I am not above a Filet o Fish now and again. ;)
What is wrong with have a nice day? 8O
Di 8)
Next time you zip over to Uk you had better come here :D and yep even us southerners cane make Yorkshire Puds, Just like aunt bessy :lol:
Not sure why we take the mickey about "Have a nice day :?
Next time you zip over to Uk you had better come here :D and yep even us southerners cane make Yorkshire Puds, Just like aunt bessy :lol:
Not sure why we take the mickey about "Have a nice day :?
Well I am hoping you will be zipping over to Las Vegas this September.... gosh we could have a time of it there. ;)
Invitation accepted, I have been wanting to see more of the south of England. :D
Aunt Bessie? Who's she? Homemade is the only way! And only stir the batter anti-clockwise when you make and then let it sit at room temperature for a few hours before hand!!
As for "Have a nice day" I think the mickey taking started when MacDonalds opened their first UK restaurants. Somehow it doens't sound as sincere coming from a surly spotty British teenager (with apologies to the forums own surly teenagers :D )
Next time you zip over to Uk you had better come here :D and yep even us southerners cane make Yorkshire Puds, Just like aunt bessy :lol:
Not sure why we take the mickey about "Have a nice day :?
Well I am hoping you will be zipping over to Las Vegas this September.... gosh we could have a time of it there. ;)
Invitation accepted, I have been wanting to see more of the south of England. :D
Ummm.... Deb, who is Aunt Bessy??? 8O
Our (German) best friends are the Netherlands... And I think the other way round as well :)
But lets wait until Tuesday in Portugal! Then the "Cheese" will be beaten be the "Krauts". LOL. Oh dear, I call myself a Kraut.
Having fun,
Cheese? and would Tue in Portugal be football? phew this is more confusing than I thought it would be lol.
Aunt Bessie? Who's she? Homemade is the only way! And only stir the batter anti-clockwise when you make and then let it sit at room temperature for a few hours before hand!!
As for "Have a nice day" I think the mickey taking started when MacDonalds opened their first UK restaurants. Somehow it doens't sound as sincere coming from a surly spotty British teenager (with apologies to the forums own surly teenagers :D )
I may be a teenager but I am not spotty and I if I was to work in MacDonalds I would have more manners than most of the people who work there.
As for Aunt Bessie, never heard of her but I have tasted her yorkshire puds and I sure hope you don't make yours like that, I agree with Andy although I have no idea how you make yorkshire puds apart from don't forget the SALT.
Homemade is the only way! And only stir the batter anti-clockwise when you make and then let it sit at room temperature for a few hours before hand!!)
And make sure it remains unwatched..... ;)
Next time you zip over to Uk you had better come here :D and yep even us southerners cane make Yorkshire Puds, Just like aunt bessy :lol:
Not sure why we take the mickey about "Have a nice day :?
Well I am hoping you will be zipping over to Las Vegas this September.... gosh we could have a time of it there. ;)
Invitation accepted, I have been wanting to see more of the south of England. :D
Ummm.... Deb, who is Aunt Bessy??? 8O
Was waiting for that one lol... ermmmmm she makes the best yorkshire puds :wink:
Ummm.... Deb, who is Aunt Bessy??? 8O
Was waiting for that one lol... ermmmmm she makes the best yorkshire puds :wink:
Well don't tell that to Andy, you may do damage to his ego that he may never recover from.... ;)
As for hanging in the pub all day? Where's the problem?
Dunno. Is there? :wtf:
One American friend of mine was astounded when I ordered a pint of Guinness with a big fried breakfast in an Irish themed bar in New York a couple of years ago... beer with breakfast is apparently something that doesn't happen in the deep south :D
Well, I guess that depends on when you order your breakfast or Guiness or vice versa. Was it 9am or 9pm? :bleh:
]Actually when I think on Brits, I envision them in their picturesque kitchens stirring up Yorkshire Pudding, and cooking the meat well done. ;)
Sunday Roast? Mint Sauce, you forgot the Mint Sauce. :bleh:
Oh and the is a rumour about our northern scandinavian neighbours.
