View Full Version : Sites you visit regularly

Keep Rocking
15 Jun 2004, 23:11
Which websites do you visit regularly?

Mine are:

this site (of course :wink: )
The German Forum (http://7339.rapidforum.com/)
Ebay.de (http://www.ebay.de)
Hotmail and web.de (where I have mail-accounts)

at least once a week:
StarbullsRosenheim (http://www.starbulls.de/) my favourite minor league hockey team in Germany
http://www.adler-mannheim.de/ my favourite premier league hockey team in Germany
Adlerfans.de (http://www.adlerfans.de/forum/index.php?s=adca116c8494734ac88ecb615863f199) the unofficial Fanboard of the Adler Mannheim
http://www.eishockey.com one more hockey site about the north american pro-hockey

15 Jun 2004, 23:18
MLUKFC (http://www.mlukfc.com) - nuff said!!
MOTS (http://www.mirrorofthesoul.com) - excellent site
Yahoo Groups (http://groups.yahoo.com) - only check some groups regularly, ideally i should get dail digests to save time.
Hotmail (http://www.hotmail.com) and Yahoo (http://mail.yahoo.com) - Email
Funkysmart (http://www.funkysmart.co.uk) - The international Smart car owners club (based half a mile up the road from here!!!!
Dilbert (http://www.dilbert.com) - My hero!!!!
Halifax Evening Courier (http://www.halifaxtoday.co.uk) - our local newspaper

Thats about it I think!! When I get home, I will look at my favourites adn see if there are any more!

15 Jun 2004, 23:31
well here are my favs

http://www.rabiddogsofhell.com/forum/index.php is my homepage

http://www.millsandboon.co.uk/ for something to read

http://www.sanffo.co.uk/board/index.php?sid=7329d0984ef8edf5738e20aa90e471f3 just a group of friends

http://wallpaper.deviantart.com/ for wallpapers

http://www.digitalblasphemy.com/userg/ more wallpapers

http://housecall.trendmicro.com/housecall/start_corp.asp online virus checker

http://www.pandasoftware.com/activescan/com/activescan_principal.htm another virus checker

thats all a bit boreing im affraid

Keep Rocking
15 Jun 2004, 23:35
OOPS, I forgot my own homepage: ;)


16 Jun 2004, 06:33
Mine are:

MLUKFC ~ goes without saying
MOTS ~ my home away from home
The new Meat Loaf site ~ of course
Garfield.com ~ I love that cat
Yahoo and Msn for email and groups

I can't think of any others right now :wink:

Rob The Badger
16 Jun 2004, 10:42
http://www.blackcatbone.34sp.com/ - Music forum

http://www.sinfest.net - Comic

http://www.morrissey-solo.com Every now and then. . .

http://www.simaqianstudio.com/forum/index.php?act=idx - A history forum. Boring I know.

Some others which you won't asppreciate me putting up. . .

16 Jun 2004, 11:42
Garfield.com ~ I love that cat

oh, then your in for a heck of a treat, visit the ONE FOR THE GIRLS thread :wink:

16 Jun 2004, 13:26
my website (www.stanhope.org.uk/top1/)
mlukfc (www.mlukfc.com)
OIFC (www.meatloaf-oifc)
Kasim Info (www.kasiminfo.com)
google (www.google.co.uk)
Extreme pie, where my friend keeps getting me to look at stuff there (www.extremepic.com)
My dads website (www.stanhope.org.uk)
Morrissey Music (www.morrisseymusic.com)

the list goes on but I won't post them all.

16 Jun 2004, 17:48
KasimInfo.com - Site and Forum
KasimSulton.com - Forum (unless theres somehting new on site)
Pearls Den.

17 Jun 2004, 00:07
forgot to mention:

The microSoft Gaming Zone (http://zone.msn.com) - Some of the stuff int he puzzle section is great when bored!!!

17 Jun 2004, 15:06
www.mlukfc.com the best forum i've ever been too!

http://www.vampirefreaks.com/ open minded people, really open 8O


A good site dedicated to an awesome songwriter!

http://samroberts.proboards20.com/ Sam's forum of course :wink:

http://samrobertsband.com/frameset.htm Sam's Official site

http://peacelovefire.friendpages.com/ my website :D

www.jokes.com sometimes really funny jokes here, some lame

http://p214.ezboard.com/bcradleoffilth cradle of filth's forum

conan o'brien, late night guy

http://www.canadianstarsrock.ca/ canadian rock stars

http://dictionary.reference.com/ --good to have :wink:

http://www.ehow.com/ want to know how to do something properly?

http://www.shockwave.com/sw/content/inklink15 fun drawing game :D

http://republic-of-loafdom.com/ - wicked-cool meat site

http://www.metalloaf.com/ - Paul's official site!

http://www.rockdetector.com/ rock detector!

http://www.3drealms.com/rottsite/ i use to love this game, then it got deleted, and i haven't seen it since. i used to be such an addict to this game!



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page awesome encyclopedia

http://www.tvtome.com/WithoutaTrace/ one of few shows i enjoy watching!

i need a life :lol:

19 Jun 2004, 03:32
Mirror of The Soul
IMDB= International Movie Data Base

And I check my e-mail regularly.