View Full Version : Some advice required.

Rob The Badger
15 Jun 2004, 13:35
A serious post from me today.
For a while now my utter disrespect for the cesspool of corruption that the British educational authority has become has caused me to make a decision to cease fulltime education at the end of next year (after the A-Level exams).

This leads me to a crossroads of where I can go.
I've always been a fan of writing and literature, I've always engaged in it as a hobby.
Over the course of the summer, starting after my final exam tomorrow, I plan to start writing my first real story. I've had ideas for it swimming about in my head for about a year but I've never found the time to sit down and write it, so this year I've made a commitment.

So, my question is: Is there any way to put work up on the net without fear of it being stolen and/or used by someone else?

This to me seems the only option as I'm far too inexperienced, andhave far too little previous work to head strauight to a proper publisher.

Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

Rob. . .

15 Jun 2004, 13:57
hope it helps buddy :D

also, i am going to send u the link through MSN right now :wink:


15 Jun 2004, 14:23
You know how you value my opinion...well.....why not just take a year out 8O . Relax and enjoy yourself!!

Decide after a year what you'll do, maybe inspiration will kick-in when your on any travels!!
Maybe you'll want to be educated abroad and you say the system is so bad over here??


Come to scotland, best education you can get....Ask Prince Willy :D

15 Jun 2004, 18:30
Rob, if you put the copyright notice with all your work on the net then if anyone does steal it...
If you ever wanted to I'm sure I could beg someone to let you part of their website which would be for your work totally and you could choose what software you want to use.
Also is it the As you are doing or the A2s as they are now called. If you are only doing the As then I would struggle through the last year.
Get back to me.

15 Jun 2004, 18:32
The only way I ever copywrite something is by printing off a few copies, putting them in seperate envolopes and sending them to yourself. Don't open anyof them until needed.

Rob The Badger
15 Jun 2004, 19:25
Rob, if you put the copyright notice with all your work on the net then if anyone does steal it...

Unfortunately, copywright law only applies to tangible material. I'd have to write it out first.

This is the problem.

15 Jun 2004, 20:50
Rob, if you put the copyright notice with all your work on the net then if anyone does steal it...

Unfortunately, copywright law only applies to tangible material. I'd have to write it out first.

This is the problem.

Good thing all my lyrics are written down first. Not sure then. Anyway if you find a way round that, my offer still stands.

15 Jun 2004, 20:58
Head for your nearest public library.

Ask the wonderful librarian (Mum is a librarian so I have to be nice about them) for a copy of "The Writers handbbok 2004" edited by Barry Turner adn published by PanMacmillan.

Any good library system will have/be able to get a copy for you. It will tell you everything you need to know from how to contact professionals about your work through to avoiding lawsuits and copyrighting material.

Also toddle down to the nearest good independent newsagent and ask to order a copy of "INK" magazine. It is the only book reading/writing magazine int he Uk and is excellent. Has advice for new writers and should be an invaluable tool.

Hope this helps.