You know, they have an exorbitant tax on alcoholic drinks (compared to german taxes).
Rumour has it, that any scandinavian entering Germany by car is a pissed head after 5 miles.
So, if you happen to see a swedish or danish car somewhere in Germany on our famous Autobahn ... well, you have been warned. :keke:
Next time you zip over to Uk you had better come here :D and yep even us southerners cane make Yorkshire Puds, Just like aunt bessy :lol:
Not sure why we take the mickey about "Have a nice day :?
Well I am hoping you will be zipping over to Las Vegas this September.... gosh we could have a time of it there. ;)
Invitation accepted, I have been wanting to see more of the south of England. :D
i'm dreaming every night that i'm going to Vegas, just gotta work out how to make dreams come true :?
you coming to England would be soooo cool Di. You're welcome anytime :D
Aunt Bessie? Who's she? Homemade is the only way! And only stir the batter anti-clockwise when you make and then let it sit at room temperature for a few hours before hand!!
As for "Have a nice day" I think the mickey taking started when MacDonalds opened their first UK restaurants. Somehow it doens't sound as sincere coming from a surly spotty British teenager (with apologies to the forums own surly teenagers :D )
Aunt Bessie's rocks!! They're gorgeous...although you can't beat homemade ones :P
nd I'll have you know I'm a (slightly) spotty teen and whenever i say "Have a nice day" I am 100% sincere :P :D
As for hanging in the pub all day? Where's the problem?
Dunno. Is there? :wtf:
One American friend of mine was astounded when I ordered a pint of Guinness with a big fried breakfast in an Irish themed bar in New York a couple of years ago... beer with breakfast is apparently something that doesn't happen in the deep south :D
Well, I guess that depends on when you order your breakfast or Guiness or vice versa. Was it 9am or 9pm? :bleh:
]Actually when I think on Brits, I envision them in their picturesque kitchens stirring up Yorkshire Pudding, and cooking the meat well done. ;)
Sunday Roast? Mint Sauce, you forgot the Mint Sauce. :bleh:
Oh and the is a rumour about our northern scandinavian neighbours.
You know, they have an exorbitant tax on alcoholic drinks (compared to german taxes).
Rumour has it, that any scandinavian entering Germany by car is a pissed head after 5 miles.
So, if you happen to see a swedish or danish car somewhere in Germany on our famous Autobahn ... well, you have been warned. :keke:
This reminds me :D
we think Mercedes cars a very nice cars. Germans think they are "Crap" :P
[Sunday Roast? Mint Sauce, you forgot the Mint Sauce. :bleh:
Well to think on it! I was totally cheated.... ;)
[Sunday Roast? Mint Sauce, you forgot the Mint Sauce. :bleh:
Well to think on it! I was totally cheated.... ;)
Mint sauce goes with Lamb, so you wasnt cheated if you had beef :D But lets hope the chef gave you Horseradish sauce :)
Next time you zip over to Uk you had better come here :D and yep even us southerners cane make Yorkshire Puds, Just like aunt bessy :lol:
Not sure why we take the mickey about "Have a nice day :?
Well I am hoping you will be zipping over to Las Vegas this September.... gosh we could have a time of it there. ;)
Invitation accepted, I have been wanting to see more of the south of England. :D
i'm dreaming every night that i'm going to Vegas, just gotta work out how to make dreams come true :?
you coming to England would be soooo cool Di. You're welcome anytime :D
Oh! Do come to Vegas if you can Deb! You can stay with me! I will buy dinner and such... ;) And I can order it for us since we both like our meat the same way.... ;)
I do have another trip to England in me.... I want to go to Bath, Brighton, Cornwall and a few other places I have not seen. Maybe next year. :D
[Sunday Roast? Mint Sauce, you forgot the Mint Sauce. :bleh:
Well to think on it! I was totally cheated.... ;)
Mint sauce goes with Lamb, so you wasnt cheated if you had beef :D But lets hope the chef gave you Horseradish sauce :)
Nope. He was completely derelict in his duties it appears. 8)
Mint sauce - nah that's for lamb and perhaps curries.
