View Full Version : Where is this quote from ?

Modern Girl
23 Jun 2004, 17:00

What does it do? .... It doesn't do anything. That's the beauty of it

Hi all does anybody know where this quote is from? I think its a film but i'm not sure. My mate just asked me and it sounds so familiar but i just can't place it

any suggestions :??: :??:

Its driving me nuts already :?

23 Jun 2004, 21:47
Think thats said about my 'EX-WIFE' :D :lol:

24 Jun 2004, 00:27
Simple answer -???

Complex Answer

Someone made a post on the IMDB message boards last april (2003) asking what film that quote from. Over 700 replies since then adn the general consesus is that everyone knows it, and everyone can find some variation of it but no-one knows what it is from.

There are currently 2 theories, the first is from the Simpson's episode where Herb Powell (Homer's Half Brother) comes back entitled "Brother Can You Spare Two Dimes" Homer is shopwn his brothers latest invention which is a drinking bird and he asks "What does it do?" to which his brother replies "It doesn't Do anything, Thats the beauty of it". However Fox are very hot on people putting Simpsons scripts online so if someone has it on DVD and could check please.

the second theory is that it doesn't exist as a film quote but has been floating around the internet for so long as a suspected one that it has rooted in the general sub-conscious.

My 2-cents, it seems like the Simpsons one!!

Rob The Badger
24 Jun 2004, 00:34
That Simpsons one rings a bell. . .I'd go with that.

24 Jun 2004, 00:39
A lot of films ring a bell Rob!!!

A lot of people have suggested 51st State. In the scene where Samuel L. Jackson is describing what his drug does as it is a placebo.

24 Jun 2004, 04:24
For some reason, I thought it was from "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", but when I go to a quote site for that movie I don't find it. Hmmm.... :?


Modern Girl
24 Jun 2004, 12:09
Thanks for your help Chris, I'll have to watch out for that episode of The Simpsons on sky and check it out. :)

24 Jun 2004, 12:30
I thought it was the 51st State also

24 Jun 2004, 14:58
A lot of people have suggested Willy Wonka but it doesn't appear anywhere (most common suggesting was when he was creating gobstoppers but the line you are thinking of is "What does it do? Nothing, It just makes gobstoppers")

A few people think 51st State but the line is different!!!

24 Jun 2004, 16:28
sound like any application made from bill gates windows