Horesradish and English Mustard are the only things to serve with Beef.
And I'll have you know my late great mother made the best Yorkshire Puddings in the world, followed by my sister and then me :D
Mercedes are cr*p
Teh breakfast R was ordered at 1pm, NY time which makes it around 8am UK time, and I'd only been up an hour having only got in after a night partying at Le Bar Bat at some silly time in the morning.
R wrote : Rumour has it, that any scandinavian entering Germany by car is a pissed head after 5 miles.
That made me laugh :D Can you imagine seeing a pissed head Andy lol
lol, I think I may have encountered a few in my time Deb :lmao:
lol, I think I may have encountered a few in my time Deb :lmao:
Encountered or had :wink:
11 Jun 2004, 22:36
Isn't it funny: These days are the election for the one and united european parliament and we take the mickey out of the several countries.
I could say this is typically for England: They seperate from the EU wherever they can. But then I would keep this discussion up... so I won't! :D :D
Have a nice weekend everybody
11 Jun 2004, 23:31
Andy K said: As for "Have a nice day" I think the mickey taking started when MacDonalds opened their first UK restaurants. Somehow it doens't sound as sincere coming from a surly spotty British teenager It doesn't sound too sincere coming from the surly spotty American teenagers either! I went to Taco Bell the other day, and the young man serving me had a swastika tattooed on his face- I fear they are not hiring America's best and brightest at Taco Bell!
Preconceived notions we have- I live very near Clearwater Beach, and many people here say we can spot the British and other Europeans quite easily by the incredibly painful shade of red that they turn their first day in Florida! Apparently not so used to the need for sunscreen in the UK?
Sherrie 8)
I went to Taco Bell the other day, and the young man serving me had a swastika tattooed on his face
Sherrie 8)
You know this is a dark story for us Germans... :cry: :cry:
Love to you!
Preconceived notions we have- I live very near Clearwater Beach, and many people here say we can spot the British and other Europeans quite easily by the incredibly painful shade of red that they turn their first day in Florida! Apparently not so used to the need for sunscreen in the UK?
Sherrie 8)
Nope, we're pretty slow on the uptake i'm afraid, although we are becoming more educated in that department. Yrs ago at our seasides you'd of seen a typical english man, a deep shade of red with a hankie tied at the corners on his head and his trousers rolled up, not a pretty site and the front of many a postcard.
i've also heard that us europeans stand out because we wear socks with sandals on :oops: not me though :D
i've also heard that us europeans stand out because we wear socks with sandals on :oops: not me though :D
I can testify again!!
Our little sultonfan was without socks in sandals in the MIDDLE OF THE WINTER!!!! 8O
i've also heard that us europeans stand out because we wear socks with sandals on :oops: not me though :D
I can testify again!!
Our little sultonfan was without socks in sandals in the MIDDLE OF THE WINTER!!!! 8O
Quoted for truth. 8O
12 Jun 2004, 00:22
i've also heard that us europeans stand out because we wear socks with sandals on :oops: not me though :D
I can testify again!!
Our little sultonfan was without socks in sandals in the MIDDLE OF THE WINTER!!!! 8O
But much harder are those "summer-white-socks-knights", who go out to the beach or pool in best SUMMER (35°C and more), wearing an ultra-slim shorts, a shirt (maybe a cap) and white socks in their sandals, pulled up as high as possible!! Bah...
KR Martin
Rob The Badger
12 Jun 2004, 00:37
I'm not too fond of Americans/Canadians who are unaware that Wales is a part of the United Kingdom . . .
I'm not too fond of Americans/Canadians who are unaware that Wales is a part of the United Kingdom . . .
You have met some that said that? :?
Been through Wales, lovely place. :)
i've also heard that us europeans stand out because we wear socks with sandals on :oops: not me though :D
I can testify again!!
Our little sultonfan was without socks in sandals in the MIDDLE OF THE WINTER!!!! 8O
Quoted for truth. 8O
But do you have your socks off now Its summer :??: :P
Rob The Badger
12 Jun 2004, 11:17
I'm not too fond of Americans/Canadians who are unaware that Wales is a part of the United Kingdom . . .
You have met some that said that? :?
Yes. . .I realise that you're not all like that, but when someone says something along the lines of "Oh, you're from 'Eengllund'?" when I say I'm from the U.K. I wish to stab them numerous times with a sharpened origami knife. . .
I'm not too fond of Americans/Canadians who are unaware that Wales is a part of the United Kingdom . . .
You have met some that said that? :?
Yes. . .I realise that you're not all like that, but when someone says something along the lines of "Oh, you're from 'Eengllund'?" when I say I'm from the U.K. I wish to stab them numerous times with a sharpened origami knife. . .
Rob know how you feel.
I hate it when people start talking to me and then ask how long I've been in the country, and when I answer all of my life they are like oh really, and then ask so where are you original from. Well since I said I hae lived in England for all of my life and because I have three generations of my family have been born in England I would say I am English. [/rant]
evil nickname
12 Jun 2004, 13:40
Our (German) best friends are the Netherlands... And I think the other way round as well :)
You know what's the really bad thing with the Germans? They come to our beaches (on our grandparents' bikes), and then start digging holes in them.
Cheese? and would Tue in Portugal be football? phew this is more confusing than I thought it would be lol.
We, the Dutch, are "affectionatly" known as cheeseheads (Gouda anyone?). And I don't even like cheese.
And tuesday, die manschaft will get their asses kicked by the Dutch on the European Football Championship (at least, we hope so). The Netherlands - Germany is for us always a special match.
12 Jun 2004, 13:50
The Netherlands - Germany is for us always a special match.
That it is! Lets wait and see, I think you are breaking yourself your neck by having those problems with your forwards... But we'll see!!
And something from the NL I must praise:
Your french fries!!! They are really good, no, more than that. I could die for them together with a Frikandel spezial and a big charge of Fritessaus! (Ya know why I' living 500m next to the NL ;) ;) )
See ya
I'm not too fond of Americans/Canadians who are unaware that Wales is a part of the United Kingdom . . .
You have met some that said that? :?
Yes. . .I realise that you're not all like that, but when someone says something along the lines of "Oh, you're from 'Eengllund'?" when I say I'm from the U.K. I wish to stab them numerous times with a sharpened origami knife. . .
:lmao: talking of Wales..... We also have a saying about the welsh and sheep......
:lmao: talking of Wales..... We also have a saying about the welsh and sheep......
Oh yes. I heard that one :lol:
I'm not too fond of Americans/Canadians who are unaware that Wales is a part of the United Kingdom . . .
You have met some that said that? :?
Yes. . .I realise that you're not all like that, but when someone says something along the lines of "Oh, you're from 'Eengllund'?" when I say I'm from the U.K. I wish to stab them numerous times with a sharpened origami knife. . .
:lmao: talking of Wales..... We also have a saying about the welsh and sheep......
I'm not too fond of Americans/Canadians who are unaware that Wales is a part of the United Kingdom . . .
You have met some that said that? :?
Yes. . .I realise that you're not all like that, but when someone says something along the lines of "Oh, you're from 'Eengllund'?" when I say I'm from the U.K. I wish to stab them numerous times with a sharpened origami knife. . .
:lmao: talking of Wales..... We also have a saying about the welsh and sheep......
has to do with welly boots Di :wink:
:lmao: talking of Wales..... We also have a saying about the welsh and sheep......
The same has also been said of Lancastrians, Australians and Kiwi's :lmao:
And speaking as a Yorkshireman I would completely refute any suggestions that we are tight when it comes to money, surely tht's reserved for the Scots? (Who make up for it by having Malt Whisky :D )
Rob The Badger
12 Jun 2004, 19:21
:lmao: talking of Wales..... We also have a saying about the welsh and sheep......
I'll have you know I took him to dinner first.
I'm not too fond of Americans/Canadians who are unaware that Wales is a part of the United Kingdom . . .
...probably the same ones that think Scotland is in England...
:lmao: talking of Wales..... We also have a saying about the welsh and sheep......
I'll have you lnow I took him to dinner first.
:lmao: talking of Wales..... We also have a saying about the welsh and sheep......
The same has also been said of Lancastrians, Australians and Kiwi's :lmao:
And speaking as a Yorkshireman I would completely refute any suggestions that we are tight when it comes to money, surely tht's reserved for the Scots? (Who make up for it by having Malt Whisky :D )
Anyone accuses us Yorkshire-folk of being tight-fisted with our moneya dn i will stop borrowing internet access to read this forum!!!
@ Debbie :
Since i met you i just think about the english people, "they must have very warm minds if they dont wear warm socks and warm shoes in the winter time"
:D :D :D
And i dont get up at 3 o´clock, for this sunbeds. If i get up, all the others go to bed :D :D :D
@ Debbie :
Since i met you i just think about the english people, "they must have very warm minds if they dont wear warm socks and warm shoes in the winter time"
:D :D :D
And i dont get up at 3 o´clock, for this sunbeds. If i get up, all the others go to bed :D :D :D
hi Ingot :D Earlier today I was sitting wondering what you would think of this thread :P and here you are :D
:lmao: talking of Wales..... We also have a saying about the welsh and sheep......
I'll have you lnow I took him to dinner first.
15 Jun 2004, 02:21
- Italians call a 'Portuguese' a person who is tight with money 8O
- the Portuguese think that all the Italians are thieves 8O (Revenge?)
- the French say that the Swiss are slow 8O
- the Swiss say that the French think they're better than other people (that's true! :)) I'm not French... :roll: )
- the French think that the British have all a broom in their backside 8O (how many millions of brooms is that?)
- the French think that there are only gays in Greece 8O
- the Swiss think that the Portuguese only eat Fish 8O
and so on...
... that's what one can hear around :))
... European. 8)
So I was watchinng this comedy show the other night. Comedy Club at '54 to be exact. There was a man from Texas there. He was the second comedian I believe for that night and he was making all these jokes between America and Canada, those are funny, because people who don't live in either two countries think they are the same, which they aren't :wink:
But what was so funny is what he said.
(little fact, Canada is to be known as really cold!)
(but its not always)
so he says,
I came to Canada hoping to see a polar bear, I've never seen a real polar bear. So I asked this man where I could find one. His responce was, oh we don't have them here, we keep them up where its cold 8O
You should have seen the face on this texan man, LMAO.
He goes,
If this is cold here where I am now, I would hate to think what a canadian says is cold 8O :lmao:
it was hillarious :lol:
I don't really have much to say about other countries at the moment, I like a lot of them, some more than others.
Well actually Nicole Kidman, she's cute! And where is she from :P
15 Jun 2004, 03:46
RSG said He was the second comedian I believe for that night and he was making all these jokes between America and Canada, those are funny, because people who don't live in either two countries think they are the same, which they aren't
aint that the truth
like here in england
the scots are from scotland
the welsh are from wales
and the irish are from either eire (southern ireland) or from nothern ireland
but we still have to say that we are british not english
there is also the north/south devide in the uk
the saying is this
anything north of watford i think that is how it goes :wink:
15 Jun 2004, 06:12
:lmao: talking of Wales..... We also have a saying about the welsh and sheep......
Oh yes. I heard that one :lol:
8O I don't want to know 8O
15 Jun 2004, 06:15
I'm not too fond of Americans/Canadians who are unaware that Wales is a part of the United Kingdom . . .
BTW, just for the record, I knew that :wink:
The English say That Scots are tight :lol:
And the irish are thick (dont shoot me Chris I didnt make it up lol. )
Rob The Badger
15 Jun 2004, 12:05
The English say That Scots are tight :lol:
And the irish are thick (dont shoot me Chris I didnt make it up lol. )
Strange. I've heard that English parsimony is well heard of on the international scale. . .
- the French think that there are only gays in Greece 8O
I swear that should be in Italy.
edit: messed up the quote tags
Rob The Badger
15 Jun 2004, 19:38
- the French think that there are only gays in Greece 8O
Jean Genet anyone?
Anyway. . .I'm proof otherwise. . .
*mince mince mince*
Keep Rocking
15 Jun 2004, 22:52
So here is some stuff what we (the beer-drinking, short leather trousers-wearing, bavarian looking, cuckoo-clock-owning :wink: Germans) think of other nations:
-it is a fact that the Brits have to get up early to beat us to the sunbeds on vacation :lol:
- the French eat frogs
- the whole Netherlands smells like cheese
- the Italians are gay and are working as hairdressers
- everybody in the Netherlands owns a caravan
I could continue endlessly :D
I think this sums up most stereotypical views quite well!!!
On a beautiful deserted island in the middle of nowhere, the following people are stranded:
2 Italian men and 1 Italian woman
2 French men and 1 French woman
2 German men and 1 German woman
2 Greek men and 1 Greek woman
2 English men and 1 English woman
2 Polish men and 1 Polish woman
2 Japanese men and 1 Japanese woman
2 American men and 1 American woman
2 Australian men and 1 Australian woman
2 New Zealand men and 1 New Zealand woman
2 Irish men and 1 Irish woman
One month later, the following things have occurred:
One Italian man killed the other Italian man for the Italian woman.
The two French men and the French woman are living happily together having loads of sex.
The two German men have a strict weekly schedule of when they alternate with the German woman.
The two Greek men are sleeping with each other and the Greek woman is cleaning and cooking for them.
The two English men are waiting for someone to introduce them to the English woman.
The Polish men took a long look at the endless ocean and one look at the Polish woman and they started swimming.
The two American men are contemplating the virtues of suicide, while the American woman keeps on bitching about her body being her own, the true nature of feminism, how she can do everything that they can do, about the necessity of fulfillment, the equal division of household chores, how her last boyfriend respected her opinion and treated her much nicer and how her relationship with her mother is improving. But at least the taxes here are low and it is not raining.
The two Japanese men have faxed Tokyo and are waiting for instructions.
The two Australian men beat each other senseless fighting over the Australian woman, who is checking out all the other men, after calling them both 'bloody idiots".
Both New Zealand men are searching the island for sheep.
The Irish began by dividing the island into North and South and setting up a distillery. They do not remember if sex is in the picture because it gets sort of foggy after the first few litres of coconut whiskey, but they are satisfied in that at least the English aren't getting any.
Both New Zealand men are searching the island for sheep.
16 Jun 2004, 03:06
- the French think that there are only gays in Greece 8O
I swear that should be in Italy.
No way, there's too much testosterone out there! You did not listen during the history lesson, did you? :))
16 Jun 2004, 03:16
- the French eat frogs
And snails as well. :))
- the French eat frogs
And snails as well. :))
Yummy, yummy escargot! ;)
.... who likes them a lot, but bernaise even more.... 8)
- the French think that there are only gays in Greece 8O
I swear that should be in Italy.
No way, there's too much testosterone out there! You did not listen during the history lesson, did you? :))
History, that parts not on the syllabus. I've just done revision so I'm pretty sure its not on it.
Rob The Badger
16 Jun 2004, 19:17
History, that parts not on the syllabus. I've just done revision so I'm pretty sure its not on it.
Ah, Chris, you failed to mention anything about the 2 Canadian Men and 1 Canadian Woman. You never brought them up in your post. Surely they must have been there?
Heres another one....
The British and Americans ( I think) are known for sitting during Gigs, where as Germans etc.. stand. Anne V and Taz were amazed when they came to Sheffield in 1999 that we had seats and most actually sat during the shows!!!
Heres another one....
The British and Americans ( I think) are known for sitting during Gigs, where as Germans etc.. stand. Anne V and Taz were amazed when they came to Sheffield in 1999 that we had seats and most actually sat during the shows!!!
We didn't sit at Wembley nor did we sit at Stings concert.
I did say most :wink: anyway you had to stand to see past teddy loaf :lmao:
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